Surnames A - B


The Coordinators and Editors of Wayne County GenWeb are proud to host the online presentation of the index to THE definitive book on Wayne County, N.Y. - Professor W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, New York", originally printed in 1877. We'd first like to extend our deepest appreciation to the staff of the Office of the County Historian for allowing our Town of Rose Editor, Frank Dennis, to prepare their index for online presentation. In turn our gratitude is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennis for their many hours spent scanning, typing, proof-reading and converting this very long index.

The warm cooperation between our volunteer project and the Office of the County Historian is mutually beneficial. If you find persons mentioned on this index of interest to you, please contact the Office of the County Historian. However, we've been advised that before they can conduct any lookups or research or make copies, you MUST request from them an authorization form first. Since there is a fee for doing research, they need to know the maximum research hours you will pay for before starting research for you. If you need further information, contact the Office of the County Historian, Wayne County.

And now....McIntosh!

McIntosh, Prof. W. H., 1877. "History of Wayne County, New York; with Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, from Original Sketches by Artists of Highest Ability, 1789-1877". Everts, Ensign, & Everts, Philadelphia. 1877. (Reprinted by W. E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, N.Y. 1976)

The original volume contained a table of contents but no index. In 1976 the Wayne County Department of History prepared an index to the names of persons mentioned in the book. This is available for $5.00 from the Office of the Wayne County Historian, 9 Pearl St., P.O.B. 131, Lyons, NY 14489.

This index was computer-scanned to allow posting on the Wayne County GenWeb. The original index, in double-column format, has been converted to single column format. Although it has been checked for errors in "translation", some undoubtedly remain. If readers find such errors, please call them to our attention.

Certain pages contain many names because lists of Civil War veterans or of patrons who supported publication of the book occur there. Veterans are listed for Arcadia (pp. 74-76), Butler (pp. 79-80), Galen (pp. 90-92), Huron (pp. 95-96), Lyons (pp. 112-114), Macedon (p. 120), Marion (pp. 125-126), Ontario (pp. 131-132), Palmyra (pp.151-153), Rose (p. 159), Savannah (pp. 163-164), Sodus (pp. 181-183), Walworth (pp. 187-188), Williamson (p. 192-193), and Wolcott (p. 204). Patrons are listed by township on pp. 210-216. Pages with numbers followed by letters (A,B,C) contain biographical information about individuals and their families; additional biographies are on pp. 205-209.

Frank Dennis
Town of Rose Editor
Wayne County NYGenWeb

Abbey, Richard 192

Abbott, Dallas 95; Eliab 199; John 87; Orson 171; Rev. Orrin 187

Abel (Able), John 190; Wm. 204

Abrams, Benajah 160; Edwin 163; Hiram, 162; Wm.. 204

Acker, Henry 84; John 87; W.L. 211

Ackerman, P.A. 69

Ackerson, J.0. 74

Ackly (Ackley), Rev. Charles 86; Stephen 143

Acres, Allen 206D; Henry 206D; Margaret Patterson 206D; Sarah Patterson 206:

Adams, A.D. 112; A.E. 86; Alexander 48, 108; Anna 124; B.B. 123; Betsey, 125; C.B. 215; Charles 120; David 102; George 112; Hiram 192; Homer 123; Horace 131; James 212; John 38,41,43,104,106,110.125,191; Joseph 125,151; J.R. 215; Lewis, 112,163; Mehitable 125; Merritt, 191; Miss H. 138A,213; Mr. 78,199; N.A. 125; Obadiah 19,93,198,200, 203,208A; Orlando 215; 0.S. 104,107,211; Reuben 101,123,124,125, 167,177; Rev. 119; Rev. Eli 95; Rev. William 187; R.L. 41; Rodney, 106; Samuel 151; Silas 131; Sophia 125;William 38,40,41,42,43,46,82,85,88,102, 103,106A,110,155,163

Addison, John 87

Adkins, James 88; L.L. 203

Adsit, Rev. 148

Agan, Randell 214

Agett, Jas. 108,110,111; Rhoda 111; Thomas 107

Aiken, John 72

Akenhead, Walter 41

Alabaster, John 149

Albaugh, James 112; John 99, 100,112

Albreze, Gotlieb 151

Albright, Abraham 130; Isaac 163; J. 212; John 192; Peter 161; Valentine 151

Alcock, Mrs. 165

Alcott, Ezekiel 130

Alden, B. 203; Justin 158; N.M. 211

Aldrich, page 64,67; Amos 79; Asa 35; Asahel 171; David 146,150; Ed. 69; Edmund 66; Edward 156; Evander 151; James 74; Jesse 87; Joseph 70: Leonard 167,177,191; Nathan 25; Nelson 106; Peter 156; Prudence 80; Squire 73; William, 43,69,74,146,149

