Revolutionary War Balloters of Galen,

Township 27 of the Military Tract

After the American Revolutionary War, men who served in the "Medical Department" drew lots for bounty land granted specifically in the Town of Galen (Township 27 of the Military Tract). Their names were printed in the small book "The Balloting Book and Other Documents Relating To Military Bounty Lands, in the State of New York" Originally printed by Packard & Van Benthuysen, Albany, 1825. Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, NY in 1983. This page from the book was generously contributed by Diane Kurtz, in year 2000 the listowner of the FingerLakes-L mailing list, with the kind permission of Mr. Wayne Morrison, reprinter of the book.

Information following some men's names was found in "New York in the Revolution as Colony and State", compiled by James A. Roberts, Comptroller of the State of New York, Albany, NY: Press of Brandow Printing Company, 1898. Several men's identities are certain as their position or rank was listed; others may or may not be the same men as no title was assigned to them in the book or vice versa. Some men were not listed at all while other names had multiple listings and are so noted. The abbreviation "do." means "ditto" or "also". Interestingly, several regiments appear frequently below, indicating that some men served together during the war. Most of the men did not reside on the land but sold it to developers and speculators, who in turn resold it to your ancestors.

In Township 27 were balloted as follows - Lots.

To: John Coventry, hospital mate - 1 - not listed

Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 2 - not listed

John Young, surgeon's mate - 3 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)

Thomas Lyon, lieutenant, 4 - unknown regt. but applied for pension

Isaac Ledyard, physician & surg. - 5 - not listed

William Pitt Smith, surg. mate - 6 - multiple William Smiths

Cap. Edward Lounsberry - 7 - 2nd Regt. of The Line

Daniel M'Lean - 8 - unidentified artillery regt. of The Line; 3rd Regt. Westchester County Militia

John Cochran, Director General of Hospital - 9 - not listed

Samuel Woodruff, surg. mate - 10 - 2nd Regt. of the Line, Artillery

Samuel Stringer, direct. gen. &c. - 11 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

do. - 12 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

Cornelius Oknoyata, lieut. Ind. - 13 - not listed

Isaac Ledyard - phys. & surgeon - 14 - not listed

John Winn - 15 - possibly Capt. of Tryon County Militia Rangers

Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 16 - papers on file in Albany

Perius Demmick - 17 - not listed

Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 18 - not listed

John Smedis, surgeon's mate - 19 - The Levies under Col. Albert Pawling (Smedes)

Samuel Stringer, dir. ge. &c. - 20 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

Ensign Matthew Potan - 21 - 3rd Regt. of the Line

Surgeon's Mate Henry Moore - 22 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

Samuel Woodruff, surg. mate - 23 - 2nd Regt. of the Line, Artillery

Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 24 - papers on file in Albany

Lieutenant John Ball - 25 - 3rd Regt. of The Line; Col. Cornelius D. Wynkoop's Regiment

Samuel Stringer, dir. gen. &c. - 26 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

Thomas Lyon, lieutenant - 27 - unknown regt. but applied for pension

Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 28 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)

John Rice - 29 - The Levies under Col. Frederick Weissenfels

John Cochran, dir. general &c. - 30 - not listed

John Smedis, surgeon's mate - 31 - The Levies under Col. Albert Pawling (Smedes)

Isaac Ledyard, phys. & surgeon - 32 - not listed

Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 33

To Peter Blossom - 34 - 2nd Regt. of The Line

Isaac Ledyard, phys. & surgeon - 35 - not listed

William Saxbury - 36 - 1st Regt. of The Line (Saxberry)

Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 37 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)

Samuel Stringer, dir. gen. &c. - 38 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

James Joyce - 39 - unknown regt. but applied for pension (Joice)

