The Coordinators and Editors of Wayne County GenWeb are proud to host the online presentation of the index to THE definitive book on Wayne County, N.Y. - Professor W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, New York", originally printed in 1877. We'd first like to extend our deepest appreciation to the staff of the Office of the County Historian for allowing our Town of Rose Editor, Frank Dennis, to prepare their index for online presentation. In turn our gratitude is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis for their many hours spent scanning, typing, proof-reading and converting this very long index.
The warm cooperation between our volunteer project and the Office of the County Historian is mutually beneficial. If you find persons mentioned on this index of interest to you, please contact the Office of the County Historian. However, we've been advised that before they can conduct any lookups or research or make copies, you MUST request from them an authorization form first. Since there is a fee for doing research, they need to know the maximum research hours you will pay for before starting research for you. If you need further information, contact the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County.
McIntosh, Prof. W. H., 1877. "History of Wayne County, New York; with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of Highest Ability, 1789-1877". Everts, Ensign, & Everts, Philadelphia. 1877. (Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1976)
The original volume contained a table of contents but no index. In 1976 the Wayne County HIstorian's Office prepared an index to the names of persons mentioned in the book. This index was computer-scanned to allow posting on the Wayne County GenWeb. The original index, in double-column format, has been converted to single column format. Although it has been checked for errors in "translation", some undoubtedly remain. If readers find such errors, please call them to our attention.
Certain pages contain many names because lists of Civil War veterans or of patrons who supported publication of the book occur there. Veterans are listed for Arcadia (pp. 74-76), Butler (pp. 79-80), Galen (pp. 90-92), Huron (pp. 95-96), Lyons (pp. 112-114), Macedon (p. 120), Marion (pp. 125-126), Ontario (pp. 131-132), Palmyra (pp.151-153), Rose (p. 159), Savannah (pp. 163-164), Sodus (pp. 181-183), Walworth (pp. 187-188), Williamson (p. 192-193), and Wolcott (p. 204). Patrons are listed by township on pp. 210-216. Pages with numbers followed by letters (A,B,C) contain biographical information about individuals and their families; additional biographies are on pp. 205-209.
Frank Dennis
Town of Rose Editor
Wayne County NYGenWeb
Kaiser (Keyser, Keiser), J. 64; Jacob 103
Kale, S.V. 91
Kane, James 175; Thomas 120
Kanouse, John 71; Rev. Peter 71
Kapple, Daniel 152
Kasson, Mr. 45; William 120
Kearin, Mich. 113
Keasler, E. Alfred 96; Simeon 96
Kechor, Peter 73
Keckison (Keghyson), John, 179, 182
Keefe, John 75, 182
Keel, Philip 215
Keeler, Charles 120; David 68, 70; Lewis 145
Keely (Keeley), Jeremiah 152; Sheldon 120
Keener, Mr. 68; Stephen 75
Keep, John 68
Keester, Francis 113
Kehoe, Sgt. 60
Kehr, J. 111
Keifer (Kifer), Barnard 91, 164
Keinetzer, Henry 109
Keller, Delavan 75; E.B. 75; Jacob 40, 64, 113
