Contributed by Allyn Hess Perry, from papers at the Office of the County Historian.
The Commercial Press was a monthly newspaper from Pultneyville, Town of Williamson. The
Office of the County Historian has a small bundle of issues. A small part of the paper was devoted to Personal
Items, listing various names of people from the area.
There is some fascinating reading about the Lake Ontario shipping trade in the 1860s, and neat
ads for businesses from all over the place in these papers. There was quite a schedule of ships from
Pultneyville to Charlotte to Toronto, naming ships and captains (the new ferry runs between Charlotte/Rochester
and Toronto.) Not to be ignored in this paper are the railroad schedules, with stops in Palmyra, Oswego,
Syracuse. And the Pultneyville & Palmyra Stage. "Leave daily at 6:45am - Arriving at 7:30pm connection
at Palmyra with the N.Y.C.R. Road, Going West at 9:46a.m. and 4:20p.m. Going East at 11:20a.m. and
4:20p.m." The obits aren't detailed but give such an essence of the way life was. Spellings and misspellings
are exactly as in the original paper.
Allyn Hess Perry Co-coordinator, Wayne County NYGenWeb July 2004
March 1866
April 1866
June 1866
March 1866
We take the following from the Lyons Republican.
*Mr. J.F. Packard has been appointed Postmaster at Macedon, in place of E.M.K. Glen.
*J.K. Chipps, formerly proprietor of the Newark Hotel, has purchased a hotel in Geneva,
and takes possession of the same in April.
*Phineas P. Lincoln, of New York, (well known in Wayne county as "Captain" Lincoln,) died of
lung disease, on the 4th instant, aged forty-six years.
*The dairymen of Arcadia and vicinity are considering the feasibility of erecting a cheese
factory similar to those in Oneida and Jefferson counties.
*The house of Mr. James Pollock, three miles northwest of this village, was burglarious
entered, on Wednesday night of last week, and $160 stolen from Mr. P's wallet.
*The company who are boaring for oil in Moravia, Cayuga county, are meeting with favorable
indications of oil. They have reached a depth of 600 feet, and are going still deeper.
*Our friend James P. Tillotson, formerly of this village and for two or three years
past a Clerk on one of the Lake Ontario steamboats, has engaged in mercantile business at Brookfield, Ohio.
*A contemporary says it has "had a good many lady subscribers, and that he never lost a cent
by one of them. Women never cheat the printer. "We wish we could say as much of the other sex."
*We know of an editor who heads his lists of Birth, Marriages and Deaths, thus; "Hatched, Matched
and Dispatched;" and another who heads them severally, "Visitors, Boarders and Travelers."
*The "Horseback Party," from Palmyra, had arrived at Charleston, S.C., at last accounts, whence
they were to resume their journey in the direction of Savannah, en route for Florida and Louisana.
*We learn that Dr. A.F. Sheldon, of this village, has been appointed Examining Surgeon
for Pensions, in the place of Dr. Peck. Dr. Sheldon was appointed, we are assured,
without solicitation on his part; and the changes was not made as an account of want of merit
or confidence in Dr. Peck, but through a desire on the part of the Government to remember
those who have performed meritorious services in the Army. Dr. Sheldon entered the service
in the early part of the War, and remained until the Washington Hospitals were closed,
having charge of one of them early two years.
The following officers of this society have been elected for the ensuing year:
President - Wm. P. Notingham.
Vice Presidents - Lemual Durfee, Hiram Westfall, James P. Horton
Cor. Secretary - P.Tucker
Rec. Secretary - C.D. Johnson
Treasurer- L.M. Chase
Directors - C.B. Bingham, Henry C. Clark
The receipts of the Society during the past year were $1,518.96, the expenses
(including interest) $927.91; balance $591.05. There has been paid during this time,
$500 on the Society's debt, and there is now $130.05 in the Treasury.
Dr. A.G. Austin gave a Concert, assisted by his Glee Club, at the Union Church, in this
village, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 20th. The Club is composed of the following persons;
Mr. And Mrs. H.W. Tracy, Mrs. Dr. L. Reeves, Mrs. T.S. Ledyard, Miss Libbie Miller, Miss Maria Allen,
the Douglass family, Dr. B.P. Peer and Wm. Shipley, assisted by Miss Julia E. Powers and
Myron White. The programme consister of Glees, Duetts, Anthems, Ballads, Solos and Chorouses;
and for us to say which did the best would be absurd, as each and every one done their part well,
even better than was expected. Mr. White played several fine pieces on the violin, all of which
were well executed. He is destined in time to be a first class violinist. The evenings
entertainment was brought to a close by a piece from the Douglass family called "Johnny Schmoker."
