Obituaries not only name relatives and relationships, but often tell vivid stories of people's lives. They provide clues to religious affiliation and whereabouts of persons who moved away, depending on the detail of the obit. Your submitted obit could bring results that would supplement a query on our boards. Please send in your collected Wayne County related obits. Put "WAYNE COUNTY OBIT" in the subject heading of your email and name the source of the obit if known. The obits do not have to be long but can be short notices.

Part 2

NEW 3/21/03: The following obituaries were graciously contributed by Bob Phillips last October. At the time I answered several of Bob's questions as best as I could and my comments are in brackets. Researcher Sherry Golem contributed the terrific thinkpiece From Palmyra, NY to Palmyra, MI - Our Migrating Ancestors.

I received your e-mail address from Sherry Golem. She thought I had some interesting information regarding the Hunter family. I received a couple of obituaries from Sandra Luss who was doing some research and found these":

Palmyra, Wayne Co., NY
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1888

Was it Murder

In the old *Steve COLVIN Canal Grocery, at Wayneport, two miles west of here, an old lady, Margaret HUNTER; with her husband and son resided; making their living by keeping a small stock of groceries, provisions &c. Mrs. HUNTER started out last Sunday afternoon to look up a flock of ducks, and being gone an unusually long time, the boy went to find his mother and learn the cause of her delay; after a time he returned without finding her. It was thought however, that she had gone farther than usual and would return before dark, but the night passed and she did not come. All day Sunday they waited in vain for her return. On Monday morning, two boats met about three-quarters of a mile below Wayneport and on drawing up the tow-line, a woman's shawl was seen on it. The canal was dragged at this place, and the dead body of Mrs. Hunter was found, with a deep gash cut in her temple; severing the temporal artery.

Coroner CHASE of this place was summoned, and impanneling a jury, proceeded to take the evidence in the case. The inquest is not yet completed, so we are unable to give the result. A postmortem examination was held, and it was decided that the wound across the temple was inflicted before death.

In addition to the family at home, Mrs. HUNTER leaves two other children, a son and daughter, both married. The funeral took place to-day.

- MACEDON NEWS (from Sandy Luss 7/17/02)

*Stephen Colvin was listed as "grocer" in the 1868-1869 directory for West Macedon.

Palmyra, Wayne Co., NY
Thursday, August 17, 1905

Robert HUNTER of Wayneport, died last Friday at the State Hospital in Rochester. Mr. HUNTER was an inventor of smokeless powder and trouble with members of the stock company he was forming for its manufacture is said to have caused him to lose his mind. He was but 38 years of age and leaves a wife and three small children. (from Sandra Luss 7-17-02)

Robert was the son of Margaret Hunter who died in 1888.

From the Palmyra Courier dated April 27, 1911:

"At Newport, Rhode Island, last Saturday, April 22nd, occurred the death of William Hunter, after a few days' illness of bronchitis. Mr. Hunter was born in Macedon, Feb. 11, 1893, the son of Robert and Margaret Hunter, and made his home here until last December, when he enlisted in the United States Navy. He is survived by his mother, Margaret Gratton-Hunter; one sister, Ruth and one brother, Robert, all of Macedon. The remains reached here Tuesday and the funeral was held on Wednesday morning from St. Patrick's Church. Interment in the Union Burying Ground in Wayneport." (I found this after doing some research at the Palmyra library)

Received William's death certificate from the RI archives. He was an apprentice seaman and died at the US Naval Hospital from diphtheria with double pneumonia. He was 18 yr. 3 mo. 11 da. old.

I researched Margaret's death in 1888 and checked every page of the Palmyra Democrat from Oct. 3rd till the end of January of 1889.... found nothing more on her death. Her death certificate listed cause of death as hemorrhage, from fall or blow on left side of head. It did not state accidental or homicide.

Would there be any other records on microfilm during that time period?

    [Coordinator's Note: It's always a good idea to check for 19th century Wayne County news in surrounding counties' newspapers - Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, and Cayuga Counties - depending on where in Wayne the township you're interested in borders or is closest to. If what you're interested in is of a criminal or sensational nature, it might have received some notice in a Rochester newspaper. If families notified them, obits might have been printed in the Webster, Fairport, Canandaigua, Geneva, Waterloo, Seneca Falls, or Auburn and other newspapers that carried news of nearby locations.

To find out the names of 19th century papers and if issues have been preserved on microfilm, directly contact the historical societies or libraries in the other counties. There are fewer newspapers printed now in the Finger Lakes than in the 1800s, and some villages that had papers no longer have them. It's an inexpensive, as well as time and frustration-saving research investment to purchase a map atlas of New York State, such as DeLorme's, showing towns within counties, so you know what towns in other counties your towns of interest border. These large softcover atlases can be purchased off the shelves, or ordered if you reside outside of NY state, from the usual major chain bookstores at any mall, in any state, or through the large on-line bookstores.]

