Male Students S - Y

Source: History of Macedon Academy, 1841-1891. Fairport, N.Y.: Mail Steam Printing House, 1892.


"The following list of students is as nearly complete as could be made from the records and memory of the oldest students. No catalogue was issued until 1845, and several since then are missing.

N.Y. is understood when no State is given. Dates given when the name is first found in catalogue."

* Denotes decease.

[Note: "1841-50" appears to mean that the compilers knew a student attended during the 1840s, but didn't know what year(s).]

- S -

*SABIN, Samuel, Marion, 1848-9
SABIN, G. G., Ontario, 1859-60
SALISBURY, Ackland, Norway, 1871-2
SALK, Henry F., Macedon Centre, 1881-2
*SANFORD, Amos B., Marion, 1846-7
SANFORD, Franklin M., Marion, 1846-7
SANFORD, Theron E., Marion, 1852-3
SANFORD, Chester G., Marion, 1884-5
SAWYER, Joseph, location not given, 1852-3
SAWYER, William H., Palmyra, 1855-6
SAWYER, Thomas F., location not given, 1866-7
SCOFIELD, Hiram, location not given, 1858-9
SCOTT, John, Ontario, 1855-6
SCULLY, Henry, Macedon, 1865-6
SCULLY, Edward, Macedon, 1865-6
SCULLY, Thomas C., Macedon, 1862-3
SEAMAN, Thomas F., Macedon Centre, 1855-6
SEAMAN, William C., Canaan Corners, 1859-60
SEAMAN, Charles, Macedon, 1868-9
SEAMAN, Jonah, Macedon, 1868-9
*SEAMAN, Elbert E., Macedon, 1872-3
SEELEY, George H., location not given, 1852-3
SENTELL, William H., location not given, 1853-4
SHANKLIN, James, Macedon, 1841-3
SHATTON, Jerome, location not given, 1853-4
SHARP, Roswell C., location not given, 1848-9
SHAW, Leander M., Fairport, 1855-6
SHEAR, George, location not given, 1876-7
SHEFFIELD, George P., Pultneyville, 1854-5
SHEFFIELD, W. C., location not given, 1868-9
SHEPHERD, Jacob H., location not given, 1848-9
*SHEPHERD, Jesse, Irondequoit, 1852-3
SHEPHERD, Theodore E., Pittsford, 1855-6
SHELDON, John P., Farmington, 1846-7
SHERMAN, Charles E., location not given, 1841-50
SHERMAN, Ira, New Lebanon, 1841-50
SHERMAN, Wesley, Canaan Corners, 1859-60
SHERWOOD, William B., Mendon Centre, 1855-6
SHERWOOD, Thomas R., Mendon, 1843-4
SHOTWELL, Samuel L., Macedon, 1847-8
SHOTWELL, Edwin, Macedon, 1841-7
SHOTWELL, Samuel B., Manchester Centre, 1859-60
SHORT, Leonard, location not given, 1848-9
SHORT, Seneca M., Port Gibson, 1866-7
SHORT, Harvey N., Port Gibson, 1855-6
SHORT, George N., Manchester Centre, 1855-6
SHORT, Jackson, Phelps, 1860-1
SHOURDS, B. J., Macedon, 1859-60
SIMMONS, Charles F., West Walworth, 1877-8
SILL, M. Henry, Scottsville, 1861-2
SITZER, Willet A., Macedon, 1874-5
SLOCUM, Nathan N., Perinton, 1841-8
SLOCUM, Henry W., location not given, 1856-7
SLOCUM, Daniel P., Ontario, 1881-2
SMALLEY, W. Survalin, Honeoye Falls, 1862-3
SMILES, John C., Irondequoit, 1853-4
SMITH, Isaac B., Farmington, 1841-50
SMITH, George, Fairport, 1841-50
*SMITH, George, Walworth, 1841-50
SMITH, Jonathan H., Macedon, 1841-50
SMITH, George W., Farmington, 1841-50
*SMITH, Addison, Farmington, 1841-50
SMITH, John H., location not given, 1841-50
SMITH, Charles A., location not given, 1841-50
