The Coordinators and Editors of Wayne County GenWeb are pleased to host the online presentation of the index to THE definitive book on Wayne County, N.Y. - Professor W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, New York", originally printed in 1877. We'd first like to extend our deepest appreciation to the staff of the Office of the County Historian for allowing our Town of Rose Editor, Frank Dennis, to prepare their index for online presentation. In turn our gratitude is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis for their many hours spent scanning, typing, proof-reading and converting this very long index.
The warm cooperation between our volunteer project and the Office of the County Historian is mutually beneficial. If you find persons mentioned on this index of interest to you, please contact the Office of the County Historian. However, we've been advised that before they can conduct any lookups or research or make copies, you MUST request from them an authorization form first. Since there is a fee for doing research, they need to know the maximum research hours you will pay for before starting research for you. If you need further information, contact the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County.
McIntosh, Prof. W. H., 1877. "History of Wayne County, New York; with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of Highest Ability, 1789-1877". Everts, Ensign, & Everts, Philadelphia. 1877. (Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1976)
The original volume contained a table of contents but no index. In 1976 the Wayne County HIstorian's Office prepared an index to the names of persons mentioned in the book. This index was computer-scanned to allow posting on the Wayne County GenWeb. The original index, in double-column format, has been converted to single column format. Although it has been checked for errors in "translation", some undoubtedly remain. If readers find such errors, please call them to our attention.
Certain pages contain many names because lists of Civil War veterans or of patrons who supported publication of the book occur there. Veterans are listed for Arcadia (pp. 74-76), Butler (pp. 79-80), Galen (pp. 90-92), Huron (pp. 95-96), Lyons (pp. 112-114), Macedon (p. 120), Marion (pp. 125-126), Ontario (pp. 131-132), Palmyra (pp.151-153), Rose (p. 159), Savannah (pp. 163-164), Sodus (pp. 181-183), Walworth (pp. 187-188), Williamson (p. 192-193), and Wolcott (p. 204). Patrons are listed by township on pp. 210-216. Pages with numbers followed by letters (A,B,C) contain biographical information about individuals and their families; additional biographies are on pp. 205-209.
Frank Dennis
Town of Rose Editor
Wayne County NYGenWeb
Wacksmuth, Geo. 188
Waddell, J. 114
Wade, Alverson 156; Dudley 156, 158; E.D. 214; Eunice 95, 158; John 94, 95, 156, 158, 203; Joseph 158; Rev. 192; Uriah 156; Willis 43, 156, 157