Today I received some additional information from Helen Burgio, Macedon Historian. They were copies from the Union Burying Ground in Wayneport. According to the info, the 1905 census shows William Hunter, age 75 years old, born Ireland, living with son, Robert H. Hunter. He's not listed in the 1910 census. (1951 list) Do you know what 1951 list refers to?

    [Coordinator's Note: in the early 1950s the Wayne County historian's office undertook census transcriptions as well as many of the cemetery readings on our site. Which brings up the point that if you don't find a family member on one of our cemetery lists, it's usually due to the fact that there has been no re-reading of the cemetery since the reading you see posted. And that reading is what was kindly provided to us by the county historian's office. The absence of your relative, if they passed away after the date of the reading, is not an oversight, but reflects the date of the most recent available reading for the cemetery. Someone who passed away in 1972 won't be listed on a cemetery reading taken in 1951! (If you want your relative's name added to our older lists, please email the info to the site co-coordinators.)

However, absence of a person's name on an earlier reading could be reflective of the reader's missing their stone, it's being illegible or worn down due to wear from the elements, reburial in another cemetery with headstone removal, or the frequent absence of a stone as there never was one to begin with (for various reasons known only to their family members, usually poverty or procrastination, or depending on another relative to take care of it and they moved "Out West"), burial on top of another relative and no name chiseled onto the stone, theft or vandalism, being washed away in a "freshet" or tumbled down a slope, or the stone's being covered over the years by soil or roots... all before the reading was done.]

Bob Phillips
Branchport, NY

NEW 12/19/02: The following obituary of Carl Heinrich was graciously contributed by Mary Martin.

Last summer we found the following obit;

Acquired at the Wayne County Historian's Office, Lyons, NY
The Arcadian Weekly Gazette Wayne County, NY August 27, 1902


On Sunday afternoon Carl Heinrich, aged 14, his brother Albert, aged 7 [11], and Henry Rauscher, aged 16, the two former living on the road north of the county house, and the latter at the bridge west of the county house, took Rauscher's gun and went into the fields to shoot woodchucks. While watching, a hawk flew over and both the older boys scrambled for the gun in order to get a shot at it. The gun was discharged accidentally, the charge of shot entering Carl Heinrich's abdomen, inflicting a frightful wound. The boy's mother was called, and she arrived just in time to gather him in her arms as he breathed his last.
Dr. Thatcher was called. The boy of course was dead long before he reached there, and in his official capacity as coroner he decided on investigation that the death was accidental, and that an inquest was unnecessary.

The Heinrichs are a respected German family, and much sympathy is expressed for them in their sad bereavement.

The funeral was held yesterday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Heyd of Lyons officiating.

Carl was buried in the family plot at the Rural Cemetery, Lyons, NY His grave is on the far right in the foreground of the picture of the Henry/ Heinrich plot. He was the son of Charles and Teresa Heinrich.

Hope someone might find this interesting. Mary Martin

NEW 12/17/02: The following obituary of Dennis Lefurgey was graciously contributed by Bob and Jean Lefurgey.

Obituary of Dennis Lefurgey, (born 9/27/1804 - died 6/26/1868)
Buried in Sodus NY

A copy of this obituary was found in the mid 1900s in the family farm of Robert Lefurgey in Macomb County, Michigan. Dennis Lefurgey was Robert's multi-great uncle. The writer of this obituary is unknown -- identified only by the initials "EC" -- and there is no indication as tothe publication in which this obituary appeared. It is, however, a magnificant tribute to asimple man.

Since the obituary provides no details as to the names of Dennis' survivors, any help that readers can provide would be most appreciated by the Lefurgey family, who may be contacted at

Text of obituary:

It may be uninteresting for those who are accustomed to read of the magnified greatness of politicians, thieves, defaulters and forgers, to read a sketch of the like of an humble, honest farmer, but to the meditative it is pleasant and profitable to ponder the life of an honest, upright man, a man uncorrupted by the intrigues of politics and not debased by the double-dealings of speculation.

It is a fact that in almost every forest there are a few trees much higher and larger than the others. They have grown up and are pre-eminently distinguished both for symmetry and size; they give but few knots and gnarls. One cannot tell why they should be so much larger than the surroundingtrees; but the fact that they are is indisputable, and we say they are great by nature. Dennis Lefurgey was great by nature -- in size, in intellect, in ability. He had in youth none of the advantages of school, but he became able to transact any business that pertained to his avocation. After spending his boyhood in Columbia County, he moved to Sodus and married. He bought a little homestead, and in a few years, by patient industry and economy, he paid for the same. Success crowned his labors; and when any of his neighbors wished to sell their land, he purchased of them, until this farm contained almost five hundred acres. Such a farm is larger than most men can successfully manage, but he always had his grain planted and secured in good season, and kept his fences and buildings in the best order.