SMITH, Thomas E., Macedon, 1846-7
SMITH, William H., Macedon, 1847-8
SMITH, Franklin L., Macedon, 1853-4
SMITH, Moses O., Norton's Mills, 1854-5
SMITH, Oscar D., Lincoln, 1854-5
SMITH, Edward L., Pittsford, 1854-5
SMITH, Benjamin G., Manchester, 1855-6
SMITH, Samuel W., Macedon, 1855-6
SMITH, Oren B., Farmington, 1855-6
SMITH, Arthur H., Fowlerville, 1855-6
SMITH, Jackson A., location not given, 1856-7
SMITH, William H. H., Manchester, 1856-7
SMITH, George F., Farmington, 1857-8
SMITH, Theron J., West Macedon, 1857-8
SMITH, Francis L., Honeoye Falls, 1858-9
SMITH, Albert L., Norton's Mills, 1858-9
*SMITH, Frank P., Farmington, 1861-2
*SMITH, Aubrey M., Farmington, 1861-2
*SMITH, Hinman E., West Farmington, 1861-2
SMITH, Andrew D., East Penfield, 1861-2
SMITH, Cassius M., Farmington, 1861-2
SMITH, William C. B., location not given, 1863-4
SMITH, John Q., location not given, 1865-6
SMITH, Stephen, Farmington, 1866-7
SMITH, G. Wallace, location not given, 1869-70
SMITH, Frank A., Lincoln, 1875-6
SMITH, Jasper, location not given, 1876-7
SMITH, Warren D., Palmyra, 1876-7
SMITH, Earnest D., Lincoln, 1878-9
SMITH, Addison C., Macedon, 1882-3
SMITH, Beal M., Macedon, 1888-9
SMITH, Milton W., Macedon, 1888-9
SMITH, Lewis H., Macedon, 1890-1
SMITH, Daniel M., Lincoln, 1890-1
SNOOK, Jordan, Clifton Springs, 1856-7
SOPER, John, Macedon Centre, 1845-6
SOPER, William H., Macedon Centre, 1855-6
SOULE, Isaac G., Lincoln, 1841-50
SOULE, William H., Lincoln, 1872-3
SOURS, Sheldon, location not given, 1864-5
SOURS, Charles H., location not given, 1864-5
SPEAR, Richard W., Perinton, 1852-3
SPEAR, James B., PEnfield, 1854-5
SPEAR, M., Newark, 1860-1
SPEAR, Jason C., Penfield, 1860-1
SPEAR, Stephen, Penfield, 1871-1 (exactly as given)
SPORT, Seneca M., location not given, 1866-7
SPENCER, Byron M., location not given, 1858-9
SPENCER, Merritt, Macedon, 1878-9
STACY, Albert H., Port Gibson, 1880-1
STALKER, Charles A., location not given, 1888-9
*STAPLES, Winfield Scott, Egypt, 1854-5
STEBBINS, John P., Walworth, 1841-50
STEEL, Benjamin E., Macedon Centre, 1860-1
STEELE, William J., Macedon Centre, 1861-2
STEELE, Irving W., Macedon Centre, 1861-2
STEVENSON, Leonard, Junius, 1860-1
STEWART, Lyman W., Palmyra, 1847-8
STILLWELL, John F., Lincoln, 1871-2
STILL, Adolphus S., Perinton, 1847-8
STODDARD, Russell F., Palmyra, 1859-60
STOUTENBURG, Oscar, Pittsford, 1853-4
STOUTENBURG, Henry W., Pittsfod, 1855-6
STOVER, Adam J., location not given, 1853-4
STRATTON, Jerome, location not given, 1853-4
STREETER, Frederick V., New York City, 1862-3
STRIKER, Byron, location not given, 1855-6
*STRONG, T. Hart, Palmyra, 1847-8
STRONG, Clarance B., location not given, 1863-4
STUMP, Horace, Clifton Springs, 1861-2
SUTPHIN, William H., location not given, 1853-4
SWADLING, Charles H., location not given, 1874-5
SWEET, George H., Perinton, 1841-50
SWEET, Elisha D., Macedon Centre, 1855-6
SWEET, O. E., West Walworth, 1859-60
SWEET, Fred G., Macedon Centre, 1873-4
SWITT, Marcus M., Canandaigua, 1857-8