A1dridge, Asa 118,119; Brice 117; David 117

Alexander, Catharine 94; Charles 159; David 192; D.C 158; E.V. 116; Geo. 108; Henry 58; James 199,200; Margaret 108,109

Alfred, Abigail 109; William 109

Allee (Allice,Allen), Andrew 112; Edward 112; George 112

Allen (Allyn), Alfred 195; Alonzo 131; Ann 138B,213; Asa125; C.A.138B; Charles,120,140,163,178,179, 181; Chester, 200B; Cornelius 181; Daniel 88; Draper 143; E. 125; Ebenezer 25; Eli 179,181; Elias 174; Elisha, 125; E.M. 52; E.T. 138B; Ethel 43, 192; Hiram 171; Horatio 46; J.A., 111; Jacob 112; James 90; Jedediah, 176,192; John 90,161,171,174,177; Jonas 40; Joseph 144,154; L.D. 170; Levi 131,179,181; Lorenzo 178; Lovina Hogan 200B; Lucretia 161; L.W. 212; Miss E.H. 107; Mr. 189, Mrs. 102, Nathaniel 36, 86; Oliver

86, 106; Peter 90,154A,161; Rev. Marvin 192; Samuel 141; Sanford, 179; Sidney 164B,166; Solomon, 156,157; Sylvester 181: Theophilus, 28; Willard 112; Wm. 90,178,181

Allerton, Meade 69; Mr. 68; 0.H. 67; S.W. 69

Alles (Allis), John 151; Peter 111

Allinger, Francis 90

Almakinder, John 179,181

Almy, Perry 215

Alsop, Robert 43

Alston (Atston), John 74

Althen, Charles 112; Philip 41,102,105,111

Alton, Henry 131

Alverson, I.B. 209; J.B. 109; John 74,109

Ambler, Dr. William 101,103

Ambrose, Leonard 79

Ames, Bishop 149; R.N. 106; Robert 89

Amsden, Rufus 124

Anderson, Charles 151,163; John 90; Mr. 143; Wells 142; William 90

Andrew(s), Alvin 125,131; Chester 199; Cyrus, 163; Henry 181; Jacob 112,171,179; Jemain 215; Jesse 174,184; Joseph, 166,176,214; Mr. 102; Richard 181; Robert 156,157; Rowland 159; Samuel 45; S.G. 45; Silas, 106,166, 175; Thomas 89; Watson 179; William 131,156

Andrus, Benjamin 216; Rollin 216

Angell (Angle), Jeremiah 123; Lathrop 159

Angus, Elijah 79,202; George 79; Gilbert 79

Annin, Joseph 20

Anson, A.68; William 95

Anthony, Joseph 215; Simon 120

Appleman, Adam 112

Arbogast, Philip 112

Archer, Henry 82; Mr. 146; 0. 143; 0rnin 43,123,124,146

Arden, Jacob 42

Ark, Justus 110

Armington, A.H. 213

Armitage (Amatage), James 83; N. 74; Thomas 90

Arms (Ames), Abner 171,177; Daniel 166,167,171, 172,174,175,176,177,178; Fanny 98A; Israel 172,177; R.N. 110

Armsbury, Mr. 171; Mrs. 174

Armstrong, David 57; Jacob 120; James 158; John 201; Moses 73; P.M. 74; Robert 151,191; Samantha, opposite page 93; Thomas 43,78,79,112,199,200, 202,207

Arne, David 38,43,200; Dr. 199

Arnell, William 90

Arney, Samuel 187

Arnold, Helen 121; Isaac 137; Jesse 185; J.N. 86; J. Newton 86; John 125; Josiah 158; Lewis 125; Nathan 191; Rev. 89; William 125

Arnot(t), Jacob 95,204

Asay, Alonzo 120

Asbury, Francis 98,108

Ashdown, James 90

Ashley, Page 165; Charles 90; Dr. 99,1025, 103,104; Dr. Robert 99; Elihu 99; Ella 108: Mary 102B; Mary Jones 99; Mr. 103; Robert 42,99; Samuel 99; Stephen 120,187; Theodore 69; W.F. 105; William 99

Ashworth, Rev. 187

Atkinson, Hugh 187; Richard 187

Atwater, Alonzo 215; Benjamin 178; Milton, 192; Moses 19,23,26,33,36,39,40, 43; 0.C. 79; Willis 215

Atwell, Oliver 125

Atwood, page 123, Alba 131; Alvah 131; John 125;Joseph 131; Reynolds 131; Seth 125

Auchampach, Harvey 196

Auckers, Henry 181

Augh, George 159

Aul (Aub), Henry 103

Aurand, Albert 90

Ausman, Mr. 118

Austin, A.G. 215; C.H 203; Charles 159; Dr. 190; Eben 63; Edmund 159; Elbridge 74; Elias 82; Elijah 18; G.G. 63; Ira 63; J. 63; J.J. 73; Melburn 179; Moses 110; Mr. 123; Pasqua 192; Phineas 63,106; William 212

Autenbring, George 90

Averill, Edward 143; E.S. 145,213; General 58; William 129

Avery, A.G. 99; Cyrus 99; Dr. T.H. 103; Elisha 64; F.C. 211; Mr. 104; Nathaniel 64; William


Ayer(s), Alfred 163; Artemus 74; Charles 74; Freeman 74; Rev. Oliver 125,169,170

Axtell, Freeman 175; Jehiel 176,178; Mary 169; Mr. 166; Rev. Henry 95, 203; Stephen 170,175,181; Timothy 169,170, 175 , 176

Ayrault. Mr. 45

Babbitt (Babbett), B.T. 144; Charles 58; Francis 192; Mr. 201; Rev. P.T. 72; S.W. 74

Babcock, Dr. 124; Edward 74; E.S. 90; Mr. 67

Bacon, Jacob 169; Mr. 166; William 18,210; W.W. 67

Badger, Joseph 125

Badgly, Aaron 177

Baggerly, Peter 162,163

Bagley, S. 72

Bahler, P. G. 215

Bailey, Benjamin 73; Charles 132; Colonel 67; Cyrus 179, 181; Eben 83: F.G. 70; Henry 74; John 131, 187; Joseph 125; J. P. 83; Melvin 83: Rev. 170; Rev. Benjamin 147; Robert 179; Samuel 90; William 125.

Bainbridge, Mary 202A

Baird, George 215

Baker, page 168; Alonzo 212; Augustus 74; Bayze 40; Charles 90; Ebenezer 177; Edgar 204; Elder 110; Ellathan 171; George 85, 86, 89, 177, 179, 181, 210, 214; Henry 89, 90, 164; Hudson 112; J. 151; James 109; John 41, 173; Mr. 47, 131; Mrs. Henry 89; Polly 119; Rev. 89, 187, 192; Rev. Matteson 158; Samuel 171; Talman 112; William 214.

Balch, Elon 90; Holland 181; Jeremiah 70; John 181

Baldridge, William 83,90

Baldwin, Cyrus 146; H. 73; Justus 71; Mr. 67; Mrs. C. 158; Rev. Charles 158; Thomas 38, 140, 143

Ball, Edmond 69; Henry 90; Samuel 123

Ballou, Mr. 101; R. 173

Balson, Rev. W.B. 88

Baltzel, Henry 41,111

Bancroft, Deacon 187; George 130A,187; Mr. 166; Mrs. Stephen 186; Samuel 95; S.E. 202; Stephen, 130A,186; Thaddeus 167,174,177, 178; Willard 178

Banks, General 57

Bannister (Banister), page 156: Abner 67; Chas. 83

Barber, D. 94; Ella 108; George 200,201; J.L. 94; John 38,43,157; Mr. 102, 105; Pamelia 188; R.N. 203

Barclay (Barkley, Barckley), Daniel 98; David 104; John 90; Milton 172; M.N. 172; Robert, 98,110; William 176

Bardo, David 74

Barhite, A.I. 71; Miss 70

Barker, Charles 90; Francis 151; James, 142,143; Mr. 134; Thomas 86

Barless, R.C. 214; Romain 159

Barlow, Abner 37,39; Rev. William 187

Barly, page 175

Barnard, George 43; John 120; Mr. 166,176: Timothy 36,40

Barnes (Barns), Abran 159; A.M. 90; Charles 90; Harvey 95; John 31,156,158; Mr. 141; Rev. Daniel 73,109; Rev. Enos 95; Thomas 43,118,119; W.H. 86; William 156

Barney, A.G. 41; Milton 98,100; Mr. 67; Sophia Dorsey 100; V.G. 68,69; Vincent 66,67; William 69

Barnhart, Henry 130,151; Michael 112: Mr. 130

Barnsdale, Thomas 131

Barr (Bars), Jerome 202; John 42; Peter 151

Barrack, Henry 99; John 99

Barrell, Charles 164; Noah 73

Barrett, Charles 74; John 125,157; Mr. 110; Simeon 156,171; Rev. James 119

Barron, Charles 151; Clark 151; Orin 151; Wesley 151

Barrows, Rev. 72

Barry, Charles 74; Oliver 74

Bartholomew (Bartholomay), D.D. 192; Philip 74

Bartle, page 67; A.C. 69,86,210; Andrew 68,73; James 43,66,67, 68,73; J.P. 41,69,70; Mr. 65; Warren 64,69; W.S. 70

Bartlett, Clark 41,111; James 86; J.J. 48,50; Joseph 48; Major 48

Barton, Benjamin 33; Charles 95; Danford 95; Elisha 214; Isaac 41; James 45; John 95; Lewis 112; Mrs. William 42; Sophia 125; Thomas 95; W. 211; Wm. 204

Bashford, Coles 43; James 211; 5. 101; Silas 41

Bassett, John 156

Bastian, Evert 132; Henry 103

Bateman, Rev. C. 192

Bates, Barnard 117; Bennet 134,135; David 45; Frank 202; George 112; John 214; Lewis 176; Mrs. 147; N. 131; Phineas 27,37; P.P. 46; Stephen 30

Batson, W.H. 125

Batten, Rev. 173

Bawhler, Rev. 189

Baxter, Byron 74; Wilcoxen 74

Bayard, James 90; Samuel 47; William 44

Baylard (Beelard), Frank 125

Bayless, Daniel 181; John 181

Beach, Ashley 215; E.S. 45; Rev. Amos 148; Rufus 45

Beachman. R. 111

Beadle (Bedle), David 83,87; George 164,181; Isaac 82; Joseph 164; Justin 164; Justus 163; Loammi 19,82,83,87: M.D. 137; Thomas 19,82,87,111

Beal (s), page 136; Bernard 117,118; Byron 119; Caleb 135,154A,209; DeWitt 117,211; Emery 120; G.A. 151; Ira 117,211; John 43,135,154; Seth 120; Thomas 33, 36,40,100; Washington 209; William, 140,209

Beam (Bheam), Andrew 214; Charles 151

Bean, Robert 214

Bear(e), Anna 81: Samuel 18, 97

Beard, Alexander 38,102,106; George 131; Henry 98,167,178; James 104; Joseph 103;

Richard 103

Beaty, page 63

Beauchamp, Henry 164

Beaumont, Abraham 106; Abm. 42; Dr. A.L. 107; Henry 106; Mr. 68

Beck, N.T. 204A; William 151

Becker Clayton 208C; D.D. 202,208C; Lewis 151; Mary Hall 208C; Philip 90: Victor 208C

Beckwith (Beckworth) page 141,144; Baruch 142; Catherine 154; Daniel 65; G. 142; George 141,142,142A,143,154; Hannah 154; James 151; Mrs. George 142,142A,144, 213; N.H. 142,154; Nathaniel 141,143; Rev. Alba 187; Ruth 142A,154; Samuel 146,154; Sophia 154; William 181

Beden, Dr. 156

Beebe, Anson 214; Barney 79; B.C. 145; Rev. S.J. 87

Beecher, Isaac 140,143; John 187

Behart, Job 120

Beilharz, J.J. 111

Belden, George 112; Henry 112,186; Riley 172; S.W. 41,112; William 112; W.L. 41

Belding, Lieut. S.W. 55; Mrs. S.W. 211; W.A. 111

Bell (s), Alfred 181; Charles 181; George 79; Hiram 68; John 66,169; Kitchel, 166,169,173,176,177; Mrs. Jane, 156A; Rev. 139; Rev. Benjamin 147; Rev. Lewis 158; Rev. Samuel 109; Richard 176,177; William 79,165

