All sources are from New York State. Entries are arranged alphabetically by groom name. There is a cross-index of bride names after the list. Information in brackets [ ] is provided by the compiler to assist with research. Compiled and contributed by Karen E. Dau, Rochester NY, Archivist of the New York State Convention of Universalists.
ADAMS-STRAW. In Arcadia village on 3 Apr by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, Samuel P. Adams of Auburn and Louisa Straw, daughter of L. Straw Esq. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 26 Apr 1851)
BIDDLECOM-AYLEWORTH. In Newark on 11 Jul by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, Thomas M. Biddlecom of Phelps, Ontario Co. and Ann E. Ayleworth of Mt. Morris, Livingston Co. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 18 Sep 1852)
BLACKMAR-FELER. In East Palmyra on 31 Jan by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Edwin Blackmar of Newark and Catharine M. Feler of East Palmyra. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 31 Mar 1855)
BORDEN-WOODWORTH. In Newark on the 10th inst. by Rev. J. A. Dobson, George T. Borden and Ada L. Woodworth, both of Victor. (Christian Leader, Utica, 24 Apr 1875)
BRAINARD-TOBEY. In Marion on 23 Dec 1863 by Rev. L[ewis] Cresaba Browne, Daniel Adams Brainard of Hamilton [Madison Co.] and Lucy A. Tobey of Marion. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 27 Feb 1864)
BRANT-ALDRICH. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] on Wed 19 Mar 1856, George Brant, age 26, a farmer, and Lodisa Aldrich, age 20, both of Walworth. Witnesses: Dudley P. Bancroft and Mrs. Adelia Bancroft of Walworth. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
BRATTON-PARLEY. In Camillus [Onondaga Co.] on 30 Dec 1838 by Charles Land Esq., Edward Bratton of Wayne Co. and Amanda Parley of Marcellus, Onondaga Co. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 1 Feb 1839)
BROADWAY-POND. In Wolcott on the 1st inst. by Rev. Colby, William D. Broadway "of this city" [Utica, Oneida Co.] and Maria M. Pond, daughter of Andrew S. Pond of Wolcott. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 18 Oct 1834)
BROOKS-COOK. In Newark on 19 Oct by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, Charles W. Brooks of Wheeler, Steuben Co. and Helen N. Cook . (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 6 Nov 1852)
BROWN-DEAN. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] on Tue 24 Dec 1850, Charles M. Brown, age 23, born in St. Lawrence Co., a moulder, and Lucy Dean, age 20, born in Macedon, both of Macedon. Witnesses: Mr. Dean and Mrs. Dean of Macedon. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
BUGBEE-BROOKS. In Butler on 30 Mar by Rev. T[heodore] D. Cook, Clark Bugbee and Frances Brooks, both of Butler. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 16 Apr 1836)
CARNCROSS-LEGG. In Rose on 27 Mar by Rev. J[acob] H. Harter of Auburn, Dexter Carncross of Meridian [Cayuga Co.] and Mary J. Legg of Rose. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 14 Apr 1866)
CHAMBERLAIN-PEER. In Newark on 20 Jan by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, William Chamberlain and Margaret C. Peer, both of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 18 Feb 1854)
CHAPMAN-VAN OSTRAND. In Newark on 3 Sep by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, John Chapman of Palmyra and Elizabeth Van Ostrand of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 11 Oct 1851)
CLARY-DAVIS. In Newark by Rev. W. B. Randolph, George Clary and Carrie Davis. (Christian Leader, Utica, 2 Feb 1878)
COOK-BENNETT. In Newark in the Universalist church on 2 Jul by Rev. J. H. Moore, E. T. Cook of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and Marian L. Bennett. (Christian Leader, Utica, 3 Aug 1878)
CROSBY-BARNEY. In Newark by Rev. Barrel, James S. Crosby and ____ Barney. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 24 Mar 1837)
DANIELS-COOK. In Butler on the 13th inst. by Rev. W. E. Manley, Orin Daniels of Lima [Livingston Co.] and Esther Cook of Butler. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 26 Jul 1834)
DAVIS-TIBBITS. In Arcadia on 7 Sep by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, Wellington D. Davis of Marion and Amanda Tibbits of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 18 Sep 1852)
DEAN-WOOD. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] on Tue 24 Dec 1849, Martin Dean of Macedon, age 22, born in Macedon, business: shoe making, and Almira D. Wood of Farmington, Ontario Co., age 22, born in Farmington. Witnesses: Mr. W. L. Acker and Miss Eliza Whipple, both of Macedon. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
DENNISON-ANDREWS. In Wolcott on 21 Dec 1835 by Rev. T[imothy] C. Eaton, Gilbert P. Dennison of Palmyra and Elizabeth E. Andrews of Sodus. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 13 Feb 1836)
DOANE-PEER. In Newark on 26 Dec 1855 by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, James Doane and Esther Peer, both of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 2 Feb 1856)
DOTY-DEWEY. At Clifton Springs on 1 Oct by Rev. A[sa] Saxe, J. J. Doty of Palmyra and Roxie Dewey of Clifton Springs. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 10 Oct 1857)
DRAKE-BILLINGTON. In Newark on 27 Mar by Rev. R[ichmond] Fisk, O. A. Drake and Martha Billington, both of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 Apr 1862)
DUNWELL-GROAT. In Newark at the Universalist church on Wed 22 May 1878, James Winslow Dunwell of Lyons, age 28, a lawyer, and Mary Ella Groat of Newark, age 28. Witnesses: Rufus Reed and Elizabeth B. Reed of Newark and many others. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
ELLIS-HARRIS. In Newark by Rev. H[enry] Roberts, Van Rensselaer Ellis and Margaret Harris. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 4 Jun 1841)
EVANS-EDWARDS. In Savannah on 17 May by Rev. G. W. Warner, R. W. Evans of Savannah and Mary W. Edwards of Prospect Plains, New Jersey. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 8 Jul 1865)
FISKE-BARTLE. In Newark in the Universalist church on 8 May by Rev. I[saac] M. Atwood, Rev. Richmond Fiske [pastor of the church] and Adelaide C. Bartle, daughter of Col. J. P. Bartle of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 18 May 1861)
GARDINIER-SANFORD. In Arcadia on 17 Jan by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Z. B. Gardinier and Caroline D. Sanford, both of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 31 Mar 1855)
GOODRICH-KENYON. In Newark on 3 Feb by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, Melvin Goodrich of Lyons and Phebe Frances Kenyon, daughter of Daniel Kenyon Esq. of Newark (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 21 Feb 1852)
GUILD-BUTTERFIELD. In Wolcot on the 8th inst. by Rev. A. Fuller, Zelotes Guild and Eliza P. Butterfield, both of Wolcott. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 24 Sep 1831)
HALSEY-THURSTON. In Macedon on 29 Jun by Rev. H[arvey] Boughton, Jesse Halsey and Helen L. Thurston, both of Macedon. (Christian Leader, Utica, 15 Jul 1876)
HAM-BURNETT. In Newark on 22 Dec 1875 by Rev. J. A. Dobson, Albert P. Ham and Mary L. Burnett. (Christian Leader, Utica, 5 Feb 1876)
HICKS-BROWN. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] on Sun 25 Nov 1849, DeWitt C. Hicks of Rochester, age 20, born in Macedon, Wayne Co, business: cabinet making; and Mrs. Sophia Brown of Rochester, age 22, born in Rochester. Witnesses: Mrs. Anna Wescott and Warner Wescott of Rochester. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
HOUSE-MOORE. In Newark on the 1st inst. by Rev. O[badiah] Whiston, Garrat House and Julia Ann Moore, both of Virgil. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 17 Jan 1835)
HUNTINGTON-CUER. In Phelps, Ontario Co. on the 12th ult. by Rev. Beverly, Marshall Huntington of Palmyra and Ann Cuer of Phelps. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 5 Dec 1835)
JOHNSON-WADSWORTH. In Wolcott on 2 Apr 1843 by Rev. N[elson] Sawyer, Calvin C. Johnson and Mary Ann Wadsworth, both of Wolcott. (Western Luminary, Rochester, 16 Mar 1844)
JOHNSTON-HINE. In Palmyra on 19 Mar by Rev. U[riah] Clark, William C. Johnston of Macedon and Phebe C. Hine of Palmyra. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 31 Mar 1843)
KENYON-ANGELL. In Odell, Illinois on 2 Mar by Rev. J[ames] H. Tuttle of Chicago, D. A. Kenyon and Julia A. Angell, both of Clyde, NY. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 25 Mar 1865)
KENYON-GRANT. In Newark on the 8th inst. by Rev. J. J. Austin, F. Wellman Kenyon and Mary Grant, both of Newark. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 30 Oct 1846)
KENYON-MAINE. In Newark in the Universalist church on 18 May 1870, Geo. Z. T. Kenyon of Odell, Liv. Co., Illinois, age 23, a merchant, and Nettie A. Maine of Newark, age 23. Witnesses: Moses M. Kenyon and Louisa Kenyon of Newark. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
KENYON-BARTLE. In Newark in the Universalist church on 24 Nov by Rev. A[sa] Saxe [of Rochester], M. [Moses] M. Kenyon and Louisa T. Bartle, both of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 3 Dec 1859)
LAKE-BALDWIN. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] on 17 Feb 1859, Isaac Lake, age 36, a farmer, and Nancy Baldwin, age 27; both of Macedon. Witness: Ann Galligan. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
LAMPSON-PHILIPS. In Rose on the 1st inst. by Rev. T[imothy] C. Eaton, Edward D. Lampson and Barbara Philips, both of Rose. (Herald of Truth, Geneva, 10 Jan 1835 and Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 17 Jan 1835)
LAY-SWEET. In Arcadia on 28 Feb by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Hosea B. Lay and Margaret Ann Sweet, both of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 31 Mar 1855)
LEDYARD-TODD. In Pultneyville on 12 Oct by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, T. S. Ledyard and Augusta P. Todd, daughter of Dr. Asahel Todd. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 6 Nov 1852)
LEE-HERSHEY [HERSEY]. In Williamsville [Erie Co.] on the 26th ult. by Rev. Emery Curtis, Rev. Day K. [Kellogg] Lee, pastor of the Universalist society in Newark, Sophia M. Hershey [Hersey] of Williamsville. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 10 Sep 1841)
LEWIS-MATTERSON. In South New Berlin [Chenango Co.] on 20 Feb by Rev. N[elson] Doolittle, Clark Lewis of Lyons and Henrietta Matterson of South New Berlin. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 10 May 1839)
LIPPETT-PRICE. In Arcadia at the home of the bride’s father on 27 Jan by Rev. S. L. Roripaugh, C. W. Lippett of Chatham [Columbia Co.] and Ann E. Price of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 20 Feb 1858)
MEACH-THOMPSON. On 25 Oct by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Daniel Meach of Parma [Monroe Co.] and Emma Thompson of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 4 Nov 1854)
MERRILL-HUBBARD. In Butler on 23 Feb by Rev. T[imothy] C. Eaton, Riley W. Merrill and Charlotte Hubbard. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 29 Mar 1834)
MERRILL-SHEPHERD. In Butler on the 19th ult. by Rev. T[imothy] C. Eaton, Simeon Merrill Jr. and Mary Shepherd. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 1 Feb 1834)
MURPHY-MCALVIN. In Newark on 12 Oct by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, James Murphy and Margaret McAlvin, both of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 1 Nov 1851)
NOTT-MERRY. In Lyons on 27 Mar by Rev. T[imothy] C. Eaton of Wolcott, William I. Nott and Mary D. Merry, both of Lyons. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 10 May 1834)
PALMER-HOWLAND. In Arcadia on 13 Dec 1854 by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, F. T. Palmer and Olive Howland. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 27 Jan 1855)
PALMER-VAN WIE. In Wolcott on 7 Mar by Rev. W[m.] Andrews, William H. Palmer and Christiana Van Wie, both of Ira, Cayuga Co. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 13 Apr 1838)
PEABODY-BENHAM. In Newark on 15 Jan by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Selah Peabody and Mrs. Eunice Benham, both of Hopewell Centre. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 2 Feb 1856)
PEER-CORNWELL. In Newark [on 4 Jan per NYS vital records] by Rev. J. J. Austin, Egbert Peer and Louisa Cornwell. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 4 Feb 1848)
PHILIPS-REESE. In Newark on 9 Oct by Rev. K[neeland] Townsend, Albert Philips and Viola S. Reese, both of Geneva. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 7 Dec 1838)
REDFIELD-MASON. In Palmyra on 8 Jun, George Redfield, formerly of Manchester, now of Cass County, Michigan, and Julia A. Mason. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 27 Jun 1835)
REDFIELD-POST. In Manchester on 1 Dec by Rev. A[sa] Saxe, S. J. Redfield and Clarissa J. Post, both of Manchester. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 10 Dec 1859)
REED-COFFIN. In Clyde on the 5th inst. by Rev. A. Gage, F. C. Reed, Esq. and Sarah M. Coffin. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 22 Nov 1862)
REED-DIETRICH. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] in the Universalist church on 13 Mar 1867, Henry H. Reed of Macedon, age 25, a farmer; and Anna Dietrich of Henrietta, age 26. Witnesses: Jerome Dietrich and Sarah Dietrich of Henrietta, Mrs. M. B. M., and Mrs. Callendar. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
REED-BARNEY. In Newark on Tue 17 Apr 1849, Rufus Reed of Hulberton, Orleans Co., age 25, a hardware merchant, born in Greenville, Greene Co.; and Elizabeth C. Barney of Newark, age 23, born in Rushville, Ontario Co. Witnesses: Gen. Barney and Mrs. Barney of Newark. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
ROBERTS-WHITMORE. In Arcadia on 19 Sep by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Newell J. Roberts and Eliza Whitmore, both of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 6 Oct 1855)
ROGERS-POND. In Newark by Rev. J. J. Austin, Shubel H. Rogers and Marina L. Pond. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 4 Feb 1848)
SHAVER-SMITH. In Newark on 6 Feb by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Alonzo H. Shaver and Caroline Smith. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 31 Mar 1855)
SHEPHERD-MARQUAVER. In Newark on 9 Sep by Rev. K[neeland] Townsend, James Shepherd and Eliza Marquaver, both of Newark. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 7 Dec 1838)
SHERMAN-O’NEILL. In Newark on 7 Oct by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, E. Sherman and Mary O’Neill. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 Nov 1853)
SIMPSON-EVANS. In Newark on 19 May by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Joel E. Simpson of Chatham, Columbia Co. and Elizabeth Evans of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 31 May 1856)
SMITH-JONES. In Champion [Jefferson Co.] at the home of Col. John S. Goldsmid on 10 Mar by Rev. H[enry] L. Hayward, C. Smith of Palmyra, Wayne Co. and Henrietta Jones of Jonesville, St. Lawrence Co. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 2 Apr 1841)
STEVENS-POLLOCK. In Newark at the Eagle Hotel on the 11th inst. by Rev. J. J. Austin, Phillip H. Stevens and Sally Pollock, both of Fairville. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 5 May 1847)
STUART-ROBERTS. In Newark in the Universalist church on 14 Jun by Rev. O[rrin] Roberts of Lakeville, Noble J. Stuart of Catharine, Chemung Co. and Mary Roberts of Phelps, Ontario Co. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 18 Aug 1843)
SWIFT-PIERCE. In Galen on 5 Sep by Rev. K[neeland] Townsend, George Swift of Clyde and Marcia Ann Pierce, daughter of Doctor Pierce of Galen. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 18 Sep 1840)
TAYLOR-VAN DUSEN. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] on 5 Oct 1862, Harrison H. Taylor of Newark, age 22 a machinist; and Annette Van Dusen of Sodus Centre, age 20. Witnesses: Spencer Hall and Catherine Hall of Rochester. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
TOBEY-SWEET. In Marion at the Christian Church on 23 May by Rev. A. Stanton, pastor, Henry R. Tobey and Sarah M. Sweet, both of Marion. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 5 Jun 1858)
TOWNSEND-HAMMOND. In Lyons on 9 Mar, Asa Townsend of Seneca and Hannah Hammond of Lyons. (Herald of Truth, Geneva, 25 Mar 1836)
TRUE-MERRY. In Lyons on 16 Apr by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, Newcomb True, Esq. of Mercer, Maine and Mrs. Cyrena Merry of Lyons. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 26 Apr 1851)
VANDEMARK-HOWLAND. In Arcadia on 23 Jan by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, Archibald Vandemark and Caroline M. Howland of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 21 Feb 1852)
