Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. They provide clues to religious affiliation and whereabouts of persons who moved away, depending on the detail of the obit. Your submitted obit could bring results that would supplement a query on our boards. Please send in your collected Wayne County related obits. Put "WAYNE COUNTY OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.

Part 10

NEW 1/27/13   from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, May 17, 1905


Andrew J. Mott, better known as Jack Mott, died Monday night, aged 70 years, of heart trouble. Mr. Mott was born in the eastern part of the state, but had lived in Newark since his boyhood. He was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Co. F, Second New York Mounted Rifles. He was a member of Wm. B. Vosburgh Post. He is survived by a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Cora Finn of Sodus, and two brothers, Gilbert Mott of Martville, N. Y., and Elias Mott of Camden, Oregon. Mrs. Jerry Shufelt of Fairville is a sister. Burial will be in Fairville.

Mrs. Dr. Bottum died at her home in Lyons Saturday, aged 88 years. She was a daughter of Rev. Wm. Clark, one of the early Presbyterian clergymen in this section of the state, formerly pastor of the churches in Wolcott and Huron. In 1841 she was married to the late Dr. Bottum and since 1856 has lived in Lyons. She was one of the oldest residents of Lyons and the oldest member of the Lyons Presbyterian church at the time of her death. She is survived by one brother, Gen. Evans Clark of New York, one son and two daughters.

Edward Shea of Clyde was struck and killed by a locomotive on the Rome & Watertown road at North Rose Sunday.

Mrs. Emily Patterson died Thursday night at her home on Palmyra street, aged 78 years, of paralysis. Deceased had lived in Newark since the age of 8. Her husband died thirty-two years ago. She leaves one son, Benjamin, with whom she lived. She was one of the oldest members of the Baptist church. The funeral was held Saturday, Rev. Mr. Brookins officiating.

Adelbert Wakeley died Wednesday in Lyons, aged 14 years.

Miss Mary Keeman died Wednesday in Wolcott, aged 48.

Chas. Arms died Friday in Sodus, aged 80 years.

Norton Funeral Home Death Records
Arms, Charley 5/12/1905

Washington L. Acker died Sunday at his home in Macedon, aged 76 years.

Macedon Village Cemetery
ACKER W. L. 1829 - 1905
ACKER Electa M., wife, 1832 - 1896
ACKER Ella M., 1878, 3y 4m
ACKER Eugene 1853 - 1910

Mrs. Martha Teetor died Wednesday in Sodus, aged 50 years.

Norton Funeral Home Death Records
Teetor, Martha A. 5/10/1905

William Henry Harrison died last week in Clyde, aged 66 years.

Maple Grove Cemetery
HARRISON Wm. H. 10 May 1905 66y Co. H 141st NY Inf.
HARRISON Phebe M. wf Wm. H. 1842 - 1911

Mrs. E. B. Lamb died Monday at her home near Palmyra, aged 79 years.

Mrs. Polly Gunio, aged 84 years, died yesterday in Clyde.

Maple Grove Cemetery
GUNIO Daniel 1820 - 1889
GUNIO Polly wf Daniel 1827 - 1905

Mrs. Amanda Beach died Monday in Williamson.

Ridge Chapel Cemetery
Beach, Amanda, b 22 Nov 1822, d 14 May 1905, wife of Augustus Beach
Beach, Augustus, b 13 May 1818, d 14 May 1905, husband of Mrs. Amanda Beach

[CORRECTION: Mr. Beach passed away in November 1892.]

Palmyra Democrat, Saturday, November 26, 1892
The funeral of Augustus Beach was held at his late residence Monday afternoon, Nov. 24, Rev. H. C. Merrill officiating. A large number of friends from out of town were present. He leaves a wife and four sons and three daughters, Ashley Beach, Will and Ben, Allen and Mrs. Melvin Eddy, Mrs. Levi Eddy and Mrs. Frank Wilcox, all residents of Williamson except Allen who resides in Chicago and Will who is a lawyer and lives in Rochester.

James Dunn died yesterday at his home south of Lyons, aged 70 years.

South Lyons Cemetery
James, 1832-1905
Delia A., 1835-1920

Michael Abert of Lyons died Monday in Patterson, N. J., where he was visiting his son. He was a Civil War veteran, having served in Co. C. 160th New York.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
ABERT Michael 1841 - 1905, Co C, 160th N.Y.V.
ABERT Magdalena 1849 - 1925

NEW 1/27/13   from the Palmyra Democrat, Saturday, November 26, 1892

George Tyler, one of Palmyra's oldest and well known citizens, died at his home in this village on the 23rd, aged 80 years.

Palmyra Village Cemetery
Tyler, Grove R., Nov. 23, 1892, 80y

The death of Miss Minnie Spier, oldest daughter of E. B. Spier, occurred at her home near Palmyra Monday. She was about 19 years of age and had been ill only a few days. She was a member of the class of '95 of the Palmyra classical union school and would have graduated in June. The funeral was held Wednesday.

Palmyra Cemetery, Vienna Street
Spier, Minnie, 1872 - 1892


Mrs. Abijah White received a telegram Monday, Nov. 14th, that her brother Alonzo Beam of Victor, was dead. Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. Jake Beam and two children went to Victor to attend the funeral which was held the 15th.

Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Adams will reside this winter with their son Charlie who recently lost his wife.

Ridge Chapel Cemetery
Town of Williamson
Adams, Charles S., b 23 Dec 1857, d 28 Feb 1926, husband of Mrs. Ida M. Adams
Adams, Ida, b 20 June 1856, dau of Mason L. and Mrs. Lydia P. Rogers, wife of C. S. Adams, d 26 Oct 1892

NEW 1/27/13   from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 17, 1906

Port Gibson

Mr. Geo. B. Strong received the sad news last Saturday of the death by drowning of his niece, Miss Annie Phelps, who formerly lived here and was well known and highly respected. Her father, Chas. Phelps is employed as a Captain of a ferry boat, or lighter, which plies between Weehawken and New York Harbor, and Miss Phelps was monthly with her father on this boat therefore she was wholly conversant with the harbors on the Hudson river. It is surmised that Miss Phelps was attending to her father's duties during his temporary absence and fell overboard. The remains were brought here yesterday morning and in the afternoon were interred in Pleasant View Cemetery at this place. The funeral was held from the homes of M. and B. Strong, Rev. Barney King officiating.


Mrs. Catherine Hyen(?) died January 10, aged 7__ years. She was born in Ireland and came to this country fifty years ago. She was a member of St. Michael's church.

Albert Newman, a native of Rochester, but a resident of Lyons for the past eight years, died at five o'clock Thursday morning, death resulting from injuries received in a fall. He is survived by a wife, who was May Daily of Newark, and one infant child. Mr. Newman was a bar keeper in the Joppa House.

Ex Sheriff Wm. J. Glenn died Monday night, aged 69 years.

Rose Cemetery
Glen, William J. Jr., husband of Louisa, 1836 - 1906


David Cotter, aged 78, died in Fairport January 10. He was born in Ireland, but came to Macedon, where he lived for over fifty years.

St. Patrick's Catholic Cemetery
Town of Macedon
COTTER David, 1828 - 1906
COTTER, Mary, 1841 - 1924

Mrs. John Allyn died Thursday at her home near Macedon.

Macedon Village Cemetery
ALLYN John L., Jan. 13, 1845 - (?)
ALLYN Florence B., wife, Aug. 18, 1854 - Jan. 11, 1906


William Desmond died January 9, aged 81 years.

Rose Cemetery
Desmond, William, husband of Lucy, 1825 - 1906
Desmond, Lucy, nee Toles, wife of William, 1835 - 1896

Gahardus Watson, a life long resident of Galen, died Wednesday at the home of his son, Prof. Watson in Ithaca, where he was visiting.

Maple Grove Cemetery
WATSON Garhardus Langdon 1831 - 1906
WATSON Ellen CATCHPOLE wf Garhardus 1832 - 1920

Albert Williams died Monday at the State hospital at Willard, aged 72 years.

Maple Grove Cemetery
WILLIAMS Albert 1834 - 1906
WILLIAMS Susan M. wf Albert 1835 - 1889


The remains of Stephen Spoor, who died at Baltimore, are expected here for burial to-day. Mr. Spoor resided in Phelps some 30 years or more ago and was identified with the best interests of the town. He was a deeply religious man and active in the Methodist church and being a good singer, often led the singing. His second wife was Miss Bell Irvin of this town, a sister of William Irvin. - Phelps Citizen.


Jacob McCagg, one of the oldest residents of this town, died Saturday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Johnson, at the age of ninety-one years. Funeral was held Tuesday. He leaves one daughter and three sons, Charles, of Ontario, Joseph and William of this town.

Pleasant View Cemetery
Town of Williamson
Jacob 1815 - 1906
Harriet SEELY wife 1815 - 1895


Mrs. Ezra B. Sutton died Thursday, death resulting from the severe burns that she suffered several weeks ago. On the night before Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Sutton were seated in their library when the lamp exploded and Mrs. Sutton was terribly burned by the oil. Her husband, Ezra B. Sutton, is badly crippled with rheumatism and was unable to assist his wife at the time of the fire. Mr. Sutton was formerly a noted base ball player, being a member for many years of the Boston team in the National League.

Palmyra Cemetery, Vienna Street
Sutton, Ezra B., 1850 - 1907
Sutton, Susie McKeg, wife, 1857 - 1906

East Palmyra

Our people were much startled to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. John E. Feller. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mr. Feller in his great affliction.


Mrs. Morrill, wife of Rev. Abner Morrill, a former pastor of the Wolcott Baptist church, died last week at Etna, N. Y.


Joseph McCrea, a well known citizen of the western part of this town, died Saturday evening, after a long illness.


Daniel Barrell died suddenly Sunday, aged 70 years.

NEW 1/27/13   from the Wayne County Review, Lyons NY, January 18, 1906, front page



Was Engaged in Felling a Tree with His Son on Farm Two and a half Miles North of this Village when Struck by Limb Falling from Another Tree -
Death Resulted Instantaneously

Fred Lotz, one of the well-known residents of the country to the north of this village, met a violent death Tuesday morning of this week while at work on the Dunwell farm, two and a half miles north of Lyons. Mr. Lotz was working with his son at the time and had started to clear a piece of woodland. The two men had just felled a large tree with a cross cut saw and were standing near it. A very high wind was blowing at the time and this tore a branch from another tree standing near and this branch fell upon the head of the elder Lotz.

He was knocked to the ground and his son found him unconscious when he reached his side. In fact, it is a question whether he were not already dead. Death followed practically instantly. The accident is greatly deplored, not only in North Lyons, where the victim of the accident had the esteem of all who knew him, but throughout the town generally. Mr. Lotz was 62 years of age and the greater part of his life had been spent in this vicinity. He is survived by a wife and a number of children.

Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, January 17, 1906



Lyons, Jan. 16- Fred Lotz, a South Lyons Farmer, was instantly killed this morning while at work on his farm, two and one-half miles northwest of the village.

He had been engaged with his son in clearing up a piece of woodland. The men had just felled a big tree with a cross-cut saw.

A strong wind was blowing and the limb of a tree near them broke and in falling struck Mr. Lotz on the head, causing a compound fracture of the skull. He died instantly.

Mr. Lotz is survived by his widow and a large family of children.

The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 17, 1906
Fred Lotz was killed while engaged in the woods yesterday by being struck by a limb of a tree, which caused a fracture of the skull.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
LOTZ Frederick 1854 - 1906
LOTZ Fredericka 1852 - 1931

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, April 18, 1923

Elias Fuller

The death of Elias Fuller, a highly respected resident of this village, occurred at his home on the "South Side", at 4 o'clock Monday morning, following a long and very painful illness.

Deceased, who was 58 years old, is survived by his wife, one son Elias, Jr., and one daughter, Elsie. Funeral services will be held at the home at 2:30 o'clock to-morrow, Thursday, afternoon.

Chas. H. Kreiss Suicide

Charles H. Kreiss, a farmer living near Lock Berlin, hung himself in his barn, Wednesday morning.

Mr. Kreiss was born in Galen, N. Y., September 1, 1864. The surviving relatives are his wife, Julia Kreiss; two sons, Delbert and Milton; two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Mestler of Lock Berlin and Mrs. George Klippel of Lyons, one brother George, of Clyde and one grandson.

He was a member of the Lyons Broad Street Lutheran church. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p. m., Rev. Albert Heyd officiating. Burial made in the Lyons Rural cemetery.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
KREISS Charles H. 1863 - 1923
KREISS Julia wife 1868 - 19--

NEW 1/27/13   from the Wayne County Journal, Palmyra NY, Thursday, December 6, 1928

Mrs. Lilla S. Williamson

Lilla Sanford Williamson, widow of John K. Williamson, passed away last Thursday at her home at 135/185 (?) Main street.

She had been a resident of Palmyra for all of her life, being a daughter of the late David Sanford, who was a prominent dry goods merchant here for a number of years. Her husband who died about __(?) months ago, was one of the oldest and leading manufacturing tobacconists in this part of the state.

Mrs. Williamson was an active member of the Zion Episcopal church choir and a lover of her church. Older residents of Palmyra will recall many funerals at which her voice helped to bring sweet inspiration. She was active in much of the civic and social life of the town and was an interested member of the Study Club.

She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Robert A. VanDuser of Newark and Miss Louisa Sanford of Palmyra; three brothers, Newton Sanford of Buffalo, Isaac Sanford of Mount Vernon and George Sanford of Palmyra; also a sister-in-law, Margaret Y. Williamson of Palmyra. Funeral was held from her late home Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. Sidney Attridge officiating. Burial made in the family lot in Palmyra cemetery.

Palmyra Cemetery, Vienna Street
Williamson, John K., 1850 - 1927
Williamson, Marilla S., 1852 - 1928

Mrs. Arabella Edgerton Rose

Mrs. Arabella Edgerton Rose, former resident of Palmyra, died on November 29 at Jamaica, N. Y.

The funeral services were held Saturday morning, December 1, at Chapin Home where Mrs. Rose has lived for several years. Burial was made Monday in the local cemetery.

Palmyra Cemetery, Vienna Street
Rose, Arabella E., 1847 - 1928

Luzerne Hanmore, Jr.

Luzerne Hanmore, jr., 36 years old, died at the Newark Hospital this (Thursday) morning following a long illness. He was a World War veteran. He saw much action and was gassed while in service.

He is survived by two children. The body was removed to Penn Yan where burial will take place.

Wayne County Journal, Palmyra NY, Thursday, December 13, 1928
Luzerne Hanmore

The funeral of Luzerne Hanmore, whose death occurred in the Newark Hospital, was held in Elmira from the home of his father Luzerne Hanmore, sr.

He leaves two children 4 and 5 years old, Eleanor and Albert; his parents Mr. and Mrs. Luzerne Hanmore, sr.; one brother Rother and one sister Mrs. Florence Fouldrod, all of Elmira.

Burial was made in the family lot in the Horsehead (sic) cemetery.

[NOTE: Luzerne Hanmore Sr.'s family resided in Elmira in 1900. Luzerne Jr.'s birth given as June 1892. Brother's first name was Ruther. Luzerne Jr., age 31, is listed in the 1925 census of Elmira (dated June 1, 1925), with wife Cora age 27, step-daughter Anna A. Burke age 7, daughter Eleanor R. age 2 and 346-day-old son Albert F.]

NOTE: Luzerne Jr.'s wife and infant rest in:
Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads, Chemung County, NY
Hanmore, Infant, June 25, 1925
Hanmore, Cora V., June 26, 1925

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, December 12, 1923

John H. Stoecker

John H. Stoecker, a native and lifelong resident of this town, died at 9 o'clock last Saturday morning of cerebral hemorrhage, at the hom e of his nephew, Arthur H. Gordas, aged 73 years, 11 months and 21 days. Deceased as a retired farmer of estimable character. He is survived by his nephew.

Funeral services were held at the home, the Rev. F. P. Mudge officiating, with burial in the cemetery at Lock Berlin. [NOTE: not on Lock Berlin cemetery list]

Mrs. Edward C. Delano

Mrs. Emma Jane Graham, wife of Edward C. Delano, of Sodus Center, died at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the Barber Hospital, Lyons, following an operation for the removal of the appendix and one kidney.

Deceased was born in the town of Rose in 1860, and spent the early part of her life in this town. She was married in 1888 to Mr. Delano and since then has resided in the town of Sodus.

She is survived by her husband; father, A. G. Graham, of this village, and a brother, Charles Graham of this town.

Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the late home and at 2:30 o'clock in the Baptist Church, Sodus Center, the Rev. John R. Harding, officiating.

Mrs. Bonnie L. Kenreich

Mrs. Bonnie Louis Kenreich, wife of the Rev. Charles Henry Kenreich, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, this village, died at one o'clock last week Friday morning, aged 40 years.

Deceased was born in Winfield, Kansas. Mrs. Kenreich gave birth to a son last week, which only lived one day, and she died as the result of a rupture with internal hemorrhage. She was a woman of education, refinement and culture and a pianist and composer of music of unusual ability. A cantata composed by her was to have been sung at Christmas time in St. Paul's Church.

Mrs. Kenreich was a woman of exalted Christian character and was a great help to her husband in his ministerial work. She is survived by her husband and seven children, the youngest three and the oldest sixteen years of age.

This death, of tragic severity, has aroused the deepest sympathy of this entire community. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The Rev. Dr. Hemeter, of Geneva, assisted by several other clergymen, officiated. Burial was made in Maple Grove Cemetery.

Maple Grove Cemetery
KENREICH Bonnie Louise wf C. H. 1883 - 1923

News has been received in Clyde the past week of the death by suffocation of Edward J. Bechtold, who lost his life a week ago Saturday, in a brave attempt to save the life of a fellow workman caught with him in a fire that destroyed the building occupied by the W. A. Case & Son Manufacturing Company of Buffalo. There was ample time for Mr. Bechtold to save himself, but he went back to save his friend, an elderly man. This death is of interest to Clyde folk as deceased was the husband of a former Clyde young woman, Miss Mabel McVicar, who with a son and a daughter, survive him.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, unknown date in January 1921

Edward Golden

Edward Golden, for the past 62 years a resident of Clyde, died of dropsy at his home on Hill street, this village last Wednesday evening.

He was born in St. Catherines, Ontario,Canada, July 12, 1831. He came to Clyde at the age of 7 years and had resided here ever since. He is survived by his wife, two brothers, Douglas of Clyde and John of Erie, Pa., and two step-sons, Earl Wheeler, of Clyde, and Charles W. Wheeler, of East Syracuse.

Funeral services were held at the home at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon with burial in Maple Grove cemetery. [NOTE: not listed on County Historian's or findagrave Maple Grove cemetery lists]

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank those who have been most kind to us in the recent sickness and death of our husband and father.
Mrs. Edward Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler

James Compitello

James Compitello, one of Clyde's most highly respected and prominent Italian citizens, died at his home in this village last Thursday forenoon, at 10:30 o'clock, aged 62 years.

He was born in Italy, coming to Clyde 39 years ago. He had been in the employ of the H. C. Hemmingway Company here for some thirty-five years, a fine record of faithful competent service.

Mr. Compitello was a charter member of the Star of Italy Society of this village and always prominent in its councils.

He is survived by his wife, five sons, Fred, Eugene, William, Albert and Joseph; two daughters, Teresa and Ida; two sisters, Mrs. Tony DeJohn and Mrs. Joe Fellela.

Funeral services were held Monday forenoon in St. John's Catholic Church, and were among the largest ever held in Clyde, showing how highly Mr. Compitello was esteemed by the citizens of this village.

Card of Thanks
We desire to express our deep thanks to all friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in our late bereavement, and to those who sent cards and flowers and otherwise gave aid and sympathy, we express our grateful appreciation.
Jos. Compitello Family

Card of Thanks
To all who have been so very kind during the prolonged illness of my dear husband, for the beautiful flowers, the music and the ___ services that made such a fitting ___ to his life, do I most gratefully express my appreciation.
Isabelle J. Gillette

Events of 25 Years Ago

Mrs. Roselia Reed died at her home on Columbia street last Friday, aged 60 years. Funeral services were held Saturday with interment at South Butler.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1920

Rev. Charles H. Moscrip

The Rev. Charles Henry Moscrip, D. D., died at his home in this village, Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1920, aged 72 years. He was born in Fort Miller, N. Y., June 20, 1848, the son of Robert S. and Mary A. Moscrip. He was a graduate of the University of Rochester, class of 1874, and the Rochester Theological Seminary, class of 1877. He held also the degree of Master of Arts from the former institution and received this honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from LaGrange College, Missouri, in 1888.

For many years, Dr. Moscrip served the Baptist Church as a faithful minister to many of its societies. His first pastorate was in this village, where he was ordained in October 1877, by the Baptist Church of Clyde. The following year he became pastor of the Baptist Church in Keokuk, Iowa. The best years of his life were spent in the Middle West serving churches in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri, and in Jerseyville, Rockford, and upper Alton, Illinois. Later he returned to New York and held various posts of value. In 1908, his health failed and since that time he has been able to hold no settled position. His death comes as the culmination of many years off gradually wasting faculties.

Dr. Moscrip was married to Miss Belle DeLany, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. N. DeLany, formerly of this village, who survives him. Seven children were born to them, of whom only two survive, Amos D. Moscrip of Albany, and Miss Virginia Moscrip of this village. Dr. Moscrip leaves also a sister, Mrs. J. F. Conkey, now living in California.

The funeral will be held from the residence Friday, November 5, at 3 o'clock.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, December 30, 1920, front page


The second edition of last week's News contained a brief account of the destruction by fire, shortly after 5 p. m. on Wednesday, Dec. 22, of the Lyons high school building, entailing the direct loss of two live and the indirect loss of a third.

The young victims of the fire, Helen Baltzel, aged 12, and Elizabeth Burns, 13, were buried side by side in Elmwood cemetery, Lyons, at 3 p. m., Monday. The funeral, held at 2 o'clock, attained the dimensions of a civic ceremony, every place of business and factory at the county seat being closed. The Revs. Albert Heyd and A. A. Thomas officiated.

The interments, though so close together, were not on precisely the same lot, but the families had purchased adjacent plots, and the graves were separated by only a narrow partition of earth.

The recovery of the bodies did not take place till Friday, and then was a difficult matter, besides being very dangerous. Portions of the side walls had first to be town down, and then 150 railroad men, volunteers, went to digging with pick and shovel in the still burning ruins.

The body of the Burns girl was the first to be found. It was identified by means of a belt buckle of peculiar construction. Later Helen Baltzel's body was dug out only a few feet distant. Neither was recognizable, except for imperishable articles of clothing.

The two little girls, instead of following their teacher, as did the thirteen others of the class, directly from the gymnasium, where they had been practicing after school, ran back to a second floor cloakroom for their wraps. Then the flames cut them off, and they were quickly suffocated by heat and smoke. Two boy heard their scrams, but were driven back when they tried to reach them.

The fire spread with almost inconceivable rapidity, for the building was filled with intricate corridors, and its partitions and floors built of pie wood, the floors also being oiled. The cause of the fire is not known, but it started apparently in a cloak room on the second floor, or in a near-by closet. This was directly under the gymnasium.

Miss Lavinia A. Stoeber, of Rochester, the physical culture teacher, who was with the girls, is completely prostrated by the shock of the tragedy. She is at her home, and probably will be unable to teach again this year.

School will be resumed next week in temporary quarters, and, of course, a new building will have to be constructed as soon as possible, probably at a cost exceeding $200,000. The insurance on the old structure was only $50,000. The loss in the destruction of books, apparatus and relics exceeded $10,000.

The building had been criticised (sic) and all but condemned by the state department of education; it was over-crowded and admittedly not fireproof; but, like many another community, Lyons hesitated to rebuild, and now is paying the penalty.

The third victim of the fire was Jacob Keller, aged 60, a retired business man who more recently had conducted a boarding house near the school. Overcome by excitement, he suffered a heart attack and dropped dead just as he returned to his home.

Elmwood Cemetery
Town of Lyons

BALTZEL Helen E. 1908-1920

BURNS Charles F. 1872-1947
BURNS Ida DeZUTTER 1874-1935
BURNS Elizabeth 1904-1920 Daughter


Allen Manford Armstrong, of Butler Center, younger brother of the late Granville L. Armstrong, of this village, died very suddenly last Friday, of a cerebral hemorrhage, aged 65 years.

Mr. Armstrong had been at South Butler, trading, in preparation for Christmas, and went with an armful of bundles to unhitch his horse to return home. Shortly afterwards he was found prostrate beneath the animal, where he had apparently pitched forward when he started to remove the blanket. He was still breathing heavily, though unconscious; and life lingered till he had been removed to his home, but he did not regain consciousness.

Mr. Armstrong was a lifelong resident of Butler, where, as "Mannie" Armstrong, he was widely and favorably known. He is survived by his widow and one sister, Mrs. Walter White, of Flint, Mich., besides numerous nephews and nieces.

The funeral was held from the house at 2 p. m., Monday, with interment in the Butler Center cemetery. In the absence of Dr. Hobart, a clergyman from South Butler officiated. The nephews and nephews-in-law of the deceased acted as bearers.

Butler Center Cemetery
ARMSTRONG Allen M. 1855-1920


A recent number of the Publisher's Auxiliary continned (sic) the following kindly notire (sic) of the late Charles H. Thomas:

The Western New York newspaper field has suffered a great loss in the death of Charles H. Thomas, owner and editor of the Lake Shore News,Wolcott, N. Y. For forty years Mr. Thomas and his father before him edited the News. As a young man he had marked success as a report on a Buffalo (N. Y.) paper, and afterwards on the New York Sun and World. One of his neighbors says of him:

"His mental qualifications were far above the ordinary. He possessed a rare humor and a still rare love of the truth, and spared no pains to make his paper the accurate historian of his locality. The readers of the Lake Shore News always knew where its editor stood on any question of importance. He was no temporizer when a principle was involved and fought bravely to make Wayne county cleaner and better. Unusually honest and straightforward, he was the enemy of all pretense and hypocrisy. Though by nature reserved, he knew the meaning of friendship, and to those numbered his friends he gave a confidence and a loyalty which was unswerving. The press of our county will be none the braver or more honest now Charles H. Thomas of the Lake Shore News is gone."

Mr. Thomas had reached the age of 81 years. He is survived by his widow and four children.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Times, Thursday, August 19, 1920


Carrie E. wife of John Hak, died at an early hour Sunday morning, Aug. 15, 1920, at the Crouse Irving Hospital Syracuse, aged 50 years. Surviving are her husband and one brother, T. C. Carver of East Syracuse. Funeral services were held from the home of Mr. Frank Clayson, East Genesee St. Syracuse, at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon and burial was made in Oakwood Cemetery.

Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse NY
Carrie E. Garber HAK Sep. 9, 1870 - Aug. 15, 1920

Maple Grove Cemetery
HAK John 1859-1925


Wallace Radcliff, a well known and respected resident of this vicinity, died at his home four miles east of this village on Friday, Aug. 13,1920, at the age of 73 years. He is survived by one son Lewis Radcliff, of Washington, D. C., and one daughter, Miss Bertha Radcliff, living at home. Funeral services were held on Monday and burial was made in the Savannah-Butler Cemetery. [NOTE: not present on County Historian's or findagrave lists of Butler-Savannah Cemetery]

NEW 1/27/13   from The Savannah Times, Friday, May 20, 1921, front page

At his home in this village Wednesday night of last week occurred the death of George T. Boyd after an extended illness at the age of 69 years.

Mr. Boyd was very well known to this vicinity having lived here the greater part of his life. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Frances Boyd, and two daughters, Mrs. L. R. Crofoot and Mrs. C. A. Calkins, both of this village.

The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the late home with burial in the Butler-Savannah cemetery. Rev. Mr. Brooker and Rev. Mr. Burroughs officiated with William Wright, E. D. Stevens, B. F. Gage and Jacob Ray acting as bearers.

I wish to extend my most sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends and neighbors for the sympathy and kindness shown and for the flowers sent and for the care furnished at the death of my husband.
Mrs. Frances Boyd.

Sodus Rural Cemetery
BOYD George C 1848-1921

NEW 1/27/13   from The Savannah Times, Friday, May 28, 1920


Mr. Charles Henry Prindle who died in this village on Monday about one o'clock, was the son of Rev. Michael Prindle and Sarah Chase Prindle. He was born in Oswego, April 16, 1857. His death was due to organic disease of the heart and blood vessels, the immediate cause being over exertion following a hearty meal. Mr. Prindle lived for many years in Huron. For the past few years he has been a resident of Savannah. He was a very industrious active man and respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife, and two grand-daughters who have lived with him since the death of their mother, two sons, Egbert N. and George Y. Prindle, also two brothers, Perry Prindle of Huron and Cassius Prindle of Wolcott.

The funeral services were held at his home Thursday afternoon. Rev. E. J. Brooker of the M. E. church of Savannah officiating. The interment was in the town of Huron.

Evergreen Cemetery
Town of Huron
PRINDLE, Sarah, wife of Chas. 1863 - 1895


In the passing of Susan Jane Love on Monday May 24th Savannah loses one whose integrity, sincerity, and christian loyalty, were very apparent. She had been a great sufferer for many years her death being due to heart disease.

She was born in Peru, Indiana sixty-six years ago and had lived in Savannah seven years. She was a member of the Savannah M. E. church.

Her near sorrowing relatives are her husband, Wm. A. Love her son Chas. Love an adopted daughter, Nancy J. Wade five grand-children three brothers living in Indiania (sic). One brother, Solomon Brock and Mrs. Nancy J. Wade reached Savannah in time to attend the funeral which was held at her late home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. E. J. Brooker officiated. Burial in the Butler-Savannah cemetary (sic).

We wish to thank the relatives and friends who sent flowers, helped and sympathised (sic) with us in our recent bereavement.
Wm. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love
Soloman Brock
Mrs. Nancy J. Wade

Butler-Savannah Cemetery
Wm. A. 1860 - 1932
Susan J. 1857 - 1921

Nelson Kent an old and respected resident of this town passed away on Thursday, May 20, after a number of months of declining health.

Mr. Kent was born in 1837, and moved to this place about forty-two years ago, and has been an examplary and upright citizen, and active in all enterprises that would be helpful to our community. Death claimed his companion in life about ten years ago, and since that time Mr. Kent has trod the pathway of life alone. He was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and for many years was a faithful attendant.

We will miss the familiar figure of our friend on our streets, and his genial presence will long be cherished by his friends. The only near relative who survives him is his brother, Oscar Kent of Auburn.

Funeral services were conducted from the Methodist Church, Sunday afternoon at three o'clock by Rev. E. J. Brooker, and interment was made in Butler and Savannah Cemetery.

Butler-Savannah Cemetery
Nelson, 1837 - 1920
Maria S., wife, 1838 - 1910

NEW 1/27/13   from The Savannah Times, Friday, May 13, 1921

Butler Center

The remains of the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Doty were bought (sic) here for burial Saturday. The family live in Phoenix now.

On Monday May 9, at her home in this village, occurred the death of Mrs. Ida Bell Fields. Death was due to a cancer.

Mrs. Fields was born in Worth Center, N. Y. forty four years ago. She was married in 1893 to Harvey Fields in Baldwinsville, N. Y. Besides her husband, she is survived by seven children, Mrs. Leon France, Andrew, Fred, George, Clarence, Harvey and Georgianna and her mother, Mrs. George Lambert. Besides these, other near relatives surviving are three brothers, George, William and Cornelius Wilkinson.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 at the late home and at 2 o'clock at the Congregational church of which the deceased was a member with burial in the Butler cemetery. Rev. Burroughs officiated.

Butler-Savannah Cemetery
Harvey R. 1874 - 1941
Ida B., wife, 1877 - 1921

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, March 9, 1938, front page


Mrs. Effie A. McKay, 79, widow of Wesley D. McKay, died late Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blakeman, about four miles south of Clyde, where she has resided for the past five years.

Many years of her life was spent in this vicinity as a practical nurse serving many families here.

Surviving are several nieces and nephews here and in Michigan.

The body was taken to the Kenneth E. Lundy Funeral Home where services will be conducted at 2 p. m. Thursday by the Rev. Raymond F. Smithson. The body will be placed in the Maple Grove Cemetery vault. [NOTE: not present on County Historian's list or in findagrave listings]


John William Pausley, aged 88, died in his sleep early Monday morning at his home in West Genesee Street, just outside this village. He retired in usual good health Sunday night but when called for breakfast on Monday morning was found dead. Dr. Geo. S. Allen pronounced his death due to a heart attack.

Mr. Pausley's only brother, Horatio Pausley, passed away in Auburn, on February 11th, this year. Mr. Pausley was born in Gilboa, Schoharie County, April 8, 1849, the son of Alexander and Margaret Pausley.

He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Frank Baity, of Auburn, N.Y. and Mrs. Eva Barnes of Clyde; one son, John A. Pausley, of Auburn and one sister, Mrs. William Fitzpatrick of Auburn; eleven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

The remains rested at the home on West Genesee Street until eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning when they were removed to the Funeral Home of Harold S. Mann, where services were held at 2:30 p. m., Rev. ___ (illegible) D. Bell of Palmyra officiating. Burial was made in Rose Cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Pausley, John William, husband of Mary I., 1849 - 1938
Pausley, Mary I., nee Brace, wife of John W., 1852 - 1928

NEW 1/27/13   from the Oswego Palladium-Times, Wednesday, August 28, 1940

Mrs. Henry V. Wilson

Wolcott, Aug. 28- Mrs. Irene A. Wilson, 65, wife of Henry V. Wilson, clerk of Wayne county Board of Supervisors, died Tuesday after a few hours illness at her home in Huron township. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Samuel Hungerford, Hemlock, and Mrs. Pauline Martin, Red Creek, and four grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at the home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. Arthur E. Morey, pastor of Wolcott Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Huron Evergreen cemetery.

Evergreen Cemetery
Town of Huron
WILSON, Henry V., 1867 - 19--
WILSON, Irena S., 1875 - 1940

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, October 4, 1922

North Rose

The death of Mrs. James VanTassell, aged 64, occurred last Tuesday morning at her home north of this village. Her death was caused by lockjaw. Two weeks ago she was knocked down by a horse hitched to a drill and severely injured. Later lockjaw developed. She was born in the town of Rose and has always lived in this section. Besides her husband she leaves three sons Ernest and Charles Ditton, of N. Rose and Harry Ditton, of Rose; and four daughters, Mrs. Jas. Holfolter, of Clyde, Mrs. Harold Braman of Resort, Mrs. Abram Vollensten of Sodus, and Mrs. Frank Vanderpool of Syracuse and ten grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Miner, of N. Rose and a brother, Merrill Phillips of Rose. The funeral will be held at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow from the home. Interment will be made in the Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Bill Dean's Master List
Vantassel, Lovina E, husband Unknown, 1859 - 1922


Mrs. Catherine Haight died at the home of her son, G. W. Haight, last Wednesday evening, aged 90 years. Although in poor health she was not ill but half an hour before the end came. Deceased is survived by one son, G. W. Haight; three grand children, Claude Haight of Junius; Mrs. Harry Vancleef of Waterloo and Mrs. Seelye of Rose and five great grandchildren, who have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. Funeral services were conducted from the home last Friday afternoon, Rev. VanMarter, of Seneca Falls officiating. Burial was made in Maple Grove cemetery at Clyde.

Maple Grove Cemetery
HAIGHT Manlius R. 1826 - 1896
HAIGHT Catherine A. wf Manlius 1832 - 1922

NEW 1/27/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, August 2, 1922, page 4

North Rose

The funeral of Mrs. Charles Moore was held at 2:30 p. m. last Friday from the home, Rev. T. H. Williams, pastor of the M. E. Church, of which she was a member, officiating. The remains were interred in the Rose cemetery. Her death occurred at 9:30 Tuesday evening after a long illness, aged 74 years. Besides her husband she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Thomas J. Carter, of Syracuse, and Miss Margaret Moore at home and two sons, Joseph Moore, of North Rose and Frank L. Moore, of Wolcott.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter and son Joseph, and Mrs. Morris Goff, of Syracuse, attended the funeral of Mrs. Charles Moore, last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carter, of Syracuse, are passing some time with Mrs. Carter's father, Charles Moore.

[NOTE: neither Mrs. Moore nor her husband Charles are present in Bill Dean's Rose Cemetery listings or in the findagrave listings]

NEW 1/27/13   from The Record, Sodus NY, November 6, 1903

The funeral of Henry Arthur VanHouter, who died Wednesday of last week, was held at the Presbyterian church in this village on Sunday afternoon at 2"30 o'clock, Rev. Matthew Gaffney officiating. The young man was 19 years, 4 months and 22 days old at his death. The remains were interred in the Williamson cemetery. Hon. Chester Holcomb of Newark was an attendant at the funeral.

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, September 28, 1901, page 3

Death From Bright's Disease

One of the best known women in the town of Sodus, Mrs. Emma A. Teetor, died in that village yesterday morning, aged 62 years, from Bright's disease. Deceased as born at Pultneyville, the daughter of Thomas and Clara Fleming. Most of her life was passed in Sodus, she having married Captain George Teetor of that village, who died a few years ago. Mrs. Teetor was a beneficiary member of the Royal Templars of Temperance. The remains will be interred at the Rural cemetery in Sodus. Those who survive are a son, David F. Teetor, bookkeeper at the R. M. Myers paper house in Rochester; two daughters, Miss Clara A. Teetor, and Mrs. Louisa Styles, of Sodus, and four brothers.

Sodus Rural Cemetery
TEETOR George L 7/25/1834 - 2/11/1898
TEETOR Emma M FLEMING wife of George L 2/24/1839 - 9/26/1901

Fatality at Clyde

Yesterday morning at about 8 o'clock Pasquale Pizzarusso, an Italian section hand employed on the New York Central, was struck by an eastbound fast freight, one mile east of Clyde, and instantly killed. The injured man's skull was crushed and his right leg broken. Pizzarusso was 28 years of age and resided in Clyde. He is survived by a widow and three daughters. The body was removed to Collins's undertaking rooms, to await the action of Coroner Thatcher.

St. John's Catholic Cemetery
Town of Galen
Pasquale, 1871 17 Naggio Sett. 1901

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, July 9, 1902

Funeral of Philip Wemesfelder

The funeral of Philip Wemesfelder, of Pultneyville, was held yesterday afternoon. Deceased was one of the best known Hollanders and wealthiest farmers in Northern Wayne county. He was over 80 years of age and was born in Holland. He died Friday night after a short illness. Besides his wife several sons and daughters survive.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Herald, Fairport NY, Wednesday, August 23, 1922

Macedon, August 21- The Amsterdam Recorder of recent date contained the following:
... The second death was that of Prof. Eugene Byron Goodrich, a former principal of Macedon Academy, where Mrs. [George] Van Derveer and Mrs. John H. DeGaff of this city were among his pupils. For the last ten or more years he has been a successful real estate dealer of Los Angeles, Ca. Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich had planned to come east on a visit in September, as guests of the Van Derveer homestead, and incidentally to advise and instruct in laying out the farm into city lots, which was one of his hobbies. Mr. Goodrich was about 67 years of age, and besides his wife, leaves a brother, Dr. C. E. Goodrich, of Syracuse.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Newark Union, Saturday, August 8, 1903, front page

West Walworth

Mrs. George Galliford died at the county house Tuesday. The remains were interred in the village cemetery ___ Thursday. She had been sick for several months and an operation had been performed shortly before death.

Marengo Mention

Irene, eldest daughter of Mrs. Ella Bond, died at their home at Sodus Point last Thursday of consumption, aged 13 years, and was brought here for burial Saturday morning. Mrs. Bond was a former resident of this place and has the sympathy of the community in her sad bereavement.

Norton Funeral Home Records
Bond, Irene Estella 7/30/1903


Three Well-Known Citizens of Williamson who have Passed Away

The town of Williamson has been called upon to mourn the deaths of three of its best known citizens, Mrs. Penelope Wager, Frederick Wilder and George Morgan. Mr. Morgan met a sudden death. He was assisting Isaac McIntyre in loading hay. In some manner he was pitched off the wagon, the fall breaking his neck. Dr. Robert S. Carr was summoned, but Mr. Morgan died before the physician could reach him. He was 74 years of age. He leaves a son, Robert, of Williamson, and two daughters, Mrs. John Van Doorn, of Marion, and Mrs. Lydia Roby, of Rochester.

Mr. Wilder's death resulted from cancer of the stomach and other complications. He was 51 years of age. He was a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. Those who survive are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton F. Wilder, two brothers, Frank and John Wilder, of Williamson, and a sister, Mrs. Sidney Milhan, of this village.

Mrs. Wager died in a Rochester hospital after an operation. She is survived by a son, William Wager, and a daughter, Miss Alice Wager, both of Williamson.

Pleasant View Cemetery
Town of Williamson
George C. Nov. 12, 1828 - Aug. 1, 1903
Mary E. RAWLING wife June 27, 1838 - July 10, 1908
Sunnyside Cemetery
Town of Williamson
WILDER Frank S. 1850-1914
WILDER Fred 1852-1903
WILDER Elmer B. 1888-1937
WILDER Brutus 1827-1907
WILDER Lucy, wife 1829-1917
Ridge Chapel Cemetery
Town of Williamson
Wager, Father, b 1824, d 1901
Wager, Mother, b 1829, d 1903
Wager, William G., b 1854, d 1909

NEW 1/27/13   from The Record, Sodus NY, April 1, 1904

North Rose and Vicinity

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris of Palmyra, a former resident of this place, was brought here Monday for burial in the Huron cemetery.


Mrs. Carris, the aged mother of Prof. Carris, was buried at Savannah Monday. She died at his home, where she has been ill for a long time.

Rose and Vicinity

The community was shocked Wednesday afternoon by the news of the death of Charles Deady. He was a well known and respected citizen of East Rose, where he had lived for 71 years.

Maple Grove Cemetery
DEADY Charles 1833-1904
DEADY Henrietta wf 1837-1876
DEADY Louise wf 1852-1920
DEADY Mark M. son C. & L. 1878-1879

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, March 9, 1904, page 4




His Birth Occurred in Jefferson County Ninety-seven Years Ago.

Kept His Health Up to Within a Short Time.

South Butler, March 8- Joseph H. Rising, the oldest resident of the town and probably of this part of the state, passed away Monday afternoon, aged 97 years. Mr. Rising had been in feeble health for some time, although able to be about the house and occasionally to go to town. His death was the result of a general breaking down due to old age. He leaves one daughter, Miss Alice Rising, who resided with him. His wife died several years ago. One son, Judge Henry C. Rising, also passed away two years since.

Mr. Rising was born and his early life was spent in Jefferson county. He removed to a farm one and one-half miles southeast of South Butler about thirty years ago, where he had resided until a year ago, when failing health obliged him to give up the care of his farm and he removed to the village.

Mr. Rising had passed a busy life and continued his activity long past the age allotted to man to labor, and had accumulated a large property. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Butler Center, and was a constant attendant until his feeble state prevented.

Butler Center Cemetery
RISING Joseph H. 1812-1904
RISING Rachael P. 1814-1886
RISING Alice A. 1850-1933
RISING Henry C. 1840-1902 [residing with family in 1860 census of Town of Worth, Jefferson County NY]
RISING Ellen M. wf. Henry C. 1870, 25y 9m 13d [d. May or June 1870]
RISING Grace E. dau. 1881, 11yr [b. May 1870]
RISING Augusta C. 1842-1912 [second wife of Henry C. Rising]

NEW 1/27/13   from The Herald, Clyde NY, Wednesday, April 15th, 1908


Mrs. George Stubley died at 2:30 o'clock Monday morning, at her home in this village. She had been in poor health for several years. She leaves two sons, Fred of Syracuse and William of the 10th U. S. Infantry, and two daughters, Mrs. L. S. Town, of Rose, and Cora, a trained nurse, of Rose.

Rose Cemetery
Stubley, Elizabeth, nee Ranson, wife of George, 1833 - 1908
Stubley, George, husband of Elizabeth, 1834 - 1906


The death of Rose C. Hoffman occurred at Grand Rapids, Mich., March 31. The cause of death was the valves of the heart and liver became ossified. Burial in Allegan, Mich., April 1th (sic) from his (sic) childhood home.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Record, Sodus NY, Friday, March 9, 1900


The remains of Christian Finz (sic), who died at his home in Glenmark Sunday, February 25th, were brought here and interred in Rose cemetary (sic).

Rose Cemetery
Fenk, Christian, husband of Frances, 1830 - 1900
Fenk, Frances, nee Hulman, wife of Christian, 1840 - 1919

North Rose

The death of Helena, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thompson, occurred last Monday. Interment was made in the Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Thompson, Helena, 1899 - 1900

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, November 28, 1894, page 4

Mrs. Hannah Elmer, widow of the late James Elmer, died at her residence in Lyons Monday night from organic heart trouble and dropsy. Deceased as born near Cazenovia, and was 55 years of age. She moved later to Oswego county, which was her place of residence until about twenty years ago, when she came to Lyons. In March, 1883, she was married to the late James Elmer of Lyons, one of the best known and wealthiest men in Lyons. A son, James Elmer, and one daughter, Miss Hattie Elmer, both of Lyons, are left surviving. The funeral services will be conducted from the late residence this afternoon at half past 3 o'clock. Rev. M. S. Wells, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which denomination deceased was a prominent member, officiating.

South Lyons Cemetery
Hannah Gleason, wife of James, 1839-1894

NEW 1/27/13   from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, Newark NY, unknown date ca. May 1898

Jacob Hood of Sodus died Sunday in the Willard State Hospital.

Sodus Rural Cemetery
HOOD Jacob D 1862-1898
HOOD Peter 1834-1910
HOOD Mary E wife of Peter 1840-1913
HOOD Ralph 1861-1918

NEW 1/27/13   from the The Post Standard, Syracuse NY, Thursday morning, February 13, 1902

The little 6-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of South Lyons died suddenly at an early hour this morning from the effects of a cold.

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, February 14, 1902, page 4

Harrison Cottrell's Death is a Serious Loss to Sodus

The town of Sodus lost one of its most beloved citizens Wednesday night, when Harrison Cottrell passed away, at the age of 79 years. He was born in the town of Williamson, marrying Miss Jane Proseus, of the town of Sodus, then moving to a farm near Sodus Center, where he passed most of his life. He was very prosperous. Three years ago he was forced to retire from active work, because of a slight stroke of paralysis. He gradually failed.

Mr. Cottrell was one of the founders of the Sodus Center Presbyterian Church, and for years was one of the official board. In politics he was a staunch Republican, but always refused to hold office. He was a great reader, and became the adviser of many business men. The deceased is survived by a widow, two sons, Clive Monroe Cottrell, of Sodus Center, and Harry Willis Cottrell, of Columbus, O.; one daughter, Mrs. Albert Van Sickles, and six grandchildren. The interment will be made in the Brick Church cemetery at Sodus Center.

Brick Church Cemetery / Baptist Rural Cemeter
Minnie L., dau. Harrison & Jane P., Oct. 1, 1858 - Oct. 2, 1881
Harrison, Apr. 10, 1823, Feb. 10, 1902
Cecelia, wife of H.W., May 1, 1881 - Jan. 11, 1900
Phoebe Jane, Aug. 25, 1828 - Mar. 4, 1909

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, November 28, 1896, page 4

The funeral services of Ferdinand Weber were held at the Palmyra Catholic Church yesterday morning, Rev. Father Hartly officiating.

St. Anne's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Palmyra NY
Weber Ferdinand 1826-1895
Weber Helena, wife, 1838-1901
Weber Clara, dau, 1859-1886
Weber Louis, son, 1879-1900

Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, March 13, 1900, page 11
Louis H., son of Helen and the late Ferdinand Weber, died yesterday morning in this city, aged 20 years.

Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, March 13, 1900, page 9
WEBER- In this city, on the morning of March 12, 1900, Louis H., son of Helen and the late Ferdinand Weber, aged 20 years. Funeral services at 9 A. M. Thursday, from St. Ann's Church, Palmyra, N. Y.

NEW 1/27/13   from The Record, Sodus NY, February 27, 1903

Rose and Vicinity

The death of Mrs. Miranda Rising Smith from heart disease occurred Thursday at her home east of Rose. She was 83/88 (?) years old. The funeral was held Saturday from the Wolcott M. E. church.

NEW 1/27/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, March 13, 1900, page 11

Carrie J., wife of E. L. Ricker, of Ontario, N. Y., died yesterday in this city.

NEW 1/16/13   from The Post-Standard, Syracuse NY, Monday Morning, October 12, 1914, page 3


Wife of Wayne County Judge Expires After Long Illness

Lyons, Oct. 11- Mrs. Ida Redgrave Knapp, 43, wife of County Judge and Surrogate Clyde W. Knapp of this village, died at 6:30 o'clock to-night at her home in Phelps street, after a long illness.

Mrs. Knapp was married fourteen years ago, and leaves her husband, mother, Mrs. S. C. Redgrave, one daughter, Katherine, and one sister, Miss Irena Redgrave.

NEW 1/16/13   from The Democratic Herald, Clyde NY, Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1891

Hazel Kreiss, the 19 months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Kreiss, of Lock Berlin, died at their home yesterday. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 12 tomorrow noon.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
KREISS George A. 1865-1934
KREISS Caroline E. wife 1864-1945
KREISS Hazel and infant daughters of G.A. and C.E., no dates

Orson Hopkins, an old resident of Galen, died at his residence three and one-half miles southeast of Clyde last Friday evening, aged 63 years. The funeral service was held at the residence yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

NEW 1/16/13   from The Monroe County Mail, Fairport NY, Thursday, August 4, 1904


The death of Mrs. Sanford Smith, occurred July 29th, at Lyons. Mrs. Smith was an old resident of the town and highly esteemed by all who knew her. The remains were brought to Walworth and interred in the family lot in the Baker cemetery. [

West Walworth

Mrs. Lodema Smith, mother of the late Frank W. Smith, died at the county house, last week. The remains were interred in the Baker cemetery, last Saturday. Mrs. Smith was about eighty years old and lived many years in this town. She leaves a son, who lives in Niagara Falls, and is, we believe, in the employ of the N. Y. C. R. R. Company.

NOTE: not present on County Historian's office Baker Cemetery list; present on findagrave as "Lodesca Smith, 1829 - 1904" and in 1880 census as "Lodosia Smith"; husband on findagrave list as "Sanford Smith, 1816 - 1881. Son in findagrave's Baker Cemetery listings - "Frank W. Smith, 1850 - 1903]

NEW 1/16/13   from The Citizen, Phelps NY, November 26, 1931

Mrs. Adelbert Ridley, 53, of Newark, died at Otisville, Mich., on Wednesday of last week from injuries received when an automobile driven by her husband crashed into a milk truck. Mrs. Ridley was thrown out and suffered two broken arms, a broken leg and crushed chest; one rib puncturing her lungs. Mr. Ridley suffered bad lacerations of the head. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley had been visiting her parents for three weeks and had just started on their return trip when the accident happened at an intersection. Funeral and burial was at Otisville, last Saturday.

NEW 1/16/13   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, October 13, 1921, front page


Jasper Skutt, uncle of the Misses Cora and Nettie Skutt, of West Main street in this village, died at their home at 11 a.m., Saturday, aged about 72 years. Cancer was the cause of death, he having submitted to two operations without obtaining permanent relief. He had been with his nieces for a number of weeks, coming from North Rose.

Besides his widow and the nieces mentioned, he also is survived by a nephew, O. A. Skutt, of North Rose.

The funeral was held at the Skutt home at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, with interment in the Rose cemetery. In the absence of the new M. E. pastor, Rev. Samuel G. Houghton, who is moving here from Port Byron this week, the Rev. F. W. Kneeland officiated.

Rose Cemetery
Skutt, Frank Jasper, 1849 - 1921


Mrs. Sarah Wright, wife of George R. Wright, of Huron, who had been in failing health for over a year, died at her home on the Ed. Wright place, west of this village, at 7:30 a.m. last Friday. She was born in 1843.

The deceased was Mr. Wright's second wife, and not the mother of his children. The funeral was held from the Huron Presbyterian church at 3 p.m. Sunday, with interment in the Huron cemetery. The Rev. O. P. Wildey officiated.

Mrs. Wright was born in Canajoharie, April 10, 1843. She had been failing for over a year ad for four weeks before she died was a great sufferer from heart and kidney trouble.

Through all of her sickness she did not give up until two days before the end. To know her was to love her. She was a friend to everybody, children as well as adults.

Besides her husband, she is survived by three step-sons, Edwin, Lewis and Charles Wright, of Wolcott, and two step-daughters, Mrs. E. H. Abbott, of Wolcott, and Mrs. S. J. English of St. Catharine's, Ont., besides two nephews in New York city and a cousin in Baldwinsville.

Evergreen Cemetery
Town of Huron
WRIGHT, George R., 1845 - 1926
WRIGHT, Julia, 1840 - 1892
WRIGHT, Sarah, 1844 - 1921


As briefly told in last weeks second edition, the body of Frank W. Smith, of No. 601(?) West 144th street, New York city, was brought to this village on the morning train from the east last Friday, and after funeral services in the Presbyterian church at 2 p.m. was interred in the Thompson family lot in Glenside cemetery. The pastor, Rev. Duncan Salmond, officiated, the body resting at the front of the church, before the pipe organ, which was, in a way emblematic of the musical life of the deceased.

From the old pipe organ - not the present one but its predecessor - Frank Smith in his young manhood drew strains so sweet that those who remember them declare that never since have they heard organ music which made an equal appeal to their sensibilities. It was the soul of the man playing, for nature had endowed him with a peculiarly exquisite feeling for music.

The deceased has resided in New York for many years, but was born and reared in Wolcott, where many remember him with affection, for he had a very kindly nature and most agreeable manners. He was the eldest son of the late Chauncey P. Smith.

Mr. Smith was ill only about a week, when his heart gave out. He was about 67 years of age.

Surviving in his immediate family are his widow, formerly Miss Nellie Thompson; two sons, Howard and Lee Smith, of New York, and a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Terris, of London, England, her husband being a large motion picture producer. They happened to be in New York on business at the time of Mr. Smith's death, and, with the other members of the family, accompanied the remains to Wolcott. Mrs. Howard Smith, who was visiting in Auburn, came here from there on Thursday afternoon.

None of the brothers and sisters was near enough to attend the funeral. The brothers are Clarence, of Sacramento, Cal.; Clayton, of Duluth, Wis., and Lee Smith, now living in a suburb of Boston. Three sisters, Belle, Cornelia and Jennie, are all married and living in the West, but Cornelia is widowed.

The family, after the funeral, went to visit relatives in Red Creek, and most of them later left for home. Lee Smith, however, came to Wolcott, with Fred R. Maloney, Saturday, and while calling on friends, slipped on West Main street and sprained his ankle. Mr. Maloney took him back to Red Creek where he received medical attention and was laid up for several days by the injury.

Glenside Cemetery
Town of Wolcott
Smith, Frank W., 1854-1921 (On Wm. D. Thompson Monument)
Smith, Nellie M., 1858-1940 (On Wm. D. Thompson Monument)

NEW 1/16/13    from The Herald, Fairport NY, Wednesday, December 5, 1923, page 7

Egypt, Dec. 3- William Richard Craggs, a resident of this place for 46 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday morning, Nov. 27. He was born June 23, 1846, on the Craggs homestead three miles west of Pultneyville, where he grew to manhood. At the age of 23 years he was united in marriage to Patience Ardell, of Pultneyville. To this union were born ten children, six of whom are living, Geo. K., of Rapelje, Montana; Frank, Charles and Glenn, and Mrs. Ernest Rainbow and Mrs. Mary Heldeman, of this place. Surviving also are six grandchildren, Eldred, William and Gladys, of Rapelje, Mont.; Mrs. Ray Courtney, Mrs. Lester Kuhn and Duncan Harris, and one great grandchild, Robert John Kuhn, all of East Rochester. The funeral services wre held from his late home Friday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Davis, of Pittsford, officiating. Miss Speigel of Pittsford, rendered three favorite hymns, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," "Nearer My God, to Thee," and "Rock of Ages." The remains were laid to rest in the family lot in Lake View cemetery, Pultneyville. "Gladly I obey the summons of my Savior, in that better land where all is love and happiness, and all forms a happy band." [NOTE: not on Lakeview Cemetery list]

George W. Trimble

After an illness extending over a period of several months, George W. Trimble died at his home in East Church street Saturday morning. He was afflicted with diabetes and cancer.

Mr. Trimble was 61 years of age. He was born in Ontario June 3, 1862, where the larger part of his life was spent farming. He lived a short time in the town of Penfield, and nine years ago moved to Fairport Since coming here he has been engaged in the teaming and trucking business.

Besides his wife, who was formerly Miss Alice Harris, of Ontario, he is survived by one son, Harris Trimble, and one daughter, Ruth, also one granddaughter, and one brother, Willard, of Conesus.

The funeral was held Monday afternoon, Rev. J. Wm. Davies, pastor of the Congregational church, officiating. Interment was made in the Ridge chapel cemetery on the Ridge road near Williamson.

Ridge Chapel Cemetery
Town of Williamson
Trimble, G. Walter, b 1862, d 1923, husband of Mrs. Alice H. Trimble
Trimble, Alice H., b 1864, wife of G. Walter Trimble (living when record was made)

Artemas Talman White

Artemas Talman White, a life long resident of this section, died Thursday at his home in South Main street. He had been in failing health for several months, and had had the care and attention of his two daughters in an unfailing manner.

Mr. White was a native of the town of Macedon, having been born in that town Sept. 1, 1841, hence at his death was nearly two months past 82 years of age. He had resided in the towns of Macedon and Walworth in his earlier days, where he pursued the occupation of a farmer, and then spent several years in Rochester, where he was in the business of a builder and contractor. About 12 years ago he removed to Fairport and purchased the home in South Main street, where he has since resided.

He was the last of a family of six children of John T. White and Sally B. Wilbur. His wife was formerly Miss Addie M. Smith, of Farmington. Their marriage took place in 1863, and they lived together long enough to observe their 59th wedding anniversary. Mrs. White passed away about a year and a half ago. For the last several years Mr. White has been the president of the White family, which holds an annual reunion with a large attendance. While a resident of Rochester he was a member of Genesee Falls Lodge, F. & A. M., and continued his membership there until the end.

Mr. White was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Co. B, 9th Regular of heavy artillery under Truman Gregory.

Mr. White is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Silas S. Furman, of Fairport, and Mrs. Charles A. Hulat, of New Hambuarg; also seven grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. He was a member of E. A. Slocum Post, G. A. R.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the house, Rev. George J. Porter, pastor of the Macedon Universalist church, officiating, and interment was made at Macedon Center.

Macedon Center Cemetery
White, Artemas T., b. September 1, 1841 - d. November 29, 1923 (lot 138-4)
White, Abbie M. Crosby, wife of Artemas White, b. August 6, 1843 - d. May 8, 1922 (lot 138-3)

NEW 1/16/13   from the Palmyra Democrat, Wednesday, December 16, 1891

Mrs. Richard Cliner died at her residence here last week, aged 52(?) years. She is survived by her husband, two sons and one daughter.

NEW 1/16/13    from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, August 27, 1923


North Rose, Aug. 26- Mrs. Ruth Gannon, 36 years old, died suddenly at her home, west of this village early Friday morning.

She leaves her son, Jay Gannon, a daughter, Pearl Gannon, and a brother, Everet Kelly, of Resort. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from the Methodist Presbyterian Church, at Alton.


North Rose, Aug. 26- Lyman Briggs, 77 years old, died at the home of his son, Frank North, of this village, on Friday morning.

He leaves besides his widow: two sons, Frank North and Ernest Briggs, of Huron; one brother, Birney Briggs, of Rochester. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home.

Rose Cemetery
Briggs, Lyman, wife Helen, 1846 - 1923
Briggs, Helen, nee Doremus, husband Lyman, 1852 - 1929

NEW 1/16/13    from The Lyons Republican, Friday, November 30, 1928

Hiram McOmber

Hiram McOmber, 76, died at his home in Main street, Holley, N. Y., on Thursday. Mr. McOmber was a resident of North Rose for many years. Besides his wife, Grace McOmber, he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Roy Sanford Oakfield and two sons, Willis of Ontario and Ross of North Rose; three brothers and one sister. The funeral was from the home Sunday morning. Burial in Rose cemetery. [NOTE: not on Rose Cemetery list]

Fred Sidler

Funeral services were held in the Methodist Episcopal church, Tuesday at 2:00 o'clock for Fred Sidler, 73, who died suddenly on Saturday evening. Dr. L. B. Chaleux of Clyde officiated. He leaves two brothers who reside in Huron and several nephews and nieces. Burial in Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Sidler, Alice, wife of Fred, 1860 - 1902
Sidler, Fred, husband of Alice L., 1862 - 1929

Sodus Center

The remains of Mrs. Jane Perce Reynolds, formerly of Alton, who died at Syracuse Friday were brought here and interred in the Brick Church Cemetery Thursday afternoon. Deceased was the wife of Robert Reynolds of Alton. [NOTE: not present in Brick Church Cemetery listings]

NEW 1/16/13    from The Lyons Republican, Friday, June 22, 1928

News of Savannah

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frazer living in the Cook District died Saturday of bronchial pneumonia. Four other children of the family are ill with measles and whooping cough.

Jerry Sherman formerly of Wolcott died Saturday at the home of Howard Kirkendall on the 89 farm. He had recently been an inmate of the County Home at Lyons. The body was taken to Lyons by undertaker Pascoe Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed attended the funeral services of his uncle Charles Reed at South Butler Sunday.

E. B. Male

Edwin Male, 80 years of age, died at his home on High Street, at 10 o'clock Tuesday evening. He had suffered severe attacks of heart trouble during the past year and Tuesday morning a severe attack came. Dr. Sweeting and Dr. Allen were called and after a time relieve from the severe pain came, but he gradually grew weaker until death came in the evening.

He leaves besides his widow, five daughters, Mrs. Clayton Carris of Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Keena Male of Passaic, N. J., Miss Frances Male of Rochester, Mrs. Ruth Wright of Regina, Canada and Mrs. Davie Early of this place. Also three granddaughters and one grandson. Another daughter, Mrs. Harriet Calkins died several years ago.

The funeral service will be held at his late home on Friday afternoon at two o'clock with Rev. C. H. Burroughs officiating. A kind, unpretentious gentleman, a lover of home and children, his loss will be deeply felt. Members of the Masonic Circle will attend the funeral service.

Butler-Savannah Cemetery
Samuel 1847 - 1924
Edwin B. 1849 - 1928
Julia B. 1854 - 1931

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, October 25, 1933, front page


John H. Lane, 72, died last Wednesday in Barber Hospital, Lyons, where he had been a patient for about 10 days.

The body was removed to the Bush & Mann home and taken on Friday to the home of Mrs. Ella Sheehan in DeZeng Street. Mr. Lane had made his home there for the last seven years. Previous to Mrs. Lane's death he owned a home in West Genesee Street.

Prayer services were conducted at the Sheehan home Friday night and Saturday morning, with the funeral mass taking place at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning in St. John's Catholic Church, the Rev. Joseph V. Curtin officiating. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery. Among those present at the last rites were several nieces and nephews, Mr. Lane's nearest survivors.

The death of John Lane removed one of Clyde's best known men. He came here about 40 years ago from Honesdale, Pa., his birthplace. He was a glass blower by trade and well known by the men in that once flourishing industry here. In later years he worked at Lock 26 on the Barge Canal.

His death further reduced the surviving membership of the old Echo Club, a group of men who enjoyed many days together at the Echo cottage. On the day he was stricken with his last illness Mr. Lane was preparing for another weekend with the men, who knew him intimately as Jack Lane. Many people in Clyde will miss him but those men will feel his loss the greatest.

Maple Grove Cemetery
LANE John H. 1861-1933
LANE Clara A. wf John H. 1866-1924

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, February 8, 1929, page 7


Lyons, Feb. 7- Mrs. Annie Heald, 73, wife of Joseph H. Heald, died this morning at her home in Ashley Street. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Charles Heald and Harry Heald of Sodus; Albert Heald of Galen; eight daughters, Mrs. Thomas Dunn, Mrs. Henry J. Bourne, Mrs. Anna Pries, Mrs. Arthur Schmuck, Mrs. Irving Rockwell of Lyons; Mrs. Elmer Bastian and Mrs. Orrin Sunderville of Galen and Mrs. William Kitchen of Fort Wayne, Indiana; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mountain and Mrs. Charlotte Cram of England. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Burial in Rural Cemetery, Sodus.

Sodus Rural Cemetery
HEALD Joseph 1856-1942


Newark, Feb. 7- Mrs. Orrivilla Austin, widow of Phineas Austin, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Thorn, 106 West Avenue, yesterday. She was born in the Town of Marion on Oct. 4, 1836. Besides Mrs. Thorn she has two sons, Rev. C. L. Austin of Meringo, Ill, and A. G. Austin of Crockersville, Vt.; Mrs. Frederick Cook, Newark and Mrs. Alice Lockwood of Fillmore. Funeral tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the home. Burial in Marion. [Orsavilla Austin, age 40, in 1880 census of Marion]

NEW 1/16/13   from The Lyons Republican, Friday, January 18, 1929

George E. Thomas who had been confined to his home for many months by illness died last Wednesday night at the age of 80 years. Besides his wife, Elsie T. he leaves one brother, E. D. Thomas and three daughters. Funeral services by the I. O. O. F. were held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. T. Miller, pastor of the Rose M. E. church officiated. Burial in Evergreen cemetery, at Huron.

Evergreen Cemetery
Town of Huron
THOMAS, George E., 1848 - 1929
THOMAS, Sarah, wife, 1849 - 1909

On Friday morning at the Geneva Hospital occurred the death of Albert Wells, one of Wolcott's highly esteemed citizens. Death followed an operation. He was the son of John and Laura Wells, born in Mansville, Jefferson County, August 1, 1855. About 1877 or 1878 he came to Wolcott and in 1883 married Miss Emma Cordelia Waldorf, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Waldorf. No other man in Wolcott was better known in the surrounding country than he. He was in business owner of Wells Meat Market for over thirty years, selling out to the present owners, Glenn Reeves and son. It was remarked by residents of the town after his death that he had not a single enemy. He had always dealt justly with those with whom he did business. Following the sale of his market he spent his time on his farm which he and his son ran together. He leaves his widow and four children, Mrs. Marion (?) Beech of Montana, Mrs. Mary Wells of Mattewan (sic), Miss Laura Wells and Wilbur Wells of this village. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. E. C. Potter of the Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial was in Glenside Cemetery.

Glenside Cemetery
Town of Wolcott
Wells, Albert, 1855-1929
Wells, Emma, 1856-1930

NEW 1/16/13   from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, March 23, 1922


One of the oldest residents of Wayne county passed away on wednesday, March 1, at her home on North Main street in Newark, in the person of Mrs. Harriet Roe Benton, widow of John Wesley Benton, aged 94 years. Pneumonia was the cause of death.

Mrs. Benton was born in Butler, Dec. 25, 1827, the daughter of Austin and Sarah Wisner Roe, and removed to Newark on her marriage to Mr. Benton in 1851. She had resided there for over 70 years, and, with her late husband, had always been active in the Methodist church.

She had two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Hull and Mrs. Francis Bellamy, but both died before her. She is survived by the following relatives:

Mrs. Lillian P. Hull, now in Italy; John P. Bellamy, of Chicago; Roger B. Hull, of New York; and David Bellamy, of Rochester, grandchildren; Mrs. Esther Noyes, a great niece, who had lived with her for the past three years; Mrs. Morgan W. Ayres, and Mrs. Harry M. Ayres, of Montclair, New Jersey, nieces, and Charles R. Roe, of Stamford, Conn. and Fred E. Lyon, of Rochester, nephews.

The late Charlotte Lyon, of Wolcott, was a sister of Mrs. Benton.

Her remains were laid at rest beside her husband in Willow Avenue cemetery, Newark.

Newark Main Street Cemetery
Benton, Harriet Roe Benton Dec. 24, 1827 - Mar. 1, 1922
Benton, John Wesley Jan. 21, 1823 - Apr. 7, 1900

Mrs. Bradburn Buried Here.

The remains of Mrs. Jane Bradburn, widow of the late Charles Bradburn, were brought to this village last Saturday morning and interred on the Charles Pitts lot in Glenside cemetery, the Rev. S. G. Houghton officiating at the grave.

Mrs. Bradburn, who was 75 years of age, died last Thursday morning. She is survived by her daughter, Lillian, now Mrs. Arthur O'Connor and formerly Mrs. Charles Pitts, at whose home she passed away.

Years ago her late husband, Charlie Bradburn, a barber by trade, was well known in Wolcott. He is buried in Rose.

Glenside Cemetery
Town of Wolcott
Bradburn, Unknown, 1848 - 1922

Colvin Baby Buried.

Vincent Burdette, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Colvin, whose body has remained in the receiving vault pending the selection of a lot, was buried, Thursday afternoon, March 16, in Glenside cemetery. A brief prayer service was held at the grave by Rev. F. W. Kneeland. [not on Glenside Cemetery list]

E. B. Fuller Dead.

News was received here on Tuesday that E. B. Fuller, died at the home of his sister in Marion on Monday. Further details were lacking, and it was not even known here till then that he was ill.

Mr. Fuller was for many years proprietor and manager of Lake Bluff, and was widely known throughout this section of the state. He was about 76 years of age. His wife died a few years ago, and, in his immediate family, he is survived only by an adopted son, Irving Fuller.

Marion Cemetery
Fuller, Erastus B, 1843 - 1922
Fuller, Emma Sherman, wife, 1843 - 1916

NEW 1/16/13   from the Wayne County Whig, Lyons NY, unknown date in late June 1829

DIED- at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 7th inst. Mr. IRA SELBY, jr., aged 25 years, eldest son of Ira Selby, Esq., formerly a resident of this village. He was a young man of amiable character, and has left many friends to mourn his sudden and untimely death.

At Pittsburgh, Pa. on the 7th inst. Mr. Ira Selby, jr. aged 25 years, eldest son of Ira Selby, Esq. formerly a resident of Palmyra. [Rochester Daily Advertiser and Telegraph, July 1, 1829, page 2]

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Times, Thursday, April 21, 1904

Town of Galen

Carrie Miller passed peacefully to reset Friday afternoon, April 15, 1904, aged 23 years, 2 days. The deceased had been sick ever since November 1903, and the attending physician held out but slight hopes of recovery from the first. The cause of her death was a tumor. Miss Miller had lived in Lock Berlin the greater part of her life, and was well liked by all who knew her. She was a member of the Episcopal church. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church of this place, Rev. Webbe of Lyons, officiating. Interment was made in the Lock Berlin Cemetery.

Albert and John Miller, of Pennsylvania were in town Monday to attend the funeral of their sister, Miss Carrie Miller.

Lock Berlin Cemetery
MILLER George E. 1834 - 1915
MILLER Mary M. wife 1848 - 1924
MILLER Caroline dau 1881 - 1904
MILLER Georgia 1886 - 1936

The young son of James Betts, of Wolcott, died last week at the home of his parents two miles north of Wolcott as the result of a shooting accident which occurred the day before. Mr. Betts hid a rifle in his barn in order to keep it away from the boy who was fond of it. He neglected to take out the cartridge and while playing with a neighbor's boy they found the rifle and began playing with it. It was discharged with the ball entering the left shoulder of the Betts boy. A physician was summoned but could not locate the ball, and for several hours the hemorrhage could not be stopped. The parents are prostrated with grief over his death. [1900 census of Huron - James Betts 34, Edith Betts 26, James C. Betts 5.]

Dr. W. F. Nutten, of Newark, one of the best known and oldest physicians in this part of the State, died suddenly at his home last Monday night. He was not known to be ailing, but when the servant went to his room to call him Tuesday morning, his dead body was found stretched crossways of the bed where he had suddenly expired while disrobing. He had attended a luncheon and smoker given by Newark Lodge, F. & A. M., on Monday night. He was accompanied home by a friend and went to his room after a short visit in the library. He was 64 years of age and he had a high standing in his profession. He located in Newark to begin the practice of his profession, when a young man, and had lived there ever since. He was a man of high character and greatly respected.

Newark Main Street Cemetery
Nutten, W. F. M.D. husb. Mary E. Trowbridge age 64 Apr. 19, 1904
Nutten, Mary E. Trowbridge wife W. F. age 38 Jan. 1885

NEW 1/16/13   from The Syracuse Standard, Saturday Morning, January 31, 1885, page 6

Newark - Mrs. Mary Nutten, wfe of Dr. W. F. Nutten, died quite suddenly Saturday forenoon. She had been in quite poor health during the past year. The entire community will sympathize with Dr. Nutten in his bereavement.

Clyde - On Tuesday, January 2, H. B. Collins, of Albion, came here to reside with his daughter, Mrs. Smith Pratt. He had been in poor health for several months, and immediately after he got here he grew worse owing to the excitement of his removal. He failed slowly, but surely till 10 o'clock Friday afternoon, when he died. He was in the 73d year of his age. His remains will be taken to Albion for interment on Monday.

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, January 17, 1890, page 3

John Devlin, of Ontario, died from consumption Sunday at John McVeigh's, where he has been living for some time. The funeral will be held at the Catholic Church at Ontario to-day at 9 o'clock.

There have been four funerals in Lyons this week. Those of Ryer Hermans, killed by the cars, aged 38 years; Mrs. S. D. Sherman, aged 77 years; John E. Cavender, lung trouble and influenza, aged 50 years, and Mrs. William Classen, erysipelas and influenza, aged 75 years.

South Lyons Cemetery
Ryer, 1852-1890
Sarah E., wife, 1854-1892
Lyons Rural Cemetery
CAVENDER John E. Jan. 12, 1890, 50y, Co. K, 11th N.Y.S. Vol.

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, November 24, 1890, page 3

Mrs. David Stanley, aged 55 years, died at her home in Lyons last week of consumption.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
STANLEY David, March 9, 1823-April 22, 1899
STANLEY Mary L., wife, July 7, 1835-Nov. 20, 1899

NEW 1/16/13   from The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, unknown date in July 1896

The Palmyra Dispatch contains the following obituary notice of Miss Caffyn, sister of Mrs. G. C. Peirson of this village:

Miss Francis E. Caffyn, a well-known young lady in town, died Saturday morning, July 4th, at about ten o'clock at her residence, south of the village, of typhoid fever. She was but twenty-three years of age and has for the last year been attending the Albany Normal College, where she was taken ill four weeks ago. About two weeks ago she was brought home and it was soon evident that she could not live long though everything possible was done to save her. Miss Caffyn was born and brought up in Palmyra and graduated in '89 from the Union school. Since then she has been studying hard with the ultimate intention of being a teacher. Hers was a lovely character and words fail to convey what a loss her many surviving relatives and friends sustain in her death. She was known and loved by all and her life was the means of heightening many around her. Her many friends join us in extending to the bereaved family our sincerest sympathy for their loss. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at half after two at her home on Canandaigua street. Rev. C. T. Walkley of the Zion Episcopal church, of which Miss Caffyn was an earnest and active member, officiated. Interment at Palmyra.

Palmyra Village Cemetery
Caffyn, Frances E., July 4, 1896, 23y 11m

NEW 1/16/13   from The Newark Union, Saturday, April 8, 1899


On Thursday morning, at eight o'clock, the sudden death of Lydia A. Shaw occurred at the family residence, one mile east of the village. Deceased was seventy years old, having been born in England in 1830. She came to the United States when in infancy and was married to Platt E. Shaw, of Tompkins County, in 1851. They had lived in Arcadia for thirty-six years. Deceased was apparently in good health on the evening prior to her death. Early Thursday morning, Mr. Shaw was awakened by an unnatural breathing of his wife. From this she rallied, but at eight o'clock on that morning she expired before medical assistance could be secured. The funeral services wil be held this afternoon at 3 __ o'clock, from the late residence, Rev. Mr. Meyer of the Methodist church, officiating. The remains will be interred in the Willow avenue cemetery. Besides the widower, a son, Dr. E. D. Shaw, of Gloversville, and two daughters, the Misses Ella and Frances, who live at the homestead, survive.


The death of Eliza J. Van Hoesen occurred Thursday morning, at the residence of her son, Embury F. Van Hoesen, one mile and a half west of this village, after a lingering illness. Deceased was born in 1831 near Fairville, the daughter of Rev. Wilson and Susan Sherman Osband. When eighteen years of age, she became the wife of Matthew Van Hoesen, of this town, and since then had made Arcadia her home. Mr. Van Hoesen died eight years ago this month. Deceased had been a member of the Methodist church of this village for about fifty years and, during all of her illness for the past two years, during which time she had been obliged to sit in a chair night and day, she displayed remarkable patience; a source of much comfort to her relatives. Among those who survive are: Two sons, Embury F. VanHoesen, with whom the deceased lived, George W. VanHoesen, of Church street, and a brother, William M. Osband, of Ypsilanti, Michigan. The funeral will be held, Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, at the residence of Embury VanHoesen.

Newark Main Street Cemetery
VanHoesen, Mathew Feb. 13, 1827 - Apr. 26, 1891
VanHoesen, J. Eliza wife M. Feb. 10, 1831 - Apr. 6, 1899


The death of Mrs. Eliza Grant, widow of the late Eliab T. Grant, Sr., occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. W. Kenyon, in Odell, Ills., Monday at the advance age of 92 years and six months. Deceased was born in Rhode Island in 1806, where she married Mr. Grant. They came to Newark in the thirties and located on the corner now owned by O. H. Allerton, but in 1841 moved into the old homestead, corner of Miller and Main streets, now occupied by E. T. Grant. Mr. Grant, Sr., died in 1865. The widow continued to live at home with her son, until twelve years ago, when she took up her residence with the daughter in Illinois. Mrs. Grant was a woman held in the highest esteem by all who were so fortunate as to be included in her acquaintance. Eliab Grant, of this place, and the daughter mentioned, are the only survivors. The remains were brought to Newark and the funeral services held at the son's home, Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Sias, of the Universalist denomination, officiating.

Mrs. Rhykerd received news Saturday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Minerva Smith, at Osborn, Mo.

Mrs. J[ohn]. H. Closs, of Lock Berlin, died Thursday of dropsy, aged 68(?) years. A husband and three daughters, survive. [1880 census, Lock Berlin, John H. Closs, 45, Ann Closs, 48]

Lock Berlin Cemeter
Town of Galen
CLOSS Laura Ann wife

The death of Daniel Burch, aged 62(?) years, occurred at Niagara Falls, Saturday. Deceased was the father of Charles H. Burch of this place.

C. H. Burch went to Niagara Falls, Monday evening, where he attended the funeral of his father, Daniel Burch, on Tuesday.

John Kelly attended the funeral of John J. Finnigan at Lyons Monday. Mr. Finnigan was a partner of Mr. Kelly at one time.

The remains of S. J. Sayles, of Rochester, who died last Sunday afternoon at the age of __ (illegible) years, were taken to Clyde, his former home, for interment. [1880 census of Clyde - Sylvanus J. Sayles, age 70, peddler; wife Lavinia, age 71; two adult children; 1886-1887 Directory of Clyde - Sayles, S. J., travelling salesman, h W. Genesee]

Information was received at Lyons Thursday, announcing the death of Mrs. Jennie Sebring, at Otsego, Michigan. Deceased was a daughter of the late Otis L. Watson, of Lyons. She was 38(?) years of age, and is survived by a husband and one child.

The funeral services of Mrs. Maria Cox, who died the previous Wednesday, were conducted by the Rev. Daniel G. Dunkin Friday at her late home in Gypsum, and the remains were brought to Newark for interment. Deceased was 36/56(?) years of age, and is survived by a husband, two sons and two daughters.

Adelbert Miller died Thursday of last week in Detroit, Mich., aged 41 years. He was the son of Harmon Miller, of this town, and had represented a large silver-ware firm on the road for the past ten years or more; and it was while on a trip that he was taken ill and died as stated. The remains were brought home for interment and the funeral services conducted Sunday. Deceased is survived by his own family, his parents, and a sister, Mrs. S. (?) E. Richmond, of Newark. Deceased was held in high esteem for his integrity by everyone, and to his immediate relatives his death is a hard blow, as he possessed an unusually pleasant and endearing personality.

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Tuesday, March 19, 1895

Aaron Ridley, aged 46 years, died at his residence in Marbletown, three miles south-east of Newark, Sunday evening. A wife and two sons survive.

East Newark Cemetery
Ridley, Aaron, 17 Mar 1895, 46 Yrs.

On Saturday last occurred the death, after a short illness, of Mrs. Addie B. Fowler, of Alton, aged 17 years, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Philo.

Espenscheid Cemetery (aka Alton Cemetery)
Town of Sodus
PHILO G.E. 1849 - 1904
PHILO Jane A. wife 1843 - 1915
FOWLER Addie B. wife of J.N. 1877 - 1895

The death of Mary J. Snyder, aged 73 years, took place at Port Gibson, four miles west of Newark, on Sunday morning. Deceased is survived by five children.

Edwin Stacy, residing one mile south of Port Gibson, died Sunday morning. Besides a wife, one daughter, Mrs. H. Wilbur, survives.

Cyrus Roberts, for nearly half a century a resident of Savannah, died at his home east of that village Sunday night, after a short illness with grip. He was born in Tyre, Seneca county, and was 81 years of age. He was twice married, having lived with the wife who survives him about forty years. One daughter, Mrs. Emma R. Priddy, of New York, and one son, William Roberts, of Buffalo, survive him.

Civil War Soldiers Buried in Savannah
ROBERTS, Cyrus, date of death 3/17/1895, wife Mary A., cemetery New Evans
[Not present on New Evans Cemetery list]

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Monday, October 30, 1893, page 4

The funeral services of the infant child of Charles Harbough took place Friday afternoon at Macedon Center.

Irving Malany, of Rochester, a former resident of Clyde, who had been sick with typhoid fever about three weks (sic), left that city a few days ago for his mother's house in Clyde and a short time after his arrival there he was taken worse and died Friday morning about 11 o'clock. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Clyde Baptist church, Rev. C. H. Howes, the pastor, officiating. Deceased was 27 years of age and leaves a widow and one child, about 2 years of age. The remains were interred in Maple Grove cemetery.

Maple Grove Cemetery
MALANY Irving 1866 - 1893

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, November 13, 1897

Clyde Maltster Dead.

James M. Streeter, for many years a prominent and popular maltster and resident of Clyde, died at the residence of his brother, Stephen D. Streeter, in Clyde, yesterday (Friday) morning, aged 60 years. A few weeks ago, while on a visit to his brother Stephen, Mr. Streeter was stricken with paralysis, depriving him of consciousness and power of motion. His condition had been growing gradually worse until yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, when he died. Mr. Streeter was born in Berlin, Rensselaer county, in 1837. In January, 1865, he married Miss Catherine L. Comrie, of Gloversville, and shortly after removed to Clyde. In 1866 he formed a co-partnership with his brother, Stephen D. Streeter, in the malting business, and purchased the Charles S. Gordon malt and warehouse. In 1891 S. D. Streeter sold his interest to George B. Greenway, and one year later James M. Streeter ____ ed of his interest to Mr. Greenway. The deceased was a member of the G. A. R., having spent two years in the service of his country. He was also chief engineer of the Clyde fire department for several years. At the time of his death he was a member of Gloversville Lodge, F. & A. M., with which he had been connected for thirty-nine years. He was also a member of Zenobia K. T., No. 41, of Palmyra. This organization will attend the funeral service of the deceased at St. John's Episcopal Church this morning, after which the remains will be taken to Gloversville for interment.

The funeral services of Milo C. Kellogg were held from the residence of Mrs. Smith, in Palmyra, yesterday. Milo Kellogg had always lived in Palmyra and when the war broke out he enlisted in Company L, Light Artillery. After serving his time he was honorably discharged. On September 4, 1863, he again enlisted, this time in the Veterans' Company, and was in the battles of Winchester, Cedar Ridge and Newmarket. His death occurred on Wednesday. He was 52 years of age and is survived by a brother and sister.

Palmyra Village Cemetery
Kellogg, Milo C., Nov. 10, 1897, 51y, Civil War

The funeral services of Ella S. Griffing, wife of Edward Shocraft (sic), and eldest daughter of Dr. Sylvenus Griffing, of South Butler, were held yesterday from her late residence, near Weedsport, where her death occurred on Tuesday, after an illness of more than a year, of consumption. The remains were taken to South Butler and interred in the family burial place. Her age was 37 years. She leaves beside her husband, her father, Dr. Sylvenus Griffing, and a brother, Loraine C. Griffing, and one sister, Miss Ettie Griffing, all of South Butler.

Butler-Savannah Cemetery
Ella M. Griffing, wife of Edwin, Nov. 9, 1897, 37y 7m 5d

Mary Miles, wife of Dennis Driscoll, of New York, died at her home in that city Tuesday of typhoid fever, aged 32 years. Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Miles, of Lyons, and was born and reared in that village. A husband and two young children survive.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
DRISCOLL Dennis F. father 1861-1937
DRISCOLL Mary A. Mother 1866 - 1899

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, January 11, 1890

The funeral of Mrs. Vanhee was held from the home of her son, Cornelius Vanhee, at Pultneyville, Wednesday. She was 93 years of age.

Mrs. Phoebe Harrison died Thursday at her home near Palmyra, aged 96 years. The funeral will be held to-day at her late residence at 11 o'clock.

Palmyra Village Cemetery
Harrison, Luman, June 26, 1831, 56y
Harrison, Phoebe, wife of Luman & dau. of Geo. & Ruth CULVER, Jan. 9, 1890, 96y 5m 4d

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Friday, June 1, 1900

Edward Charles Stauch, the infant son of Edward Stauch, a North Lyons farmer, died yesterday.

Louis Walters, for many years the caterer at Congress hall in Lyons, died yesterday at his residence on Butternut street in that village, aged 60 years. He is survived by a widow.

News was received at Newark yesterday of the death at Minneapolis, Minn., of Mrs. Gehring, a niece of Mrs. L. J. Bryant, of Newark, and who formerly resided in that village. Deceased was 30 years of age, death being caused by consumption.

The funeral of Henry R. Peirson, of Newark, was held from the late residence on West Miller street yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. A. P. Burgess officiating. The remains were taken to East Palmyra and interred in the family burial plot in the cemetery in that village.

East Palmyra Cemetery
Peirson, Henry R. d 29 May 1900, age 84 years (lot 123-2)

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Wednesday, March 16, 1892, page 5

Mrs. Joseph Lund who was to have been buried last Friday, but on account of the impassible roads was not interred until Sunday in the New England Cemetery, about two and a half miles from Sodus. Rev. J. B. Foote pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Sodus officiated at the funeral. She leaves a husband and five children, the oldest being only 10 years of age.

Centenary Cemetery
Town of Sodus
Joseph G., 1860 - 1928
Estella, wife, 1860 - 1892

Philip Gansz, one of the oldest residents of Wayne county, and a lifelong farmer, died at the home of his son, Frederick, about three miles east of Lyons, early yesterday morning, aged 89 years. Three sons, George, Philip and Frederick, all well-to-do farmers living in the vicinity, survive him. The funeral will be held from the Broad Street Lutheran Church in Lyons Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. J. A. Timm officiating.

Lyons Rural Cemetery
(Gansz) Philip 1802-1892

NEW 1/16/13   from The Palmyra Democrat, Wednesday, September 14, 1892

The dead body of Louis Gips, of Albany was found in about ten feet of water in Canandaigua lake on Sunday. He had been an inmate of Brigham Hall Asylum for the last three months, but on Friday last he escaped without the knowledge of the resident physician or any of the attendants. He was a sufferer from melancholia, and the facts in the case warrant the belief that he went to the lake and committed suicide by drowning himself. He was a member of the firm of E. Gips & Brother of Albany, and was about 25 years of age.

Mrs. Carrie Arnold, wife of Frank C. Arnold of Rochester, formerly proprietor of the Cummings House in this village, died at her home on St. Paul street after a brief illness, aged 40 years. Her remains were interred in Mt. Hope cemetery.

SHERMAN - in Palmyra, August 28, Alexander Sherman, aged 74/76(?) years.

East Palmyra Cemetery
Sherman, Alexander d 28 Aug 1892, age 75 years (lot 091-4) [son of Durfee Sherman]

NEW 1/16/13   from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Saturday, August 23, 1890

Death at Watertown of a Former Resident of Wolcott.

Della F. Maxfield, wife of Rev. C. E. Maxfield, of Watertown, N. Y., and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stewart, Wolcott, died at her home in Watertown August 17th. Her illness was of short duration. Her parents were apprised of her illness as soon as it was thought of a serious nature, and took the first train for Watertown, but Mrs. Maxfield died before they arrived. The deceased was formerly a resident of Rochester. The funeral was held at the residence of Mr. Stewart on the 21st inst. The remains were interred in Gemside (sic) Cemetery in Wolcott.

Glenside Cemetery
Town of Wolcott
Maxfield, Della E., 17 Aug 1890, 38 yrs Born 11 Apr 1856, Wife of Rev. C.E.

NEW 1/16/13   from The Lake Shore News, unknown date in December 1904

Lucinda Upham Dead.

Lucinda Upham, of Butler, who had been sick just a week, died Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, of liver trouble.

Mrs. Upham had been a life-long resident of Butler, and was 61 years old at the time of her death. She was taken sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Smith, of Butler. She is survived by four children, three boys and one girl, namely: Augustus and Frank, of Seneca Falls; William, of Spring Lake, and Mrs. Edward Smith, of Butler, at whose home she died.

The funeral was held at the house yesterday at 11 o'clock. The pastor from Spring Lake officiated. The remains was interred in the Butler cemetery.


Taken With Pneumonia After Having Had Heart Trouble.

Edward Waldorph, a well-known resident of Wolcott village, died last Sunday night at 11:50 o'clock, of pneumonia.

He had had heart trouble in a severe form all the fall, and two months ago his condition was so serous that it was feared he could not live. The pneumonia attack came upon him a week ago yesterday, and he sank rapidly under it.

Mr. Waldorph was eighty years old the 12th of June last. He was the son of Henry Waldorph, and was born at Kinderhook. He moved to the town of Galen in 1849, and to Wolcott township in 1865.

He left two living children, Mrs. Emma A. Creque and Luther E. Waldorph, both of this village. Another daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth W. Jones, died six years ago on November 2.

The funeral was held from the house yesterday at 1 p. m., being conducted by Rev. Charles T. Shaw. The interment was in Leavenworth cemetery.

Glenside Cemetery
Town of Wolcott
Waldorf, Edward, 1824-1904
Waldorf, Jane E., 1826-1899

Mrs. Wellington Hibbard Dead.

Mrs. Wellington Hibbard, who had several relatives and friends in Wolcott and Butler, died at Lodge Pole, Cheyenne county, Neb., on Dec. 5. She had been brought from Cheyenne and died at the home of her brother, Lemuel J. Rice. Her maiden name was Clara Rice. She was born in 1841 and in 1862 was married to Wellington Hibbard at South Butler. They moved to Grand Rapids, Mich., then to St. Louis and finally to Cheyenne. She had been ill for about four months. The funeral was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. W. Bates, the burial being at Grand Rapids, beside her daughter Minnie.

Unity Joanna Crosby Dead.

Unity Joanna Crosby, mother of Harvey Carrier, of Wolcott, died Sunday at about 2 o'clock. She lived in one side of the Walter Maroney house, next to the electric light plant, with Mrs. Clary.

She was 84 years old at the time of her death, and is survived by six children, Harry Carrier of Wolcott, Albert, of Syracuse, and a daughter Ruth, whose home is in Illinois, also three daughters who live in Michigan.

The funeral took place at the house Tuesday at 3 o'clock.

Hon. Oscar Weed Dead.

The death of Oscar Weed, one of the most prominent men in this section, occurred in Rose, Friday morning, of heart trouble, superinduced by the grip. He was for several years a member of the state assembly.

He was 82 years of age, and is survived by his widow; three sons, Watson and Addison, of Ithaca, and Dillwyn, of New York; one daughter, Miss Mary Weed, of Newark.

Maple Grove Cemetery
WEED Oscar 1822-1904
WEED Rebecca WATSON wf Oscar 1829-1909

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, February 22, 1922, page 4

North Rose

The death of Miss Dora Hoops, aged 23 years, occurred last Saturday morning at the home of her cousin in Lacona. The funeral was held at the home of Henry Frank yesterday afternoon. She had formerly lived with her grandmother, Mrs. Ida Ballou, who died six weeks ago. The remains were interred in the Rose Cemetery. She leaves two half sisters, Mrs. Florence Coad, of Oswego, and Mary Blaisdell, of Rose and five half brothers, Ernest and Earl Blaisdell, of West Butler, Russell Blaisdell of Sandy Creek and Geo. and Paul Blaisdell of Rose. [NOTE: not on Rose Cemetery list]

Events of 25 Years Ago (this would be 1897)

Mrs. Anguine Pidge, wife of Asa Pidge, died at her home on Glasgow street, Tuesday morning, at the age of 60 years. She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Geo. A. Gregg of Long Island City, and Miss Ada Pidge of this village, and one son, Melvin Pidge, of Hartford, Conn.

Maple Grove Cemetery

PIDGE Asa B. 1836 - 1915
PIDGE Ann Juane GIFFORD wf Asa 1837 - 1897
PIDGE Ada Luella 1873 - 1910

Freeman Scutt, aged 58 years, died at his home on Waterloo street early yesterday morning. He is survived by six daughters, Mrs. Luella Coryell, of Romulus, Mrs. Belle Exner of Syracuse, Miss Emma of Syracuse, and the Misses Cora, Bertha and Zada of this village, besides two sons, Elmer and George, of Clyde.

Maple Grove Cemetery
SCUTT Freeman 19 Feb. 1898 58y
SCUTT Alvina wf Freeman 3 Mar. 1886 40y

Ensign Smith, aged 65, died at his farm east of Clyde from paralysis, yesterday. He leaves his wife, five sons and two daughters.

Maple Grove Cemetery
SMITH Ensign 1831-1897
SMITH Charlotte D. wf Ensign 1841-1904

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, April 1, 1925, page 4

North Rose

The death of Byron Toby, 68, occurred last Wednesday at his home West of this village. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Marvin Jeffers, of Rose. The funeral was held Saturday. The family came here from Geneva a year ago.

Rose Cemetery
Tobey, Byron A, wife Sarah, 1857 - 1925
Tobey, Sarah, nee Scoffield, husband Byron A., 1862 - 1930

Mrs. Pauline Fredendall, 66, died at her home on Wolcott street in Rose last Tuesday. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Lawyer, and one niece and three nephews, all residing in Middleton. The funeral was held Friday from the home. The remains were interred in the Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Fredendall, Pauline, nee Rosekrans, husband James F., 1859 - 1925 Fredendall, James F, wife Pauline, 1849 - 1927

So. Butler

Mrs. Althea Douglass passed away Wednesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Howard Tyler, after an illness of several weeks Funeral services were held from the daughter's home. Rev. D. H. Patterson preached the sermon. Interment was made in Butler-Savannah cemetery. [not on Butler-Savannah list]

The body of Mrs. Emma Holdridge was brought here Wednesday, she having passed away at the home of her son in Syracuse. Funeral services were held from the Disciple Church and burial was made in Butler-Savannah cemetery.

Butler-Savannah Cemetery
Edwin L. 1847 - 1913
Emma J., wife, 1850 - 1925

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, March 16, 1927

South Butler

Little June Keller, 9 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Keller, died Wednesday after an illness of a few days.

North Rose

The death of Mrs. Elizabeth J. Proseus, widow of the late Allen Proseus, occurred Thursday, March 3, at her home in Los Angeles, Calif. She leaves one sister and two brothers in California and one stepson, Harry Proseus, of North Rose. The remains were interred in Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Proseus, Allan R, wife Libbie S. D., 1850 - 1917 Proseus, Allen R, wife Isabell J., 1850 - 1917 Proseus, Isabell J, nee MacMillan, husband Allen R., 1857 - 1927 Proseus, Libbie Sophia D, nee Andrus, husband Allan R., 1850 - 1903

Henry Fredendall, for years a well known merchant of Rose, died last Monday at his home after several months' illness. He was the last survivor of his generation and leaves his wife and one daughter, Mrs. (sic) Faythe Fredendall, at home. The funeral was held Friday from the home, with interment in the Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Fredendall, Henry S, wife Kate B., 1853 - 1927
Fredendall, Kate B, nee Armstrong, husband Henry S., 1864 - 1929
Fredendall, Faythe B, 1897 -

The death of Joseph Stubley, aged sixty-seven, occurred last Wednesday afternoon at the home North of this village. He was a native of England and came to this country when a boy. Besides his wife he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Frank Hennessy, of Rochester, and one son, Perry Stubley, of North Rose; also one half-brother, James Stubley, of North Rose. The funeral was held Sunday from the home, with interment in the Rose cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Stubley, Joseph, wife Minnie, 1859 - 1921 [date on cemetery list in error]
Stubley, Minnie, nee Weeks, husband Joseph, 1868 - 1941

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, February 15, 1928

Undertaker John Kopler interred the remains of Mrs. Alice Vandercook, 72, in Maple Grove cemetery, Monday morning. She died Friday in Indianapolis, Ind.