Bellamy, David 72,73

Bellinger, Samuel 112

Bellis, Dr. A.R. 121; Lydia Lapham 121

Bemen, Mr. 201

Bement, Charles 125

Bemis, James 26,34,46,47

Benedict (Benedick), Emma 207; Ira 90; Joseph 151; Rev. Wm. 107; Sally 206; Thaddeus 206

Benger, John 120

Benhem, James 74

Benjamin, Adelia 208B; David 90; B. 43; Elisha 94,208B; Henry 79; James 159; William 58

Bennett, page 171; Addison 120,151; Adolphus 112; Charles 125,151; Ebenezer 120; Elder 125; Emeline, 109; Francis 74; George 112,159; G.L. 69; Ira 131,187,203; J.A. 212; James 15,64,65; J.C. 145; John 43; Joseph 63; Josiah 42,190,192; J.P. 42; L. 86; Loren 172; Mary Cole 97; M.H. 192; Mr. 111; Mrs. J. 191; Mrs. Myron 191; Mrs. Samuel 108; 0. 109; Orra 74; P.S. 203; Rev. R. 187; Ruth 215; Samuel 97,98,167; Simon 65; Wesley 112; William 95

Benson, Aaron 110; Harvey 74; J. 187; James 142; Rev. 186

Bent, Erastus 71

Bentley, Winfield 200

Benton; David 192; George 102,192; Henry 192; James 186; John 67,69; Lewis 66; L.J. 73,210; Mr. 102; Roger 34,67,68,73,209; Wesley 64

Berdan, Henry 100

Berezy, page 22

Berger, C. 111

Berkley, Frederick 112

Berry, Captain R.C. 54; David 112; Gilbert 68; Pat. 90; William 151

Bertram, Philip 90

Besemer, James 164; John 164

Besley, James 151

Betteys (Bettys), Lafayette 132; Peleg 106

Betts (Betz), Delos 163; Geo. 74; H.R. 69; Riel 161; R.P. 164; Thomas 112

Bibbins, Father 203

Bickford, Homer 69; Lyman 116B,118,119,211

Biddlecome, Joab 118

Bidlack, Benjamin 34,109

Bidwell, Horace 161; Howe1l 161; Rhoda Wellman 161

Bien, Philip 201

Bige1ow, Charles 74,125; Dr. 190; Ephraim 199; Mr. 106

Biggins, James 46

Biggs, Jno. 74

Biggsby (Bigsby) A.H. 212; Samuel 77

Bilby, Joseph 124

Bill(s), Mr. 68; Schuyler 120; Wm. 215

Billings, Allyn 120; Benjamin 148; John 73,181; William 130

Bird, John 118,211

Birdley, Benjamin 132

Birdsall (Birdswell, Birdshall, Burdzell ,Birdsel, A.H. l81; Captain 52; George 112, 181; Henry 151; Isaac 90; John 151; Sutton 143; Thomas 142; W. 212; William 131,132,159

Birdsey, J. 46

Bishop, Chauncey 156,158,159; Edward 132; Joel 79,156,158; M. 158; Phebe 158: R. 158; Sally 156; Seth 156; Willard 131, Zemira 158

Bissell, Rev. Dr. 72; Simeon 94

Bivins, Abner 78; Edward 77,78,161; James 78,164; Mr. 163

Bixby, Abel 43; A.J. 212; J.K. 163; Joseph 163; Mr. 162

Blaby, Joseph 213

Blackman, Diantha 117; James 142; Jasper 79; Lewis 119; Mr. 142: Seth 119; Wallace 159

Blackmar (Blackmer), A.T. 68; Edwin 69; Esbon 43,66,67, 68,69,72; H. 68; Joseph 15; Mr. 65; Orrin 68,69,71; Ransom 67,68

Blackmore, H.F. 202

Blain, page 198

Blair, Eli 102,106; Samuel 178

Blaisdell (Blasdell), Medad 162; Mrs. Peter G. l6l; Peter 161,162; William 164

Blake, Charles 120; George 120; Homer, 120; William 120,181

Blakely, (Blakesly), A. 203; Charles 204; D.B. 68; E. 125; Heman 178; James 67,151; John 204; M.A. 191; Moses 167, 177,191; Rev. Abram 170; Rev. E., 119; Zerah 69