The farm was his home. To adorn and beautify, and make it attractive, was his chief delight. Every tree and shrub and fence on it was interesting, for heknew its whole history. He once told the writer of this article that "most men spend their leisure hours at the village, lounging in the stores and groceries and bar-rooms, but I find more pleasure putting my fence in repairs and looking at the grass and grain and stock." So it is. While ordinary minds find greater pleasure lounging in groceries andbar-rooms, listening to obscene songs and bawdy stories, thegreat mind finds pleasure in witnessing the advances ofvegetable growth, and in listening to the songs of nature.

Sunday, the 28th of June, was the day appointed for his burial, and the citizens, on foot, on horseback, in carriages, and in double wagons, came to his house to pay their last respects to the dead. Rev. George Havens preached an eloquent sermon from the text" "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!" -- Numbers, 23:10. After the sermon, the mourners and friends went in procession to his family burying ground, and after the burial ceremonies, the whole congregation united with the choir in singing that beautiful hymn, "The Home of the Soul". And at the close of the singing, there was lowered into its resting place the coffin containing all that has been mortal of a kind father, a successful farmer, a moral citizen, an upright man, and a consistent Christian. EC

NEW 10/26/02: The following obituary of William Benton was graciously contributed by Marcia Benton.

BENTON, William

From the Sodus Record, June 5, 1903:

Died, at his home three miles north of East Williamson, May 26th, William Benton, aged 76 years, 9 months and 15 days. Mr. Benton was born in the town of Galitary, Columbia County, and was the son of Jonathan and Catharine Benton. He came to northern Wayne County in 1854, and had lived on the farm where he died 31 years. March 11, 1854, he was married to Angeline Clark, by whom he had eleven children, four of whom passed away several years ago. Mr. Benton was widely known, and was a kind and obliging neighbor. He was respected by all who knew him. He suffered a stroke of paralysis several years ago, from which he never fully recovered, and two weeks ago had a fall, receiving injuries from which he died. He is survived by a widow, two brothers, Edward of Duchess County and Hiram of Fairville, a sister in Duchess county, and seven children, Arthur and Charles of Sodus, John and Fred of Williamson, Mrs. Martin Lamb of Canastota, Mrs. J. C. Polhamus of Fort Wayne, and Mrs. George Liddle of Pultneyville. The funeral was held from the M. E. Church at Pultneyville, Friday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. J.C. Hitchcock officiating. Interment was made at Lake View Cemetery.

Submitted by Marcia Benton, Hilton, NY

The following two obits for Jonathan Hoffman were graciously contributed by Dana Kime.


Elwood Call Leader--Tuesday August 1, 1916



Jonathan Hoffman, for many years a resident of Elwood died at Detroit, Michigan, at 5:30 a.m. Monday. The remains were brought to Elwood arriving over the Pennsylvania lines at 8:35 a.m. today. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stancil of Detroit and Dr. G.V. Newcomer, of Elwood.

Mr. Hoffman was nearly 85 years old. He was born at Clyde, New York, October 29, 1831. He was twice married, his first wife being Mary Sophia VanAmber, of Alexandria Bay, New York. To this union were born five children, all of whom are still living except one son. Those surviving are William H and Charles J Hoffman of Augusta, Kansas, Mrs. G.V.Newcomer, of Elwood and Mrs. William E. Stancil, of Detroit. The third son, Oliver, died in Elwood January 7, 1907.

As a young man Mr. Hoffman learned the window glass trade which he followed during the active years of his life, and was considered one of the best window glass bloweres in America. In 1892 he came to Elwood and in partnership with John F. Rodefer, built the Elwood Window Glass factory, which he operated until 1899, when he sold out and retired from active business. In January, 1894, he was married to Mrs. Mary Finch, of Elwood, who died in April of 1914. In the Fall of 1915 he went to Detroit to live with his youngest daughter and her husband where he resided until hes death.

Mr. Hoffman was an active member of the Methodist Church for the greater part of his life. During the early days of the Civil War he volunteered and was appointed sergeant in a New York Company and was stationed at Washington D.C. and at the time of the Battle of Bull Run acting with his company as guard at the capitol. He remained in the army until discharged for physical disability.

The funeral will be held at the Methodist Church at 10 a.m. Thursday, conducted by Rev. J.F. Radcliff. Internment will follow in the Elwood cemetery.




