June 5, 2000

Wayne County's Annual Awards Luncheon was held Monday, June 5 at the Newark Country Club, Newark, N.Y. Wayne County GenWeb Co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry was one of the three awardees of the 2000 T. Spencer Knight Historial Awards, given by the Augustus L. and Jennie D. Hoffman Foundation. These awards have given annually since 1977 to individuals and organizations judged to have made contributions to the preservation of local history. Allyn was awarded for "the many hours you have spent over the last several years on building and adding information to the Wayne County GenWeb site."

The two other Historical Award recipients were well-known Wayne County historian William A. Armstrong and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Hoffman Foundation Historical Awards Program recognizes individuals and organizations for their efforts on behalf of their preservation of Wayne County history.

The Hoffman Scholarship Essay Program has given grants to area students since 1954 who write research papers on Wayne County history. Student winners of the 2000 Hoffman Scholarship Essay Program were also honored, sharing a total of $8,500 in scholarships. Awardees included Kathryn Fairbanks of Williamson High School, first place; Kyle Ferguson of Wayne High School, second place; and Kelly Hill of Palmyra-Macedon High School, third place.

The awards were announced in the Finger Lakes Times, Geneva, N.Y. Tuesday, May 23, 2000. For more details about the Hoffman Essay Program, check out the Office of the County Historian site.

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Created: 8/11/00
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