Kellogg, Charles 174, 176, 178; C.W. 203; E.B. 41, 202, 210; E.D. 87; Erastus152; Ethan 80, 83; George, 170; I.H. 109, 131, 149; Israel 74; I.W. 209; James 152; Lewis 126; Milo 126, 152; Mr. 174; Nathaniel, 166, 172, 173, 176, 177, 178; Norton, 126; Rev. 89; Stephen 158; William 80, 152, 158
Kelly (Kelley), Chester 177; Edgar 176, 177; Hiram 152; Isaac 139; James 152; John 173, 177, 214; Lieut. 57; Magor 152; Mary 214; Mr. 168; Mrs. Chester 165; Pat 193; Patrick 120; Thomas 89
Kelsey, A. 73; Alexander 45; James 34, 109; Morris 132; Philander 168
Kemp, Robert 172
Kemper, John 75; Morton 69
Kempshall, Thomas 185
Kendig, Daniel 114B
Kendrick, James 158; Mr. 162
Kenmore, Rev. Charles 170
Kennedy, J.A. 108; John 187; Michael 187
Kent, Edward 120; George 107; James 67; Moses 167; Moss 167; Mr. 140; Rev. 171, 187; Wm. 42
Kenyon (Kenion, Kinyon), Chas. 147; Daniel 47, 70, 73; F. 124; Friend 126; Geo. 126; H.P. 125; M.M. 86, 210; Mrs. R. 191; P.W. 41, 69; Rev. A.J. 89; W. 67; Wm. 215
Kern, Daniel 152
Kerr, C.B. 70
Ketchum (Ketcham), Abram 178; Alvah 91; B.C. 152; Benjamin 152; Captain 45; Ebenezer 124; Eponitas 123, 177; Leander 43, 85; Mr. 85; Nathan, 186; Rev. Nathaniel 188
Keyes (Keys), Benjamin 28; Chester 201; Geo. 113; James 113; Stephen 201; Thaddeus 17
Kilburn, Harriet 130; Mr. 130
Killbride, Father 111
Kilmer, Martin 164; Stephen 152; Thomas 182
Kilpatrick, Rev. Joseph 158, 171
Kimball, Daniel 118
Kimpland, Charles 179, 182; Launcelot 179; Rufus 91, 159
Kinder, John 91
King, page 102; Andrew 204; Betsey 82; Elijah 109, 187; Elisha 168; Eliza 131; Esau 98; Father 202, 203; Herman 75; Jesse 98; J. 82; John 132; Joseph 98; Leander 98; Marshall 132; Matthew 132; Nancy 200A; Nicholas 19, 82, 83; Oman 78; Philip 78; Rev. E.A. 186; Rev. H.S. 89; Samuel 98; Sarah 131; Thomas 98, 132; William 41, 187
Kingman, C. 42; G.C. 110
Kingsbury, page 161; Charles 88; Horatio 84, 106
Kingsland, Mr. 162
Kingsley, Achsah 169; Alvin 177, 178; E. 212; Edward 108; Elijah 169; Flavel 166, 169, 170, 177; Louisa 169; O.D. 197
Kink, Chas. 193
Kinney (Kinne, Kine), Elder 131, 168; Joshua 125; Philip 91; Rev. 192, 203
Kinsella, John 91
Kinsley (Kinsly), H. 158, 203; Mrs. T.L. 214
Kip, A. 66; Benjamin 67; James 67; John 43, 66, 73
Kirby, Joseph 113
Kirkhuff, Jane 163
Kirkland, Samuel 15, 34
Kitchen, page 165, 176; Benjamin 182; Matthew 171, 182
Kittredge (Kittridge), Ellen 184; H. 203; Rev. Hosea, 170, 174, 184
Klinck, H.C. 42; M.C. 157; Owen 107; S.H. 41
Kline (Klein), August 111; Valentine 91; William 111
Klump (Clump), George 112, 113; Theodore 112, 113
Knapp, page 199; A. 124; Abraham 19, 83, 93, 106; Alanson 43, 175, 176, 177, 178; Alexander 175; Allen 122; A.M. 43; A.O. 202; Benj. 126; Charles 164,187; Chauncey 178; Clark 178; C.W. 111; Danl. 204; Ezra 19, 91, 93, 94, 95, 200, 203; Frank 160; Geo. 193; Harriet 214; Harrison 126; Henry 182; Hiram, 113; James 170; J.N. 54; Lafayette 91, 164; Lyman 177, 178; Lyndon 178, 182; Marcia 93, 94; Mr. 87, 166; Otis 174, 176, 178; S.F. 178; Walter 177, 178; Warren 163; Zelotus 178
Knickerbocker, Mr. 129, 130
Kniffen, William 177
Knight, Abraham 88; Abram 91; David 182; Henry 179, 182; Jesse 176, 179; John 96; Mr. 175; Q. 208A; Thomas 91
Knobloch (Knolloch), John 107, 111, 113
Knott, J.B. 125
Knowles, George 43, 105; Henry 55, 113, 140, 144, 146; John 38, 105; Lewis 120, 152; Mr. 146; Mrs. 102
Knox, Charles 159; John 43; Mr. 93; Wm. 152
Koester, Mrs. Maggie 108
Kohl, Caniel 180, 182; Michael 180
Koon, Lewis 157
Kreiss, Jacob 110
Kreutzer, Captain 52; Emma Wood 207; William 108, 111, 207
Krouse (Krows), Joseph 152
Krum, David 75; Edwin, 75; John 75; William 75
Kuezeau, Margaret 200A
LaBuff (LeBuff), Frank 126, 152; Joseph 126, 152
Lacey (Lacy), Charles 119; W.H. 110; Wm. 106
Lackner (Laknor, Lucknor), David 180, 182; Peter 132, 182, 193
Ladd, Francis 132
Lader, page 200
Ladue (Ladu), page 199; Addison 208A; Cornelia 208A; Fanny 208A, 216; Garrett 208A; Jeremiah 164; Marianne 208A; Oliver 208A; Sarah 208A; Therese 208A; William 182
LaFaver, Alfred 157
LaFayette, General 45; J.A. 215; John 43, 126
LaFrois, Joseph 129
Laing, J. A. 215; John 43, 126
Laird. Geo. 152; Pliny 152
Lake, Anna 81; Charles 75, 113, 212; D.A. 75; Darius 75; David 94; Ephraim 113; Henry 113; Horace, 75; Nancy 125; Sidney 96; Wellington 159; William 113
Lakey (Lackey), Abner 38, 140, 141; Carlton 152; Charles 137; F. 137; Ira 123, 137; Orin 156; Thomas 123; William 182
Lalett, L.R. 106
Lamb, J.H. 203; Myron 96; Peter 158; Rev. Reuben 119, 120; R.P. 72, 73, 88; S. 158; William 97
Lambert, John 190, 191; Thomas 159
Lambley, John 152
Lambright, Ezra 73; Henry 63
Lamoreaux (Lamareaux), page 67; Andrew 68; A.O. 69; David 68; Jane 80C; J.S. 43, 88; Moses 69; William 75
Lamphere, Stephen 132
Lamson (Lampson), A.G. 71; Alonzo 95, 211; D.W. 113; O. 95; Thomas 159, 177
Lancaster, George 211
Landon (Landin), E.B. 75; Jarvis 102; Joseph 191; Miles 175, 177
Landreth, Jas. 193; John 125; Rev. James 187
Lane (Lame), page 168; Clara 206; George 108; Hannah 133; Israel 132; Joseph 38; M. 73; Morris 75; Mr. 147; Mrs. Nelson 157; Rev. 139, 173; Ziba 100, 106
Lang, Philip 111
Langdon, page 98; Alfred 113; Alonzo 139, 152; A.S. 73; Mr. 67; N.A. 111; Nye 102, 211; Orin 152; Owen 91; Thomas 69, 210; W.A. 211; Wm. 72
Langley, Mr. 67
Lanning (Laning), Gideon 74, 108, 187; Ralph 109
Lansing, Colonel 48
Lape, Cornelius 91; Jairus 91; James 91; John 69; Oscar 75; Philip 91; P. Ira 89; Samuel 91, 178, 182; S.J. 87
Lapham, Abraham 87, 117, 118, 121; Amie Doty 121; Daniel 118; Edna 121; Elizabeth 121, 212; Ellen 121; Esther 121; Ethan 117; Helen Arnold 121; Ira 117, 118; Isaac, 120; John 43, 91, 117, 118, 118A; Lydia 121; Mary 121; Mrs. 117; Mrs. Nathan 118; Mrs. Salome, 117, 118, 118A, 121; Nathan 118; Nelson 170; Norman 137, 139; Orin 120; Stephen 117, 121; William 121
Laraway, Orlando 91
Larkin(s), C. 215; Orrin 182; Patrick 75
Larue, J. 99; James 113; Joseph 97, 211
LaSalle, Mr. 102
Lasher, Mr. 141
Lathrop (Lathorp), O.C. 158; Thomas 120; W.J. 111
Lattimer (Latimer), Charles 113; George 177; John 89
Lattin, John 187
Laubenheimer, Louis 178
Laura, Henrietta 84
Lauster, Geo. 111
Lavens, James 130
Lavin, Michael 187
Lawler (Lather), John 152, 164
Lawless, Samuel 113
Lawson, Dr. Thomas 166
Lawrence, Augustin 102; Edwin 164; J. 152; James 118; John 120; Raymond 113; Samuel 150; Walter 118, 212; William 118, 119
Lawton, Charles 43, 83, 88; John 105; Mr. 107
Lay, Henry 126; Mr. 67
Layton (Leighton), page 168; Andrew 180, 182; Benjamin 180; David 170, 174, 177; George 173; Hiram 113; H.W. 213; John 41, 106, 113; Jonathan 174, 177, 180; Lewis 182; Nelson 113; Philo 180, 182
Leach (Leech), Albert 110; A.M. 110; Augustus, 211; Charles 113; Edward 113; Edwin 41, 98; Heman 41; H.W. 211; Jacob 98, l00, 102, 106, l10, 114B; John 107; Levi 187; Lyman 109; Miles 105; Morton 75; Mr. 104; M.S. 41, 107; Rev. John 72, 148; Sarah Bradley 114B
Leadley, David 214
Leahy, Daniel 113
Learn, Adam 106
Learned, John 87; Mrs. Sarah 87
Leavenworth, E.L. 208A; Isaac 43, 198A, 202, 203, 207; John 88; Mrs. 199; Mrs. J.C. 198A
Lecount, J.H. 178
Leddy, Father 111; J.H. 89
Ledyard, Dr. 84; Mary 190C; Mrs. Samuel 191; Samuel 173, 189, 190, 194; T.S. 215; T. Scott 188B, 190
Lee, Alfred 156, 158; Austin 64; Charles 159; D.K. 73; D.W. 214; Hiram 125; James 91; Joel 79, 56, 157, 158; John 64, 156; Lyman 156; Marvin 64, 72, 210; Mason 152; Mr. 200; Pasqua 176; R.A. 192; Rev. P. 73; Saybrook 75; Wm. 176
Leet, George 47
Leffingwell, Rev. Christopher 148
Lefurgey, page 168; Dennis 174
Legg, Austin 159; Lyman 214
Leggett, Henry 170
Lehn, M. 111; Michael 111
Lehner, George 113
Leidinger (Lidinger), Joseph
Leland, James 156; Jeremiah 156,157; Lewis 157; S. 158
Lemmon (Lemon, Lemanon, Lamon), Elias 113, 182; Elijah 175, 176; Isaac 175; James 106, 125; John 113, 182
Lennon, John 152
Lent (Lentz), C.D. 166; Charles 182, 202, 214; Jacob 152
Leonard, Ambrose 202; E.G. 41, 111; Francis, 182; James 152; John 91; Oliver 176; William 171, 182
Leonhart, John 215
Lepper, Joshua 182
Lerock, Charles 159; James 159; Leonard 159
Leroy, Isaac 113, 126, 182; Victor 120; William 91
Lester, Orison 182; Wayne 113
Lethbridge, Jeremy 159
Levanway, W.H. 89
Lewis, A. 210; Arza 82, 83, 84, 86; Dr. John 88; Elisha 152; Ezra 87; George 105, 106; G.H. 211; Gideon, 67; Hammer 211; Hiram 182; Isaac, 85; James 182; John 42, 83, 86, 106; Joseph 191; Martin 37; Nabby 87; Orville 123; Rev. Thomas 186; S. 41; Southard 106
Liggett, J.T. 69
Lilly (Lilley), A.H. 147; Asa 136, 141, 142; Rev. 72
Lillybridge, Alfred 75
Limrocker, H.S. 186
Lincoln (Linkin), Edward 120; Edwin 120; Mr. 156; Thomas 120
Lindsley, Rev. Jonathan 101, 109
Linehart, Samuel 152
Lipan, Sanford 106
Lippett, Caleb 66
Littell, Emlin 148
Little, Charles 182; George 152; Henry, 212; John 118, 152; M. 41; Malcolm, 42, 86, 88; Mr. 165; S.A. 87; Sarah 86
Littlefield, Hamilton 91; W.S. 210
Livermore, Rev. 72
Livingston, Geo. 113; G.P. 86; Robert 44
Locke, E. W. 73
Lockwood, page 161; Benjamin 206; Clara Lane 206; Clarissa 206; Eleanor, 206; Elias 152; Elizabeth Genter, 206; Elsey 206; Ephraim 206; Francis 206; George 200, 201, 206, 206A, 216; Hanford 206; Harriet, 206; Homer 206; Isaac 206; Jennie Brooks 206; John 173; Joseph 206; Lewis 79; Lucinda Forbush 206; Mary 206; Mary Wood 206; Richard 206; Ruth Whitney 206; Sally Benedict 206; Samantha 206; Titus 161; William 206
Lofthouse, T. 213; William 129, 132
Logan, James 152; John 152
Long, Bishop Joseph 111; William 164
Lookup, Sally 125; W. 123; Wm. 212
Loper, Abraham 66
Lord, Joseph 208A; Lucy Abel 208A; Marianne 208A; R. 67; Rev. William 108
Lotze, John 186
Lough, John 120
Lounsbury (Launsbury, Lounsberry), J. W. 91; Lee 126
Lovejoy, Daniel 126, 156; Emery 152; Isaac 41; Mr. 174; Palmer 156; Silas 156; William 126, 156, 157
Loveless, Columbus 80, 80A, 210; George 80; G.W. 202; Hamilton 80; Harrison, 80; James 80, 199; Jane Lamoreaux, 80C; Jerome 80; Maria Campbell, 80, 80A; Mary 80; Mary Hodges, 80B; Prudence Aldrich 80, 80A; Ransom 80, 80B, 80C, 210; Solomon 216
