Surnames N, O, P, Q, R

The Coordinators and Editors of Wayne County GenWeb are proud to host the online presentation of the index to THE definitive book on Wayne County, N.Y. - Professor W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, New York", originally printed in 1877. We'd first like to extend our deepest appreciation to the staff of the Office of the County Historian for allowing our Town of Rose Editor, Frank Dennis, to prepare their index for online presentation. In turn our gratitude is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis for their many hours spent scanning, typing, proof-reading and converting this very long index.

The warm cooperation between our volunteer project and the Office of the County Historian is mutually beneficial. If you find persons mentioned on this index of interest to you, please contact the Office of the County Historian. However, we've been advised that before they can conduct any lookups or research or make copies, you MUST request from them an authorization form first. Since there is a fee for doing research, they need to know the maximum research hours you will pay for before starting research for you. If you need further information, contact the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County.

McIntosh, Prof. W. H., 1877. "History of Wayne County, New York; with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of Highest Ability, 1789-1877". Everts, Ensign, & Everts, Philadelphia. 1877. (Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1976)

The original volume contained a table of contents but no index. In 1976 the Wayne County HIstorian's Office prepared an index to the names of persons mentioned in the book. This index was computer-scanned to allow posting on the Wayne County GenWeb. The original index, in double-column format, has been converted to single column format. Although it has been checked for errors in "translation", some undoubtedly remain. If readers find such errors, please call them to our attention.

Certain pages contain many names because lists of Civil War veterans or of patrons who supported publication of the book occur there. Veterans are listed for Arcadia (pp. 74-76), Butler (pp. 79-80), Galen (pp. 90-92), Huron (pp. 95-96), Lyons (pp. 112-114), Macedon (p. 120), Marion (pp. 125-126), Ontario (pp. 131-132), Palmyra (pp.151-153), Rose (p. 159), Savannah (pp. 163-164), Sodus (pp. 181-183), Walworth (pp. 187-188), Williamson (p. 192-193), and Wolcott (p. 204). Patrons are listed by township on pp. 210-216. Pages with numbers followed by letters (A,B,C) contain biographical information about individuals and their families; additional biographies are on pp. 205-209.

Frank Dennis
Town of Rose Editor
Wayne County NYGenWeb

Nale, Ebenezer 203

Nam, John 188

Narkow, Charles 113; Frederick 113

Nash, Albert 58; Edward 204; Eunice 192; Horace 128; Jennie 128; Josiah 188; Melissa Cogswell 128; Rev. Elihu, 187; Silas 191

Natt, Valentine 152

Near, Leonard 152; Mrs. George 131

Nearpass (Nierpas), John 75, 180, 182; Philip 75

Nebriskie, Charles 75

Needham, Elder 79

Negus, John 193; Mrs. A.A. 212

Nellis, P.E. 210

Nelson (Neilson, Nillson), A. 69; Charles 152; Edward 152; Samuel 101, 109, 167; William, 102, 152, 167

Newbery (Newberry), E. 96; Eben 202; E.W. 113, 202; R.O. 95

Newell, Philander 170; Roger 94; William 198, 200

Newland, Adolphus 143

Newman, Edward 91

Newport, William 182

Newton, Alvin 126; Buckley 122; Butler, 141; H.E. 163; Hutchins 160; J.A. 126; Mr. 98

Nicholas (Nichols), Dr. 64, 67; Eugene 211; Francis, 79, 91, 202; Harvey 193; H.E. 215; Henry 203; Hiram 158; J.B. 164; Jesse 80; J.M. 88; John 35, 40, 64; Judge 83, 155, 173, 175; M.C. 107; Mrs. 111; Peter 91; Rev. Browning, 95; Robert 47; S. 79; Silas 203; Simeon 150; William 91

Nicholoy, Wm. H. 72

Niles, Edward 132; Egbert 132; John 129

Ninde, Rev. William 97; Thomas 97, 143

Ninestine, Edward 152

Noble, Ormand 178; William 176, 177, 178

Nolte, Charles 113

Norcross, Chapin 91

Norgate, Robert 131

Norman, William 120

Norris, C.J. 186; E. 37, 42; Elliott 166, 171; Jacob 212; Job 176, 177, 178; John 64; Mr. 163; R.F. 214; Rufus 166, 177

Norsworthy, Samuel 162

North, E.C. 213; H.M. 213; Jesse 96; John 120, 160, 163; Rev. Linus, 170; Sebel 163

Northrup (Northup, Northrop), Clarissa 146; Henry 86; John 75; Mr. 102; Professor 119; Rev. Charles 158; Reynolds 131

Northway, Rev. 89

Norton, A.B. 91; Alexander 182; A.W. 71; Daniel 175, 177; Eber 37; Elder, 174; George 68; Isaac 114B; James, 182; Josiah 168; Luther 43, 71; Margaret 125, 168; Mr. 70, 110; Nathaniel 167; P.H. 137, 213; Rev. Asahel 34; Seba 35, 124, 125, 166, 168, 175, 178; Wellington 71; Wm. 126