We hope we shall again have the pleasure of listening to them.
-Dr. A.G. Austin sold a gelding, five years old, for 500 dollars. He has the mate to him.
-Elias Cady having sold his farm to Mr. Plyter, sold his personal property at auction Feb. 23rd.
-Chas. P. Moody having sold his farm to Jas. Brown, sold his personal property at auction Feb. 28th.
-Capt. Z. Burnell will leave home in a few days, on a whaling voyage to the coast of Iceland, to be absent about one year.
-Peter Gorman of our place lost his oldest son Feb. 14th with congestion of the lungs, and was buried at Macedon the 16th.
-The firm of Palmer & Albright has been dissolved and the business will be carried on hereafter under the firm of Fish & Benton.
-John Paddock having leased his farm, will sell his personal property at auction Friday, March 2nd,
commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.
-Harmon Betcher in company with Mrs. Chas. Betcher and son started for home, Red Wing, Min.
Feb. 12th, which place they will reach about the 17th.
-T.S. Knapp has sold his farm to C.C. Eddy. He also sold his personal property at auction at
his residence in the town of Marion, Saturday, Feb. 24th.
-James P. Austin, Dentist, at Williamson, is on hand at all times to do work in his line, neatly and
cheaply. See advertisement in another column.
-John VanWinkle has leased his farm, on the lake road, to John Lambright, and will close out
his personal property at auction, on the premises, March 5th.
-R.A. Moses has a fine lot of Coffins always on hand. He also deals in Guilt, Rustic and Black
Walnut Mouldings for Picture Frames. Call and examine his stock.
-Ezekiel Clark having sold his farm to Edward Pallister, will sell all of his personal
property at auction at his residence, two miles south of Pultneyville, March 1st
-H.W. Brown, formerly Saloon Keeper of the Steamer Bay State, is now at the "Osborn House," Rochester, where he will be pleased to see all of his old friends.
-Rodney Clark, of Williamson, was ran over by a team and sleigh a few days since, and one of the
horses stepped on his ear, and cut it off close to his head. Dr. Austin was called and put the ear
to its place and is now all right.
-Capt. John Palmer is to erect a brick house in this place, on the site of his old one.
-Lorenzo Whitney has purchased the Hotel at Sodus Corners - consideration 4,700 dollars.
-Cooper & Cottrell have opened Photographic Gallery at Williamson Corners, three doors south
of Dr. A.G. Austin's. See their advertisement in another column.
-R.W., J.B. Chaffee, Grand Lecturer of the State of New York, residence Afton, Chenango Co., has
been in town several days on a visit to the Pultneyville Lodge, No. 159, F.A.M.
-Ashley Beech, son of Augustus Beech of Williamson, was married to Miss Florence J. Gibbs, on
Wednesday, Feb. 14th, at the residence of his father, by the Baptist Minister at Marion.
-H.M. Griffen was taken seriously ill Feb. 6th with erysipelas in the arm. Hopes of his
recovery was at one time very doubtful, but he is now considered out of danger by his physician.
-M.V. Winser and wife, of Tidioute, Pa.; J. Wells Pitkin, of Oswego, N. Y. and
C.P. Eaton, of Laona, N.Y. have been in town, having been called here by a meeting of the
"Gordon Run Oil Co."
-Capt. R. Smith, of this village, has received the Captaincy of the propeller "Empire," and
will be in the Ogdensburgh and Chicago trade for the season to come. Capt. S. will have her in
readness by April 1st.
-Capts. John G. and Henry Roys have been home on a short visit. The former returned Feb. 6th,
the latter will leave about the first of March, when they will proceed to the coast of Iceland on
a whaling voyage.
-Wm. T. Tinsley, Editor of the "Lyons Republican," is to have a new Power Press for his Office
in a few days. He is a wide awake fellow, and his paper should be liberally patronized throughout the county.
-J.H. Gloyd, of this place, has a plan drawn for a Hotel to be erected in this village. It is a
good one in every particular. It would not only be a good investment, but an improvement to the
place. It will cost when completed about 5,000 dollars.