The funeral of the late Jonathan Hoffman who died Monday morning at Detroit was held this morning at the Methodist Church, Rev. J.F. Radcliff in charge. The deceased was a resident of Ewood for years, having a great circle of friends in the community and many attended the service this morning to pay their last respects to the man whose long life has come to an end. Internment occurred in the Elwood Cemetery.

Elwood is in Indiana. Jonathan had moved to Michigan to live with his daughter, he died in MI and was buried in IN. I have a picture of the headstone and a picture of Jonathan. I am now trying to find out if the Robert N. Hoffman buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Town of Galen, Wayne Co., NY is his father. The name is right and so is the age.


The following five obits for the Lynk Family were graciously contributed by Charlyne Lynk. Thank you, Charlyne!

[Note 3/21/03: Charlyne, please check in with new email address!] "I would appreciate it if you would add the following obits to your Wayne Co obits. I received these from the Wayne Co historian's office so I do not know for sure which newpapers they were in. I am researching the LYNK family, who resided in Clyde for many years. I would like to find out more about this family. I am hoping by posting these obits I may get more information." Charlyne Lynk

LYNK July 11, 1901
Martha D. Andrews wife of George Lynk died at her home on the Howard farm just north of this village, Friday July 5th of - not readable---enteritis at the age of 46 years and 10 months. Funeral services were held from her late residence Sunday afternoon. Rev. J.Edson Rhodes officitating. Interment was made in the Rose Cemetery. She is survived by a husband and two sons Irving and Elmer.

Mrs. Lynk had been in failing health for several years but had always borne her illness and troubles with remarkable fortitude. She was an ernest thoughtful woman, and for several years had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Clyde. She was highly respected by all who knew her and enjoyed the love and friendship of a large circle of friends. The funeral services were largely attended and the floral offerings were numerous and beautiful.

William Lynk died at the residence of his son, George, one mile northwest of this village Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 9th 1902 at the age of 65 yrs. Funeral services will be held from his late residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. J. Edson Rhodes officiating. Interment will be made in the Rose Cemetery. Deceased is survived by a wife and two sons, George of Galen and William of Geneva.

LYNK Jan 09,1915
MARY ANN LYNK------ Mrs. Mary Ann Lynk, died at her home in this village last Saturday morning, aged 74 yrs. She is survived by two sons, George Lynk, of this town and William of Ontario and two brothers, James Vanderpool of Galen and Stephen Vanderpool of Webster, and one sister Phoebe Ford of Syracuse. Funeral services were held at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon with burial at Rose. Rev.F.B Duvall officiated.

LYNK Feb.11,1931

George P. Lynk, 66, veteran livery service operator died last Thrusday morning at his home 52 Waterloo Street. Mr Lynk suffered a stroke on Tuesday while making a call at John Fratangelo's home in East DeZeng Street. Mr. Lynk was born in the town of Savannah, Nov. 14 1864. In early life he was a farmer in this section. Later he became associated with the old Tobin clothing store here.

It was as the owner of a livery in Glasgow Street for some 20 years that Mr. Lynk was best known. His horses were among the best procurable and many residents of this area patronized the Lynk livery.

With the advent of automobiles Mr. Lynk kept pace with the times and replaced his horses and hacks with motorizes apparatus. A son Irving Lynk was in business with him and will continue it.

Mr. Lynk leaves his wife Stella Lynk and two sons Irving and Elmer Lynk of Clyde. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:20, Rev. R.F. Smithson officiating. Burial was in Rose Cemetery.

LYNK Feb 06.1947
Elmer Lynk age 61 years died suddenly of a heart attack while sitting in his chair at his home 19 Caroline Street, Clyde, Saturday afternoon about 1 o'clock. He had been in failing health for several months but had been about as usual Saturday until he was stricken.

Mr. Lynk was widely known as a horseman. He grew up in the livery business and operated a stable with his father George Lynk for many years here, when livery business was a thriving enterprise. He was a lover of horses and owned many fine animals in his day. After retiring from business he was associated with Albert Cullen on the town roads for 22 years. A few years ago he entered the employee of the Ballard Construction Co. of Syracuse as a foreman from which business he retired about a year ago due to injury. He was a member of the International Rod Carriers Union No.40 of Syracuse, also a member of the Echo club, a group of men who own a camp on the C.I. Syron farm on the Clyde river.

Mr. Lynk was born in the town of Butler but lived most of his life in Clyde. He is survived by his wife Ada Dickson Lynk and one brother Irving of Clyde. Frneral services were held at the Harold S. Mann Furneral Home on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. C.C. Comstock officiating. Burial was made in the family lot in the Rose Cemetery.