- T -

TABER, Hiram H., Macedon, 1873-4
*TAFT, Albert, Macedon, 1851-2
TAFT, Gilbert, Macedon, 1851-2
TAFT, Henry, Macedon, 1851-2
TALMAN, Jabez A., Fairport, 1852-3
*TALMAN, Charles, Fairport, 1852-3
TALMAN, Isaac, Fairport, 1855-6
TALMAN, Henry M., Webster, 1855-6
TALMAN, Lyman J., Fairport, 1861-2
TALMAN, Orville J., Fairport, 1861-2
TALMAN, John, Fairport, 1865-6
TALMAN, Darius, Fairport, 1868-9
TALMAN, Irving W., Macedon, 1889-90
TAYLOR, Joseph H., Riceville, Can. West, 1854-5
TEACHOUT, Oscar L., Hopewell, 1858-9
TEWSLEY, John, Macedon, 1844-5
TERRY, Thomas M., Farmington, 1849-50
THATCHER, Marvin W., West Walworth, 1853-4
THATCHER, Reuben, West Walworth, 1853-4
THAYER, Wallace, Penfield, 1846-7
THAYER, Jacob, location not given, 1851-2
THAYER, Frank, location not given, 1848-9
THAYER, Reuben A., Perinton, 1868-9
*THOMPSON, James E., Webster, 1847-8
THOMPSON, Jonathan E., Webster, 1847-8
THOMPSON, Edward B., location not given, 1864-5
THROOP, Augustus B., Port Gibson, 1851-2
THROOP, William M., Port Gibson, 1851-2
THROOP, Newton A., Port Gibson, 1852-3
THROOP, Augustus P., Port Gibson, 1851-2
THROOP, William N., Port Gibson, 1851-2
THORN, Joseph, location not given, 1866-7
THORN, Samuel D., location not given, 1869-70
TIFFANY, George E., East Walworth, 1855-6
TIFFANY, Fred, East Walworth, 1868-9
TIFFANY, Gardner L., East Walworth, 1874-5
TILLOU, William Henry, Macedon, 1847-8
TILLOTTSON, Henry, location not given, 1854-5
TODD, William H., location not given, 1853-4
TODD, I. M., Pultneyville, 1879-80
TOOLE, Patrick, Macedon, 1879-80
TOUCEY, Thomas E., location not given, 1864-5
TOUCEY, Albert, location not given, 1865-6
TOUCEY, Thomas, location not given, 1865-6
TRIPP, Daniel B., Walworth, 1865-6
TRIPP, Rickerson M., Walworth, 1858-9
TRIPP, Milton J., Lincoln, 1872-3
TUCKER, Barnabas B., Macedon, 1841-50
TURNER, George H., Macedon, 1856-7

- U -

*UNDERHILL, Joseph I., Macedon, 1841-8
*UNDERHILL, Henry P., Macedon, 1851-2
UNDERHILL, John H., location not given, 1857-8
UNDERHILL, Albert H ., location not given, 1864-5
UNDERWOOD, Stephen D., Williamson, 1852-3 UPTON, William R., Victor, 1857-8

