Vital RecordsFrom the1875 NYS CensusTown of ONtarioWayne County, NYInfo kindly provided by the Wayne County Office of the County Historian and digitally formatted by co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry. Miscellaneous Statistics: Town of Ontario; for the year ending June 1, 1875 First M.E. Ch. of Ontario: Meth. Epis.; value of church & lot $5000; seats 300; usual number in attendance 75; number of communicants or regular members 60; salary of clergy besides use of real estate $550 Free Meth. of Ontario: value of church & lot $1500; seats 200; usual number in attendance 60; number of communicants or regular members 24 Ontario Bapt. Society: Baptist; value of church & lot $1200; seats 400; usual number in attendance 100; number of communicants or regular members 90; salary of clergy besides use of real estate $600 Presb. Ch. of Ontario: Presbyterian; value of church & lot $1400; seats 200; usual number in attendance 40; number of communicants or regular members 35; salary of clergy besides use of real estate $500 First Weslyan Meth. of Ontario: Wesl. Meth.; value of church and lot $2000; seats 250; usual number in attendance 60; number of communicants or regular members 40 St. Marys of the Lake: R.C.; value of church & lot $1800; seats 300; number of communicants or regular members 175 Newspapers & other Periodicals; Ontario Sun with a circulation of 550 Inns, hotels and taverns - 3; whole sale stores - none; retail stores and groceries - 9 Domestic animals in cities and villages. The number of domestic animals kept by those who occupy no farming lands are 85 horses; 53 cows. Wages, estimated average pay of hired laborers and mechanics, exclusive of board: men working at common hand labor in building etc. $1.25 by the day; farm hands hired by the season or year $1 by the day, $20 by the week; farm hands hired in haying and harvest $2 by the week; carpenters and joiners $2 by the day; masons, stone and bricklayers $2.25 by the day; blacksmiths $1.50 by the day; painters and glaziers $2 by the day; sewing and other woman's hand labor 75 cents by the day. General Remarks: A place called the Burgh contains 160 inhabitants, one called Ontario contains 320; one called Ontario Center 170 and one called Furnaceville 160. The usual place of employment of all is in this town. MARRIAGES: Town of Ontario: during year ending June 1, 1875 William BURGESS, 22, single and Louis EARL, 17, single Eugene RUSSEL, 20, single and Mary J. PAYNE, 22, single Wesley OSBORN, 27, single and Emma SMITH, 23, single Horace HILL, 76, widowed and Susan SHERBURN, 72, widowed Chauncy NORTON, 21, single and Ida ALLEN, 20, single Irving CUTTEBACK, 20, single and Emma WALL, 17, single Edgar FITTS, single and Clare RISLEY, single Brien FOLEY, 23, single and Margeret GILNO, 19, single Francis DAILY, 38, single and Jennie McVAY, 24, single Cornelius O'NEIL, 25, single and Rosa BAILY, 18, single Abraham VERDOW, 23, single and Libbie LEROY, 23, single Mathew SCOTT, 24, single and Mary KELLY, 18, single Albert HARBERTSON, 24, single and Ella COOPER, 25, single Warner BENNETT, 21, single and Lelia BROWN, 24, single Isaac Harrison GRANGER, 36, single and Lenora SMITH, 23, single Albert E. WARNER, 20, single and Martha Louisa GRANGER, 20, single DEATHS: Town of Ontario; during year ending June 1, 1875 Henry James POPE, 10 months, male, single, May 13, b. N.Y., inflamation of brain Josephine SHAW, 17, female, single, April 23, b. N.Y., inflamation of lungs Addison SHERBURN, 34, male, married, Jan. 24, b. N.Y., farmer, inflamation of lungs (quick consumption) Anna BARNHART, 12, female, single, Dec., b. N.Y., fitts Huldah BARNUM, 1 month, female, single, Sept. 18, b. N.Y., unknown (Dr. Ellsworth) Edmond FRIES, 35, male, married, Jan. 5, b. Dutchess, farmer, inflamation of stomach Roy E. CRANDALL, 2 months, male, single, March 2, b. N.Y., inflamation of lungs Wallace CLARK, 24, male, single, April 16, b. Wayne, farmer, congestion of lungs Eliza E. PAYNE, 17 years 3 months, female, single, July 19, b. N.Y. Emily DUEL, 38, female, married, May 22, b. N.Y., keeping house, inflamation of liver Elias CLEVENGER, 71, male, widowed, May 2, b. New Jersey, carpenter, appoplexy Caroline WHITNEY, 64, female, married, July 20, b. N.Y., keeping house, cancer in stomach Sidney WHITNEY, 73, male, widowed, Dec. 17, b. Washington Co., farmer, injured by timber falling on him and kidney complaint Mary ROOT, 14, female, single, Aug. 7, b. N.Y., heart disease (dropsy) Debra WHITCOMB, 76, female, married, Dec. 8, b. Vermont, keeping house, inflamation of stomach Loami WHITCOMB, 77, male, widowed, March 10, b. N.Y., physician, cancer Alison J. CAREY, 1 year 6 months, male, single, October 11, b. N.Y., disease of brain William James BLYTHE, 51, male, married, Sept. 4, b. England, farmer, consumption Harriet Jane MARCHANT, 11 days, female, single, April 22, b. Wayne Peter CATEAU, 2 years 11 months, male, single, April 21, b. Wayne, fitts Susan Colwell, 6, female, single, April 14, b. Wayne, scarlet fever Ezra CHAPMAN, 87, male, widowed, July 7, b. Conn., farmer, old age Samuel A. MORSE, 5 years 6 months, male, single, March 23, b. Wayne, scarlet fever Rachel BOGART, 1 year 11 months, female, single, April 2, b. N.Y., scarlet fever Isaac HATHAWAY, 35, male, married, Jan. 18, b. N.Y., hotel keeper, rupture of bladder by kick from a person Harriet SANDERS, 22, female, married, May 31, b. N.Y., keeping house, abortion Hattie May Sanders, 5 months, female, single, Nov. 7, b. N.Y., bowel complaint and cutting teeth Anna DRATON, 7 months, female, single, September 25, b. N.Y., cholera infantum Edwin McKOWN, 38, male, single, August 24, b. N.Y., farm laborer, enlargement of the heart Elizabeth HOST, 3 months, female, single, October 5, b. N.Y., scarlet fever Edson J. WHITCOMB, 52, male, married, Jan. 1, b. N.Y., physician, paralysis William F. REED, 39, male, married, March 17, b. N.Y., merchant, consumption (hemorrhage from lungs) William CRAMMER, 67, male, single, May 27, b. N.Y., farm laborer, consumption John DENNEY, 68, male, married, Jan. 20, b. N.Y., farmer, consumption These records were taken as part of the NY State 1875 state census and cover the calendar year from June 2, 1874 to
June 1, 1875. Otherwise there are no such government records for the other 1870s years ex. for the US 1880 Mortality Schedule.
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