Wadham, Rev. Alonzo 119
Wadley, Martin 83,92
Wadsworth, Elisha 199; Henry 199, 216; Horace 163; James 15; Jeremiah 25, John 199; Rebecca 207; William 25, 40, 79
Wafer, John 175; Thomas 167
Wager, E. 92; Stephen 159; Wm. 92, 159
Waggener, David 15
Wagner, George 70
Wagstaff, Samuel 142
Wait, Dr. 201; Isaac 76; Stephen, 159, 202
Wake, Anthony 192; James 177; Jon 192; Jonathan 192, 212; Thomas 192; Wm .192
Wakefield, Marius 92
Wakely (Wakel), page 190; A. 216; Alfred 193; Captain 52
Wakeman (Weckman), Philip 114
Waldo, Rev. Daniel 170; Rev. Edmund 95; Rev. Lyman 95
Waldorf (Waldorph), Edward 216; Mr. 200; Mrs. Jane 214
Waldron, Adolf 208; Amy Gardner 208; Benj. 204; Charles 157; Edward 208; Eliza 208; Hannah 208; Hannah Ellison 208; Harrison 208; John 208; Julia 208; Mary 208; Mrs. Eliza 208; Nancy 208; Phebe 208; Resolvert 208; Richard 208; Robert 208; Rudolph 208; Susan 208
Waldruff, Geo. 92
Wales, Mrs. 98
Walker, Benjamin 44; Calvin 50; C.C.137; C.D. 198; Edward 211; Harriet 146; Harry 180; Henry 183; I.B. 153; James 80; J.E. 143; John 180; Joseph 180, 183; Peter 98, 108; Solomon 180; Thomas 80, 198; Walter 118
Wall, Alonzo 132; Thomas 92
Wallace, A. 126; Alonzo 76, 180, 183; George 183; John 114; Samuel 180; W. 84
Walling, G.V. 125; James 168; Joseph 168; Myron 178; William 168
Walmsley, Albert 159; Henry 159
Walrath, A. 102, 111; Geo. 114
Walsh, Rev. Thomas 149
Walsworth, Prof. E.B. 186
Walter(s), Ella 88B; James 98, 108; John 41; Leeman 150
Walton, Alfred 153; Thomas 114
Walworth, General 185
Wamsley, Albert 214
Wanmaker, Mr. 111
Wanzer, Captain 49; George 49
Ward, Artemus 118, 119; Chester 43; Dr. L.D. 187; Franklin 198; Henry 174, 215; Jacob 198; John 77, 78; Levi 45, 140; Moses 36; Mrs.L.D. 187; Ransom 78, 198; Samuel 79, 173; Smith 161; Stephen 153; Wm. 172
Wardwell, Rev. T.F. 72, 110
Ware(s), Charles 164; Rev. J.K. 71; Silas 177
Waring, Noel 83
Warner, Alanson 213; Asahel 40, 120; David 38, 117, 139; Frederick 76; George 153, 163; Giles 120; James 76; John 172, 176, 177, 201; Jonathan 19, 117, 134, 139; Lewis 114; Matthew 44; Mr. 166, 175; N. 140; Nahum 117, 118; P. 120; R.K. 123, 212; Sally 40; Solomon 37; William 114
Warnshuis, Rev. J.W. 125
Warren (Warn), Aldice 176, 177; A.P. 166, 170, 176, 215; Benjamin 131; Charles 114, 132; Clark 166; C.M. 80; Edwin 132; Elijah 109, 166, 170, 171; Gardner 166, 177; George 114; H. 104; Harvey 41; Haskell 177; Horace 141; Isaac 153; Jerome 132; Robert 193; Samuel 166, 170; Stephen 188
Washburn, Daniel 203; J.J. 72
Wasson, William 55
Waterbury, Hiram 157
Waterman, M.J. 41; Stephen 120
Waters, Alice 192A; Alice Brewer 192A; Benjamin 191; Edward 76; Ella 192A; George 190, 216; Maria 192A; Mary 192A; Samuel 125; Sarah 125; William 83, 114, 190, 192A, 196; "Yankee Bill" 190; Zimri 192A