Soldier August Camp's obituary was submitted by his cousin, Allyn Hess Perry.

The obituary of Sidney E. Bliss of Clyde, N.Y. and Albion, MI was kindly submitted by researcher Charles W. Paige.

Obituary for Sidney E. Bliss, posted in The Albion (Michigan) Recorder, dated April 4, 1916:

[Son of Calvin Hall and Seraph (Bothwell) Bliss]

"Sidney E. Bliss was born at Clyde, New York, and died at his home, 107 West Elm street, Albion, Michigan, March 28, 1916. He was a son of Calvin H. Bliss and his wife Seraph Bothwell Bliss and was the great-grandson of Captain Samuel Bliss of Rehoboth, Mass., of Revolutionary fame. Capt. Bliss commanded a company of eight-day minutemen April 19-27, 1775, and afterwards (1775) a company of eight-months men in Col. Timothy Walker's regiment and was Gen. Washington's steward at Morristown in the winter of 1777. Mr. Bliss was married January 10, 1861, to Helen M. Hubbard.

"In 1866 they came to Michigan, locating at Tekonsha, but the following year they moved to a farm three miles south of Albion, where he lived until 1884. In that year he moved to Albion, since which time he has made this city his home. He was by trade a carpenter, and worked at building more or less during the whole of his life.

"His home life was especially happy until the death of his wife, March 20, 1901. Six children were born to them, all of whom are living: Mrs. Mary S. Buckman, Hanover; Charles S. Bliss, Albion; Wm. H. Bliss, Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Susan E. Barnes, Duluth; Mrs. Etta M. Kendrick, Traverse City; Mrs. Nellie M. Barnes, Chicago. There are also eleven grandchildren.

"Since the death of his wife, his son Charles has lived in the family home on West Elm street, and he had made his home there, although he [Sidney] had spent part of his time with his other children.

"He was converted in 1879 in a revival held in the Babcock schoolhouse by Rev. Uri Mason, and was baptized in the river which ran through his farm. He joined the M. E. Church in Albion at that time and has since been a regular attendant and faithful member.

"While he lived on the farm he not only attended the church in town but also took student preachers home with him for the service at the schoolhouse in the afternoon.

"He has been a man of clean personal habits, a devoted husband and father, a citizen who could always be counted on to throw his influence on the side of right, and a humble yet devoted Christian.

"Four of his eight brothers and sisters are left to mourn his departure. They are: John B. Bliss, Marshall; Mrs. Mary S. Williams, Tekonsha; Miss Carrie H. Bliss, Wolcott, N.Y.; and C. H. Bliss, Farmville, Va.

"The funeral service was conducted Sunday, April 2, at 2 p.m., by the Methodist pastor, Rev. A. R. Johns, D. D., at the family home, and the body was laid to rest at Riverside cemetery."

The following Sodus obit was spotted and contributed by Co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry.

W.C. SNYDER'S little boy Harry, aged five years, died with diptheria in Victor, and the remains were brought to Sodus on Monday for interment. Mrs. Snyder also lies in a critical condition with typhoid fever.

The following Gould family obits of Butler and nearby Cayuga County area interest were contributed by Milli Gould.

Savannah Times, Fri., Jan. 10, 1910
South Butler

Mr. Samuel Gould, one of the oldest inhabitants of this town, died at his home on the Slyburg road, Thursday, at the age of 93 years. He leaves a large family of children, five sons, Chester of Medina, Loren, Bradford, Charles and William of this place, and three daughters, Mrs. Simeon Smith, Mrs. Reuben Martin and Mrs. Mamie Phillips. The funeral was held Sunday. Interment at Butler Center.

Clyde Herald, Thursday, June 9, 1949

Loren Gould of Spring Lake, who was well known in Savannah, died Sunday, June 5, 1949, at the age of 69 years.

Surviving are a son, Lester of Spring Lake; a daughter, Mrs. Bessie Jacques of Rochester; three brothers, John of Port Byron, Winfred and Charles of Baldwinville; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Kennedy of Rose Hill and Mrs Margaret Townsend of Auburn; and eleven grandchildren.

Services were held in the Mott Funeral Home in Cato with burial in the Spring Lake Cemetery.

The obituary of Emric Hill was donated by Sally Williams. Sally's commentary about the usefulness of obits published elsewhere is an excellent research tip. Thank you very much for taking the time to share this.

"The following obituary is in our family records. The paper is very tattered and torn and thus some words are missing. I don't know the paper in which it was published but it would most likely be a local paper in Coloma, Michigan. Mr. Hill was born in Wayne County but spent most of his life in Berrien County, Michigan so I don't know if you want to include it. I thought it might be useful since I am always searching for such information to assist me in knowing where a person moved in adult life. Sometimes the birth information can be located but where the person moved later in life is often a mystery."

