Biographical Sketches


Albany NY Normal School Graduates


Wayne County NY


Information extracted from: An Historical Sketch of the State Normal College at Albany, N.Y. and a History of its Graduates for Fifty Years. 1844-1894. Albany, N. Y.: Brandow Printing Company, 1895.



1865 Sarah A. Adams, Marion
1892 Florence E. Allen, Rose Valley
1892 Jennie F. Angus, Clyde
1893 Helen C. Arnold, Palmyra
1892 Dora L. Barton, Clyde
1878 Marion L. Bennett, Newark
1890 Ida M. Bliss, Clyde
1891 Annie C. Boardman, Lyons
1888 Hattie E. Boyd, Wallington
1855 Delia A. Bristol, Macedon
1883 Mary E. Buell, Clyde
1849 Eliza A. Chase, Williamson
1891 Mabelle Cooper, Wolcott
1891 Cornelia E. Crafts, Wolcott
1854 Betsy H. Davis, Pultneyville
1891 Ida H. Deady, Lyons
1863 Fanie Dennington, Clyde
1889 Carrie J. Dickinson, Rose
1889 Jennie M. Du Bois, Newark
1846 Sarah Durfee, Palmyra
1859 Rose P. Foster, Lyons
1893 Evalyn B. Gatchell, Alton
1892 Hattie M. Gibson, Sodus
1882 M. Jennie Glover, Clyde
1845 Elizabeth C. Hance, Williamson
1846 Elizabeth Hatfield, Macedon
1858 Mary F. Hendrick, Clyde
1884 Ella A. Holmes, Marion
1848 Melinda C. Jones, Clyde
1891 Talitha Barbara Koester, Lyons
1846 Edna Lapham, Macedon
1888 Mary F. Lawler, Savannah
1891 Jean MacLachlan, Clyde
1880 Minerva McLaughlin, Newark
1863 Annie C. Merriman, South Butler
1888 Anna E. Moran, Clyde
1846 Amy Mott, Williamson
1893 Roselia Noon, Clyde
1891 Hattie M. Overton, Wolcott
1849 Mary L. Palmer, Ontario
1888 Marion E. Perry, Clyde
1847 Catherine Robinson, Rose
1866 Cordelia E. Robinson, Fairville
1893 Louise Sanford, Palmyra
1863 Mary L. Sherman, Clyde
1893 Elizabeth M. Sherrill, Palmyra
1893 Ruth D. Sherrill, Palmyra
1855 Harriet A. Sleight, Galen
1891 Eliza J. Smith, Rose
1894-1895 Julia M. Smith, Lyons
1892 Margaret M. Smith, Wolcott
1895 Agnes Stow, Clyde
1865 Mary E. Supple, Lyons
1891 Eleanor E. Sutphen, Palmyra
1886 Helen L. Syron, Clyde
1888 Jennie V. Terry, Clyde
1892 Nellie R. Thacker, Wolcott
1867 Anna Vane, Macedon Centre
1892 Lena S. Walker, Wolcott
1891 Nellie Weldon, Wolcott
1891 LIbbie E. Weller, Wolcott
1892 Isadore E. Whitbeck, Fairville
1892 L. Belle Whitbeck, Wolcott
1864 Kate Whitlock, Lyons
1854 Priscilla Wylie, Macedon


1849 Curtis Baird, Clyde
1887 Arthur E. Barnes, Clyde
1894 Edward G. Barnes, Rose
1850 John C. Bishop, Rose
1848 Charles D. Foster, Palmyra
1893 James K. Gatchell, Alton
1873 Elias Glenn, Rose Valley
1867 Marquis D. Gould, West Walworth
1846 E. Dawson Granger, Sodus
1855 Mervin Hollister, Palmyra
1847 Ezra Leonard, Lyons
1879 John W. Lyman, Rose
1888 Samuel H. Lyman, No. Rose
1880 Josiah S. McLaughlin, Newark
1893 Elmer A. Myers, Clyde
1893 Merritt E. Newbury, Wolcott
1893 Burton B. Parsons, Wolcott
1884 William G. Reed, Alton
1876 Myron H. Thomas, Williamson
1880 Charles H. Tyndall, Alton
1883 Henry M. Tyndall, Rose
1879 Frank H. Valentine, Rose
1880 J. Willis Vandercook, Rose Valley