Lovell (Lovewell), Betsey 122; Cornelius 164; Daniel 124; Henry 19, 101, 122, 139, 167, 177, 191; T.B. 124
Lovitt (Lovett), Edward 148A; Electa Thayer 148A; J.C. 141, 142; Joseph 140, 144, 146, 148A; Laura Pendleton 148A; Minnie 148A; Mrs. Laura 213
Low(e) (Law), Andrew 38; William 113
Lowell, Josiah 79; Rev. D.D. 88, 119
Lowly, Benjamin 182
Lown, David 212
Lucas, Bryant 91; Samuel 73
Luce (Luse), page 65, 73; D.F. 122; E. 69; Edward 163; Freeman 63; Jefferson 126; Joseph 66, 176, 178
Luckey, Dr. Samuel 109; Samuel 209
Ludlow, Edward 87
Luke, page 64; George 75; Samuel 75
Lummis (Loomis), Benjamin 166, 175; Chester 46; Dr. William 77, 166, 175; Francis 187; Rev. William 88; Wm. 40, 167, 172, 174, 177, 178
Lund, John 180, 182; Thomas 214
Lundy, Benjamin 194; Levi 83; Samuel 87
Lusk, A.D. 69; Captain 54; C.B. 69, 152; C.C. 69; Daniel 67; E. 146; Henry, 68, 70; Isaac 48, 64, 75; Jacob 64, 66, 67, 69; Jeremiah 64, 73; L.D. 75; Lycurgus 75; Philip 64, 67; Rev. William 95; Robert 164
Lutes, Jacob 80
Lux, Fred. 90
Lyal (Lysle), Alexander 169; James 173
Lyman, Charles 214; David 157; Jesse 171; Milo 158; Mrs. 99, 101; Mrs. Catherine 211; Noah 94, 95; Philander 172, 182; Samuel 156
Lyon, page 201; Abel 202, 203; Caleb, 191, 192; Charles 113; Daniel 186; Henry 126; James 40, 190C; John 190C; Lyman 43, 146; M. 203; Moses 79, 158; Sarah 186, 208C; Simeon 36; Wm. 126, 156
Lyons, William 182
Mace, B.F. 79; Isaac 134
Mack (Mash), David 132; D.S. 193; Harrison 199; James 91, 199; John 37, 199; Mr. and Mrs. 131; Robert 132; Samuel, 132
Mackenzie, J.T. 41,107
Mackey (Mackie, MacKay), Alex. 214; Alonzo 164; James 91; J.M. 210; Matthew 83, 87; Michael 75; T.W. 86
Macy, Reuben 193; Thomas 65
Madden (Madan), A.B. 206D; Eunice 207; Henry 203; L.J. 186; Polly Snyder 206D
Mahar (Maher), Jeremiah 120; Joseph 187
Mahen, John 75
Mahoney, James 113
Maine(s), G.B. 215; Mr. 190; Rev. E.F. 186
Malcolm, George 212; Mr. 123; William 175
Malin, Rachel 15
Mallison (Malsen), James 91
Mallory, A.S. 113; Benjamin 15; Dr. 189; Marion 208; William 180, 182
Maloy, John 91; Thomas 75
Maltby, Rev. Joseph 186
Manchester, Augustus 75; Charles 132; George 75; Joseph 75; Lyman 193
Mandeville (Manderville), David 72; John 209; Mr. 67; Rev. J. 187; Wm. 125, 187
Mandie, Casper 91
Mangold, Frederick 182
Manly, Rev. 131
Mann, D.H. 202, 208A; Hiram 42, 43, 110, 176, 177, 178; Rev. 90; Robert 50; Royal 125, 170; Sara LaDue 208A
Manning, Elizabeth 128; Wm. 74, 109
Manroe (Mauron), William 164
Mansfield, page 65; William 113
Manz, Rev. 70, 73; Rev. Charles 111
Mapes, Rev. 187; Rev. J.V. 171
Marble, Sarah 73; William 73
Marcellus, Lewis 80
March, Lydia 202B
Marhart, J. 137
Marion, Dudley 36
Markel (Mackel), Henry 126
Markham, William 28
Marquot (Mariquot), Daniel 159
Marriott, William 91
Marsh, page 137; A.W. 72, 213; Cornelius, 80, 91; Ephraim 88; Henry 159; Mr. 105; Mrs. 72; Rev. William 95; Uriah 159
Marshall, Elihu 150; Hiram 105; John 119; S. 111; Stephen 38, 109; William 80, 105
Martens, Adolph 113
Martin, page 191; Christopher 94; Eliza, 190; F. 105; Lint 178; Matthew 190; Philip 158; Robert 167; Samuel 200
Marvin, Dudley 36, 46, 121; Mr. 37; Polly 68
Maskell, William 58
Mason, page 124; A.J. 212; Benjamin 123, 187; C. 69; Carlton 177, 178; Charles 191; Christiana 192; Clark 43, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 110, 211; David 123; Deacon 140; Harvey 156; Isaac 166, 167; Israel 169; James, 38, 187; Jesse 123, 125, 175, 178; John 123, 191; Joseph 191; Julia 88; Luke 135; Maria 154B; Mary 128; Mr. 123; Mrs. C. 190; O. 187; Robert 156; Wm. 178, 202
Masten (Mastin), Theodore 113; Thomas 91
Masters, Nathan 75
Mather, Calvin 164; Dr. 174, 175; Elisha, 42, 166, 172, 173, 176, 177, 178
Matherson, W.H. 131
Mathews (Matthews), page 198; George 75; Jesse 199, 200; Vincent 22, 26, 33, 36 , 45, 65, 167
Mathewson (Matthewson), A.J. 145
Matteson (Mattison), Ira 164; John 69; Rev. Hiram 95; Rev. Seth 187, 209
Maxwell, Rev. 88
May, David 180, 182; Dr. William 161; Harlem 180; Mr. 142; Nathan 182
Mayark, Peter 182
Mayer (Maier), H.F. 69, 70, 210; Jacob 91
Maynard, Rev. 158
McAfee, G.W. 152
McAllister, John 175
McAlpine, Daniel 176
McArthur, Adelia 208; Ann Eliza 208; Clarissa Vanhining 208; Delphine 208; Edward 208; Elihu, 208; Eliza Waldron 208; Ella Thompson 208; Emma 208; Irving, 208; James 208; John 202D, 203, 208; Margaret 208; Marion 208; Mrs. Eliza 216; Mrs. John 202D; Olin 208; Robert 208; Theodore, 208; Wesley 208; Wilbor 208
McBowen, Edwin 126
McBride, George 202; James 87
McCabe, John 91
McCain, James 66; Lambert 70; William 116
McCall, Helen 210; Joseph 41, 103, 107; Mrs. L.C. 210; Peter 113; Sanford 152
McCann, Charles 75; John 118
McCarthy (McCartha), John 95; Rev. 192
McCarty, Daniel 132; Levi 176,178; Owen 204; Perry 167
McClavy, George 105
McClellan, General 52
McCloskey, Thomas 91
McCollow, Louisa 208C
McColluin (McCulluin), Joel 138; Patrick 163
McConnell, Irving 91; Lewis 210
McCoy, Robert 91; William 159
McCrady, D.H. 164
McCuen, Ambrose 75
McCumber (Mc0mber, Macomber , McComber) Caleb 87; Charles 113; C.L. 113; Edwin 202; Eugene 113; John 187
McDade, Mrs. Andrew 163
McDonald, Clinton 152; D. 98, 110; Dennis 110; Mr. 141; Thomas 75; William 113
McDonnell, William 152
McDougal, C.D. 54; N. 91; Rev. M.D. 89, 173
McDough, Samuel 91
McDowell, Charles 113; David 113
McElwain, Edward 113; William 113
McGerald, Rev. 187
McGinnis (McGuinness), Daniel 91, 159; J. 86; J.E. 86; John 91
McGonegal (McGonigal), John 43, 162
McGowan (McGown), George 143, 144, 145
McGrath, George 53; Patrick 75; P.O. 131
McGregor, Peter 69
McGuire, Barney 152
McGurkin, Andrew 132
McHarg, Rev. William 109
McIntosh, Daniel 177
McIntyre, Alex. 42, 70A, 142, 145; Arch. 105; DeWitt 146; Eliza Pomeroy 70A; Henry 80; John 202, 214; Levi 96; Mr. 142; Mrs. H. 191; Samuel 145, 147; S.B. 70A, 144, 152
McKeney, Thomas 120
McKinney, Elijah 172, 173
McKinster, Rev. Porter 125; Robinson 125
McKinstry (McKenstry), A.H. 45; D.W. 89; Porter 209; Rev. 187
McKnight (McWright), Michael 91
McKoon (McCoon), Rev. 95; Rev. William 158
McKown, J. 213
McLane, Michael 182; Wm. 143
McLary, John 91
McLaughlin, Wm. 88
McLean, James 75, 182; Michael 180; Robert 180; Wm. 140
McLouth (McClouth), Charles 146; Deacon 187; Lewis 186; Rev. B. 149, 187, 192; Sophia 187; Wm. 84
McMahon, William 49
McMain, James 152
McMath, Mr. 102; William 113
McMillen, Hugh 87
McMullen (McMullin), page 166; Daniel 180, 182; General 57; Henry 180, 182; James 182; William 182
McMurdy, Catherine Beckwith 154; Edward 154
McNabb, page 199; Andrew 84, 94, 157; Father 111; J. 89
McNair, Hugh 44
McNamara, Dennis 113
McNeil, David 47