Nottingham, William 43, 117, 140, 141; W.P., 41, 140

Novess, Abner 75, 126

Nowlen, Mary 37

Nugent, John 152

Nusbickel, Kate 108

Nutten, David 74, 109; W.F. 210

Nye (Ney), page 168; Andrew 193

Oaks (Oakes), page 97,102; Charles 159, 202; Jonathan 18

O'Brien (O'Bryan), page 175; Jno. 172; John 91, 120, 172; Patrick 91; Rev. Michael 149; Thomas 89; Winfield 214

O'Connel(l), Peter 111, 210; Rev. P.W. 89, 163

O'Connor, Rev. Edmund 149; Timothy 91

Odell, Charles 113; Ira 119; Lorenzo 91

O'Donnell, Bernard 75

O'Dwyer, James 152

Oetzel, Werner 111

O'Flynn, Thomas 188; Wm. 188

Ogden, Frank 69; Legrand 69; Rev. 192

Ohmann, August 113

Ohst (Ost), John 113

O'Keefe (O'Keef, 0'Keeffe), John 111, 120; Michael 174, 176

Olds, William 69

Olish, Charles 182

Olinsted (Olinstead), page 63, 198, 199; Elizabeth 95; George 43, 203; Ira 80; Marion, 164; Millard 164; Roger 77; Simeon 164

Olney, Chloe 207; L.W. 125; Rev. J. 159

Olvitt, George 152; Larrie 213; William 152

Omens (Omans, Oman), George 152; John 113; Mrs. James 214

Onderdonk, page 168; Andrus 177; Bishop 172; Mrs. B. 214

O'Neil, Henry 162

Oper, Thomas 91

O'Rourke, Mr. 142; Patrick 141

Orr, John 152; Robert 150

Osband, Durfee 43, 118, 119; Gideon 187; Hannah Durfee 137; Weaver 135, 137

Osborne (Osborn, Osburn), Asahel 165, 167, 177; Benjamin 172; Frederick 113; Gideon 109, 209; James 158, 159; J.W. 125; Mr. 143; R.B. 210; Rev. 171, 187; Rowell 79; Samuel 214; W.H. 213;William 158;Wilson 209; W.M. 157

Osgood, Artemus 158; Ira 75; Lucian 158

Ostrander, George 75; R.L. 95; Silas 75

Ostrom, Dr. 175; H.H. 214

Otis, Isaac 199; Rev. 192; Samuel 199

Ottman, John 152; Rev. 170, 203

Otto, Eleanor 97; Jacob 96; James 91, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 108; John 99; Samuel 97

Ouderkirk (Ourderkink), A. 190; Galen 214

Overholt, Irving 113

Overocker, George 80; Henry 210

Owen(s), Jesse 63, 64, 67, 68; Lucien 91; Michael 91; Milton 96; Mr. 131; Myron 69, 75; Rev. O.M. 89, 159

Oysterbanks, Lorin 142

Packard, Abigail 85; Abraham 120; Alexis 118; Barnabas 117; Bartimeus 117, 119, 212; Cyrus 117; John 117, 118; Joseph 120; Mrs. Minerva 212; Mrs. Philander, 118; N.B. 118; Philander 119

Paddock, Alinda 192; Benjamin 109; George, 43, 156, 176, 178, 209; John 176, 214; Levi 88; Rev. William 95; Robert 166, 172, 175, 176, 177; Walter 203, 204; William 202, 216

Padgham (Pagham), Rev. R.W. 131, 213

Padley, Moses 185

Page, A.S. 47; Ebenezer 132; Hiram 150; Rev. Volney 88; Rev. W. 72, 203; William 132, 170

Paine, Daniel 96; Lemuel 83; Peter 159; Samuel 83; Smith 96

Painter, George 132

Pallister, Thomas 192

Palmer (Parmer), page 144, 168; Adoniram 117; Clinton 153; Deacon 117; Dolly 186; E. 71; Edgar 164; Enos 185; General 52; George 142, 170, 172, 175; Giles 80; Hannah 161; Henry 152; Isaac 129; James 140; J.C. 69; Jno. 202; John 75, 132, 180, 182, 185; Joshua 168, 177; Lewis 89; Miss 187; Nathan 185, 186; Noah 117; O.C. 213; Othniel 162; Philip 140; Polly 161, 168; Prentice 77, 160, 161, 162; Ransford 185; Rev. Daniel 186; R.H. 41; Richard 69; Robert 94, 95; Russell 162; Samuel 117; Squire 78; Stephen 102, 104, 106; Thomas 68; W.H. 85

Palmeter, Calvin 43, 106; F.H. 41

Pardee, A. 88B; Henry 47; J.B. 86; Julius, 84; R.G.L. 146

Park(s)(e), Austin 63, 73; Benjamin 125; Deacon 73; Edgar 75, 126; Erastus 153; Henry 63; James 79; Jerome 96; L.M. 158; Moses 168; Reuben 126; Sylvester 75; William 143, 148

Parker, Alfred 92B; Amos 126, 152; B.B. 96; Benjamin 92B, 93, 94; Cyrus 139; Daniel 46; Edwin 75; George 92B, 96; James 25, 92B, 93, 94, 188; Jason 20; John 109, 187; Jonas 109, 110; Lorenzo 144; Mrs. James 92B; Olive 92B; Preston 64; Rev. Addison 148; Robert 187; Samantha Armstrong 92B; S.J. 88; Susan 92B; Willard 174; William, 106,188

Parkhill, Eugene 193; Robert 193

Parkhurst, George 75; Lemuel 142, 143

Parmington, Horace 164; Oliver 164

Parnell, Edward 132

Parrish (Parish), Delia 87; Jasper 16; Jeremiah 36; John 87; McQuiller 87; Norman 113

Parshall, Catharine 106A; DeWitt 43, 47, 106A; D.N. 102; D.W. 99, 105, 106, 107, 110, 173, 211; Edwin 152; Elizabeth 106A; H. 42; Hendee 106A; Henry 106A; James 119; Mary Galloway 106A; Mr. 103, 116; Nathan 106A, 110, 134, 137; Rosaman 152; Sarah 119; Schuyler 106A; Susan Hecox 106A

Parsons, Adjutant 59; Charles 125; C.W. 36; David 176; DeForrest 74; Dr. 68; E. 95; Edward 182; Emory 95; Jabez 178; John 153; Linus 91; Oren 177; Rebecca 125

Partridge, Barney 70; J.C. 72; Mrs. Electra, 67; Theodore 66, 69, 71, 72

Pasco, Dr. 201; F.M. 200, 216

Patchen, Thaddeus 106

Paton (Patten), John 98; Nelly 109; Silas 98, 211 William 98, 99, 104, 109, 167, 177

Patrick, Elizabeth Wood 207; George 207; John 136; Mary Snyder 206D; Riley 206D

Patterson, Carrie 206D; Charles 75, 152; C.P. 215; Daniel 206D; Elder 79; Eleanor Dudley 204A; Ezra 37, 167 George 159; Harriet Burghdurf 206D; Jane Gorley 206D; Jas. 126, 188; John 69, 75, 206D, 216; Joseph 130; Margaret 206D; Mary 206D; R.J. 105, 110, 111; Sarah 206D; Wm. 126, 204A

Paul, Daniel 168; Samuel 177; Thomas 120, 153

Payne (Payn), Abram 43; Alexander 132; Brothers 99; Hiram 106; Hunter 64; Joseph 86, 202; Mr. 68, 82, 102, 175; Nathan 113; Nathaniel 75; Nelson 160; Rev. G.L. 131; Rev. I.I. 131; Silas 63, 64, 65; Thomas 100, 101, 113; William 101

Peacock, James 185; Jerome 188; Joseph 43; Margaret 109; Oscar 188; Thomas 109

Peak(e), C.A. 71; Winslow 69

Pease, Abner 106; Albert 91; Charles W. 132; C.M. 131; John 193; Merrill 171; Mr. 104

Peck, Abigail Dudley 204A; B.F. 204A; Bishop John 89, 171; Dr. 103; Eron 202; Everand 47; Frank 132; George 40; Horace 77, 161; Jeremiah 79, 96; Joseph 176; Mary 108; Miranda 40; Mr. 68; Nelson, 42; Noah 77, 161; Rev. 187; William 158

Peckham, Alonzo 150; William 142

Peeler, George 178, 214; Henry 178; John 170; Mrs. Susan 170

Peer, Abraham 125, 191; B.P. 215; Egbert 69; F.S. 69; Milton 75; Mrs. Thomas 123; Stephen 113; T.J. 213

Pegler, Rev. George 131

Pell, C. 103, 111; Cornelius 107; Jas. 111

Pelton, Stephen 153

Pendell, page 168

Pendleton, A. 86; Laura 148A; Simeon 148A

Penney (Penny), Joseph 45; W.D. 212

Penoyer (Penoyar), Henry 115; Ira 180, 182; John, 75, 180; O. 211; W.H. 211

Pepper, A.B. 192; Abraham 191, 192; Wilhelmina 192

Percy (Percey), A.G. 41, 210; E.A. 126; Jerome 75

Perkins, page 191; Andrew 75, 180, 182; Charles 70, 71, 80, 159; Elisha, 164; George 72, 80, 86; H. 158; Harvey 159; Henry 89; John 113, 159; Moses 83; Mr. 67; Rev. 131

Perrin, Edwin 188

Perrine (Perine), Calvin 142; Capt. 98; David 99, 104, 106; D.K. 102, 107, 111, 211; Eugene 113; George 110; Henry 99; Ira 99; John 34, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 106, 109, 110, 114B, 167, 176, 177; Mary, 109; Mrs. Ann 101, 109; Peter 99, 104, 109, 177; W.D. 102, 110, 211; William 38, 41, 99, 100, 106

Perrington, James 68

Perry, Abigail 212; Augustus 91; Charles 91; Clarence 91; Deacon 118; G. 187; Israel 135, 209; Jeff. 80; Mrs. 117; Mrs. Deacon 118; Rev. 72; Valentine, 212

Peters, Barnett 117; Edwin 120; George 120; Henry 91; Jane 29; Rev. Theron 119; Stephen 117

Peterson, Charles 180, 182; David 106; Ziba 150

Pettingill (Pettengill , Pattengill), John 96; Rev. 148, 148A

Pettit (Petter, Petit), E. 43; Elida 173, 178; Frank 75; Jacob 140; Joseph 152; Martin 96

Petty (Peddie), James 140; John 215

Pettys (Pettis), page 168; F.D. 83; Freeman 164; Martin 91, 114; Oliver 210

Pfitzinger, Michael 111

Pflug, Jacob 113; Martin 113

Phalon, John 164

Phelps, A.M. 210; Chauncey 173; Daniel 164; Elizabeth 124; Ezra 123, 125, 176, 177; George 190; Henry 17; Jared 123; John 80, 141; Joseph 171; Julius 210; Luke 123, 124, 125, 191, 192; Mr. 47; Oliver 20, 25, 26, 32, 36, 136; Phebe 125; Rev. Davenport 35, 89, 148, 172; Rev. J.A. 158; Rev. Royal 94, 170; Stephen 140, 141, 142; Virgil 80; Wm. 143, 188; W.S. 146, 213

Phillip(s), page 64; Charles 91, 113, 114; Chet 69; Clara Hyde 202A; Clark 62A, 67, 72, 73, 210; Cyrus 158; Daniel 73, 113, 182; David 174; Edson 153; Erastus 180, 182; Fayette 202A; F.B. 216; George, 159; Hannah VanFleet 202A; Irene Pitts 62A; Isaac 124; James 159; Jeremiah 137; J.L. 202; John 62A, 108, 202, 202A; Mary 62A, 202A; Mary Bainbridge 202A; Nathaniel, 180, 182; Nehemiah 180, 182; Paine 156; Stephen 159; Theodore 152; W.C. 79, 88; William 89, 156, 202A

Phisterer, Joseph 103

Pickering, Timothy 23

Pickett (Picket), Charles 41; John 105; J.M. 211; Thomas 75

Pidge. George 91

Pierce (Pearce), page 168, 171; A.J. 213; Dr. 103; George 73; G.W. 202; James 182; J.B. 41, 42, 110; Jerusha 203; L.B. 110; Nathan 203; Orville 182; Wm. 182, 193

Pierpont, Mr. 105

Piersall (Pearsall), Andrew 160; J.D. 215; Mary 163; Thomas 153

Pierson(s) (Pierson, Pearson), Andrew 75; F.R. 80; Henry 64, 66, 71; H.J. 70, 210; Jeremiah 63; John 188; Julia 163; Mr. 67; Ogden 163; Silas 64, 66, 70, 71

Pifer, Adam 176

Pigott, Rev. W.J. 72

Pimm, Julia 204A

Pinch, Daniel 142

Pindar (Pinder), Betsey 206C; Truman 75

Pinkney (Pinckney), Andrew 152, 213; Peter 153

Pintard, John 44

Pintler, F. 215

Pitcher, George 120, 159; Henry 109; Lawson 214; Mrs. William 170

Pitkin, J. 215

Pitts, Irene 62A; Jesse 73; John 62A; Oscar 96

Plank, Elisha 95, 198, 200, 203, 207; E.N. 202, 207, 216; Mr. 199; Rebecca Wadsworth 207; Rev. G.W. 95; Ruth 95; Ruth Metcalf 207; William 38, 203, 207

Plass, Mandeville 75; Samuel 75

Platner, John 58

Platt, page 64; Ezra 66; Jonas 44; Justice 37; Ora 106; Rev. Eliphalet 147; S.P. 41

Plattenburg, Peter 180, 182

Playford, Stephen 95, 105

Plumb, Dr. 201; Harvey 96; S.H. 202

Plumley, Alexander 142

Plumtree, Thomas 87

Poet, Mr. 98

Pohl, Louis 213

Polhamus, page 168; F.I. 168; A.D. 41, 107, 110; Philip 182; Wm. 182

Pollock, page 165; Bigelow 180, 182; Byron 75; Erastus 180; John 182; Mr. 175; Wm. 177, 182