Blakeman, Joel 88

Blanchard, Benjamin 171,175,178; Earl 179, 181; Frederick 170; George 95; Hiram 200; Mrs. 165; Richard 181; Seth 173

Bliss, Major 60; Rev. 131

Bliton, E.W. 173; William 90

Blodgett, John 90; Nathan 82,87

Blood, Newton 159

Bloomer, Daniel 178,214; S.W. 69; William 112,181

Blount, Mrs. L.G. 107

Blynn (Blinn), Alonzo 74; Ovid 158

Blyth, J.A. 120

Boardman, A.H. 151; Mrs. Carrie 108

Bockoven (Bockovin, Bockover), David 163; Jno. 72

Bodine, Abram 202B; Captain 49; Cornelius, 202B; Elizabeth 202B; Hannah VanTyne 202B; John 202B; Lemma Cosine 202B; Peter 202B

Boeheim (Boheim), John 74; Mr. 111

Boehmler, George 41; Mr. 111

Bogardus, Evert 118,119

Bogart, Anthony 181,192; Frank 151; George 151; Herman 24; James 105

Boggs, William 112

Bogue, Rev. Publius 95

Bohn, Henry 164

Boice (Bice) (Boyce), Dudley 90; James 90; John 169; J.S. 41; Peter 43,90,123

Bolls, Silas 89

Bonaveries, Paul 74

Bond, Mr. 101, R. 70

Boogher, Frederick 84,88

Boom, Edward 90

Booth, B.S. 200A,216; Charles 132; Edward, 95; Edwin 74; James 74; John 179,181; Mary Church 200A; Rev. Chauncey 95; Rodney 69; Sarah 125; Storrs 202

Bopp, Fritz 187

Borden, Rev. 119

Bordwell, Perez 199,200

Borrie, George 90

Borrodaile (Barrodale,Borradaile). Charles 174,176; John 41,43,192; R.S. 170,214

Bortles, Francis 141

Bostwick, page 57; Charles 4l, 98; D.P. 69; Geo. 192; J. Benson, 187,192; Jennie 70; John 88; L. 73; 0. 70

Bosworth, Nathan 192; Rev. 131

Bottom (Bothum), Dr. 103; Edward 94; E.W. 41, 42, 43

Bouch,, William 45

Boughton, Dosha 139; E.E. 186; Enos 18; Jared 18,25,31,40; Rev. Harvey,119; Robert 74; Seymour 31

Bourne, James 112,132; John 111; Joseph, 112; Richard 124; Thomas 112

Bovee, Edward 112,159; George 112,159; Heman 159; Herman 112; William, 112,159

Bowdish, S.D. 73

Bowen, Arthur 201; Caroline 86; Mariette 86; Seth 86

Bowers, Mr. 173; W. 74

Bowles, Frederick 159; George 158; James 159; J.J. 159; John 90

Bowman, Byron 90; Charles 74,90,144,151;Ed 90; Francis 90; George 112,144,181; Robert 112; Walter 90; William 140

Bown, C.L. 74,125,187,212

Box, George 179,181

Boyd, E.T. 214; Frederick 165; Hugh 86;J.A. 41,176; James 90; John 165,171,177,214; M.F. 214; Reuben 165,166,171,176; Thomas 165,171; Widow Johnson 165

Boyer, George 181; Joseph 181

Boylan (Boylun), Aaron 106; Martin 159

Boyle (Boyall), Rev. James 71,87; Rev. N. 125; William 74

Boynton, Henry 203; J.0. 90; Jonathan, 38,43,185; John 41; Philo 90

Boyst (Burst), John 112

Brace, page 199; Edna Lapham 121; Walter 118,121

Bracker, John 74

Brackett, James 129

Bradburn, Peter 159; Thomas 158

Bradish, Calvin 117,118,136; Charles 43,117,118,136,140; James 139;John 117,118,136; Luther 117,121,136; Philander 43; P.P. 38,41

Bradley, Almond 192; Alonzo 120; Augustus 192; Benjamin 102;B.J. 41; Churchill 120; Dr. E. 90; George 120; James 41; John 41,110,211; Lewis 192; Mr. 99; Sarah 114B, 189