McNett, DeForest 172
McNutt, David 175
Mc0mber, Amos 126, 152; J. 152
McVicar, J.D. 86; John 113
McViel, William 182
McWharf, James 159; Theo. 159
McWilliams, Rev. James 170; Israel 126, 152;
Mead, Albert 152; Andrew 83, 210; Calvin 164; Dewitt 210; Dwight 80; H.C. 41; Hernando 105; H.M. 46; Jeremiah 91; Jerry 161; John 119; Miles 91; Mr. 199; M.W. 89; Nathaniel 110; Thomas 118; Veler 79
Medbery, A.M. 111
Mee(s), James 152; Rev. M.F. 111
Meeker, Hiram 96; Norman 193
Mellen, Caleb 199; Samuel 199
Mellish, Samuel 37
Melvin, Alanson 203; Caleb 19, 156, 199; Jonathan 82, 84, 88A, 95, 156, 198, 199, 203; Rev. 192; Samuel 199
Mensen, Theodore 67
Mentz, Rev. Wm. 111
Menzner (Menger), Philip 75, 152
Mepham, Benjamin 132, 152
Merchant (Merchen), J.A. 211; Loren 193
Merrick, Joseph 132; Lewis 113
Merrill, Asher 178; B.A. 199; Charlote, 210; Edgar 80, 202; E.W. 96; Franklin 210; Hepzibah 202B; Nathaniel 167, 174, 175, 176; Rev. 35, 109; Rev. Joseph 170; Rev. Nathaniel 95, 203; Simeon 77; Wallace 204; W.H. 48
Merriman, Charlotte 163; Elisha 163
Merrit (Merritt), Cordon 91; D.N. 125, 147; Harvey, 180, 182; Jesse 180; Rev. 131
Merry (Mary), Norman 101, 139, 165, 167, 176
Merryweather, George 120
Mertz, Geo. 111
Merwin, Rev. Charles 170
Mesick, H.J. 64
Messenger, page 166
Messmer, Daniel 111
Metcalf, John 22; Ruth 207
Metzger (Mitzger), Frederick 113
Michael (Michel), Adam 204; Henry 216
Middaugh, Hannah 98
Middleton, George 43, 66, 68, 70, 171, 177; Joseph 130, 213; William 130
Mighells, E. 68; Eleazer 68, 70A; Mary 70A
Milern, George 91
Miles, Charles 91; Elder 173; Mrs. Henry 154B; Patrick 111; William 211
Milham, Hannah 154; Jacob 154; Mary 154
Milhan, D.R. 215
Millard, David 125
Miller, page 190; Aaron 199; Adolph 111; Alexander 19; Allen 67; Andrew 19; A.O. 215; Charles 75, 187; Chauncey 164; Cornelius 85, 159; Daniel 19; E.D. 111; Edward 204; Elijah 68; George 113, 190; G.F. 111; Harmon 214; Harvey 185, 186, 215; Heman 47; Henry 111; H.J. 215; Horace 185; Isaac 85, 86; J.A. 49, 210; Jacob 113, 156, 157; James 22, 42, 64, 66; J.H. 75; John 19, 139, 167, 172, 202, 203; Jonas 176, 177; Jonathan 185; Joseph 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 86, 88A; Kingsley 141; Lorenzo 182, 193; Louisa Fletcher, 67; Lydia 109; Maline 68; Michael 98, 106; Mr. 65; Mrs. John, 172; Mrs. S. 123; Otto 91, 113; Pease 159; Peter 91; Philetus 215; Rev. Philip 73, 111; Robert 167; Samuel 19; Simeon 192; S.L. 186; Sylvester 185, 186; Thomas 85; Valentine 69; W.H. 126; William, 85, 187
Millett (Millete, Millet), Alexander 185; Andrew 185, 186; Cassius 132; Daniel 185; E. 215; John 185; Jonathan 134; Samuel 28, 185, 191; W.T. 70
Milliman, L. 123; Lyman 212
Millington, A. 203; Alanson 203; H. 129; Lanson 203; Lovina 203; R.H. 213
Millis, David 91
Mills, Caleb 79; Captain 78; Daniel 78; D.D. 75; Ephraim 202B; F.A. 164; Geo. 66; George 70; Gustav 69; Isaac 19, 82, 83; James 66; John 113; Joseph 66; Matthew 120; Peter 199; Polly 82; Richard 75; Rosanna 202B; Rosanna Foote 202B; Sally 202C; Samuel 89, 152; Sarah 201; William 182
Milne, Belle Wood 207; James 207; Rev. Alexander 119
Milner, Richard 176, 182, 214
Milum (Milon), Christopher 159; Geo. 89, 159
Miner, G.H. 124; H. 90; Martin 168, 186; Mr. 143; Philo 159; Rev. 158; Rev. Cyrus 119; Rev. Harley 187
Mink, Edwin 152
Minkle, John 152