Polus, Otte 153

Pomer, John 96

Pomeroy, page 156; Aaron 70A; Celia 79; C.G. 42, 69, 70; Charles 70A, 210; Dr. 67, 68; Edwin 163; Elder 63; Eliza 70A; Enos 140; Francis 106; Mary Mighells 70A; Mary Runyan 70A; Rev. 169; Rev. Francis 71, 87, 94, 95, 109, 147, 158, 170; Rev. Lemuel 163; Rhea 70A; Robert 46; Samuel 78; Sylvester 78

Pond, Elijah 87; Rev. Jesse 148

Pool, George 91

Pope, Edmund 59, 60; Morris 98

Poppino, Daniel 191, 192; Samuel 191; S.S. 215

Popple, William 66

Porter, Asa 178; Augustus 17, 21, 24, 29, 30, 33, 40; Captain 135; Colonel 48; Harry 180; Henry 113; John 117; Lawson 200, 202, 216; Lydia 118, 121; Mr. 67; Nelson 113; Noah 37, 117, 119, 134, 135, 139; Peter 27, 29, 33, 36, 37, 44; Rev. 170; Rev. Stephen, 147; Ruth 119; Salome 121; William, 19, 117, 121, 139, 180, 182

Possee, John 152; Thomas 152; William 153

Post, page 136, 198; A.G. 213; Daniel 80; George 47; Howell 137; James 70A; Jonathan 186; S.G. 137; William, 131, 210

Potter, Almira 89; Asa 87; C.C. 124; Charles 91, 126, 164; Elias 188; Elizabeth 123; Emery 123, 212; Frederick 120; James 42, 153, 180, 182, 214; John 125; Joseph 125; Lewis 187; Margaret 187; Mrs. Anna 122; Orvis 126; Philip 123; Rev. Joseph 98; Southard 125; Thomas 123

Potts, Clark 86, 88, 91

Potwine, Caleb 184; Charles 184; Emma Gates 184; Jane Seymour Trumbull, 184; Mary 184; Mrs. Thomas 174A; Thomas 168, 174A, 184, 214

Poucher, Charles 105; David 169, 176, 177; Francis 178; John 68, 177, 178; Mr. 103, 105; Robert 177

Pound, Addison 133; Edward 133; Hannah, 132B; Hannah Laine 133; Harvey, 190; Jacob 133; Nathan 132B, 133; Stephen 133; William 133, 215

Powell (Powle), Anna 122, 124; Daniel 19, 122, 124, 167, 191; David 215; Elder R. 187; Howell 147; Jesse 122; Jonathan, 176, 177; Martin 203; Miss 70; Mr.111; Mrs. Daniel 122, 124; Peter 163; Rev. H.R. 125; Rev. Robert 119; William 124

Powers, Abiatha 118; Asahel 124; Daniel 124; Julia 197; J.W. 196; Lendell 91, 114; O.W. 194; Peter, 195

Pratt, page 144; Aaron 190; Abraham, 123, 167, 176, 177, 191; A.J. 131; Albert 180; Alfred 193; Almon, 132; A.W. 215; Clarissa 212; C.S. 215; Darius 123; E.B. 126; E.F. 193; Emory 180, 182; Ezra, 64, 68; Ira 69; Isaac 131; Jas. 193; J.B. 213; L.S. 70; Parley 150; Rev. B.F. 87; Rev. Foster 88; Wesson 123

Prentiss, Charles 131, 193; Geo. 193; Helen 131; James 193

Prescott, Dr. 101; Helen 71; Joel 67, 69, 70, 72; Miss 70

Preston, George 166, 176; G.H. 202; John, 166, 172, 177, 214; Richard 180; Thomas 180, 182; Wallace 96; William 173, 180, 182

Price, Anna 109; Benjamin 66; Charles 75; C.R. 211; David 102, 107; E.B. 41, 100, 103, 111, 211; E. Barton 98; Ephraim 101; Ezekiel 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 167, 176, 177; Henry 69, 70, 75; Jeremiah 38; Major E. 104, 108; R. 67, 68, 69; Roderick, 66; William 103, 104, 153

Prindle, Cassius 96; M. 173; Michael 203

Pringle, Robert 75

Prior, Anthony 203

Pritchard (Prichard), Allen 91, 114; Chester 80; John 80; J.W. 153; Rev. Paul 119; R.L. 145

Probasco, C. 75; Myron 75; Seth 75; S.T. 69

Proper, Dolly 150; George 150

Proseus (Procius), Anson 174; Augustus 75, 180, 182; Edgar 75, 182; Elias 177; Franklin 159; John 170, 177, 214; Mrs. Ann, 170; Peter 75, 177, 180;

Pryne, Abram 195; Rev. 187; Rev. Abram 119

Pudney, Cornelius 177; Richard 113

Puffer, Charles 113

Pullen, Jenks 106, 166, 167, 171, 175, 176, 177, 178; Matthew 171

Pullman (Pulman), Jonathan 176

Puls (Pulse, Pultz), Edwin 214; John 105, 111; Theodore 214

Pultney, page 190; William 20, 84, 189

Pulver, Anthony 170; Burgher 69; Charles 182; Harry 178, 214; Henry 170; Homer 167, 170, 174; Jacob 113, 182; J.H. 40; Justus 182; Mary 214; Mary Patterson 206D; Mrs. John, 165, 214; Norman 126; Wandell, 180, 182; William 206D

Purcell, James 73, 111; Michael 89

Purchase, Lewis 159

Purdy, page 165; Alexander 118; Allen 118; Ira 118

Putnam, Chaplain 57; George 130, 176; Joel 157; J.W. 125; Lydia 128; William 110

Putney, Cassius 107; H.W. 41, 96B, 103, 211

Pyatt, John 75; Stephen 75

Pye, Elizabeth 131; John 131; Mary 131; Wm. 131, 132

Quackenbush, Abe 163; G.B. 164; M. 163

Quaife, T.G. 213

Quance, K.H. 150

Quereau, George 201; John 202; Peter 201

Quick, Charles 113; Theodore 113

Quigley, James 126; Rev. Edward 149

Quinby, A. 132

Quincy, A. 201

Quinn, James 113; John 75, 153

Race, James 91, 114; John 91, 114; Mrs. L.A. 214

Radder, Charles 126

Raines, John 109, 187; Jno. 74

Ramboe (Ramboe), James 164

Ramige, Barbara 111; George 111; Saloma 111

Ramsdell (Ramsdale), G. 40; Gideon 162; Jonathan 35, 87, 118, 119

Ramsey, Joseph 200

Ramsley, Thomas 120

Rand, Willard 56, 80

Randall, George 153; J.B. 186; John 178; Joseph 75; Nathan 126

Randolph, B.H. 70; Joseph 185; W.B. 73

Raney (Ranney, Rannie), page 148B; Alex 213; Benjamin 110; John 117

Rankhart (Rankard), Mr. 63; Philip 173

Ransom, Daniel 134

Ransted, Rev. Lewis 119

Rapp, John 188; Peter 111

Rathbun, Charles 126; Peckham 118

Ratliff, James 126; Wm. 126

Rauber, Mr. 73

Rausentorf, Peter 75

Ravell, C.H. 107, 111; Charles 204A; Cornelia Dudley 204A

Rawson, Abner 185,186; Edward 80; Lucretia 186

Ray, Jacob 160; Joseph 153; Robert 48

Raymor, John 131

Raynor (Raynour, Rayner), Andrew 132; Charles 106; Matthew 199; William 172

Ready, Alexander 159; Samuel 159

Ream, F. 214; Frederic 158

Reamer (Reiner), Aaron 154A; John 164; Joseph 163, 164; Lorenzo 164; William 164

Redfield, Albert 83, 88A; Alfred 43; Luther, 83, 84, 88A; Mr. 85; Peleg 24, 28; Rev. Henry 95; Richard 94; Susan Griswold 88A

Redgrave (Redgrove), page 102; C. 113; Mr. 111; Mrs. E.W. 107; S.C. 110

Redhead, R. 203

Reed (Reid), A.H. 142; Bethuel 174, 176, 177, 178; C.H. 210; Charles 94, 162; Deacon 62, 73; Diantha 117; D.L. 213; Ebenezer 19, 117; Edwin 182; Enos 198; Hiram 92, 114; James 132; John 34, 91, 114, 132, 159, 170; Joshua 172; Lydia, 88B; Myron 43; Nathan 117, 188; Orrin 182; Paul 19, 117; R.E. 211; Roswell 94; Seth 20; T.J. 153; W.I. 144; Wm. 99, 161, 182

Reese (Rees), Charles 176; James 22, 63, 88

Reeves, page 65; Charles 138,193; Elias, 18, 35, 136, 137, 138, 154, 154B; Eunice Howell 138; Harmon 64; H.P. 126; Jacob 63; James 71, 134, 137, 139, 140, 153, 154B; J. Emerson, 153 ,180; John 193; Joseph 126; Judge 33; Lieut. 59; Lyman 137; Mary 147; Mr. 65, 72; Nancy 154B; Nathan 62; Nathaniel 64; Nelson, 137; Paul 62, 63, 65, 138; S. 147; Samuel 64; Stephen 126, 140, 147, 212; Wm. 193

Relyea (Relya), Charles 158

Remington, Chas. 164; Edgar 164; George 164; W.H. 164

Remsen (Rempsen, Remsin), Aaron 41, 102, 105; Douglass 113; Mr. 111; Richard 75; Wm. 213

Reniff, Garrett 113

Rent, Wm. 74

Resch, Charles 75

Rettman, page 64

Reuse, W.F. 193

Reynolds, page 175; Aaron 91, 113, 114; Abelard 45; Billings 153; Clark, 211; E.B. 164; Gilbert 164; Isaac, 113; Jabez 82; Jacob 211; James, 113; Marcus 75; Nathaniel 91, 114; Polly Mills 82; Rev. J. 88; Silas 113, 182; Thomas 113

Rhodes, L.D. 213; Mr. 47

Rhyked, James 75

Rice, Aaron 37; Ammon 216; C. 107; Caleb, 41, 106; Clarissa Snow 174; Daniel, 40; Decatur 94; Harrison 126; Isaac 216; James 187; John 132; Josiah 173, 174, 180; Judson 180, 182; Lewis 182; Mercy 187; Mrs. 98; Mrs. Austin 174; Myron 180, 182; Richard, 161; Wilber 153; Zalmon 102

Rich (Rick), page 82; Alice 124A; Amanda Caldwell 124A; Anna Slate 124A; Arminda Clute 124A; Asa 91, 114; Benjamin 113; Charles 124A; Frank 124A; George 124A; John 124A; Joseph 124A; J.S. 212; Marvin, 123, 124, 145

Richards, Amos 19, 165, 166, 167; Charles 156; D. 124; George 75; James 203; John 188; Mrs. 175; William 91, 114

Richardson, page 199; A.L. 202; A .M. 214; Arza, 96; David 113; Dr. 117; Esquire 175; Israel 38, 43, 117, 141; James 96; J.K. 70; John 96, 159; Judge 25; Mr. 191; William 118, 214

Richmond, Edwin 182; George 132, 180, 182; Homer 182; Mr. 84; Nathan 113; N.C. 213; Nicholas 180; Van R. 105, 110

Ridder, Barney 113; G. 113

Rider, Benjamin 79, 158; Jay 164

Ridgeway (Ridgway), Emily 213; John 132; Sylvanus 159

Ridley, W. 64; Willard 75

Riegel, J. 111

Rifenburgh (Risenburgh), David 120; John 213; Walter 132

Rigdon, Sidney 150

Riggs (Rigs), Ann 103; Barney 180, 182; Henry 96; John 99, 101, 102, 109, 165, 167, 177, 180; Joseph 64; Levi 113, 182; M.B. 42; Prine 182

Riley, Harvey 123; Hiram 123; Lawrence 98, 99, 100, 108; Peleg 123; Rescom 123; Rev. Loren 89

Rimmels, Rev. Charles 75, 111

Rinehart, Andrew 113, 159

Ringer, Alonzo 91, 114; E. 87; Myron 91, 114

Ripley, Mr. 118

Ripon, Bernard 120

Risley, M.A. 213; Mrs. S. 150; Nathaniel 153

Rittenhouse, David 20

Ritter, John 214

Roach, William 50

Robb, Gardiner 130

Roberson, Benjamin 37

Roberts, page 175; B. 64; Franklin 164; Henry 73; J.C. 69; Joel 37; Joseph 42; Nathan 45; N.J. 75; O.N. 131; Palmer 109, 187; Purchase 169; Rev. B.T. 173; R.W. 69; Sarah 72; S.W. 69; Thomas 79; Timothy 108; Zenas 75

Robertson, Archibald 147; John 47

Robins (Robbins), Alexander 164; Alfred 132; Lyman 192; Mrs. 186; Sanford 164; Serall 192

Robinson, page 64, 123, 124; Bartlett 117; Benedict 15; Cassius 142; Catharine, 156; C.K. 103, 104; C.R. 211, 213; Decker 97, 165; Dr. Gain 142, 144; Gain 42, 117; G.E. 64; George 80, 177; Gideon 113, 174, 178; Harry, 63, 177; H.H. 178; Isaac 156; J. 153; James 75; J.D. 138; J.E. 69; Jennie 138; John 18, 41, 63, 75, 156, 174; Joseph 40, 114B; Lewis 117, 118; Mary 114B; Minerva, 204A; Morgan 117; Mr. 68; Peter, 63; Rev. J. 187; Rowland 166; T. 82A; Theodore 214; Thomas 43, 144, 178, 211; William 111, 113, 153, 161, 173, 200

Robson, John 118, 142

Rochester, Nathaniel 44; William 45, 66

Rockefellow, Hiram 67

Rockwell, page 62A; Caroline 150; Orrin 150

Rockwood, Dr. 68; E.H. 68

Rodenbach, Daniel 111; Jacob 113; Mr. 111

Roe, page 198; Austin 43, 79, 161; Daniel 77, 78, 202; Elder 63, 64; J.B. 158; J.H. 216; John 43, 79, 156, 158; Joseph 210; L.B. 158; Rev. 139; Rev. A.C. 88; Rev. Hypocrates 87

