These Wayne County marriage and death notices were published in the Geneva Gazette & General Advertiser, a weekly newspaper published in Geneva, Ontario County, New York State. These are not abstracts - each entry was transcribed word-for-word, and spellings are exactly as given. All issues for the first 6 months of 1829 were read through, and there was no birth announcement heading. The dates are the date of publication of the newspaper, with few actual dates of marriage or death specifically stated in the notices. "Whole No." means the number of the newspaper since the first issue printed.
Wednesday, January 7, 1829, Whole No. 1021
In Marion, Wayne co. on the 24th ult. by the Rev. Seth Mattison, Mr. John Frankenberger, of this village, to Miss Mary Ann Hall, daughter of Amasa Hall, Jr. of the former place.
Wednesday, January 14, 1829, Whole No. 1022
In Lyons, Mr. Lewis Tillotson, to Mrs. Eliza Clark.
In Ontario, Jonathan Boynton, to Mahala Tibbetts, both of Lyons.
In Macedon, Lorenzo Spear, to Lydia Winslow.
"All solemnized on and since Jan. 1, 1829."
Wednesday, January 21, 1829, Whole No. 1023
In Lyons, on the 17th instant, Philander B. Royce, Esq. of Williamson, to Miss Hannah Green. Mr. Robert Holmes, to Miss Amanda Durfee.
Wednesday, January 28, 1829, Whole No. 1024
On the 10th inst., Mr. Wm. Burrell, to Miss Polly Sweet, both of Galen.
Wednesday,, February 11, 1829, Whole No. 1026
In this village, on the 5th inst. by Rev. Mr. Mason, Mr. Ira White, merchant, of Palmyra, to Miss Jane ___ Ranie.
Wednesday, March 11, 1829, Whole No. 1030
In Phelps, by Rev. Mr. Strong, Mr. Joseph S. Beebe, of Palmyra, to Miss Mary Ann Crosby, of Phelps.
In Palmyra, E.D. Robinson to Calesta D. Peck; Joseph Glason to Harriet Brown.
In Lyons, Evert Pelton, to Elizabeth Young.
In Palmyra, Alpheus Martin, of Canandaigua, to Sarah Beebe of Palmyra.
Wednesday, March 18, 1829, Whole No. 1031
In Lyons, Samuel Sheldon of Palmyra, to Elvira Brown, of Newark.
Wednesday, April 1, 1829, Whole No. 1033
In Palmyra, Haskell Linnell to Melissa B. Morehouse.
In Manchester, James H. Johnson, jun. of Palmyra, to Rachel Aldrich.
In Junius, John Letts, of Palmyra, to Sarah McCombs.
In Macedon, H. Worden to P. Reeves.
Wednesday, April 8, 1829, Whole No. 1034
At Lyons, week before last, Mr. Elijah Day, of Waterloo, to Mrs. Ann Swift. George Martin, to Sally Woodruff.
In Palmyra, Harvey Steele to Mrs. Anna Perkins.
In Logan, Michigan ter., Curran Bradish, formerly of Macedon, to Roby S., daughter of Darius Comstock Esq.
Wednesday, April 29, 1829, Whole. No. 1037
In Lyons, William Griffith, of Rochester, to Elizabeth M'Clary.
In Vienna, Samuel C. Daily, of Waterloo, to Mary Brownell, of Junius.
Wednesday, May 6, 1829, Whole No. 1038
In Marion, Wm. Palmer, of Macedon, to Matilda Skinner.
Wednesday, May 20, 1829, Whole No. 1040
In Sodus, William H. Denison to Caroline, daughter of Enoch Turner Esq.
Wednesday, May 27, 1829, Whole No. 1041
In Auburn, Rev. Ezekiel G. Gear, Rector of Zion ch., Palmyra, to Miss Mary Y. How.
Wednesday, January 21, 1829, Whole No. 1023
In Lyons, on the 8th inst., Mr. Zachariah I. Thompson, age 45, late of Dutchess co.
Wednesday, March 25, 1829, Whole No. 1032
Died. In Yates, Orleans county, Elder Jeremiah Irons, 64, Pastor of the Baptist church in that place, formerly of Palmyra.
Wednesday, April 15, 1829, Whole No. 1035
In Palmyra, Daniel Buck, 45.
Wednesday, May 20, 1829, Whole No. 1040
Died. In Clyde, Levi Tuttle, 53 years.
Wednesday, June 3, 1829, Whole No. 1042
Died. In Palmyra, Ann Maria, infant daughter of Ovid Lovell.
At the Poor House, in Hopewell, on the 19th ult., Nathan Bardin, age 96; from Bloomfield. [Note: of interest to Finger Lakes Barden / Bardeen researchers.]
Wednesday, June 24, 1829, Whole No. 1045
Died. In Marion, Catherine Shaw, 23.
Some of your questions about this resource may be answered in the introductory paragraph at page top. The site coordinators have no information about individuals listed, nor further access to the microfilmed issues of this newspaper. We thank you in advance for directing ALL questions to the Office of the County Historian, or personally viewing the microfilm in Ontario County.