Minkler (Mickler, Minckler), Samuel 100, 102
Mirick (Myrick), A.G. 143; George 156; H. 157; Hiram 103, 106, 156, 157; Horace 193; I. 157; Ira 103, 105, 156, 157; James 107; Milton 41, 103, 107; Nelson 106; N.R. 41,105; Solomon 156; Thomas 156
Mitchell, Ed. 193; James 96; John 110; Joseph 87; Minott 199; Peter 46; Philander 156, 157, 158; Rev. 88; T. 131; Thomas 152
Mix, William 156
Moak, J.W. 47
Mohaz, Lydia 93
Montgomery, Rev. George 119; Rev. W.W. 110
Monroe, Caleb 91; Polly 200B; Rufus 182; Younglove 200B
Moody, page 192; Cephas 38; Charles, 214; Lucretia 192; Nancy 192
Moon, E.P. 86; Peter 84
Moore (Moors, More), page 199; Abijah 19, 77, 78, 198, 203; Benjamin 152; Calvin 80, 202; Captain 57; Ebenezer 191; E.C. 152; Enoch 37, 38, 43, 167; Francis 191; George 37; Harry 145; Henry 186; H . H H.S. 113, 144; J.H. 79; Joseph 152; Luther 83; Mr. 103, 135; R.C. 213; Rev. I.G. 187; Rev. J.G,, 88; Rev. J.S. 87; S. 43; Samuel 42, 123, 209; William, 81, 113, 152; Z. 41; Zebulon 104, 106, 107
Moran, Daniel 111
Morey, Chauncey 120; Edmund 159; Geon, 159; Horace 159; Julius 91; Wanton 167
Morfat (Moffat), Jeduthun 19; Mr. 165; Mrs., 165; Mrs. Nancy 19
Morgan, Bela 213; Israel 113, 182; John, 150; Patrick 91; Patsy 91
Moriarty, John 91; Mike 91
Morley (Moreley, Morly), Elder 110; Frederick 106, 145; Horace 43; Oliver 73; Samuel, 70, 85; Willard 174
Morrell, Samuel 202
Morris, George 75; Levi 200B, 216; Lewis 171; Polly Hogan 200B; Robert 20, 32; Thomas 20, 32, 167; William 171
Morrison, Mr. 191
Morrow, Alexander 175
Morse, Daniel 212; Enoch 166, 171, 174, 175, 176, 178; Harvey 94; H.H. 69; J.J. 212; Mr. 166; Orlander 29; Rollin 69; Samuel 171, 177
Moscrip (Mostrip), Rev. Charles [no p. listed]
Moses, Hiram 182; Rufus 170
Mosher (Mossier, Moshier, Moser), Abigail Taft 208C; Allen 87; Byron 187; Charles 87; Francis, 208C; I.F. 202; Isaac 216; J.F. 201; Joseph 161; Lewis 152; Phila 208C; Rev. 173; Rev. Charles, 83, 88, 95, 203; Stephen 125; William 164
Moss, Barnabas 192; Hubbard 152
Mott, Andrew 75; Gilbert 75, 126; Mr. 102; Thomas 47; William, 120, 132
Mould, John 105
Moulton, William 77, 78
Mount (Monn), Carlisle 193; Richard 193
Moxier, Joseph 19
Muddell, John 152
Mudge, Elder 77; Gardiner 94, 199; Jason 94; Jarvis 19, 93, 94, 199, 203; Mr. 19, 198; Rev. 148; Warham 55
Mull, Harrison 182
Mullie, Isaac 193
Mumford, John 152; Lafayette 120; William 182; W.W. 118, 211
Mummy, Samuel 99, 101, 102, 167
Mundy, George 75; Quartermaster 51; William 75; W.T. 69
Munger, Orin 131
Munn, Frank 88; Hiram 113; Moses 88; Mrs. William 88; William 88
Munsell, Dorman 156, 157; G.L. 158; Silas 198
Munson, A. 40; Anne 208A; Archibald 162, 163; Chas. 126, 182; Chester 208A; Elias 208A; Elizabeth Brown 208A; E.Y. 200; Fanny 208A; J.A. 163; Jacob 180, 182; John 160; Josiah, 208A; Leonora 208A; Marianne Lord 208A; Mary 208A; Miriam Young 208A; Nicholas 180; Stephen 98; Theresa Pollard 208A; Wynne 208A
Murdock, Mr. 106
Murphy, Cornelius 159; James 75; John 91, 152; Martin 91; Patrick, 91; Seth 152
Murray, Elijah 36; John 75, 91, 200; Patrick 80, 91; Michael 164; Rev. Rufus 148; Rev. William 187
Musselman, Geo. 126
Myers, Charles 180, 182; David 182; Dewitt 84, 86; Frederick 113, 187; Gustavus 180; Jacob 91; John 214; L.J. 164; Samuel 187
Mynderse, W. 84; Wilhelmus 20
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