-Prof. Lewis H. Clark gave a school exhibition at the Union Church in this place Friday evening,
Feb. 16th, assisted by Dr. A.G. Austin's Glee Class. Every thing passed off finely, and the
audience dispersed about 10 o'clock well satisfied with the entertainment.
-Capt. Samuel Roys was married to Miss Jennie Pallister, daughter of John Pallister of this place,
by Rev. James Ireland on Tuesday morning, Feb. 13th. They left for New York immediately, and
sailed for England the 17th, in the steamer "Helvetia."
April 1866
It has been reported that on the 22nd of February President Johnson made a speech in front
of the White House denouncing certain men as traitors, and calling others dead ducks, the news
of which flashed through the country, causing a feeling of sadness to all true lovers of
freedom, creating a slight panic in the great union sentiment of our Nation, and tending to
advance copper stock a shade higher.
But on learning that Thaddeus Stevens says that Andy never made the speech, and that it was a
copperhead lie; we have come to the conclusion that, as the name of Johnson is about as
common as Smith, that it was some other Johnson that made the so called speech. Let us
look at it for a moment. Does it look reasonable that a man occupying the exalted position of
Chief Magistrate of the United States would stoop so low as to make a speech like the one
they said was made by Andy? or even notice any personal remark made for or against him. And
to strengthen our convictions still more that it was not Andy Johnson, but some other
Johnson, is the fact that scores of men who profess to be Democrats in anme, but not in practice,
have presented themselves as applicants for office and have been refused; and on the other hand
Union men applied to him with recommends from Thaddeus Stevens and received their appointments
immediately; all of which tend to show that it must have been some other Johnson.
What a great pity that this mistake was not found out and corrected before the news went
to Europe, and see the comments that will then and there be made upon it. But it is hoped
that our able Secretary of State will, before the sailing of another steamer, ascertain
what Johnson it was and correct the error that is afloat at home and a broad.
-Seth E. Harkness, of Marion, has rented his farm and intends moving to Palmyra.
-A.J. Bixby and Wm. Reed intend opening a store at Ontario about the 1st of April.
-James Tassell, of Marion, has sold his farm, consisting of 40 acres - consideration $2,800.
-Capt. E.H. Todd has sold his house and lot on Jay st. to J.H. Gloyd - consideration $1,200.
-Lewis Leavens of Ontario sold his personal property at public auction at his residence March 13th.
-John J. Allen of Adrian, Mich., has been in town on a short visit, and returned home March 14th.
-Freeman Allen, of Ontario, sold his personal property at auction, at his residence, Thursday, March 29th.
-James Gregg has sold his farm situated half a mile west of Sodus Village to Chas. P. Moody - consideration $2,350.
-Dr. A.G. Austin has exchanged his house and lot for a portion of the Chas. G. Richards farm, and takes possession April 1st.
-Wm. P. Notingham of Macedon has a quantity of extra seed barley; all those in want of any can be
supplied by attending to it in season.
-Mrs. Lydia Coultis of Sodus has sold her farm to Wm. Sergent - consideration $1,800. She sold her
personal property at public auction March 19th.
-Mrs. E.W. Lawrence has taken up her residence in the house owned by Leo Miller, on Jay st., she
having disposed of the Hotel property at Sodus.
-Charles H. Hill of Sodus Point returned home from Vineland, N.J., March 31st, where he has been
employed in putting up a splendid residence for Dr. Cook.
-William Eaton was married to Miss Rebeca Jackson, daughter of the late Thomas Jackson,
at the house of D.V. Lacy, by Rev. J.M. Bull Wednesday, March 21st.
-Miss Mary E. Waters and Miss Jennie Cornwall left town March 14th on a visit to their
friends, the former for Adrian, Mich., the latter for Alexandria Bay, N.Y.
-John Malcomb Jr. lost his house by fire on the evening of March 8th, on which there was no
insurance. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
-Cornelius Brewer of this place sold his personal property at auction March 12th.
-Peter Dedee has purchased 25 acres from the John Harrison farm - consideration $1,300.
-Cornelius Cole, living on the Peter Thatcher farm, sold his personal property at auction, March 26th.
-F.H. Crandle of Ontario has sold his house and lot, formerly owned by Dr. Whitcomb - consideration $2,800.
-Prof. A.C. Potter of Marion has been giving concerts in said town assisted by his Glee Club, with perfect success.
-Alfred Potter of Rochester has sold his farm in Ontario, formerly owned by Willard Davis, and
intends to move to the city.
-Abram Jobsee of Ontario has sold his farm to Emmet Teats and intends to move to Michigan.
He sold her personal property at auction March 16th.
-Henry Butler of Marion has sold 80 acres of land formerly known as the Gideon Sherman farm, to
Lyman Milliman of this town - consideration $6,400.
-The friends of Rev. J.M. Bull are respectfully invited to join in a Donation Visit at the Union
Church, in Pultneyville, on Friday evening, April 6th.
-Drs. Sprague & Reeves, of Williamson, have dissolved partnership, and each are doing business
on their own account. The company books are in the hands of John P. Bennet for settlement.....Dr. L.S. Sprague
-H. Auchampach will please bear in mind that, to guard against the future, we have had that
same pocket put in all our pants. He will not take due notice thereof and govern himself accordingly.
-Brewer & Goodnow sold their Hotel in this place to Joseph Gazlay - consideration
$4,000. They gave possesion March 26th. It is the Intention of Mr. G to make an
extensive improvement in the house the coming season.
-Thomas Quaife, the polite and gentlemanly driver of the "Express Line of Stages," has
left that employ and will hereafter be found in the "Mail Line." "Tom" has a host line of
friends along route, and they are determined to stick by him.
-John A. Holmes, the Receiver of the N.Y.C.R.R. at Palmyra, and a person whom the community
admire as a business man, was elected Justice of the Peace at the Spring election by
66 majority. It not only adds Esquire to his name, but in connection with his other
duties it makes him "A Square Receiver."
June 1866
Port of Pultneyville for May 1866
Steamer Ontario, Estes Ogdensburgh, freight and passengers
Steamer Bay State, Morley, Ogdensburgh, freight and passengers
Steamer Lord Elgin, DeWitt, Charlotte, light
Schr. Sylph, Pallister, Charlotte, light
Schr. Rival, Holling, Charlotte, light.
Schr. Wm. Doran, Cottrel, Charlotte, 24 tons plaster.
Schr. F. Howard, Howard, Bellville, 36500 ft. lumber, 1000 pickets, 55000 lath, 12700 shingles and 450 cedar posts for Cogswell & Co., Marion
Schr. Sulph, Pallister, Oswego, light.
Steamer Ontario, Estes, Charlotte, freight and passengers
Steamer Bay State, Morley, Charlotte, freight and passengers
Steamer Lord Elgin, DeWitt, Ogdensburgh, light
Schr. Sylph, Pallister, Charlotte, 75000 ft. lumber
Schr. Rival, Holling, Milwaukee, household goods, cider &c.
Schr. Wm. Doran, Cottrel, Charlotte, 320 bush. Potatoes.
Schr. F. Howard, Howard, Bellville, light
Sloop Lady Jackson, Conroy, Wellington, light
Schr. Wm. Doran, Cottrel, Brighton.
An excursion party, consisting of about forty couple, from Syracuse, N.Y., headed by Gen. B.F. Bruce,
Canal Commissioner, propose leaving Oswego June 16th on the Steamer "Bay State," Capt. Morley, for
Alexandria Bay, accompanied by a brass and string band, on a fishing expedition. They have already
chartered one of the hotels at the Bay for the accommodation of the party. They will remain about
a week. They take all the "medical" stores necessary for the voyage. Our friend Joel Thayer,
of Skaneatles, a Director of the "Ontario Steamboat Co.," will accompany the party on their voyage.
An other party formed at the same place, headed by James H. Eaton Esq., will leave Oswego
June 11th on the Steamer "Ontario," Capt. Estes, for Clayton and Alexandria Bay. How are you fish!
How you will suffer when this party gets after you. "Oliver Cromwell" the Great English Protector,
will be along to protect the party in case of a Fenian or Canuck riot. We understand that
Chapman's "Patent Click Reel" will be used by this party.
On and after Monday, June 11th the Steamer "Cataract" will be added to the line, and the boats
will run to Toronto and Lewiston. A Steamer will leave Charlotte daily, Sundays excepted, at
7:30 p.m., for up and down the lake, connecting at Lewiston and Charlotte with the New York Central R.R.
-Geo. B. Maines will please accept our thanks for the photograph received.
-Capt. J.H. Ledyard, wife and child arrived in town from Rochester May 22nd.