Watkins, Canton 96; Isaac 36; William 156, 158
Watrous, D. 110; Daniel 109; H.H. 107; Mr. 103
Wetson, page 198; Elisha 80; G.A. 42; George 188; Jacob 199; James 82, 87, 114, 167; John 92B, 132; Joseph 82, 86, 87, 95; Stephen 83, 87; Susan Parker 92B
Watts, Jonathan 74, 209
Way, Benjamin 156; David 114, 159, 183; Harley 156; Samuel 156; T. 92
Wayne, Anthony 23, 61
Weasel, Joseph 111
Weatherwax, Michael 161; Rev. B.F. 95
Weaver, Andrew 166, 180; Daniel 215; Harry 177; Homer 76, 132; John 96, 180, 183; Lewis 76; Luther 92; Nathan 168; Philip 69; Rev. 186; Spencer 159; Stephen 170, 183
Webb, Col. James 161; Rev. 88, 148
Weber, Philip 183; Solomon 111
Webner, Charles 164
Webster, E.P. 111; Ephraim 25; James 191; John 144; Mr. 105; Rev. John 145, 148
Weden, Charles 114
Weed, Abraham 83; B. 41; Charles 95; Luther 42, 95; Mrs. Oscar 157; Oliver 92; Oscar 94, 157, 158; Thurlow 150
Weeks, Ann Budd 154; B.B. 213; Charles 96; Dewitt 159; George 154; Smith 34, 73
Weisner, Jacob 153
Welch, Andrew 153; David 114; John 92, 178; Michael 114; Morris 126, 180, 183; Obadiah 76; Patrick 188; Peter 180; Rev. Michael 89, 111; Samuel 83, 86; Thomas 153; William 92, 114
Welcher, page 65; John 64, 72
Weld, Isaac 176; Robert 178
Welker, C.A. 211
Weller, Jas. 111
Welling (Willing), J. 106; Joseph 43, 55, 86, 114
Wellman, Hannah Palmer 161; Jedediah 77; Orrin 161; Paul 77, 161; Rhoda 161; Wheeler 77
Wells, A. 43; Albert 183; Alfred 154; Catherine 154; Catharine Beckwith 154; Charles 58; Collins 215; Colonel 60; Dr. Gardner 94; E.B. 82A, 157, 210; Edward 43, 83, 86; Elisha 92, 114; Frances 163; Henry 142; James 131; Jane Ford 208C; Lewis 42; Louisa 208C; Mary 208C, 216; Philip 114B; Rev. L.B. 158; Rufus 158; Russell 208C; Samuel 94, 211; Sarah Daggett 142; William 94, 200
Welsh, Horace 42
Wemesfelder (Wamosfelder), Jacob 131; William 183
Wemple, Indian trader 97
Wenants, H.L. 70
Wendover, George 80; James 80; William 80
Werk, J. 84
Wernier, Michael 76
Wesley, John 97, 102; Mr. 171
West, Alonzo 92, 159; A. Maria 146; Brewster 84; Charles 120; Ebenezer 76; G. 153; George 87; Harris 106; Harrison 164; Harry 83; Henry 72; James 83, 84, 126; Palatiah 142, 143; Samuel 41; Thomas 79; Wm. 92
Westbrook, Charles 114; Daniel 181; J.N. 163; Manly 181, 183; Martin 181, 183
Westcott (Wescott), Amos 164; Charles 164; Court 92; Daniel 92, 159; Ida 108; John 80; Josiah 88; Leonard 142; Maneh 161; Mr. 94; Sanford 92
Westfall, Abraham 97; Alfred 76; Benjamin 97; Cornelius 97; Daniel 41, 97, 98; David 114; D.B. 97; George 98; Hannah Middaugh 98; Henry 84; Hiram 127, 212; Jacob 98, 106; James 97, 106, 202, 204; John 41, 98; J.V. 106; Peter 106; P.R. 41; Samuel 98
Westgate, A.W. 186
Westlake, William 76
Westmiller, Geo. 114
Wexmouth, George 153
Whaley, Stephen 153
Whaling, Henry 183
Whately, Wm. 92
Wheat (Weet), Jacob 183; Joseph 183; Rev. 148; Thomas 177
Wheater, Benj. 193