VANDERBILT-JENNINGS. In Lyons on 26 Jan, Austin Vanderbilt and Maria Jennings . (Christian Leader, Utica, 5 Feb 1876)
VANDERHOOF-HYDE. In Newark on 3 May by Rev. I[saac] M. Atwood, Dr. Frederick D. Vanderhoof and Armeda R. Hyde. (Christian Ambassador, New York, 28 May 1864)
VANDERHOOF-DAVENPORT. In Excelsiorville, town of Arcadia on 17 Nov 1855 by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Isaac Vanderhoof and Kate E. Davenport . (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 2 Feb 1856)
VAN LIEW-HOLLENBECK. In Arcadia on 10 Oct by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, ___ Van Liew of Ovid, Seneca Co. and Louisa Hollenbeck of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 1 Nov 1851)
VAN TASSELL. In Newark on 24 Dec 1872 by Rev. G. B. Stocking, John Van Tassell and Nettie Rundle. (Christian Leader, Utica, 18 Jan 1873)
VINTON-TEN BROECK. In Arcadia at the bride’s home on 23 Mar by Rev. J. Arthur Dobson, Horace I. Vinton of Webster and Ida Ten Broeck . (Christian Leader, Utica, 22 Apr 1876)
WALLING-MAPES. In Clyde on 16 Jul by H. P. Jones Esq., William Walling and Mary Ann Mapes, both of Montezuma [Cayuga Co.]. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 13 Aug 1853)
WARNER-GOODRIDGE. In Newark on 26 Oct by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, Samuel H. Warner of Rondout, Ulster Co., a merchant, and Helen C. Goodridge, daughter of Dr. Jason Goodridge of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 6 Nov 1852)
WATKINS-WALKER. In Butler on 31 Jan by Rev. Thomas Wright, Mr. A. L. Watkins of Wolcott and Miss C. D. Walker of Butler. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 25 Feb 1854)
WATSON-GALLOWAY. In Palmyra on 21 Oct by Rev. D[eWitt] C. Tomlinson, C. R. Watson Esq. of Avon and Perlyette E. Galloway of Palmyra. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 1 Nov 1851)
WATSON-WELCH. In Newark on 1 Sep by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, Sherburn D. Watson and Temperance A. Welch, both of Arcadia. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 18 Sep 1852)
WEED-HUTCHINSON. In Newark on 4 Nov by Rev. K[neeland] Townsend, David Weed of Weedsport [Cayuga Co.] and Adaline Hutchinson of Newark. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 7 Dec 1838)
WESCOTT-VAN AUTRICH. In Butler by Rev. T[heodore] D. Cook, Heman Wescott and Julia Van Autrich, both of Butler. (Herald of Truth, Geneva, 15 Jan 1836)
WHITE-WHITMAN. In Clyde on Wed 7 Jan 1863, Charles A. White, age 27, and Mary A. Whitman, age 23, both of Clyde. Witnesses: Ella Jane White and Sarah Whitman, both of Clyde. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)[
WHITE-PARSONS. In Sodus on 28 Oct by Rev. C[harles] A. Skinner, Daniel White and Phebe Parsons. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 6 Nov 1852)
WILDER-PERKINS. In Rochester [Monroe Co.] in the Universalist church on 13 Mar 1867, Oliver J. Wilder of Burlington, Iowa, age 28, a farmer; and Sarah Perkins of Macedon, age 24. Witnesses: Jerome Dietrich and Sarah Dietrich of Henrietta, Mrs. M. B. N. and Mrs. Callendar. (From the original records of Rev. George Washington Montgomery at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library.)
WILLIAMSON-ALLEN. In Newark in the Universalist church on 1 Oct by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Charles W. Williamson of Palmyra and Mattie A. Allen of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 11 Oct 1862)
WOOD-DOANE. In Newark on 27 Dec 1855 by Rev. A[lanson] Kelsey, Elijah Wood of Jamaica, Long Island and Jane A. Doane of Newark. (Christian Ambassador, Auburn, 2 Feb 1856)
YOUNG-COOK. In Butler on 6 Dec 1838 by Rev. William Andrews, Isaac Young and Mrs. Jane Cook, both of Butler. (Evangelical Magazine & Gospel Advocate, Utica, 25 Jan 1839)
Aldrich, Lodisa-see Brant, George
Allen, Mattie-see Williamson, Charles
Andrews, Elizabeth-see Dennison, Gilbert
Angell, Julia-see Kenyon, D. A.
Ayleworth, Ann-see Biddlecom, Thomas
Baldwin, Nancy-see Lake, Isaac
Barney, ___-see Crosby, James
Barney, Elizabeth-see Reed, Rufus
Bartle, Adelaide-see Fiske, Richmond
Bartle, Louisa-see Kenyon, M. [Moses] M.