- V -

*VAIL, Samuel, location not given, 1852-3
VanALSTYNE, Thaddeus, Webster, 1844-8
VanALSTYNE, George, Webster, 1854-5
VanALLEN, William A., Macedon Centre, 1878-9
VANDERBOGERT, Alanson A., location not given, 1863-4
VANDERBOGERT, Richard, location not given, 1868-9
VANDERCAR, A. Spencer, location not given, 1863-4
VANDERHOOF, Jacob W., Clifton Springs, 1844-8
VANDERHOOF, James C., Clifton Springs, 1860-1
*VanDUZER, Jacob S., Macedon, 1844-8
VanDUZER, Zachariah, Macedon, 1851-2
VanDUZER, S. V. R. M., Macedon, 1847-8
VANWINKLE, Horace C., location not given, 1863-4
VANWINKLE, Alanson A., location not given, 1863-4
*VanVLIET, Henry Edgar, Macedon, 1844-8
VanMALE, John J., East Palmyra, 1880-1
VANE, James E., Macedon Centre, 1862-3
*VOSBURG, Hiram D., Macedon, 1851-2
VOSBURG, Emory P., location not given, 1851-2
VOORHEES, A., location not given, 1852-3
VOWERS, Andrew, location not given, 1843-8

- W -

WAKEMAN, William P., Lyons, 1862-3
WAKEMAN, Frank W., location not given, 1868-9
WAKEMAN, Eugene A., Perinton, 1868-9
WALKER, Sylvanus, Perinton, 1843-8
*WALKER, John W., Perinton, 1855-6
*WALKER, Alfred G., Macedon, 1881-2
WALKER, Charles D., Macedon, 1877-8
WARDEN, Deo, Penfield, 1865-6
WARING, George, Macedon Centre, 1851-2
WARING, Isaac, location not given, 1853-4
WARRILLOW, Albert, Macedon, 1873-4
WARNER, Giles, Macedon, 1847-8
WARNER, Jared A., Adrian, Mich., 1853-4
WARNER, John A., location not given, 1855-6
WARREN, L. D., Palmyra, 1878-9
WARREN, Daniel, location not given, 1865-6
WARREN, J. D., Lincoln, 1885-6
WATSON, William, Fairport, 1855-6
WATSON, Christopher, Macedon, 1865-6
*WATSON, William A., Macedon, 1874-5
WATSON, William C., Macedon, 1887-8
WATSON, Byron, Fairport, 1887-8
WANZER, Henry, Fairport, 1856-7
WEBSTER, William H., Webster, 1853-4
WEBSTER, John C., location not given, 1853-4
WEEKS, William, Penfield, 1851-2
WEEKS, William H., location not given, 1854-5
WEEKS, Anson A., location not given, 1874-5
*WELLS, Peter, Perinton, 1841-7
WELLS, William H., Macedon, 1846-7
WELLS, Samuel E., Perinton, 1853-4
WELLS, Isaac S., Perinton, 1853-4
WELLS, George M., Perinton, 1853-4
WELLS, Alexander W., location not given, 1854-5
WELLS, Edgar S., Port Gibson, 1856-7
WELLS, Henry, Manchester Centre, 1857-8
WELLS, Laban, Manchester Centre, 1857-8
WELLS, George A., Manchester Centre, 1860-1
WELLS, Howland P., location not given, 1863-4
WELSHER, Ora D., location not given, 1864-5
WEIDRICK, Jacob, Macedon, 1872-3
WEIDRICK, William A., Macedon, 1887-8
WEIR, Samuel W., Ontario, 1886-7
*WHEELER, Byron T., Manchester, 1851-2
WHEELER, Joseph, Greece, 1845-8
WHEELER, Byron S., Port Gibson, 1853-4
WHEELER, Amos C., Marion, 1854-5
WHEELOCK, Lorenzo L., Mannsville, 1858-9
WHITE, John H., Mendon, 1845-8
WHITE, Robert, Duanesburg, 1846-7
WHITE, William B., West Walworth, 1853-4
WHITE, George W., Pultneyville, 1855-6
WHITE, John J., West Walworth, 1856-7
WHITE, Artemus, West Walworth, 1857-8
WHITE, Talman A., West Walworth, 1857-8
WHITE, William J., Farmington, 1874-5
*WHITCOMB, Edwin, Macedon Centre, 1844-8
*WHITCOMB, James D., Macedon Centre, 1854-5
WHITNEY, William, Walworth, 1847-8
WHITNEY, Nathan, Ontario, 1851-2
WIGGLESWORTH, Albert W., Palmyra, 1862-3
*WILBER, Jeremiah S., Macedon, 1844-8
WILBUR, Palmer N., West Walworth, 1857-8
WILBUR, Nathan D., West Walworth, 1858-9
WILBUR, Myron T., West Walworth, 1861-2
WILBUR, Remus F., West Walworth, 1864-5
WILCOX, Seymour G., Perinton, 1844-8
WILCOX, William J., location not given, 1852-3
WILCOX, Pliney T., location not given, 1863-4
WILEY, Jonathan G., Marengo, 1857-8
WILLIAMS, Charles B., Farmington, 1851-2
WILLIAMS, Byron, location not given, 1844-8
WILLIAMS, Charles H., location not given, 1852-3
*WILLIAMS, Thomas P., Missouri, 1853-4
WILLIAMS, Richard, location not given, 1856-7
WILLIAMS, James, location not given, 1854-5
WILLIAMS, A., location not given, 1855-6
WILLIAMS, W. W., location not given, 1875-6
WILLITS, Ira L., Macedon, 1847-8
WILLETTS, Samuel L., Macedon, 1857-8
WILLETTS, William Penn, Macedon, 1861-2
WILLETTS, Walstea, Macedon, 1862-3
WILLETTS, E., location not given, 1868-9
WILLETTS, Myron, Perinton, 1876-7
WILKINSON, Joseph, Perinton, 1844-8
WILKINSON, William, Perinton 1875-6
WILKINSON, Robert, Perinton, 1853-4
WILKINSON, J. D., Perinton, 1858-9
WILSON, Daniel S., Marengo, Iowa, 1860-1
*WILSON, Fred W., Macedon Centre, 1876-7
WILSON, Frank H., Macedon Centre, 1880-1
WILSON, Wilbur F., Macedon Centre, 1880-1
WILSON, E. J., Manchester, 1879-80
WILTSIE, George B., location not given, 1855-6
WINNIE, Frank, Perinton, 1858-9
WOHLGEMUTH, Peter, Palatine Bridge, 1872-3
WOOD, Lewis, location not given, 1855-6
WOOD, Myron I., location not given, 1855-6
WOOD, Charles, New Salem, 1860-1
WOOD, Levi, New Salem, 1862-3
WOOD, Charles H., New Salem, 1862-3
WOOD, Alexander, location not given, 1876-7
WOOD, Orson, location not given, 1876-7
WOOD, Grover H., Macedon, 1889-90
WOOD, Martin, Perinton, 1882-3
WOLSEY, Charles, Macedon, 1847-8
WOOLSEY, Eugene, Macedon, 1857-8
WOOLSEY, Elliott H., Egypt, 1858-9
WOOLSEY, Jerome L., Egypt, 1863-4
WOOLSEY, Frank L., location not given, 1864-5
WOLSEY, Byron J., Macedon, 1869-70
WOOLSTON, Joseph L., Fairport, 1856-7
WOOLSTON, William H., Fairport, 1860-1
WOODHAMS, Roland, location not given, 1853-4
WOODHAMS, George W., location not given, 1887-8
WOODWARD, Robert J., Webster, 1857-8
WOOSTER, Fred M., Walworth, 1874-5
WRIGHT, Harrison H., Wilson, 1857-8
WRIGHT, William H., location not given, 1864-5
WRIGHT, Arthur, Palmyra, 1878-9
WYKOFF, Cyrus, Hopewell, 1851-2

- Y -

YEAMANS, Wm., Manchester, 1851-2
YEAMANS, Emerson, Manchester, 1851-2
YOUNG, Charles, Macedon, 1885-6
YOUNG, Peter A., Macedon, 1885-6

The site coordinators and site volunteers have NO information whatsoever about any of the persons listed. We thank you in advance for not emailing us, but directing ALL requests for information to the Office of the County Historian, or using a search engine.

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Created: 2/13/05
Updated: 10/7/17
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