Acad. = Academy or Academic
Fem. = Female
Gram. = Grammar
N. S. = Normal School
Prim. = Primary
Prin. = Principal
P. S. = Public School
Un. S. = Union School
Ss. = School System

NameClass Residence as Student Information
Sarah A. Adams 1865 MarionSarah A. Adams (Rev. D. E. Hathaway, dec'd). Taught 2 years.
Marion, N.Y.
Taught in Newburn, N. C., 1866-68, 2 yrs.; remained at home with invalid mother; m. 1879.
Florence E. Allen 1892 Rose ValleyFlorence E. Allen, Rose Valley, N.Y. Taught 2 1/2 years.
At home 1-2 yr.; then taught at Holden, Mass., 7 mos.; since and now at Reading, Mass.
Jennie F. Angus 1892 Clyde Jennie F. Angus, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Taught 1 term at Rose, N.Y.; since and now as above.
Helen C. Arnold 1893 Palmyra Helen C. Arnold, Palmyra, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Has taught in Kindergarten since grad. and now at Dolgeville, N.Y.
Dora L. Barton 1892 ClydeDorothy L. Barton, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Has taught since graduation as above.
Marion L. Bennett 1878 NewarkMarion L. Bennett (E. T. Cooke), Mansfield, O. Taught 3 1/4 years.
Taught, Newark, N.Y., Un. S., 3 months; m. 1878; 3 children, for the past 3 yrs. and now has conducted private kindergarten at Mansfield.
Ida M. Bliss 1890 ClydeIda M. Bliss (Alonzo Bedell), Haverstraw, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Taught dist. sch. 2 yrs. before entrance; since grad., taught 2 yrs. at Haverstraw; m. 1892; 1 son.
Annie C. Boardman 1891 LyonsAnnie C. Boardman, Lyons, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught at Utica, N.Y., 3 yrs.; Saratoga Spr., N.Y., 1 yr.; and now in Kindergarten.
Hattie E. Boyd 1888 Wallington Hattie E. Boyd, Wallington, N.Y. Taught 1 term.
Taught 1 term, dist. sch., at Sodus Ctr., N.Y.; since then, and now, clerk in Census Office, Wash., D.C.
Delia A. Bristol 1855 Macedon Delia A. Bristol (Selden C. Allis). Taught 1 year.
49 Ellicott ave., Batavia, N.Y.
Taught 1 yr. in Un. S. Clyde, N.Y.; m. 1857, as above; 2 sons.
Mary E. Buell 1883 Clyde Mary E. Buell, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 12 years.
Taught 2 1/2 yrs. before entrance; 1 1/2 yrs. during course; from grad. until m. 1893, in Clyde H.S.; now in P. S. No. 44, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Eliza A. Chase 1849 WilliamsonEliza Chase, Williamson, N.Y. Taught 31 years.
Address Miss Eva Chase, No. 1 Sherman ave., Newark, N.J.
Prin. Fem. Dept. High S., Newark, N.J., and had private school same place; died 1880; wrote several books and lectured; called to a pastorate Unitarian ch.; declined.
[1880 Newark, New Jersey census - school teachers Eliza A., Lucretia, & Eveline Chase; Eliza was first principal of the Female Department of Newark High School, now Barringer High School.]
Mabelle Cooper 1891 Wolcott Mabelle Cooper, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught 1 1/2 yrs. at Wolcott, N.Y.; now at Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
Cornelia E. Crafts 1891 WolcottCornelia E. Crafts, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught 1 yr. in Huron, N.Y.; 2 mos. at Wolcott, N.Y.; 2 yrs. at Schenevus, N.Y.; 1885 teaching in St. N. S., Edinboro, Pa.
Betsy H. Davis 1854 PultneyvilleBetsey H. Davis (F. P. