In Township 27 were balloted as follows - Lots.
To: John Coventry, hospital mate - 1 - not listed
Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 2 - not listed
John Young, surgeon's mate - 3 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)
Thomas Lyon, lieutenant, 4 - unknown regt. but applied for pension
Isaac Ledyard, physician & surg. - 5 - not listed
William Pitt Smith, surg. mate - 6 - multiple William Smiths
Cap. Edward Lounsberry - 7 - 2nd Regt. of The Line
Daniel M'Lean - 8 - unidentified artillery regt. of The Line; 3rd Regt. Westchester County Militia
John Cochran, Director General of Hospital - 9 - not listed
Samuel Woodruff, surg. mate - 10 - 2nd Regt. of the Line, Artillery
Samuel Stringer, direct. gen. &c. - 11 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
do. - 12 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
Cornelius Oknoyata, lieut. Ind. - 13 - not listed
Isaac Ledyard - phys. & surgeon - 14 - not listed
John Winn - 15 - possibly Capt. of Tryon County Militia Rangers
Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 16 - papers on file in Albany
Perius Demmick - 17 - not listed
Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 18 - not listed
John Smedis, surgeon's mate - 19 - The Levies under Col. Albert Pawling (Smedes)
Samuel Stringer, dir. ge. &c. - 20 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
Ensign Matthew Potan - 21 - 3rd Regt. of the Line
Surgeon's Mate Henry Moore - 22 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
Samuel Woodruff, surg. mate - 23 - 2nd Regt. of the Line, Artillery
Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 24 - papers on file in Albany
Lieutenant John Ball - 25 - 3rd Regt. of The Line; Col. Cornelius D. Wynkoop's Regiment
Samuel Stringer, dir. gen. &c. - 26 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
Thomas Lyon, lieutenant - 27 - unknown regt. but applied for pension
Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 28 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)
John Rice - 29 - The Levies under Col. Frederick Weissenfels
John Cochran, dir. general &c. - 30 - not listed
John Smedis, surgeon's mate - 31 - The Levies under Col. Albert Pawling (Smedes)
Isaac Ledyard, phys. & surgeon - 32 - not listed
Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 33
To Peter Blossom - 34 - 2nd Regt. of The Line
Isaac Ledyard, phys. & surgeon - 35 - not listed
William Saxbury - 36 - 1st Regt. of The Line (Saxberry)
Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 37 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)
Samuel Stringer, dir. gen. &c. - 38 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
James Joyce - 39 - unknown regt. but applied for pension (Joice)
Samuel Stringer, dir. ge. &c. - 40 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
do. - 41 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
Lieutenant John Van Dyck - 42 - 14th Regt. Albany Co. Militia
John Coventry - hospital mate - 43 - not listed
Samuel Woodruff, surg. mate - 44 - 2nd Regt. of the Line, Artillery
Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 45
To Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 46 - not listed
do. - 47 - not listed
William Pitt Smith, surg. mate - 48 - multiple listings for William Smith
John Cochran, director gen. &c. - 49 - not listed
Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 50
To Ensign Matthew Potan - 51 - 3rd Regt. of the Line
Stephen Saddore - 52 - not listed
John Cochran, Director General of Hospital - 53 - not listed
Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 54 - not listed
John Young, surgeon's mate - 55 - The Levies under Col. Frederick Weissenfels
John Van Huysen - 56 - The Line, unidentified cavalry regt. under Capt. Jeromimus Hoogland
Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 57 - papers on file in Albany
Surgeon's Mate Henry Moore - 58 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
do. - 59 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia
John Smedis, surgeon's mate - 60 - The Levies under Col. Albert Pawling (Smedes)
Captain Edward Lounsberry - 61 - 2nd Regt. of The Line
William Copeland - 62 - 1st Regt. of The Line
John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 63 - not listed
Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 64
do. - 65
To John Young, surgeon's mate - 66 - The Levies under Col. Frederick Weissenfels
Michael Bason - 67 - not listed
Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 68
To John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 69 - not listed
Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 70 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)
William Pitt Smith, surg. mate - 71 - multiple listings for name William Smith
John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 72 - not listed
Abraham Lambert - 73 - 1st and 3rd Regt. of The Line
Captain Edward Lounsberry - 74 - 2nd Regt. of The Line
Micajah Sherwood - 75 - 4th Regt. of The Line
John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 76 - not listed
Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 77 - papers on file in Albany
Charles M'Knight, phys. & surg. 78 - not listed
Charles M'Knight, phys. & surg. 79 - not listed
Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 80 - not listed
Lieutenant John Ball - 81 - 3rd Regt. of The Line; Col. Cornelius D. Wynkoop's Regiment
Nathaniel Jervis - 82 - 2nd & 4th Regt. of the Line (may be Jarvis)
Lieutenant John Van Dyck - 83 - 15th Regt. of Albany County Militia
John Coventry, hospital mate - 84 - not listed
Nicholas Plugh - 85 - hired under Land Bounty Rights in unidentified regiment of the Line or Levies; also 1st Regt. of Tryon County Militia (Nicklas Plough)
Christian House - 86 - 1st Regt. of the Line; possibly Capt. in 2nd Reg. Tryon County Militia
Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 87 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)
Thaddeus Smith - 88 - 3rd & 4th Regt. of The Line; 4th Regt. of Ulster County Militia (Land Bounty Rights)
Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 89 - not listed
John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 90 - not listed
Malachi Treat, dir. phys. & surgeon - 91 - not listed
Charles M'Knight, phys. & surgeon - 92 - not listed
Charles M'Knight, do. - 93 - not listed
Cornelius Oknoyata, lieut. Ind. - 94 - not listed
Jacob House - 95 - 1st Regt. Tryon County Militia
Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 96 - not listed
Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 97 - not listed
Charles M'Knight, phys. & surg. - 98 - not listed
John Chace - 99 - unknown regt. but applied for pension
Samuel Stringer, dir. gen. &c. - 100 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia