The Coordinators and Editors of Wayne County GenWeb are proud to host the online presentation of the index to THE definitive book on Wayne County, N.Y. - Professor W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, New York", originally printed in 1877. We'd first like to extend our deepest appreciation to the staff of the Office of the County Historian for allowing our Town of Rose Editor, Frank Dennis, to prepare their index for online presentation. In turn our gratitude is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis for their many hours spent scanning, typing, proof-reading and converting this very long index.
The warm cooperation between our volunteer project and the Office of the County Historian is mutually beneficial. If you find persons mentioned on this index of interest to you, please contact the Office of the County Historian. However, we've been advised that before they can conduct any lookups or research or make copies, you MUST request from them an authorization form first. Since there is a fee for doing research, they need to know the maximum research hours you will pay for before starting research for you. If you need further information, contact the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County.
McIntosh, Prof. W. H., 1877. "History of Wayne County, New York; with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of Highest Ability, 1789-1877". Everts, Ensign, & Everts, Philadelphia. 1877. (Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1976)
The original volume contained a table of contents but no index. In 1976 the Wayne County HIstorian's Office prepared an index to the names of persons mentioned in the book. This index was computer-scanned to allow posting on the Wayne County GenWeb. The original index, in double-column format, has been converted to single column format. Although it has been checked for errors in "translation", some undoubtedly remain. If readers find such errors, please call them to our attention.
Certain pages contain many names because lists of Civil War veterans or of patrons who supported publication of the book occur there. Veterans are listed for Arcadia (pp. 74-76), Butler (pp. 79-80), Galen (pp. 90-92), Huron (pp. 95-96), Lyons (pp. 112-114), Macedon (p. 120), Marion (pp. 125-126), Ontario (pp. 131-132), Palmyra (pp.151-153), Rose (p. 159), Savannah (pp. 163-164), Sodus (pp. 181-183), Walworth (pp. 187-188), Williamson (p. 192-193), and Wolcott (p. 204). Patrons are listed by township on pp. 210-216. Pages with numbers followed by letters (A,B,C) contain biographical information about individuals and their families; additional biographies are on pp. 205-209.
Frank Dennis
Town of Rose Editor
Wayne County NYGenWeb
Sabin(s), page 204; Amy 131; Benjamin 109, 187; Charles 131; Hannah 131; H.M. 131; Israel 131; Rev. 171; S. 131; Samuel 55, 120; Stephen, 42, 130, 188
Sackett, Rowland 185
Sage, James 132; Lewis 172
Sahler (Sailor), John 68, 114
Salisbury (Saulsberry), page 136, 137; A. 43, 209; Ambrose 140, 154A, 209; Anna Vandermark 154A; David 186; Erastus 92, 114; George 158; G.H. 203; Humphrey 154A; John 154A; Levi 185; Milburn 156, 157; Rev. S. 131; Stephen 83, 86, 154A; William 154A
Salter, Isaac 180; Josiah 180, 182; Rev. 173
Saltonstall, Dudley 33; Mr. 29
Sampson (Samson), George 153; Henry 108; James 153; J.C. 92, 114; J.N. 153; John 92, 114; Newland 171, 173; Olive 109; Thomas 108; Warner 171; William l53; Wm. 108, 120
Sanborn, Hannah 23; Mrs. 29; Nathaniel 18
Sanders, Enoch 136; H.D. 213; N.E. 193; Winfield 132
Sanderville, John 76
Sands, Alexander 213; Edwin 83, 84
Sanford (Sandford), A.C. 142, 143; Amos 144; C.H. 212; Daniel 76; Enos 191; Henry 153; I.R. 187; Isaac 43, 123; Jennie Robinson 138; Joseph 126; Leeman 192; Luther 62, 64, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140; Mrs. Amos 154B; Mrs. Luther 154B; Rescom 212; Stephen 123; William 107, 123; W.W. 107, 111
Sanger, Jededish 15
Sarner, Lawrence 126
Satterlee (Setterlee, Satterly), Elisha 137, 154A; George 114; Jerusha 109; Mr. 102
Saunders, Joseph 25; Orlando 213; William 87; Winfield 153
Sawyer, Daniel 139; George 130; Henry 140; James 125; J.N. 124; J.W. 79; P. 125; Samuel 143; Theodatus 141
Sax(e), Jacob 207; Josie 208; Marcus 208; Marion Mallory 208; Margaret Chichester 207; Margaret White 208; Mary Dow 208; Mrs. William 204B; Rev. 119; William 204B, 207, 216
Saxton, Charles 83, 84, 92, 114; C.T. 210; Edson 164; W.C. 84
Sayres (Sayers), A. 124; Dr. A. 212
Sayles, John 88; S.J. 88
Scarritt, James 86
Schaaf (Schaafand), John 111; Rev. John 186
Schaffner, Henry 76
Schanks, page 129; Mr. 130
Schattner, Adam 103
Schaub, Daniel 92, 114; Michael 76
Schaurman, Jacob 68
Schlee, Mr. 111
Schlenk, Adam 111
Schmaltzel (Schmalzl), Rev. 90; Rev. J. 111
Schoeppe, F.L. 111
Schram, Wm. 85
Schutt, John 153
Schuyler, Rev. Montgomery 110
Scofield (Schofield), Alanson 203; Millard 202; Warren 76
Scott, page 161; A.C. 162; Artemus 80; Asa 185; C. 96; Edward 204; Ezekiel 77, 162; George 38, 66, 67, 68, 71, 174; J. 86; Jacob 86, 89, 92, 114; James 185; J.M. 216; John 185; Jonathan 63; May 200; Mr. 84; Robert 172, 182; Samuel 41; William 65, 153, 185
Scoville (Scovel), Oliver 47; S. 144; Seymour 141
Scrantom, Edwin 25
Scribner, Mr. 47
Scutt, Caleb 126; John 76
Seager (Sager, Segar), Asher 114, 159; Benjamin 114, 159; Daniel 94; George 96; Jacob 76, 92, 114; John 173; Schuyler 109
Seagrave, O.B. 71
Seaman(s), A.R. 203; B.B. 166, 175, 214; Harry 176; James 80; Joseph 92, 114; Stephen 95
Searle, Almond 162; F. 164; S.C. 105; Seth 107; Sophia Craw 162
Sears, James 106, 161; Rev. 125; W.B. 210
Seaver, Horatio 74
Seavey (Seavy), Alvah 96; Joseph 96; Josiah 96
Sebolt, John 188
Sebring, A. 76, 92, 114; George 114; Ira 76, 114; Jacob 114
Secor, Oliver 160
Secross, Earle 211
Sedgwick, George 153
Sedore (Sedon), David 92, 114, 182; John 161; Stephen 164
See(s), Jacob 98; Peter 76, 126; Truman 126
Seeber, J. 95; Smith 96
Seeley (Seelye), page 191; Aaron 153; Abner 193; Alfred 159; Calvin 141; Delos, 156, 158; Erastus 192, 216; George 156, 158; I.R. 202; Irwin 96; James 159, 190; Jesse, 160; John 73; Joseph 156; Milton 178, 182; Mr. 135; Mrs., 191; Munson 192; Thomas 153, 178, 180; Widow 191; Wm. 176, 178
Segoine, Jesse 54
Segrist (Siegrist), Adolph 132; Dr. 68; Henry 114; Rev. Jacob 73, 111; Wm. 76
Selby, page 168,171; Brainard 190; Dyer 190; Geo. 216; Ira 140, 142, 143, 144; Jared 190, 191; Jeremiah 189, 190; Richard 171
Selser, C. 92, 114
Sentell, Charles 182; Edward 43, 172, 176, 177, 182; E.W. 171, 172, 176; Major 57; William 183
Sention, Matthias 206; Mercie 206
Sergeant, Artemas 165; Ashley 171; George, 165,177; Harcourt 165; Harwood, 171; James 165, 171, 183; John, 178; Mary Potwine 184; Nathan 165, 177; Oscar 165, 183; Richard, 165; Thomas 165; William 165, 172, 174, 183, 184, 214
Servis, Howard 92, 114; James 43, 160
Servoss, Jay 120; Mrs. J. 118
Settle, Charles 183
Seward, Charles 178; Wm. H. 55
Sewell, Rev. A.C. 71
Sexton, Pliny 142, 143, 146, 213
Seymour, Ebenezer 191; Eugene 96; H. 108; Hannah 168; Henry 45, 102, 106; James 45, 47; Lyman 168, 175, 191; Marian 95; Morrill 183; Morris 183; Noah 94, 95, 203; Orin 211; S.P. 213, 215; Stephen 146; Urian 96; Z. 46
Shaddock (Shattuck), Abraham 142; Jefferson 96; Merritt 98; Mr. 100; William 114
Shaffer, Peter 37
Shaft, Margaret 199
Shane, George 96
Shannon, Samuel 96, 159; Theo. 159
Sharp, Emmett 132; William 113
Shaver (Shavon), George 173; Lieut. 57; Walter 183; William 183
Shaw, Abram 166; Cornelius 171; E. 123, 211; Ezra 153; Frederick 126; Hiram 153; J.A. 123; James 153; J.J. 211; John 114, 159, 183; Platt 42; Rev. J.R. 88, 187
Shean, George 114
Shear, John 153
Shedd, Mr. 78
Sheep, John 183
Sheffield, Fred 43; Joel 158; John 190; J.S. 158; Mattie 157; Mr. 191
Sheldon, A.F. 42, 157, 216; Elder 77; Elizabeth 95; George 66; Norman 93, 94, 200; Ralph 93; Roger 200; Wareham 93, 94; Wm. 211
Shelley, Ira 168; Mr. 168
Shepard (Shepherd), Aaron 156, 157, 158; Albert 210; David 193; Edward 80; Erastus, 145; Harry 210; H.M. 70; M.F. 40; Mr. 200; O.M. 114; Polly 158; Rev. 170; T. 36; William 167
Shepardson, Ezra 142, 143; Mrs. Ann l70; Robert 170
Sherburn, W. 213
Sherlock, Wm. 213
Sherman (Shearman), page 65; A. 141; Alexander 135, 209; A.R. 140, 142; Betsey 125; C.A. 47; Charles 92, 114, 137, 158, 159; C.W. 210; D.A. 135; David, 122, 135, 167; Dr. S.D. 103; Durfee 66, 69, 135; Elias 156; Elizabeth Howell 122; Eston 180; E.W. 83; Ezra 159; George 126; Gideon 123, 135; H. 92, 114, 137; Henry 80; Hiram 188; Humphrey, 135, 137, 138, 139, 147; I. 153; J. 135; Jacob 135, 153, 213; James 80,153; Jefferson 43, 122; John 82, 92, 86, 114, 137, 156, 157, 159; Joshua 92, 114; J.W. 192; Lafayette 114, 183; Marshall 178; Mary 123, 138; Miss 70; Mr. 69; Mrs. M. 135; Nathan 125; Robert 159; Roger 32; Samuel 92, 114, 135, 180, 183, 209; Stephen 38, 94, 135, 140, 209; Watts 28; Warren 114; W.B. 80; W.H. 80; William 80; Youngs 153; Zephaniah 122
Sherwood, Edgar 113; James 126; John 113; L. 73; L.S. 76; Lyman 41, 43, 68, 99, 107; Rev. L.H. 104, 107
Shewman, Mrs. Andrew 214
Shick, P.J. 76
Shingle, Henry 88
Shipley, I.E. 216; Isaac 188B; John 191, 216; Robert 193; R.T. 193; William 191
Shirts, John 177; Joseph 214; Myron 183
Sholtus, John 47
Shonthaler, Frederick 73
Shook, Jacob 200
Short, A.B. 212; Albert 126; Chester 193; David 47; Enos 114; H.N. 125; James 178, 188; John 193; Seymour 183; T. 46
Shorter, Alfred 132
Shotwell, Benjamin 82
Shourds, D.S. 211; Wm. 76
Shove, Charles 212
Showers, James 87
Shufelt (Shoefelt), Geo. 76; Jeremiah 120
Shuler, Brothers 102, 103; G.H. 105
Shult, Calvin 132; L. 215
Shumway, G. 70; Rev. G.R. 68, 71, 72, 147
Shuster (Shister), Philip 76
Sibley, Mark 40, 46; Rev. 131
Sickles, Charles 92, 114; Frank 92, 114
Siebert, George 96
Sigel, General 58
Sigsby, Thomas 76, 183, 216
Sill (Gill), Jabez 165, 167; Moses 101, 165, 167, 176, 177
Silliman, Hiram 80, 202
Silvers, Wesley 173
Simmons, Alonzo 126; Amy 125; Burdon 130; Isaac 130; Peter 92, 114; William 92, 114
Simons, P. 86
Sinclair, John 47
Sindlinger, M. 111
Sisson, Elisha 106; George 38, 105; Judge 99, 172; Mrs. 104; William, 37, 38, 41, 43, 69, 86, 103, 105, 106, 107, 211
Skeel, Abiram 203; Rev. H. 158
Skeese, Philetus 76
Skellinger (Skellenger), A.H. 212; Stephen 142, 192
Skidmore, John 156, 157, 158; S. 158
Skinner, Byron 126; C.A. 73; Harry 175; Joseph 38, 84; S. 85; Samuel 126
Slaght, G.A. 42, 95; George 94; Simeon 95
Slate, Anna 124A
Slaughter, Rev. W. 187
Slee, John 203; M.J. 202; Rev. J. 95
Sleeper, Frank 73
Sleight, Mrs. Mary 210
Sloan, Alfred 88, 92, 114; Mrs. Byron 87; P. 86, 88; S. 88; W.H. 124, 125; William 92, 114
Slocum, H.W. 48; William 139
Sly (Slie), Rev. David 173
Smallage, David 76
Smally, Rachel 96
Smart, John 158
Smelt, William 41, 107
Smith, Abraham 135; A.L. 120; Albert 166, 188; Allen 92, 114, 183; Almira 163; Alvin 149; Ann 131; Asa 40, 118, 195; Bela 163; Benjamin 147; Benson 95; Car1os 149; Catharine 149; Charles 38, 75, 202, 203; Chas. 193; Chauncey 130; Chester 126; C. Clarkson 110; C.P. 204A, 216; Cyrus 87; Daniel 64, 79, 128, 186A; David 37, 128, 156, 157, 158, 171; D.B. 79; Demosthenes 63; Dennison 74, 109; Dr. J.E. 88; D.R. 131; Dwight 123; E. 210; Ebenezer 65; E.D. 45; E. Darwin, 68, 69; Edgar 164; Edson 213; Edward 76, 107; E.E. 92, 114; Elias 132; Eliza 128; Elizabeth Granger 128; Elizabeth Herendeen, 186A; Elizabeth Styres 128; Ensign 210; Ephraim 126; Ettie, 186A; Eugene 153; Francis 183; Frank 114, 128, 153; Fred 38; Frederick 140, 143; Gavitt 47; George 76, 114, 126, 131, 139, 186, 186A; Gerritt 79; Gideon 126; Grover 44; Harris 132; Henry 153; H.H. 132; Hiram 149; Hollister 132; Howard 107; Ira 94; J. 123, 213; Jacob 135; James 76, 107, 114, 123, 173, 177; J. Byron 202, 216; J.E. 42; Jedediah 185; Jeremiah 216; Jesse 110; Job 17; John 66, 92, 114, 123, 124B, 126, 128, 153, 176, 178, 183, 212; Jonathan, 40; Joseph 23, 128, 149; Julia Cook 126; Katy 128; Leonard 159; Levi 25, 176, 199, 209; Lewis 80, 92, 114; Libbie 128; Lieut 59; Lucy 149; M. 79; Martin 153; Mary 186A, 209; Mary Johnson 128; Menzo 120; Mercy 186A; Milton, 92, 114; Morris 132; Mr. 85; Mrs. John 124B; Myron 128; N., 216; Nehemiah 92, 114; Oscar 186A; Peter 40; Phoebe 186A; Polly, 128, 213; Rachel 128; Richard, 15, 25; Rev. Dennison 187; Rev. George 163; Rev. Ira 119; Rev. James 15, 203; Rev. J.D. 192; Rev. Noah 170; Rev. T.F. 158; Robert 145, 146, 153; Rufus 76; Ruth 125; Sally 128; Samuel, 124, 129, 130, 149, 185, 188; Sarah, 124A, 128; S.B. 144, 153; Seneca 54; Seth 86, 88, 102; Snyder 159; Sophronia 149; Tabitha 209; Theron 120; Thomas 88, 131, 108; Timothy 19, 101, 124, 125, 157, 167, 176, 177, 191; Walter 132, 201; W.E. 163; W.G. 163; William 37, 41, 47, 72, 96, 114, 123, 128, 143, 149, 153, 195; Willis 163; Winfield S. 128; Zenas 72
Snedaker (Snedeker), A. 87; Adrastus 43, 85, 86; Albert 92, 114; James 49, 54, 92, 114; Mrs. A. 87
Snitzell, John 76, 113
Snow, Clarissa 174; Francis 107; Isaac 173; James 66; L.N. 159; Lorenzo 158; William 109, 187, 209
Snyder (Sneider, Schneider, Schnider), Albert 183, 202; Amos 200, 201, 202, 203; Anthony 178; Betsey 201; Catherine 201; Christopher 183; Col. W.A. 214; Eli 215; Ezekiel, 201; George 201, 206D, 216; Harvey, 159; Henry 180, 206D; Jacob 103, 111, 200, 201, 202; James 201, 204; Jemima 206D; John 92, 114, 183, 201: J.P. 111; Leonard 178, 180, 183; Louis 111; Louisa Ecker 206D; Lydia 201, 206D; Major 55; Mary, 206D; Mrs. 215; Nancy 201; Nancy Bunce 206D; Nelson 177; Noah 201; Peter 124, 200, 201; Philip 67; Polly 201, 206D; Paul 92, 114; Rev. Henry 71; Rev. Theodore 186; Theobald 111; Thomas 201, 206D, 216; Wm. 92, 114, 202
Soden, Stephen 120
Soggs, William 114
Soper, John 126; Sylvester 126
Soule(s), page 161; Ira 157, 159; Mrs. Martha 156A; Rowland 79, 158; Stephen 158; S.W. 157; William 160
Sours (Sourars), Albert 94, 95; Captain 96; Edward 94; H. 64; Philip 43, 89, 94; Reuben 94, 95; William 120, 153
Southard, Constant 19, 117; Henry 86; I.R. 43
Southwick, Allen 80; Benjamin 80; Byron 208A; D. 82, 84; Jesse 203; Lucius 173; Mary 208C; Mrs. 203; Samuel 156; Warren 80; W.H. 143; William 140, 143, 213
Southworth, C. 37; Constant 141; Otis 118; Rev. Wm. 89,159
Sova, Alfred 188
Soverhill (Loverhill), A.D. 69, 210; Andrew 76; Charles 75; Cornelius 76; E.P. 70; Hiram 63, 66, 71; Isaac 63, 65; James 65; J.G. 68; Joel 63, 65; Mrs. Samuel 154B; Samuel 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 167, 177
Spade, George 183
Spahr (Spohr), Casper 114; George 114; Martin 200, 216
Sparks, Eli 113; Jefferson 97, 99
Spaulding, George 89; John 89; Rev. 72, 173; Rev. Solomon 151
Spear, Abraham 117, 118, 119, 135; Abram 19; Charles 153; Ebenezer 117, 135; Isaac 117; Jacob 117; Jason 120; Lemuel 18, 38, 117, 119, 134, 135, 139; Ruth 119; S.R. 148; Stephen 118, 135
Speed, Sylvester 92, 114
Speller, James 132; J.W. 131
Spencer, A. 199; Aaron 147; Ambrose 110; Armon 216; Elihu 94; F.A. 147; John 33, 41, 45, 46, 89, 105, 121; Norton 183; Rev. Eliphalet 119; Rev. T.A. 125; R.T. 124
Spicer, Rev. J. 87, 158
Spickerman, Benson 206D; Elizabeth 154; Jemima Snyder 206D
Spier, Rev. Jabez 83
Spinks, John 125
Spinning, W.W. 114
Spooner, Geo. 126; Lewis 126
Spoor, Clinton 76; Geo. 76; James 59; John 66; Joseph 72; J.W. 73; Marvin 76; Theron 69
Spotts, Lewis 213
Sprague, page 190; Alfred 80; Asa 47; B.D. 69; Charles 81, 210; Dr. 190; Geo. 81; George 86; Jane Tyler 81; Josie 81; Lewis 80; L.S. 216; Mary Davis 81; Minnie Lovett 148A; Mr. 102; N. 103; Nehemiah 106; Stephen 161; Violetta 81; Violetta Johnson 81
Spratt, Lavina 120B
Springer, D.125; Isaac 123, 135, 138; Israel 123; Jerusha 125; Rebecca 125; Richard 123; Robert 123, 125, 167; Samuel 123
Sprong, A.H. 214; Alfred 178
Squires, A.J. 163
Stabe, Rev. Augur 186
Stackus, Mr. 161
Stacy (Stacey), Erastus 135; Joseph 76; Manley 114; Peter 76; Rev. J.B. 89; Rev. John 173; T. 109; Wm. 76
Stafford, Edwin 120; Gad 150; E.G. 153; Joshua 150; Susan 106A; Thomas 65; Tyler 137; William 150, 153, 213
Stagner, Albert 120
Stahlsmith, Rev. 90
Stamm, John 110
Stanford, Charles 132; Daniel 132; Harvey 132 H.E. 213
Stanley, Asa 46; Charles 153; Selma 154A
Stansell, page 63, 73; Henry 98; Nicholas 18, 31, 66, 97, 108; William 18, 28, 31, 64, 65, 66, 73, 97, 108
Stanton, A. 212; Amasa 124, 125, 173; Brothers 98; Bryan 172; F.H. 74; Rev. Benjamin 158
Staples, Rev. A.W. 131
Stark(s), A. 131; Geo. 126; Isaac 216; John 64; Reuben 137, 138
Starkey, Edward 76
Starkweather, G.A. 125; William 125
Starr, Mr. 103; Noah 77, 162, 198, 200
Staunton, Wm. 148
Stautenburg, William 192
Stead, Joseph 92, 114; Thomas 92, 114
Stearns, A.H. 79; J.H. 79; Madison 178; Thomas 178
Stebbins, Carlos 64; George 120, 188; Jas. 76, 153; Mortimer 76; Mrs. 165; N.E. 69; Simeon 185
Steegar (Stegar, Steecer), Andrew 188; Charles 180, 183; John 176; Rev. William 88 ;William 180
Steel(e), Alexander 180, 183; Allen 209; B.E. 120; Elisha 37; Halsey 180; Harvey 40; J.D. 68; J. Dorman 71, 76; Joel 17, 40; Rev. Eliphalet 34; Taylor 173; William 173
Stell (Stull, Still), Dr. 118; Frederick 76, 92, 114; Michael 110; Rev. Allen 187
Sterrett, Melvin 113
Stevens, Hiram 153, 188; H.L. 45; J.L. 83; John 85, 92, 114, 177; Linus 169, 178; Orlando 178; O. Spencer 188; S. 92, 114; Sylvanus 92; W.L. 92, 114
Stephenson (Stevenson), D.D. 106, 145; James 173
Stever (Steever), George 136; James 64; Jeremiah 65; J.M. 210; Mrs. 98; William 153
Stewart (Steward), Andrew 189, 190, 191; C.B. 141; Charles 66; Donald 22; James 199; J.B. 213; John 111; J.S. 103; Leonard 167; Lispenard 161; Lot 19, 156, 198; Melvina 109; Nathan 167; Nelson 76; Rev. J.P. 89, 163; Wm. 86, 159
Stickle(s), Andrew 92, 114; Byron 153; D.H. 92, 114; Griffin 153; Mrs. S.A. 214; Paul 153; Robert 92, 114, 153; Sidney 153
Stiggins, Thomas 126, 188
Stiles (Styles), James 161; Judson 92, 114, 164; Mr. 105; Widow 124; William 106, 161
Still, Ebenezer 118, 119
Stillwell, Rev. Henry 186
Stimson, page 129; H.K. 125; Mr. 130
Stinnard, Andrew 203
Stirling, Daniel 153
St. John (s), page 168; Elan 66, 72, 143; Holly 168; John 76; Matthias 206; Mercie 206; Rev. 158; Solomon 141, 144, 145, 176, 177, 178; Wallace 156
Stocking, George 73
Stockton, Rev. Benjamin 147, 170, 192
Stoddard, Asa 127; Calvin 150; E.D. 196; Eleanor 127; Eliza 197; Russell 140; Silas 136, 141; Sophronia 150
Stoebe, A. 111
Stoetzel (Stetsel, Stoctyel), Dorothea 111; Geo. 90, 111; Henry 111, 113; John 80
Stokes (Stakes), J.A. 213; John 132
Stolph, John 130
Stolz, Mr. 111
Stone, Asahel 36; Benjamin 88; E.O. 210; Isaac 79; Miss 174; Rockwell, 67, 70; Samuel 82, 87; William 114
Story, Cyrus 187; M. 142
Stout, Amos 96, 99, 176; Catherine 96; Eliza 96; Simon 43; S.V. 96
Stow, DeLancey 84, 88, 210; William, 83, 84, 85, 88
Stowell, A.H. 148; J. 92, 114; Rev. 72
Strain, Arthur 153
Strang, Daniel 83, 87; Nathan 87; William 86
Stratton, John 111
Strauss (Straus), Jacob 86; Mr. 111; Myron 188
Straw, L.N. 68
Streeter (Streety), Benjamin 87; B.H. 43; B.R. 41; James 83, 92, 114; Josiah 159; Melvin 95; Stephen 83, 88
Streetmather, Joseph 92, 114; Michael 92, 114
Strickland, Andrew 186; Benjamin 180; D. Sherman 188; James 186; Joseph 185, 186, 188; Louis 180, 183; Lucena 188; Martha Turner 188; Mrs. May 185; N.F. 186; Nelson 188; Orson 188; Pamelia 130A, 186, 188; Roxana 186; Samuel 130A, 185, 188, 188A, 215; T.A. 216
Strickling (Stricklin), Wm. 92, 114
Striker, W. 173
Strohm, Michael 110
Stroiker, Rev. W.W. 86
Strong (String), page 168, 171; A. 45, 146; Ann 174; Benjamin 183; Betsey 89; Chauncey 168; Elisha 45; Joseph 45; Nathan 171; Rev. H.P. 71; Silas 92,114; Simeon 189, 191; S.R. 173; Theron 43, 45, 106A; Timothy 141, 145; T.R. 146, 183
Strutchen (Strugen), Alexander 153, 188
Stuart, Charles 69; John 69; Rev. John 109
Stubbs, Wesley 96; William 96
Stuck, Henry 160
Studer, Lewis 110; Frederick 114
Stuerwald, S. 70
Stultz (Stults), Hezekiah 163; William 43, 160, 163
Stumps, William 188
Stupplebeen (Stufflebeen), Jacob 139