Roehrig (Roebrig), William 113

Roeser, Daniel 199

Roffee, Mrs. E.M. 88

Rogers (Rodgers), Albert 153; Ambrose 81; Ann 81; Anna Lake 81; Bartlett 43, 106, 110, 113; Benjamin 214; B.F. 40; B.R. 41, 99, 100, 211; Capt. L.A. 52; Carlton 140, 144, 149, 213; Carrie, 128; C.H. 140, 143; Charles 81, 113; Cynthia 128; D. 148; David 135, 165, 173; Dennison 135, 189; Eli 91, 114; Elisha 81; Elizabeth Manning 128; Erastus 41, 177; Eugene 188; Franklin 190;

Rogers (Rodgers) (cont.), Freeman 38, 106; Gabriel 100, 106, 171, 177; General 142; George 81, 128; Hamilton 41; Harriet 140, 190; H.C. 98; Hiram 113; Ida 128; James 41, 81, 98, 105, 119, 124, 135, 137, 174, 178; Jerry 174, 176, 178; Jno. 126B; John 81, 113, 127, 128; Lewis 128; Lucy 190; Luther 113; Lydia Putnam 128; Lyman 113; Martha 81; Mary 128; Mary Mason, 128; Mason 126B, 128; Matthew 83, 87; M.L. 123, 212; M.M. 107; Mr. 103, 111; Mr. & Mrs. Daniel, 76B, 81; Mrs. Delia 107; Mrs. Gabriel 154B; Mrs. Jno. 126B; Noah 81; Ralph 75; R.T. 75; Sarah 81, 128; Shubel 73; Sophia, 190; Stephen 107; Thomas 41, 64, Wealthy 73; W.G. 99; W.H. 43, 215; William 75, 91, 114, 119, 135, 139, 140, 141, 167, 189, 190, 191, 192, 209; Willis 128

Rollin, Rev. D.M. 186

Rolph, Rev. John 33, 34

Romans, R. Jane 210

Romeyn (Romayn, Romyen), Abraham 82, 109, 110; Eliza 63; Hannah 88A; Mary 109; T.T. 102

Roney, D.W. 203; William 72, 73

Rook(e), Delia 109; Thomas 98, 109

Rooker, George 113; Henry 113; John 105, 113; W.H. 111; William 113

Rools, Simon 195

Root, Austin 88A; George 113; Martin 63; Thomas 145; T.L. 144, 146, 213

Rorapaugh, S.L. 73

Rose, Andrew 178; Charles 88, 162, 182; Frederick 182; Henry 75, 182; Hugh 89; L.L. 67, 68, 75; Philander, 182; P.S. 214; Robert 84, 155; S.S. 210; Wm. 202

Rosenbower, Nicholas 188

Ross, Derrick 214; James 83, 91, 114; John 125

Rossen, E.A. 202

Rossiter (Rossitur), Charles 50; Samuel 106

Rott, George 111

Rouch, Max 132

Rouff, Solomon 182

Rouse, John 153

Rouser, Frederick 91, 114

Routh, Liddy 168; Russell 168, 169

Rowe, E. 56; Eliphalet 142; James 75; Rev. Hippocrates 147

Rowland, Reuben 176, 182; Thomas 69

Rowley, F. 153; Francis 153; Harry 209; Moses 72, 73; Robert 193; Sylvanus 209; William 153

Rowling, Rev. John 72

Roy, Isaac 100; Israel 83; James 83, 120; John 110; Levi 193; Lyman 83; Rev. J.W. 87

Roys (Royce), B.W. 113; Charles 43; Daniel 113; G.M. 193; I.S. 113; Isaac 211; James 113; John 41; J.S. 211; Mary 215; Mr. 100; Mrs. John 98; Orphy 213; Orson 98; Philander, 192; Rufus 66

Rozell (Roselle), Daniel 106, 110; D.R. 41

Rudd, G.R. 41; J.H. 111

Rude (Rood), B.C. 71; E. 213

Ruffle (Ruffie), John 132

Rugar, E.V. 75

Rumsey, Eleanor Lockwood 206; Mrs. Lucy 206

Runner, W.A. 209

Runyan (Renyon, Runion), George 75; Isaac 71; Jonathan, 199, 200; Joseph 163; Mary 70A; Mr. 100; W.W. 125, 209

Rusco, Russell 79

Rush, Abraham 64; John 69, 75; Joseph 75; William 75

Russell, page 190, 192; A. 88; Allen 127, 212; A.S. 43, 124; Daniel 19, 101, 127, 165, 166, 167; Darius 193; David 38; D.F. 215; Edwin 126; Eleanor 127; Elon 188; Emily Wright 127; George 96B, 198; G.H. 211; James 132; John 132, 137, 141, 142, 164; LaFontaine 88; Minerva 215; Moses 127; Nathaniel, 192; N.L. 213; O.F. 215; Rev. 187; Rev. Noadiah 127; S.W. 105; W.D. 215; Whitney 126

Rustin (Ruston), James 180, 182

Ryan, Edward 113; Jeremiah 188; John 153, 187; Patrick 113; Philip 91, 114; Richard 161

Ryckman, Peter 20

Ryerson, P.F. 88

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