Pioneer Merchant Gone;
E. A. Hill Passes Away
Had been in Business in Coloma for 34 Years

Funeral Services Held From Late Home on August 27th (1914)

Emric Adelbert Hill, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Hill, was born April 5, 1852, at Williamson, New York, and died at Coloma, Michigan, Tuesday, August 25, 1914, at 3:30 a.m. Death was caused from a complication of diseases, his illness extending over a period of about a year, during which time several specialists were consulted, but they could do nothing to alleviate his suffering, which he bore very patiently.

When but a boy Mr. Hill came from New York with his parents and (missing words) Muskegon, Michigan where (missing words).

Later he came to Watervliet and was employed for a couple of years in Hiram Pierce's hardware store. In the year 1880, he came to Coloma and opened a hardware store and has been in business here almost constantly since that time.

At the age of twenty-seven years he was united in marriage to Fannie Jane Merrifield of Watervliet township, who survives him. For a year following the marriage the couple lived at Muskegon, then came to Coloma where they have resided since 1880. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hill. They are Lawrence D. Hill of San Antonio, Texas; W. Harry Hill of Coloma; Mrs. Bessie Benson of Coloma; and Mrs. Lina O'Donnell of Kansas City, Mo. All were present at the funeral with the exception of the eldest son, who was unable to reach home.

Funeral services were held from the late home of deceased, on Paw Paw Street, at 2 o'clock p.m. today (Thursday) August 27. The services at the residence were conducted by Rev. F. L. Blewfield, pastor of the M. E. church, and the exercises at the grave were conducted by Coloma Lodge No. 162, F. &anp; A. M. Interment in Coloma Cemetery. Out of respect for the popular merchant and highly respected citizen, every business house in Coloma was closed during the funeral hour. The pall bearers were Clarence N. Vinton, George W. Grant, Albert Jackson, Oren W. Woodward, William Grant and George Dedrick.

The story of the business experience of Mr. Hill in Coloma is a story of the progress and develop;ment of the town. When he came to Coloma and opened his store in 1880 the village had a population of approximately 250 people, and the business district was centered around the old Teeter hotel building on St. Joseph Street. Mr. Hill opened his store in the building which is now occupied as a residence by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonard. A couple of years later, he moved his stock of goods to Paw Paw street on the site of the building now occupied by the Coloma Hardware Co. He was in business at that place for several years when he sold out to a man by the name of Spencer and out of business for a few months.

About the year 1886 he purchased the property on Paw Paw street between the railroad and Washington street, and was instrumental in having the business interests moved northward. He induced George W. Grant to build on this property and to make improvements north of the railroad. Mr. Hill himself opened a new store in a building where the Hill store is now located. in December of the year 1905, the entire corner was wiped out by fire. Mr. Hill succeeded in saving part of his stock and during the year 1906 conducted business in a building facing the railroad track, while he was rebuilding his store, which was completed that year.

Although he was handicapped by fire and other misfortunes, deceased showed that he was a thorough business man and was successful in building up a fine hardware and furniture (missing) and in amassing quite a share of this world's financial goods being the owner of considerable (missing) at the time of his death. He made it a practice not to allow any mail order or catalogue house to undersell him, as he bought much of his stock by the carload, and the name Hill was a familiar one with every family for a radius of many miles around Coloma.

Mr. Hill was identified with every interest that was for the good of the growth of the village and was one of the most progressive business men in Berrien county. He was a member of the Coloma Lodge of Masons and of the Maccabees. In politics, he was a staunch democrat, but was not one of those who used his political influence seeking office.

Sally Williams
Ames, Iowa

Obituaries of members of the Ferris Family.

The obituary of Elizabeth Clark Youngs was contributed by her great-great granddaughter, Suzanne Carpenter:

From "Saranac [Ionia Co.MI.] Advertiser, Vol.24, Issue 27, Sept.27,1916:

Elizabeth Clark Youngs

Elizabeth A. Clark was born in Wayne County New York May 27,1829 and died in Berlin twp. at the home of her son on the 22nd of September,1916.

She was united in marriage to George Youngs January 17,1847. He departed this life July 18,1890. There were 13 children born to this union of which 8 passed away in infancy. She leaves 5 children: Clark Youngs of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Mary Austin of Saranac, Eliza Monks of Lowell, Jane S. Philo of Saranac, W[m.]H. Youngs of Saranac, also 24 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and one great,great, grandchild.

She has been a resident of Berlin since 1858. After a long, busy and useful life, she died as she had lived-honored, trusted and loved. She reared her own monument while she lived, in the hearts of all who knew her.