Wheeden, Geo 147
Wheeler, page 161; A.B. 114; Beman 37; C. 74; Daniel 203; E. 203; Eli 77, 78, 160; Glazier 199, 200; H.H. 77, 80, 160, 210; Levi 200; Lucy 95; Luther 94, 95; Mrs. B.F. 118; O.H. 78, 162; Peter 164; William 204; Zenas 19, 198, 199, 203
Wheelock, Lorenzo 120; Stephen 147
Whelpley, Samuel 147
Whiffin, Rev. J.S. 89, 159
Whipple, Edward 96; M.D. 214; R. 189; Rev. 169, 170; Russell 43, 190, 192
Whitbeck, Andrew 166; Andrus 171, 176; Cornelius 166, 176, 215; George 120, 183; Henry 120; Jacob 114; James 69, 76; John 76, 120; Peter 136
Whitcomb, Charles 132, 193; Dr. 208B; L. 43, 203
White, Abijah 191; Albert 118; Alexander 191; Alfred 126; Alvin 126; Amos 191; Andrew 76, 193; Anna 141; Artemas 188; Bethiah Hubbard 78A; Calvin 71; Canvass 45; Charles, 70, 210; Charlotte Hubbard 78A; C.T. 69; Daniel 15; David 18, 19, 117, 134, 140, 144, 147; D.L. 193; E.P. 212; Everard 123; Farnum 102, 110; Henry 114, 193; H.N. 143; James 78A, 140, 141, 143; Jeremiah 178; J.H. 216; J.J. 145, 187; John 92, 129, 174, 176, 177, 188, 191, 215; Jonathan 191; Joseph 167; Josiah 153; L.D. 203; Levi 191; Lewis 120; M. 193; Margaret 208; Merritt 215; Mr. 148A; Oren 141; Richard 189, 191; S. 76; Samuel 170, 177, 192; S.G. 69; Stephen 171, 172; Widow 118; William 42, 101, 167, 177; W.M. 193, 216
Whiting, Charles 76; Foster 96; Jonas 181, 183; Julius 216; L.H. 76; Mr. 68; Thomas 83, 86, 88; Wm. 215;
Whitlock (Whitelock), Benjamin 211; Ella 98A; Levi 108
Whitman, Geo. 92
Whitmer, Christian 150; David 150; Henry 188; Jacob 150; John 150, 188; Peter 150
Whitmore, Emmett 76; Oliver 36, 88, 156; Seth 156; Wells 40; Wm. 76
Whitney, Bascom 37; E.J. 105; Hezekiah 206; Isaac 114; Joel 37; Jonathan 36; Lewis 114; Mr. 168; Nathan 36; O.F. 213; Rev. L. 95; Ruth 206
Whittlesey, Asaph 82; F. 45
Wickham (Wickam), Mr. 175; Thomas 170, 172, 175, 176, 178, 215; William 166, 167, 174, 177, 178, 183
Wickson, Geo. 110; Mr. 102
Wickmire, J. 157
Wickwin, Isaac 178
Widrig, Russell 160
Wigglesworth, A.G. 120
Wilber (Wilbur), A.H. 89; Brownell 157, 158; George 163; H. 89; Halsey 215; Henry 117; Jacob 191; Joseph 67; Josiah 191; Rev. Sidney 110
Wilcox, D. 166; Daniel 123, 124, 125; David 69, 135, 137; Dewitt 76; Durfee 169, 170, 176, 177, 178; Earl 192; Ellen 137; Hannah 125; H.H. 212; Louisa 212; Martin 140,143; Mary 125, 135, 137; Mr. 199; M.W. 143; Myron 126; Pardon 137; Philo 132, 137; Ruth Durfee 135, 137; Stephen 140, 183; William 135, 137, 140
Wilcoxen, Ellen Laphan 121; Milo 121
Wilder, page 199; B. 216; Brutus 191, 192; Denison 41; Erastus 87, 94, 95, 203; Gamaliel 25; J. 198A; Jed. 41; Jedediah 94, 199, 207; Lydia 87; Rev. John 192; Sidney 72, 73; Sylvester 105; Tamar 87
Wiles, Betsey 108; Mrs. Wm. 108; Rev. Phineas 95, 158; Wm. 108
Wiley (Wylie), Charles 132; Geo. 92; Henry 80; Isaac 83; James 132, 160, 164; J.G. 92; Mrs. William 185; W.D. 43, 215; William 38, 186, 188