Sturgis (Sturges), E.H. 170; Mr. 47
Stuver (Stayer), Byron 113
Styres, Elizabeth 128
Sullivan, Michael 92, 114; Thomas 92, 114; Timothy 114
Sumner, Brother 168
Surner, George 183
Sutherland (Southerland), A. 209; Andrew 74; C.E. 214; David 37, 159, 183; Laura 210
Sutliff, James 178
Sutphin, Benjamin 114, 183; Deacon 131; William 183
Sutter, Fred 193
Sutton, Charles 50; O.C. 211; Oliver 93; R.B. 104; Samuel 167
Swail, Edward 106
Swallow, J.A. 125
Swan, Mrs. 111; William 114
Swartz, Stephen 103
Sweeney, Thomas 76
Sweet (Swett), page 168, 171; Alonzo 92, 114; Benjamin 168; H.B. 92, 114; Joel 120; Levi 76, 183; Richard, 124, 191; Simeon 193
Sweeting, Charles 79; M.F. 79; Mortimer 43; Mr. 190; V.H. 43, 80, 211
Sweezey (Sweezy, Swezy), C. 153; C.F. 42; Charles 73; Chester 122A, 123, 126, 212; David 101, 122, 125, 167, 176, 178; George 123, 126; Smith 123, 124; S.W. 212
Swift, Asa 134; E.T. 216; John 18, 34, 44, 134, 136, 138, 139, 140, 189; Marcus 209; Moses 114B; Mr. 142; Mrs. 139; Philetus 36, 40, 104, 106; Phi1ip 199; Reuben 208A; Rev. N.R. 173, 203
Switzer, Orin 79
Sykes, I. P. 216
Sylvester, Elisha 99; Elletta Whitlock 98A; E.Ware 40, 41, 42, 98A, 103, 111, 211; Fanny Arms 98A
Syron (Syren), Jeremiah 201; M. Barton 83
Taber (Tabor), H.R. 124, 212; Isaac 143, 145
Taft, page 137; Abigail 208C; Edward 55, 114; E.P. 105; Horatio 43; James 114; Newell 38, 41, 99, 102, 106, 110;
Taintor, John 42
Talbot, Jeremiah 173
Talcott, Arad 94; Enoch 47; Joseph 87, 94
Tallhurst (Tollas), A.114; Amos 114
Talmadge (Tallmadge), John 37, 106; J.S. 103; Judge 104
Tape, Samuel 159
Tappan, Arthur 154
Tappenden, Wm. 213
Tarr, James 153
Taskett, Harvey 153
Tassell (Tassel), Chas. 193; George 212; James 123; Mr. 190
Tavor, John 153
Taylor, page 175; Calvin 114; Cyrus 76; Daniel 132; Dexter 211; Dolly 29; Dr. 175; Edward 57, 76; Elijah 178; Emma 204A; E.P. 41, 100; George 165, 164, 196; Helen 215; Henry 162, 183, 202C; Hirma 92; J.E. 126; John 35, 69, 92, 109, 114, 167, 177; Joseph 101, 167, 176; Minerva 29; Mrs. 72; Mrs. Mary 170; Othniel 135; Reuben 70, 164; Ruell 70; Rev. S. 186; Robert 50, 58, 164; Sarah VanFleet 202C; Solon 68, 69; Sylvester 132; W.B. 70; William 96, 103, 105, 180, 183
Teachout, Abraham 201, 203; Dr. 103; H. 98; Henry 41, 100, 110
Teadman, Amy 118; Andrew 118; Rachel 118; Robert 118; Thomas 118
Teal (1), Canfield 176, 177; Edward 76; Lawrence 173; Sally 125
Tearney (Turney), I. 203; Isaac 203; Patrick 92
Teats, John 193; Robert 92, 114
Teeter (Leeter), Ephraim 165, 167, 168; James 96
Teller, Mr. 202
Tempest, George 92
Tenbroeck, Charles 68; Miss 70
TenEyck, Edward 92; T. 87; Wm. 92
Terrell, William 202
Terry, Dr. 67, 68; Henry 178; Horace 176, 178; Huldah 174; Mr. 166, 175; Thomas 137; William 66
Terwilliger, Eugene 132
Thacker, W.H. 202
Thaddeus, Philip 153
Thatcher, Cyrus 129, 130; James 132; Peter 129; Thomas 191
Thayer, page 144; A. 213; Amasa 130; Amos 130; C.E. 143; Electa 148A; Ezra 150; Isaac 137; Joel 140, 141, 143, 148A; Levi 130, 141, 142; Nathan 141, 142; S.W. 210; W.M. 213
Thirkell, W.G. 215
Thistlethwaite, Jeremiah 118
Thomas, Byron 69, 70; Charles 156, 157, 158, 188; David 45; Dr. 68; E.N. 41, 43, 156A; Eron 156, 157, 158; F.C. 159; J.J. 41; John 84, 86, 92, 114, 158; Joseph 202; Lorenzo 156, 157; M.H. 216; Nathan 156, 157; Philip 96, 202; P.J. 157; Polly 156A, 158; Rowland 210; Sophia,156A; W.C. 69; W.H. 202; William 68, 157, 158, 216
Thompson (Thomson), Airy 37; Alex. 212; Chas. 92; C.H. 111; Edward 216; Ella 208; George 70, 83; Henry 120; Hiram 114, 183; John 80, 193; Mary 207; Phoebe 109; Rev. 90; Robert 183; Samuel 159, 183; S.L. 141; Sylvanus 160
Thorn, Joel 85; Samuel 114; Thomas 83; Wesley 216; William 114
Thornton, page 166; E. 42; Erastus 164; Mark 114; Merritt 43, 99, 167, 176, 180, 215; Mrs. E. 42; Seward, 180, 183
Throop, Benjamin 141, 143; Captain 195; Enos 204A; H.N. 189, 190, 190A, 190B, 190C, 191, 216; Julia 191; Mary Ledyard 190C; Mrs. 139; Mrs. H.N.,190; Ruth 190C; Samuel 189, 190, 190C, 191; W. 189; W.H. 192; W.S. 190, 190C, 191, 216
Thurber, Chas. 140
Thurston, E.G. 41; Foster 114; Rev. D .W. 89; T.W. 203
Tibbetts (Tibbits), Caleb 64, 67, 177; Henry 193; Hiram 67; John 64; Joseph 64; Russel 76
Tice, Chas. 111; James 153; Mr. 142
Ticknor (Tickner), A.158; Asahel 88
Tiffany, Alexander 38, 42, 43, 140, 143; Byron 153; David 185; Mrs. 134
Tillotson, George 168, 176, 177; Theodore 76; William 173, 174, 176
Tillou (Tillon), Wilhelmus 80
Tilton, A.H. 203; Henry 119
Timon, Rev. John 119, 149
Tindall, Charles 89; Geo. 92; Myron 114; Philip 159
Tinklepaugh (Tinckelpaugh), Adam 169, 170, 174, 177; Charles 42; George 177; John 190, 216; Lewis 178; Michael 171, 172, 177; S. 41; Stephen 172, 178; Wm. 178
Tinney, George 168, 177, 178, 215; James 183; M. 153; Mrs. 168; Margaret Campbell 166; William 64, 166
Tinsley, William 106, 108A; W.T. 110, 211
Tipling, John 114; Thomas 114
Titus, Stephen 19, 77, 162; W.S. 203
Tobias, O. 64
Tobin, Thomas 164
Todd, Albert 43; A.S. 216; Charles 153; Jehiel 143; John 192; Robert 76; Samuel 124; William 120
Toles, Ebenezer 158; E.W. 159
Tompkins, page 199; Bethiah 78A; Bethiah Hubbard 78A; Calvin 85; Charlotte 78A; Eleazer 78A; Gilbert 78A; Hannah Hickox 78A; Henry 80; James 78A; Jane Porter Wilson 78A; Nathaniel 78A; N.W. 77, 210; Orestes 78A; William 78A, 86
Tompkinson (Tomkinson, Thompkinson), Joseph 109, 171, 209; Rev. 171, 187; Reuben 216
Tomlinson, D.C. 73; R. 92
Tool, Francis 92
Toor, George 215; John 215; Thomas 215
Topping, Howel 212
Torrey (Torry), Abner 166; Austin 96, 183; Franklin 164; George 162; Paul 36; Royal 162
Tousey, Rev. Thomas 149
Tousley, L.B. 142
Towar (Tower), A.H. 110, 111; Captain 99; Henry 18, 97, 100, 101, 104; J.H. 110; Jonas 106; Philo 187
Towhay (Twohay), Father 111; Rev. John 149
Town, Alfred 130; Geo. 76; Louis 159; Reuben 139, 142; William 216
Townsend, A.P. 211; David 96; E. 109; Frank 76; George 137, 214; Jesse 142, 147, 154B, 170; Joseph 153; Kneeland 73; Peter,47; Rev. 139; Wm. 92, 114
Tracey (Tracy), Allen 192; Calvin 96; C.B. 202; R.S. 96, 202; Samuel 67, 68, 71; William 153
Trask, Ebenezer 185; F.G. 76
Traver (Travor), Asa 84, 89; Robert 92, 114
Travice, Job 41
Trawbridge, David 167
Treat, Alvin 153; David 153; Moses 163; Sarah 163
Tremain, Charles 123, 212
Tremhill, page 193
Trempor (Tremper), John 86, 92
Trice, George 180, 183
Tripp(e) (Tripe), C. 92; Ed. 159; Edward 96; Elisha 180, 183; Ephraim 180; Henry 92, 114; James 83, 87; Morton 159; Mr. 72; Mrs. E.G. 144B, 214; Rev. M.T. 72; Robert 92
Trotter, Henry 120
Troup (Troop), Colonel 44; Robert 32, 40
Troutman, George 114
Trowbridge, M. 64; Minor 73; Mr. 45, 68, 103; Rev. 187; William 106
Truax, C.F. 193; Charles 153; Elias 214; James 132; J.H. 193; Joseph 153; Laura 131
True, Oliver 125
Trulan, James 54
Trumbull, Charles 126; Jane Seymour 184; Joseph 114
Tryon, Jay 114
Tubbs, James 76
Tucker, Dr. 124; Eliza 128; Lewis 76; L.V. 69; M.C. 106; Pomeroy 43, 105, 140, 143, 145; Samuel 162; S.B. 78; Seth 42, 123, 145; Wm. 142, 143
Tuller (Tullar), Anson 79; Rev. 169, 170
Tummonds, Charles 215
Turk, Rev. Peter 119, 186, 187
Turnbell, Joseph 114
Turner, A. 123; Alexander 208C; Benjamin 215; Caroline 131; David 120; Edna 208C; Edward 92; Enoch 124, 176, 178; George 120, 153, 183; H. 213; Hector 117, 118; J. 212; John 199, 203, 216; Luella 202A; Martha 188; Martha Hall 208C; Mary Phillips 202A; Moses 202A; Mrs. A. 123; N.M. 215; Noah 120; O.B.131; Philip 202; Richard 153; Roswell 24; Rubie 202A; William 73
Tusten, Benjamin 153
Tuttle (Juttle), Daniel 170; David 83; Enoch 191; I.K. 209; John 191; J.R.,74; Levi 83; Lucas 191; Lucius 191; M.H. 68; Rev. 187; Rev. J.K. 73; William 191
Tyler, Comfort 15, 25, 30: Jane 81; Richard 76; T. 76; Wells 143; W.H. 88
Ulric (Urick), Charles 159, 202
Underhill, page 201; H.B. 57; Henry 119, 153; Jason 80, 199
Unger, Martin 90
Unholte, Rev. Albert 186
Upham, David 80
Upson, page 198; Deacon 77; Frank 202; Josiah 93, 94, 95, 96, 203; Margaret 95; Sylvester 96; William 94, 96
Upton, David 185