Funeral was held from the Saranac M.E. Church, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.S. Valentine, pastor of the Methodist Church at Berlin Center, assisted by Rev. E. Woolley.

Note: Elizabeth was the daughter of Aaron Clark and ? Sutherville or ? Sutherland. She had two younger sisters, one of whom (Sarah) stayed in New York in the Geneva area and married a Howe. Mary married a Jones and moved to Illinois. A possible brother was Aaron Clark (Jr.?) who also moved to Ionia Co. MI about the same time as Elizabeth and her family. Her husband (George Youngs & 11 siblings) was from the town of Marion N.Y.

Suzanne Carpenter, of Michigan, submitter
This is my g.g.grandmother.

A cluster of obits and related material about the Stout and Drake Families were contributed by Bill Stout:

Taken from the Tri-State Alliance, Volume XV, Number 3, Pioneer, Ohio, of Friday, July 14, 1893.

Dr. William Drake Stout

Our "Old Pioneers" are rapidly passing away. Fifty years ago this was a wilderness that tried men, soul and body and it is fitting for their children and those who occupy the land in these latter days to cherish the memory of those pioneers.

Dr. W. D. Stout, the subject of this sketch was born in Lyons, Genesee County, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1811. He passed his youth in that still new region as most boys do. He commenced the study of medicine and spent some time in the Rochester University and was there at the time Sam Patch took his last leap; which he beheld.

He was married to Betsy Garrett in 1835, and on June 16, 1836 he landed at Toledo, which then contained one log house. Thus has the Dr. seen the growth of this country from its most helpless infancy. He bent his way westward on the Territorial road landing in Amboy, Michigan. He entered the piece of land west of the Baptist Church shortly afterward and put up a log house. The year after his uncle, Dea. Amos Drake came into the country and other settlers dotted the wilderness here and there. He moved to Cambria a short time and after living in this township for a couple of years, he moved to Bird Lake living near the southeast shore. Here the Indians had their permanent homes and the squaws tilled the soil. He was here when the government officers made the men drunk that they could remove them and their squaws and families into a more distant wilderness, driving them from their crops and homes like beasts and treating them far more brutally.

He moved back to Amboy and in October, 1847, his wife died. She was buried on the east bank of Silver Creek, southeast of the old red grist mill, but her grave is lost and will never be known till the last trumpet sounds. Three children are the fruits of this union. Mrs. Chloe Auble, now living in Bridgewater, Ralph, who died in the service during the "war for the union," and Mary, wife of J. M. McNitt of Wright Township, she having died some 7 years ago.

He married Miss Abby Simonds his second wife in 1848 and in the fall of 1858 his second wife died and was buried in the Bridgewater Cemetery. One child Marion, now residing in Kansas, was the result of this union. During all these years the Dr. not only traveled far and near to minister tidings and for the support of his family labored with his hands. His was an unselfish spirit and he would travel as far to minister to the poor as he would to the rich. His active life was not spent in the gathering of wealth but in doing good, and as one said, "if the Dr. had collected the bills due him for medical services, he would have been the richest man in the land." But this was not the leading idea of this unselfish man. He was too much of a pioneer for this and the wealth of this world had but little attraction to him. He was a practitioner of no mean ability, for he was possessed of a sound judgement. As a preacher he was not of that excitable nature that stirs up the emotions to the detriment of reason, but he was a plain, logical gospel teacher, a careful and continual student of the book of nature and the book of God were ever open before him, and he learned lessons therefrom that lifted him far above the average mind.

But we pass to notice the rest of his active life: He lived in Bridgewater on the Angola road where he preached and practiced medicine from 1851 to 1858, the death of his wife breading him up again.

He married Miss Lois Lickley in 1859, and commenced preaching and housekeeping near Lickley's Corners. Here he resided till the death of his wife in the summer of 1880. One daughter, now Mrs. Grubb of Amboy, was the only child of his last marriage. After his wife's death he made his home with his daughter Mrs. O. Auble, where he died July 3, 1893, aged 81 years, 6 mo's, and 8 days. His last days were cheered by the loving attention of his daughter and her kindly hands made much easier the rugged road to the grave. He was laid down to his long rest in the Bridgewater Union Cemetery on the 5th of July, and while his body crumbles to dust, may the sons and daughters of this generation and the generations to come rise and call his memory blessed.

"William Drake Stout seems to be the only one of his brothers and sisters who was born in Lyons. According to the data I have, his older siblings were born in Schenectady, New York, and his younger ones in Ovid, Seneca Co., NY. I have found his father's grave in Ovid. Here is that data: I received the following from Diane Nelson, CGRS, Town of Covert Historian and Lake View Cemetery Secretary.