-Miss Nellie Pallister arrived home May 22nd, having been absent about two weeks.
-Robert Gowthrop died at his residence in Sodus, near the Centinary Chapple, May 11th, and was buried the 13th.
-John Sweeney of the "Eagle Hotel," Palmyra runs a free omnibus between his hotel and the depot. John is all right.
-Emery S. Reynolds, son of Sullivan Reynolds, of Mt. Upton, N.Y., arrived in town May
24th, en route for Niagara Falls.
-Aaron W. Pratt has made arrangements at different ports on the lake to supply them with pie
plants. He has gone into it very extensively.
-Capt. E.H. Tood is located at Port Colburn where he is keeping a saloon. He will be
pleased to see his old friends when they pass through the Welland Canal.
-Mrs. Peter Thatcher died at her residence in Ontario April 30th and was buried May 2nd,
aged 80 years. She was intered in the family cemetery on the premises.
-Thomas Quaife has left the "Mail Line" and is now driving the "Express Line" again.
Charles Robinson will take charge of a livery stable to be started soon in this village.
-Tinsley of the "Republican" and VanCamp of the "Press" were invited to take an
excursion on the Str. "Corinthian" to Canada to attend the celebration of Queen Vic's birth day.
-J.P. Pearsall, Asst. Assessor, will be at Williamson from June 1st to June 6th, and
at Pultneyville from June 7th to June 9th. All are requested to report their income for 1865.
-William Holling died at his residence, in this town, May 20th, and was buried the
22nd - aged 89 years. The services were held at the house, Rev. J.M. Bull of Williamson presiding.
-Elizabeth Parrish of Oregon Territory certifies that after trying several dentists,
but with poor success, had a sett of teeth made by James P. Austin of Williamson that
gave entire satisfaction.
-Evi D. Stoddard of Skenatles has purchased the farm formerly owned by the late William Waters -
deceased, situated a mile and a half west of this village, consisting of 180 acres - consideration
$83,00. He took possession Tuesday, May 22nd.
-J. Reynolds left for New York Monday, May 21st.
-Cornelius Collier was married to Miss Susan Wamesfelder by W.S. Throop Esq. Saturday, May 19th.
-Mrs. James Benton and daughter of Ithica arrived in town a short time since on a visit to their friends.
-Prof. Owen, the Glass Blower, was married to Mrs. E.W. Lawrence of this place, by W.S. Throop Esq., May 10th.
-Capt. H.N. Throop has appointed Mr. R.B. Poucher of Sodus, as Clerk of the Dry Dock
now being built at Charlotte for the use of the "Ontario Steamboat Co.".
-Nichols & Robinson are agents for the sale of Detroit and Toledo Tobacco, the best that is
manufactured in the States. See their advertisement on our first page.
-Cogswell, Shellenger & Smith of Marion and Finley & Shurburn of Walworth have purchased and
brought to this port 35000 feet of lumber, 1000 pickets, 55000 lath and 16500 shingles for their own use.
-Paymaster Wm. W. Woodhull U.S.N. has been ordered to the U.S. Steamer "Marblehead," which vessel
will sail soon on a cruise to the South Atlantic with a number of Midshipmen from the Naval Academy.
-Capt. Dan Gates of Palmyra, one of the proprietors of the "Express Line" of stages between this
place and Palmyra for the last 14 years, have never been over the route. Captain! Come out some
time and we will pay your fare.
-R. Reynolds of this place is agent for the "Charter Oak Life Insurance Co.," the best one extant.
Every one should get their life insured, it is the rich, as well as the poor mans safe gard, in
case they meet with reverse in business.
-E.R. Woodhull has taken up his residence in this village, and intends to make it his permanent
home. He will dispose of his personal property, consisting of horses, cattle, sheep, farming
tools &c., at auction about the 15th of June.
-Capt. J.H. Gloyd, Aaron Brewer, Henry Benton, John Gramke, Ambrose Hoot and Jack Mason were
capsized in a sail boat, off this place, on Sunday, May 13th. The first four named came ashore
in a scow which they had in tow, while the two latter were rescued by the life boat in charge of Capt. John Palmer.
-Mrs. Nelson D. Young of Marion was on her way to Palmyra May 19th, when the horse became
frightened, ran away throwing her out breaking the right leg below the knee and otherwise
injuring her. She was conveyed home, and at last accounts was doing well.
Back to Town of Williamson Section
Created: 8/4/04
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