LIST OF LETTERS REMAININGIN THE POST OFFICE OF MARIONON THE 31ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1840This is a very helpful listing of persons who didn't claim mail from the Walworth post office in 1840. The postmaster was L. Clark. The unclaimed letters probably ended up in a bonfire 160 years ago, but the postmaster's list of names survived so that you can pinpoint that your ancestor was living or working in the area of Walworth in the year 1840. As the addressees didn't come in for their mail by Dec. 31, 1840, it's likely that they either joined the tens of thousands moving west out of Central New York, moved elsewhere in the state, or had passed away. The transcript of the list was kindly provided by the Office of the County Historian, and alphabetized by us for easier online browsing. ALLEN Rudd W. A copy of the original typescript is at the Office of the County Historian in Lyons, N.Y. For information about persons listed please contact the Office of the County Historian. Online copy typed by Allyn Hess Perry, Co-coordinator, Wayne County NYGenWeb Return to Wayne County Historical Articles Section Return to Town of Marion Section
Created: 8/10/00 |