Utter (Ulter), Frederick 173; Horace 107; Uriah 114
Vail (Vaille), Jacob 132; Rev. H.L. 71
Valentine, Dr. Peter 156, 157; F.H. 157, 214; Jackson 156, 157, 158; Richard 156, 157
VanAlstyne (VanAlstine), B. 106; Beardsley 107; G. 71; Geo. 74; John 92
VanAmburgh, Abram 92; Benj. 92
VanAntwerp, Abram 178; J. 80; John 159
VanArsdale, page 204
VanAuken, Abram 176, 178, 180; Harrison 69; J. 111; John 156; Levi 171; Lydia 158; M. 202; Myron 180, 183; Simeon 156, 158; Solomon 176
VanBenschoten, James 108; S. 109
Van Buren, B. L. 73
VanBuskirk, Jacob 83, 87, 92; J.T. 83, 86, 88, 210
VanCamp, A.I. 106; Mrs. William 108A; William 41, 105, 106, 108, 108A, 211
Vance, David 102
Vande, S. 213
Vandenburg (Vanderburgh), Adam 159; I.D. 88; J. 88; J. Dwight 83; John 43, 86, 159
Vanderbilt, A.92; Abram 114, 120, 153; A.H. 70; D. 84; Dennis 84; John 41; M. 98; Michael 41; Newell 41, 110, 211
VanDerBogart (Vandebogert), Allen 153, 183; Philip 177
Vanderbout, Allen 76
Vandercarr (Vandecar, VanDerCar), Aaron 63; David 188; Sergeant 51
Vandercook, John 158; William 158
Vanderhoof (Vanderoef), Andrew 67, 68; William 157
Vanderinark, Anna 154A
Van der Merlin (Vandermerlin), H. 76; Henry 183
Vandermiller, Adrian 180; Isaac 180, 183
Vanderpool, J.G. 210; Stephen 202
Vanderwerken (Vanderkin), Jason 153
Vandesand, P. 216
VanDeVeer (VanDervear), B.M. 83; Henry 126, 131
VanDucler, Caleb 119
VanDusen (VanDeusen), Captain 57; Dr. 68; John 76; J.P. 71; Peter 64; Sylvester 76; Thomas 96; William 57, 212
VanDuzer (VanDuser), Ashley 150; Thomas 183; Zachariah 117, 118
VanDyck, Ralph 164
VanDyne, Charles 153; Jas. 153
VanEtten (Venatten), Daniel 110; Jacob 64; John 111; Mr. 103; Solomon 183
VanFleet, page 200; Ann 199; Audria Wykoff 202B; Betsey Wright 202C; Elizabeth 202C; Garrett 199, 202B, 216; George 199, 202C, 216; Hannah 202C; John 199, 202B; Judith 202B; Lydia March 202B; Mrs. Garrett 202B; Richard 203; Saml. 203; Sarah 202C; William 202B
VanGorden, Wm. 76
VanHee, page 124; Adrian 126
Vanhining, Clarissa 208
Vanhuizen, A. 216
VanIngen, John 58
VanInwagen (Vaninaagen), page 64; Aaron 76; E.F. 193; L. 76, 114; Wm. H. 72
VanMarter, B.P. 41; Charles 114; Gilbert 109; Jas. 114; William 41, 43, 98, 106, 107
VanNess, John 92, 114
VanNorman, Silas 153
VanOstrand (VanOstran, Ostrand), Charles 126; F.L. 212; Frederick, 126; Henry 156, 157; Mrs. 123
Vanpatten, Colonel 57
VanRensselaer, Stephen 44, 167
VanSickle (Vansicklen), Abner 96; Mary 216
VanSlyck, DeWitt 41, 114; D.O. 40
Vantassel (VanTassel), A.L. 88; Jackson 176; John 216; Robert 199; Samuel 37
VanTurrel, Mr. 64
VanTyne, Hannah 202B
VanValkenburg (VanVolkenburg), page 64; Abram 76, 159, 193; C.F. 216; Wm. 76
VanVleet, John 119
VanVorst, Daniel 114
VanWickle, page 65, 175; Evert 19, 101, 102, 109 ; 166, 167, 177; I.G. 211; John 35, 99, 101, 109, 167; Simeon/Simon 100, 109; Stephen 103, 110; West 167
VanWinkle (VanWincklen), George 153; John 177, 216; Marvin 71; Miss 70; Myron 193; William 118
VanWirt, William 32
VanWormer, Abraham 76; Edwin 76
Varnum, Dr. 103; John 106
Vary, Mrs. P.A. 210
Vaughn (Vaugn), Hiram 216; James 114, 126; Miss D. 111; Mr. 67; Stephen 123; V. 126; VanBuren 76
Veeder (Vender, Vedder), Harlow 153; William 120, 153
Veeley (Viely,Veley,Viele), Charles 78; C.J. 201; Cornelius 92; Jacob 78; Jesse 213; Josiah,170; Lewis 96; Maria 156; Simon 78; Stephen 78
Veenhuizen, Rev. 192
Veer, Byron 114
Verboom, Jacob 193
Verbridge, John 216
Verdow, Isaac 213
Vetty, Alvis 132
Vickery, Jonathan 114
Vokes, James 171
Voorhies, Geo. 114; William 38, 100
Vorse (Vorce), David 164; George 164; John 143
Vosburgh, page 64; Aaron 76; Barney 76; Deacon 168; Dr. 103; Jacob 41; James 153; John 92, 146; Lawrence 168, 176, 177; Tunis 92 164; William 54, 165, 176, 193; W.R. 202
Vought (Vaught), Josie Sax 208; Nicholas 163; Oresta 208
Vowman, W.H. 129
Vredenburgh, George 161; Sallie Converse 161
Vrooman, Bartholomew 46; J.B. 73; Joseph 72, 88
Vuke, W.H. 193
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