Benham, Eunice-see Peabody, Selah
Bennett, Marian-see Cook, E. T.
Billington, Martha-see Drake, O. A.
Brooks, Frances-see Bugbee, Clark
Brown, Sophia-see Hicks, DeWitt
Burnett, Mary see Ham, Albert
Butterfield, Eliza-see Guild, Zelotes
Coffin, Sarah-see Reed, F. C.
Cook, Esther-see Daniels, Orin
Cook, Helen-see Brooks, Charles
Cook, Jane-see Young, Isaac
Cornwell, Louisa-see Peer, Egbert
Cuer, Ann-see Huntington, Marshall
Davis, Carrie-see Clary, George
Dean, Lucy-see Brown, Charles
Dewey, Roxie-see Doty, J. J.
Doane, Jane-see Wood, Elijah
Edwards, Mary-see Evans, R. W.
Evans, Elizabeth-see Simpson, Joel E.
Feler, Catharine-see Blackmar, Edwin
Galloway, Perlyette-see Watson, C. R.
Goodridge, Helen-see Warner, Samuel
Grant, Mary-see Kenyon, F. Wellman
Groat, Mary Ella-see Dunwell, James Winslow
Hammond, Hannah-see Townsend, Asa
Harris, Margaret-see Ellis, Van Rensselaer
Hershey [Hersey], Sophia M.-see Lee, Day
Hollenbeck, Louisa-see Van Liew, ___
Howland, Caroline-see Vandemark, Archibald
Howland, Olive-see Palmer, F. T.
Hubbard, Charlotte-see Merrill, Riley
Hutchinson, Adaline-see Weed, David
Hyde, Armeda-see Vanderhoof, Frederick
Jennings, Maria-see Vanderbilt, Austin
Jones, Henrietta-see Smith, C.
Kenyon, Phebe Frances-see Goodrich, Melvin
Legg, Mary-see Carncross, Dexter
Maine, Nettie-see Kenyon, Geo.
Mapes, Mary Ann-see Walling, William
Marquaver, Eliza-see Shepherd, James
Mason, Julia-see Redfield, George
Matterson, Henrietta-see Lewis, Clark
McAlvin, Margaret-see Murphy, James
Merry, Cyrena-see True, Newcomb
Merry, Mary-see Nott, William
Moore, Julia Ann-see House, Garrat
O’Neill, Mary-see Sherman, E.
Parley, Amanda-see Bratton, Edward
Parsons, Phebe-see White, Daniel
Peer, Esther-see Doane, James
Peer, Margaret-see Chamberlain, William
Perkins, Sarah-see Wilder, Oliver
Philips, Barbara-see Lampson, Edward
Pierce, Marcia-see Swift, George
Pollock, Sally-see Stevens, Phillip
Pond, Maria-see Broadway, William
Pond, Marina-see Rogers, Shubel
Post, Clarissa-see Redfield, S. J.
Price, Ann-see Lippett, C. W.
Reese, Viola-see Philips, Albert
Roberts, Mary-see Stuart, Noble
Rundle, Nettie-see Van Tassell, John
Sanford, Caroline-see Gardinier, Z. B.
Shepherd, Mary-see Merrill, Simeon
Smith, Caroline-see Shaver, Alonzo H.
Straw, Louisa-see Adams, Samuel
Sweet, Margaret Ann-see Lay, Hosea
Sweet, Sarah-see Tobey, Henry
Ten Broeck, Ida-see Vinton, Horace
Thompson, Emma-see Meach, Daniel
Thurston, Helen-see Halsey, Jesse
Tibbits, Amanda-see Davis, Wellington
Tobey, Lucy-see Adams, Daniel
Todd, Augusta-see Ledyard, T. S.
Van Autrich, Julia-see Wescott, Heman
Van Dusen, Annette-see Taylor, Harrison
Van Ostrand, Elizabeth-see Chapman, John
Van Wie, Christiana-see Palmer, William H.
Wadsworth, Mary Ann-see Johnson, Calvin
Walker, C. D.-see Watkins, A. L.
Welch, Temperance-see Watson, Sherburn
Whitman, Mary-see White, Charles
Whitmore, Eliza-see Roberts, Newell
Wood, Almira-see Dean, Martin
Woodworth, Ada-see Borden, George