John H. Stout died 28 Jun 1841 age 66-4-1 is buried at McNeil Cemetery, Town of Ovid. The cemetery is about 3 miles from Lake View Cemetery. It is sometimes called the Gospel Lot Cemetery as it is on the Gospel Lot (Military Lot reserved for the church and/or school when the lots were laid out in the 1790s.

There is a John Stout who appears in the census records in 1820 and after living in Wayne County, but he is actually the son of Amos Stout and Katherine Drake. Amos is a distant cousin of John H. Stout. I know that John H. Stout's wife Permelia's family lived in Wayne County, and they moved there around 1802 before John and Permelia came to that area of NY. My best guess is that they left the Schenectady area sometime after 1807 when Mary Drake Stout was born and went to Lyons where Permelia's parents lived. William Drake was born in 1811, and sometime after that they moved to Ovid. Miner T. Stout was born in Ovid in 1815."

"Here is a death record from Michigan for Amos DRAKE who lived in Wayne Co., NY from about 1802 until about 1837. Amos is mentioned as William Drake STOUT's uncle in the obit I sent. In fact it was this death record that gave me evidence of Permelia DRAKE's (Amos's sister) parents' name. William DRAKE's will is posted in the will section of's Wayne Co. message boards and it also mentions Amos Drake. The 1830 NY census is also included which shows AMOS living in Rose. "

Michigan Death Record: DRAKE, AMOS S.
Date of death: 9-Jun-1873
Ledger Page: 233
Record Number: 105
Place of Death: Amboy
County of Death: Hillsdale
Sex: Male
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Age: 72 years 5 months 24 days
Birthplace: New Jersey
Occupation: Farmer
Father's Name: Drake, William
Father's Residence: New York
Mother's Name: Drake, Mary
Mother's Residence: Not recorded
Date of Record: 20-Jun-1874

1830 New York census index
Name State County Town Page Year
Drake, Amos S. NY WAYNE CO. ROSE 172 1830

"I have the following cemetery record from Chili, NY. Abraham is William Drake STOUT's brother, Rachel is his sister, and Permelia is his mother. Permelia is also listed in William DRAKE's will as Amelia, apparently his name for her."

Chili, New York

STOUT Abraham, son of John & Permelia; d March 2, 1869 @ 68y 3m 9d
Permelia, wife of John and mother of Mrs. T. BROKAW; d Aug. 26, 1855 @ 74y 3m 24d
BROKAW Rachel S., wife of Tunis; d Oct. 29, 1878 @ 73y 9m 9d
Tunis; father; d May 4, 1890 @ 90y 4m 5d

[Source of Chili Presbyterian Cemetery excerpt: Monroe County NYGenWeb Page - "The tombstones in this cemetery were copied in July 1985 by Mary T. Douglas of the Irondequoit Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. They were copied again in 1935 by Mrs. Mary B. Wells and Frances M. Witmer of Leroy, NY. These two lists were combined and a visit was made to cemetery in Aug. 1991 by Richard T. Halsey and some corrections and additions were done at that time."]

William DRAKE left New Jersey in 1802. That is based on a church record showing him and his wife Mary being dismissed from the church in Hopewell, NJ in 1802. I don't know exactly how or when they got to Wayne Co. Their youngest child was apparently Amos, who was born in 1800. This is the church record:

From the book "The Town Records of Hopewell, New Jersey" published in 1931 by the Authority of the Board of Managers of the New Jersey Society of Colonial Dames of America.

The Record of the Old School Baptist Church: pages 125 - 174 Members, Baptisms, Dismissals, Deaths, page 175 - Marriages, page 176 - Excommunications

Page 156:
Nov 22, 1801
William Drake
Catherine Houghton
Nov 25, 1801
Mary Drake
Apr 18, 1802
Catharine Drake
Catherine Houghton dismissed
Mary Drake dismissed
William Drake dismissed

Wayne County Vital Records

Created: 8/1/99
Last Updated: 10/13/17
Copyright © 1999 - 2003 Martha Perry Magill/Bill Stout/ Suzanne Carpenter/ Mary Sorensen/ Sally Williams/ Milli Gould/ Allyn Hess Perry/ Charles Paige/ Charlyne Link/ Dana Kime/ Marcia Benton/ Bob and Jean Lefurgey/ Mary Martin/ Bob Phillips

Chili Cemetery Reading Excerpt:
Copyright © 1985 Mary T. Douglas
Copyright © 1935 Mary B. Wells and Frances M. Witmer
Copyright © 1991 Richard T. Halsey

Copyright © 1999 - 2003 Wayne County NYGenWeb
All Rights Reserved.