Wilkins, Elder 130; Rev. 158; Rev. A. 88
Wilkinson, James 73; Jemima 15, 25; Jeremiah 15; Josiah 73; Rev. 187
Willard, G. 213; John 171
Willers, D. 111
Williams, A. 42, 202; A.B. 174; A. Ford 70; Albert 153; Alexander 43, 106, 114, 176, 177; Alvin 126; Andrew 174, 177; Anna 70; Ann Strong 174; A.P. 212; Byron 210; Charles 132, 178; Chas. 92, 183; David 193; Dr. 67, 68; F. 144; Fletcher 40, 68, 69, 70, 72; Francis 126; Frank 146; Franklin 142, 146; G.C. 143; Geo. 114; George 43, 141, 143, 149; Homer 143; Horace 164; James 58; Jos. 172; Joseph 177; Levi 132; Lewis 114, 183; Lieut. 49; Marvin 153; Melvin 164; Mr. 68, 199; Mrs. Dr. 72; Mrs. Lucy 71; Mrs. Sandford 174; P.J. 124, 125; Platt 142; Rensselaer 167; Rev. William 110, 203; Richard 67, 68, 167; R.M. 46; R.S. 214; Sanford 167; Stephen 43, 68, 71, 140, 210; Theodore 76; Thomas 186; William 33; Zebulon 135, 136, 137, 142, 144
Williamson, Charles 19, 20, 32, 63, 97, 99, 101, 122, 138, 153, 165, 166, 167, 189; J.S. 214; Peter 183, 193; W.H. 212; William,153
Willinis, Geo. 214
Willis, Azariah 101, 166, 167, 176; Daniel 76; Dr. 101
Williston, Rev. 147; Rev. Seth 35
Willits (Willett), Enos 132; Hiram 118; J. 213; S.L. 212; William 118
Wills, William 38
Wilsey, Eli 160
Wilson, A. 148; Adelia Benjamin 208B; Andrew 48, 76; Benjamin 208B; Charles 92; Damarius 95; Ephraim 158; F. 132; George 131, 161; Israel 80; J. 71; Jacob 70, 210; James 208B, 216; Jane Porter 78A; Jared 36; Jas. 43, 202; Jedediah 198; John 183; L. 158; M. 42; M.V. 88; Peter 105; Rev. 163; Rev. James 95; Rev. R.E. 88; Samuel 92; Susannah 208B; V. 73; William 38, 142
Winans, D.H. 69; Silas 77, 162; Wm. 92
Winchel(1), Calvin 159; Jacob 161
Winchester, Alonzo 43, 176; A.M. 174, 178; C.W. 149
Winegar (Winnegar), Albert 164; Amos 79, 162; Hannah 79; Henry 162; James 162; Mansfield 160, 162; Winans 163
Wing, Edward 82, 87; Enoch 71; Mr. 124; Rev. Conway 170
Winget, Aaron 173
Winne, Joshua 76
Winslow, H.M. 124, 212; Laura 213; Martin 137; W. 144
Winter(s), Bethuel 183; Charles 114; Ernest 114; Jacob 168; John 114; Joseph 19, 62, 63; Mr. 73; Stephen 153; William 167, 176, 177
Wire, Rev. Samuel 173, 174
Wirts, Betsey 108; Mr. 161
Wise, A. 162
Wiseman, Rev. Charles 186
Wiser, Squire 188
Wisner, Benjamin 167; H. 111; James 38, 43, 80, 94, 110
Wissick, George 153
Wissman, Charles 73
Witherden, Mr. 122; T. 212
Withers, Isaac 153
Withey, Ezra 203
Witt, Michael 84
Witter, Byron 188
Wolcott, page 198; Oliver 77, 201
Wolf(e), C. 111; John 76; Matthew 76
Wolfrom, page 64
Wolsey, Admiral 102; Major 102; Mr. 119
Woobey (Wobey), Porter 114; Wm. 114
Wood, Abram 86, 92; Alonzo 160; Anson 43, 114, 202, 204; Arcenath 207; Arilla 187; A.S. 56; Belle 207; Benjamin 86, 117, 119, 139, 187; Caroline 207; Carrie 205; Catharine 203; Chas. 92, 126, 160, 163; Chloe Olney 207; Cornelia 88A; Daniel 145, 199; E.D. 162; Edson 160; Elisha 191; Elizabeth 207; Emma 207; Emma Benedict 207; Eugenie Flint 207; Eunice Madan 207; Freeman 187; Geo. 92, 126, 203, 215; Geo. 92, 126, 203, 215; Gibson 207; G.M. 200; H.C. 153; Jethro 161; John 172, 206; Jonathan 117; Joseph 101, 167, 178; Lovina 207; Lucene Center 207; M. 119, 201; Martin 183; Mary 206, 207; Mary Thompson 207; M.O. 202; Mr. 200; Mrs. Benjamin 187; Mrs. W.O. 206B; Myron 207; Noah 207; R. 187; Rev. 88, 192; Rev. A.A. 110; Richard 83; Seth 162; Watson 178; W.G. 201; William 56, 80, 200, 202, 203, 207; W.O. 201, 205, 206B, 216
Woodham(s), Henry 132; James 131; Owen 132; Walter 132
Woodhull, Byron 193
Woodruff, page 199; Andrew 198; Charles 177, 198; H. 203; Isaac 114, 156, 159; Jesse 198; John 198, 203; Lambert 19, 198, 199, 203; Luther 198; Mary 77; Orange 17; Rev. H. 95
Woodward (Woodard), Asa 37; Charles 157; Daniel 92; David 92, 114; Lewis 104; May Scott 200; Orlando 132; Seymour 157, 159; Wm. 92, 200
Woodworth, Edgar 132; Helen 213; Philo 74
Wooley, Charles 159, 183; Joseph 183; Peter 183
Woolsey, David 183; D.P. 216
Woolson, James 69
Wooster, Seymour 132; William 132
Worden, John 159; Nathan 106; Pardon 106
Wormoth, Daniel 164; David 164; William 164
Wormwood, W.W. 41
Worster, Milton 130
Worth, Nicholas 132
Worthington, Albert 203; Ellis 154; Sophia Beckwith Delamater 154
Worthy (Wortly), John 76
Wride, page 171; John 32; Robert 171, 215
Wright, Alpha 209; Asa 178; Benjamin 45, 68, 70, 89,114; Betsey 202C; B.F. 69; Charles 92; 157, 158, 178; C.S. 158; Emily 127; Geo. 76; Jacob 67, 69; James 124, 177, 192; John 139; Josiah 102, 106; J.S. 142; Mr. 102, 162, 202; Mrs. C. 72; Norman 201; Oscar 153; Philander 164; Rev. Thomas 197; Richard 109, 153, 187, 209; Rhoda 66A; Ruth 125; S.J. 211; S.S. 178; Thomas 202C, 203; Wm. 107
Wykoff, Audria 202B
Wyman, Abel 38, 187, 188; William 188
Yagel, Philip 114
Yates, Rev. H. 95; Solomon 37
Yeo, Commodore 189; Sir James 175
Yeoman(s), Ashley 164; Eliab 140; Eliza Smith 128; George 177; L.T. 42, 43; T.G. 43, 185; Theron 140; Veniah 70; William 128
Yerington (Ferington), Henry 106, 110
York, Alexander 181; Thomas 114; William 181, 183
Young(s), Andrew 178; B. 158; C. 111; Conrad 156, 211; Conway 125; Dr. James 82, 160; Edmund 114; Edward 159; Grov. 69; H. 89; Henry 92; Jacob 114; John 111, 126; Joseph 166; L.S. 211; Miriam 208A; Mrs. 174; Nelson 123, 124; Oliver 126; Rev. 131, 163; Rev. J.R. 88; Rev. W.R. 71, 72; Samuel 44, 45; Stephen 101; Thomas 123, 126; William 32, 100, 166, 170, 203
Younglove, Elihu 29; W. 202
Youngman, Thomas 109
Zeigler (Ziegler), Jacob 153, 214
Zeir, page 67
Zeller, P.D. 136
Zeluff, Darwin 92
Zeny, Joshua 135
Zimmerli (Zimmerlin), F. C. 102, 111
Zitfull (Zitfell), Robert 113, 114
Zoller, Robert 183
Zuell, John 143; Mr. 142, 148A
Zwelling (Swilling), Wm. 111, 114
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