VANDERCOOK Michael E. 1852-1914
VANDERCOOK Alice O. STANLEY wf Michael E. (no dates)

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, July ?, 1928

South Butler

Earl Crowe received word Saturday of the death of his father, Wm. Crowe, of Williamson. He was a former resident of this place.

Ridge Chapel Cemetery
Town of Williamson
Crowe, Wm. H., b 1854, d 1928

North Rose

The remains of Mrs. Flora Camp Wilber of Rochester were interred in the South Sodus cemetery last Monday.

Undertaker J. W. Farnsworth went to Rochester the first of the week and brought home the remains of George Bozza, who died in the Genesee Hospital in that city. The funeral was held today. Burial was made in the Rose cemetery. Mr. Bozza leaves his wife and two children.

Rose Cemetery
Bosze, George, wife Adelaide, 1893 - 1928
Bosze, Adelaide, nee Wise, husband George, 1893 - 1975


Norman Sheridan, a prosperous farmer of this community, passed on at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Clark, at an early hour Friday morning after a short illness. The funeral was held at the Clark home Sunday afternoon, Rev. C. VanMarter officiating. Deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edward Clark of Junius and Mrs. Wm. Mason of Galen, who have the sympathy of their friends in their bereavement.

NEW 1/16/13   from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, April 30, 1924

North Rose

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Monroe died in the Lyons Hospital Monday evening. The funeral was held Wednesday at the home of John Borden. Interment was made in the Rose Cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Monroe, Leland Emil, 1924 - 1924

The remains of Frank Griswold, son of William Griswold, of Dundee, were interred in the Rose Cemetery Sunday. He was born in Rose, 48 years ago, and besides his father he leaves a sister, Mrs. Meda Barton, and an aunt, Mrs. Helen Covell, of Dundee.

Rose Cemetery
Griswold, Frank W, 1876 - 1924

Ferguson's Corners

This community was saddened Saturday, by the passing of Mr. Edwin Rees who has been ill for the past ten days. Mr. Rees was born in November 1855 in East Creek, N.Y., having moved here three years ago. Surviving are his wife and six children. Mr. Rees has made many friends in the short time he has lived here and will be sadly missed by all who have had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

[NOTE: buried in New Forest Cemetery, Utica, Oneida County NY. Edwin Reese, 1855 - April 26, 1924]

Events of 25 Years ago (this would be 1899)

The death of James Kelley occurred early this morning of heart disease. He was 49 years of age and leaves a widow and two daughters.

St. John's Catholic Cemetery
Town of Galen
James, 1850 - 1899
Honora Kirby, wife, 1851 - 1905
Florence H., dau., 1885 - 1931

NEW 1/16/13    from the Geneva Daily Times, Monday, January 25, 1925, page 7

Elisha E. Brockway

Willard, Jan. 25- Elisha E. Brockway died at his home in Willard at 10 o'clock this morning, aged 79 years. He was born in Wolcott, Wayne county, but had been a resident of Willard for 33 years. He has been in failing health for over a year. Mr. Brockway was a valued employee of the Willard State hospital, having retired about 2 years ago.

He is survived by a daughter Sarah and a son, William at Willard and a daughter, Mrs. George Bennett of Little Falls. He was a member of the Ovid Presbyterian church. Funeral will be from that church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. H. A. Porter, will officiate. Burial in Ovid cemetery.

NEW 1/16/13    from the Oswego Times, unknown date April 1920


Wolcott, April 15- John Whitbeck, one of the oldest residents in the village of Wolcott, died after a few weeks' illness at his home in Jefferson street.

Mr. Whitbeck was born in Wolcott in 1830. He was a lifelong Republican and had taken an active part in all local politics. He had been one of the collectors for the town of Wolcott for more than 20 years and until a few weeks had been about as usual.

He was twice married. By his first marriage he had five children, four of whom are still living. Stults (?) Whitbeck of Syracuse, Mrs. Albert Thorn of Alton, Mrs. Mabel Dowd and Lynn Whitbeck of Wolcott.

He was married in 1872 to Mrs. Lydia Knapp of Wolcott, who survives him. By his last marriage he had one daughter, Mrs. Belle Held of Massachusetts.

The funeral will be held at the home Friday afternoon. The Rev. Duncan Salmond of the Presbyterian church will conduct the services.

Glenside Cemetery
Town of Wolcott
Whitbeck, John S., 1830 - 1920
Whitbeck, Fanny Marie, 15 Sep 1870, 38y 4m 13d Wife
Whitbeck, Lydia, 1842-1938 Wife (On Millington stone)

NEW 1/16/13    from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, March 24, 1926, page 2


Two of the oldest residents of this place passed on last week. Frank Desmond who had spent his whole life in this community and Sarah Davis Beadle, wife of the late Orin Beadle, died at the Lyons hospital last Wednesday. Mrs. Beadle had been a resident here for more than seventy years. Her husband kept hotel here for a number of years and at his death she went to reside with her son, W. E. Beadle, in Lyons, where her funeral was held last Saturday. The remains were placed in the vault at South Lyons until spring when she will be buried beside her husband and son in the Southwick Cemetery in Junius.

NEW 1/16/13    from The Clyde Herald, unknown date in 1917

North Rose

The remains of Mrs. Lyman Briggs, of Fair Haven, were interred in the Rose Cemetery last Sunday. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Wm. of Wolcott, John, of Rome, and Grant, of Fair Haven, and four sisters, Mrs. Lyman Briggs, of North Rose, Mrs. W. B. Hill/Hall, of Syracuse, Mrs. Douglas Colbourn, of Newark, and Mrs. Darwin Gillette, of Huron.


Miss Rosa McCoy, a native and former resident of this village, died at her home in Lyons, last Wednesday night, aged 42 years. Funeral services were held from St. Michael's Church, Lyons, Rev. Father Dinnette (?), of this village officiating. Deceased is survived by one sister, Mrs. David Lake, of Rochester, one brother, Robert McCoy, of Dunkirk, two nieces, Mrs. Margaret Poole and Madeline Lake, of Rochester, and one nephhew(sic), Leo Lake, of Frankfort.

Elmwood Cemetery
Town of Lyons
MCCOY Rosa A. 1876 - 1917

Warren Sampson died Monday morning after a long illness at his home east of this village. He is survived by one son, Eugene. The funeral was held to-day from the home. Interment was made in the Lovejoy Cemetery.

Lovejoy Cemetery
Town of Rose
Sampson, John Warren, wife Rhoda J., 1834 - 1917
Sampson, Rhoda J, nee Myers, husband John W., 1837 - [April 1919]

NEW 1/16/13    from The Lyons Republican, Friday, April 18, 1919, page 4

The funeral of Mrs. Rhoda Sampson widow of the late Warren Sampson, was held at 3 p.m. last Monday from her late residence east of this village. The remains were interred in the Lovejoy cemetery.

Rose Cemetery
Sampson, John Warren, wife Rhoda J.,1834 - 1917
Sampson, Rhoda J, maiden name Myers, husband John W., 1837 - 0 [1919]

NEW 1/16/13    from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, July 26, 1939, front page

Nora Foist Robinson

Nora Foist Robinson, 74, died suddenly Sunday morning at the home of her son-in-law at Huntington, Long Island. She had made her home in Clyde for many years and went to New York City about two years ago after the death of her daughter, to care for her granddaughter.

Surviving is one granddaughter, several nieces and nephews. The body will arrive in Clyde Tuesday afternoon and services will be conducted at the home of Harry Lacey in Glasgow Street at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Mr. Smithson of the Methodist church officiating. Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery, Clyde. [not on Maple Grove Cemetery list]

Louise Schultz Lytle

Louise Schultz Lytle, born in Clyde, New York, October 31, 1858, died July 14, 1939 in North Hollywood California, and was interred at Forrest (sic) Lawn Memorial Park, July 17th, 1939.

Services were performed at the Wee Kirk O the Heather in Forest Lawn by the Reverend H. W. Schmidt of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. For many years Mrs. Schultz Lytle resided at Hays, Kansas and sang in the choir of the Lutheran church there.

Mrs. Lytle was the daughter of Phillip Ira Lape who served as captain of company B of the 151st New York State volunteers during the four years of Civil War. Both Mrs. Lytle and her father were born in the State of New York. [NOTE: he was in Co. B. of the 111th NYS Inf., not the 151st]

Louise Schultz Lytle is survived by her husband Wm. E. Lytle and her two sons, Herbert Carl Schultz ___ of Riverside, California. [NOTE: it appears that several lines weren't printed]

NEW 1/16/13    from The Clyde Herald, Wednesday, September 8, 1915

South Butler

Edwin Campbell died at the home of his son, Lester, two miles north of this place, Sunday morning, aged 75 years. He leaves a widow, three sons, Howard, of Auburn, Lester of this place and Clarence of Chicago, and four grandchildren.

D. E., Sept. 5, 1915, 75y
Mary Jane, wife, 1840 - 1918
Dora M., dau., 1881, 19y 8m 22d

Mrs. Bertha Devoe Brown died at the Binghamton hospital Sunday, of dropsy and other complications, aged 31 years. She leaves a husband, Joe Brown, of Green (sic), N.Y.; one sister, Mrs. Ray Bixby, of Savannah. Burial at Tucahanock (sic), Pa.

North Rose

The death of Mrs. LeRoy Barnes occurred last Thursday night at her home in this village after a short illness, aged 23 years. She was the eldest daughter of George Veley of Sodus and was born in Huron, but passed the greater part of her life in Sodus and came to this village last spring. About a year and a half ago she was married to LeRoy Barnes of this place. The survivors are her husband and an infant daughter aged 3 days, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Veley of Sodus and the Misses Lotta, Phoebe and Golda Veley and two brothers, William and Dewey, all of Sodus. The child died Saturday and a double funeral was held at 10 a. m. Sunday in the Methodist Church, Rev. J. H. Britten officiating. Interment was made in the Sodus cemetery.

Sodus Rural Cemetery
BARNES Nellie L 1892-1915

NEW 1/16/13    from The Lyons Republican, Friday, August 21, 1914

The death of Mrs. Hannah Catchpole occurred last Friday night at her farm home north of Resort. She was the widow of Benjamin Catchpole, who died several years ago. She was well known and highly respected. Mrs. Catchpole leaves no near relatives. She had been in failing health since last winter, when she suffered from a shock. She loved to stay in her cottage at Lake Bluff and went there with a nurse the latter part of June. About two weeks ago she began to fail rapidly and was removed to her home week before last. The funeral was held on Monday, interment in the Rose cemetery, where her husband and only child, a daughter, are interred. She was 85 years of age.

Rose Cemetery
Catchpole, Hannah M, nee Comstock, husband Benjamin, 1833 - 1914
Catchpole, Benjamin, wife Hannah M., 1826 - 1907

NEW 1/16/13    from The Lyons Republican & Clyde Times, Thursday, April 27, 1950

Frank VanWie, 87, died at the home of Melvin Huntington on the Spring Lake Road, saturday morning, April 22. Mr. VanWie was born March 29, 1863. He had spent most of his life in the vicinity of Alton. Burial was April 21, in Butler Center cemetery, with the Rev. George Wolf officiating. There are no known survivors. [not on Butler Center Cemetery list]


John E. Snyder, 69 years old, of Savannah, and a former resident of Galen, died in Auburn City Hospital, Sunday, following a long illness. He had been in the hospital for 20 days. He had made his home for the past few years with Jay Cole of Savannah, and had been employed for several years by the New York Central Railroad. He is survived by two brothers, Fred and James Snyder, of Wolcott, and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Frazer, of Savannah.

Funeral services were held at the Harold S. Mann Funeral Home in Clyde, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and at St. John's Catholic Church at 9:30. Burial was in St. John's cemetery. [not on St. John's Cemetery list]

NEW 1/16/13    from The Lake Shore News, Thursday, November 24, 1921, front page


Amasa Q. Milliman, a long-time resident of Red Creek and one of the old Democratic war-horses of this section, died very suddenly of acute indigestion at his home in that village at 8:30 a. m. last Friday, Nov. 18. He had seemed in his usual health, but at 6 a. m. was awakened by a violent pain in his stomach.

He arose, and did what he could to relieve it, but at the end of a half hour returned to his bed and died almost immediately. He was 83 years of age, a son of the late Caleb Milliman, and was born in Butler, but most of his life had been spent in or near Red Creek.

Mr. Milliman came of a large family, all of whom, so far as is known, have preceded him to the grave. One brother, James, was last heard from at New Orleans, and may be living, but this is not thought likely.

His wife, a sister of C. F. VanValkenburg, of this village, is an invalid, having sustained several apoplectic strokes, the last in the spring of the past year. She is able to get about the house, but is still feeble. She has not gone to live with their only daughter and child, Mrs. John Caywood, of Red Creek.

The funeral was held from the house at 2:30 p. m., Friday, with interment in the Red Creek cemetery. The Rev. Mr. Curnow, the retiring Presbyterian minister of that village, officiated.

Fairmount Cemetery
Red Creek, Town of Wolcott
Milliman, Amasa I., 1838-1921
Milliman, Cynthia, 1839-1924

Alonzo Caywood Buried

The body of Alonzo Caywood, of Burrill's Corners, who died last Friday at an advanced age, was brought to this village, Monday, and interred in the family lot in Glenside cemetery. Mr. Caywood was a well-known resident of this section.

He was born in the town of Butler, Nov. 18, 1833, and died on his 88th birthday. He had lived on the farm on which he died for 35 years.

Mrs. Leonard Wilson, with whom he had lived since the death of his wife, was his only child.

[NOTE: not on the County Historian's office Glenside Cemetery list, but is present in Glenside's findagrave listings; Mrs. Caywood was Mary Ann Quivey Caywood.]

Wayne County Vital Records

Created: 1/16/13
Updated: 10/13/17
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