Bradshaw, E.D. 173; Edmund 177; Hiram 173;James 179; J.E. 214; Putnam 179,181

Bradway, Mr. 162

Bragdon (Bragden), E.E. 203; Prof. 200A; Sara 200A

Brailey, Nathaniel 118

Brainard, Lieut. 49

Brandish, William 131

Brant (Brandt), Egbert 178; John 120,131,170; Joseph 17,22; Mason 132; Peter, 170,177; Sally 125; Simon 64

Bray, James 90

Brayman (Braman), James 125; S.E. 213; S.W. 74

Braymer, Josiah 79

Brayton, Baulston 176,177,178

Breckenridge, John 58

Brefford, George 95

Bremer, Fred 90; William 90

Brene, William 95

Brett, Captain 58

Brevoort, John 74

Brewer, Alice 192A; Charles 74; Henry 130,132; Rowlins 112; Thomas 90

Brewster, B. 86; D. 159; Eugene 125; Isaac 159

Bridge, Rev. Geo. 119

Bridgeman (Bridgman), George 70; Lewis 147; Wm. 111

Brier, John 74

Briggs, Albert 120; Amasa 66A; B. 159; Calvin 125; Dr. 190; Elvira Hatch 66A; Francis 37; Ichabod 119; Isaac 45; James 66A,74,210; J.D. 215; John 74,94; Jonathan 158; Luman 158; Marcia Hebard 66A; Mr.85; Samuel, 85,86A, 88,88A; Sarah 131; S.H. 210; Solon 70; Rhoda Wright 66A; William 158

Brightman, Abel 192; Ezra 125,192;Peter 192

Brill (Brell), Peter 192

Brink, Benjamin 89,98; Chester 112;Elizabeth 210; Ichabod 42; Jacob 83; John 95; J.Y. 89; Reuben 95; S.S. 89

Brinkerhoff, page 200; Anson 74; George 119,203,204; Isabella 205; James 201; Jane 203; John 205; Luke 199,203; Nettie 203

Bristol, A.I. 69; Amanda 192B; L.S. 71;Luther 191,192; Mrs. Arnold 118;William 69,74

Brittain (Brittan, Britton), John 215; Joseph 215; Mr. 175; Nathan 107; Rev. T.S. 148; Richard 131,192; Thomas 192

Broadhead, Charles 45; John 15

Broadway, Andrew 160

Brock, Charles 132; Geo. 103; Mrs. B.190

Brockhuizen (Brockhouse), H. 192,215

Brockman, John 187

Brockner, Samuel 87

Brockway, J.W. 125; Mary 125; Sarah 141

Broderic, Nancy 163

Brokaw, Rev. M. 95

Bronk, Casper 69

Bronson, Isaac 145,151; Oscar 187

Brookins (Brookius), George 120; William 151

Brookless (Brookles), Lewis 90

Brooks, Aaron 86; Jennie 206; Micah 36,44; Mrs. Pinny 191; William 90

Brower, Aaron 181; Aldice 181; James l8l; Peter 168

Brown, page 102; Abner 106,110; Alfred 125; Barnabas 19,117; Benjamin 199;B.H. l49; Byron 90,112; Carter 90; C.H. 90; Charles 132,210; Chester,208A; E.H. 202; Eli 90; Elijah,165,166,167; Elizabeth 208A; F.C. 138A,143,146,213; Frederick 112;G.A. 56; Gainer 178; George 37,88,90,125,131, 199, 216; Gilbert 125; Henry 112; Herman 125; Hugh 106; H.W. 211; J. 156; Jacob 131,177; James,151; Jas. 74; Jeremiah 99; Jesse 178; J.N. 54,89; John 90,176,173,181; Joseph 177; L.C. 73; Matthew 45; Mr. 45,67,69; Nelson 132; O.J. 112; Patrick 74; R.C. 131; Rensselaer 187; Reuben 168; Rev. 202; Rev. Antoinette,79; Rev. Horatio 109; Rev. M.G. 95; Robert 79: Samuel 176,177,178; Seth 87; Thomas 187; W.B. 213; William 77,90,120,125,151,158,203