Samuel Stringer, dir. ge. &c. - 40 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

do. - 41 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

Lieutenant John Van Dyck - 42 - 14th Regt. Albany Co. Militia

John Coventry - hospital mate - 43 - not listed

Samuel Woodruff, surg. mate - 44 - 2nd Regt. of the Line, Artillery

Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 45

To Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 46 - not listed

do. - 47 - not listed

William Pitt Smith, surg. mate - 48 - multiple listings for William Smith

John Cochran, director gen. &c. - 49 - not listed

Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 50

To Ensign Matthew Potan - 51 - 3rd Regt. of the Line

Stephen Saddore - 52 - not listed

John Cochran, Director General of Hospital - 53 - not listed

Stephen M'Crea, phys. & surg. - 54 - not listed

John Young, surgeon's mate - 55 - The Levies under Col. Frederick Weissenfels

John Van Huysen - 56 - The Line, unidentified cavalry regt. under Capt. Jeromimus Hoogland

Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 57 - papers on file in Albany

Surgeon's Mate Henry Moore - 58 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

do. - 59 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

John Smedis, surgeon's mate - 60 - The Levies under Col. Albert Pawling (Smedes)

Captain Edward Lounsberry - 61 - 2nd Regt. of The Line

William Copeland - 62 - 1st Regt. of The Line

John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 63 - not listed

Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 64

do. - 65

To John Young, surgeon's mate - 66 - The Levies under Col. Frederick Weissenfels

Michael Bason - 67 - not listed

Reserved for Gospel, &c. - 68

To John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 69 - not listed

Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 70 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)

William Pitt Smith, surg. mate - 71 - multiple listings for name William Smith

John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 72 - not listed

Abraham Lambert - 73 - 1st and 3rd Regt. of The Line

Captain Edward Lounsberry - 74 - 2nd Regt. of The Line

Micajah Sherwood - 75 - 4th Regt. of The Line

John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 76 - not listed

Dirck Van Ingen, phys. & surg. - 77 - papers on file in Albany

Charles M'Knight, phys. & surg. 78 - not listed

Charles M'Knight, phys. & surg. 79 - not listed

Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 80 - not listed

Lieutenant John Ball - 81 - 3rd Regt. of The Line; Col. Cornelius D. Wynkoop's Regiment

Nathaniel Jervis - 82 - 2nd & 4th Regt. of the Line (may be Jarvis)

Lieutenant John Van Dyck - 83 - 15th Regt. of Albany County Militia

John Coventry, hospital mate - 84 - not listed

Nicholas Plugh - 85 - hired under Land Bounty Rights in unidentified regiment of the Line or Levies; also 1st Regt. of Tryon County Militia (Nicklas Plough)

Christian House - 86 - 1st Regt. of the Line; possibly Capt. in 2nd Reg. Tryon County Militia

Joseph Young, phys. & surgeon - 87 - possibly 1st Regt. Albany County Militia (Jo Young)

Thaddeus Smith - 88 - 3rd & 4th Regt. of The Line; 4th Regt. of Ulster County Militia (Land Bounty Rights)

Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 89 - not listed

John Cochran, dir. general, &c. - 90 - not listed

Malachi Treat, dir. phys. & surgeon - 91 - not listed

Charles M'Knight, phys. & surgeon - 92 - not listed

Charles M'Knight, do. - 93 - not listed

Cornelius Oknoyata, lieut. Ind. - 94 - not listed

Jacob House - 95 - 1st Regt. Tryon County Militia

Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 96 - not listed

Malachi Treat, phys. & surgeon - 97 - not listed

Charles M'Knight, phys. & surg. - 98 - not listed

John Chace - 99 - unknown regt. but applied for pension

Samuel Stringer, dir. gen. &c. - 100 - 1st Regt. Albany County Militia

Most of these men did not settle on the lots that they drew, but resold them. However, if your ancestors resided on land that was once part of Township 27, or other Townships within the Military Tract, it will be so noted on their deeds, and numerical location within the old Military Tract appears on deeds to this day. These Townships (which are not synonymous with contemporary towns) were further subdivided as seen above, and mapped out so that you can generally pinpoint your ancestors' property with the information from their deed. Township 27 includes the present-day towns of Galen and Savannah. For more information about maps, contact the Office of the County Historian.

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