Brownel1, E. 71; Henry 192; John 43,119,211; Willis 68

Brownson, M. 41; Morton 107

Brumfield (Broomfield), page 202; Elizabeth 212; James 151

Brun, Eli 201

Brunck, Catharine Hecox 106A; Dr. F.C., 106A

Brundage (Brundige), Abram 112; Cornelius 178; Harvey 210; Samuel 181

Brunney (Brunny), James 159; John 95,159

Bruno, Isaac 192,195

Brush, John 86; William 95

Bryan, Simeon 64

Bryant, Lewis 71; L.J. 72; Stephen 71

Buchanan, Mary 214; Robt. 90

Buck, page 64; Addison 145; Lorenzo 90; Rev.D.D. 70,74,109; Rev. L. 187; Sina 209; Z.J. 74

Buckham, Henry 178

Bucklew, Rev. 158

Buckley, Barlow 186; Mr. 129

Buckman, Albert 151

Budd, Ann 154; Elizabeth Spickerman,154; Gilbert 118B,154,213;James 95,181; John 154; Maria Carle 154; Mrs. Gilbert 118B; Phelps 95; Philip 181

Buell, Captain 45; Carrie 87; Jesse 112; Jonathan 40; Mr. 47

Buerman, L. 215

Bull, Albert 125; Henry 95; J.M. 209; John 192;Mr. 172; Peter 192

Bullard, John 99

Bullis, Abraham 119

Bullock, Daniel 74; Geo. 192; I. 212;Irving 125; Nathan 95,112; Sawyer 106,108; Stephen 202

Bump, J.H. 120; William 213

Bunce, page 201; Abigail 156,158,201; Johanna 95; Nancy 206D

Bundy, L.J. 128B,129,131,212

Bunnell (Bummell , Bonnell), Henry 19,77,83,87

Buntling, George 151

Bunyea, Nehemniah 161

Burbank, Rev. 131; Rev. Jacob 95,125; Wm. 212

Burch, Benoni 77: Ephraim 162; Jerome 204; Robert 171,209

Burchell, Jason 74

Burden, Susannah 137

Burgdorf (Burghdurf), Harriet 206D; Mr. 72

Burgess, Chauncy 179,181; Ransom 179,181;Rev. A. Parke 71.210

Burke (Burk), Chester 64; George 132; Henry 163;James 112,132: John 131; Michael,112; Oliver 158; Rev. 173; Thomas,163; Willard 74

Burkhardt (Burkhart), Martin 151; Mr. 73

Burkle, Frederick 95

Burleigh (Burley), G.E. 70; D. 74; E.E. 69; Emer 74

Burlingame, Elder 110; Rev. 148

Burn(s), Clara 158; Edwin 69; George 159; James 159; Michael 74; Mr. 185;William 173

Burnap, Edwin 181

Burnett (Bernet), Alice 86; Anson 86; Cody 211; James,106; Joseph 138,176,177; Simeon, 63,64; Thomas 110; William 63,83,85,107

Burney, James 87

Burnham, A.W. 164; Edwin 69; E.K. 66,71,74,210; Elizur 195; G. 163;Garry 162; Hannah 156; Mr. 156:P.S., 203

Burr, Benjamin 211; Henry 120; H.N. 215;John 204; Mrs. Linden 187

Burrill (Burrell), Edward 106; George 83,84,85;Jason 199: Samuel 199; William 141

Burritt, William 160

Burroughs, D.L. 211; F. 74; Miss Dr. 103; Mr. 163: Silas 74

Burrud (Burrod), Capt. J.B. 212; John 125; William 125

Burt, Henry 146; Howard 210; Ira 210; William 95,112

Burton, Alex 90; Hiram 88; Reuben 90

Burzdorf’, J.C. 73

Bush, Aaron 74; Henrietta 124A; Oliver 158; William 192

Bushnell, Elisha 172,176,177,178; Rev. 147; Rev. Jedediah 35; Richard 110; Stephen 165,166,167,177,191

Butler, A.C. 213; B. 141; G. 105; Henry 123; John 22, 168,171; Rev. 158; Rev. Clement 148

Butman, Rev. William 95

Butterfield, Jacob 38,199,200; Martin 43,140, 142,143, l48

Button, Caleb 68; Calvin 42; C.S. 41,68,69;
Cyrus 67,68; Dr. 67

Buttrick (Butterick), Daniel 94; Rev. A.M. 94,95,158; Rev. Daniel 94,147,203

Butts, Albert 151; Henry 90,163,179,181; Lyman 179,214; Porter 166,170,181;P.P. 214

Buys, page 171; William 172,178

Byron, Joseph 79,158

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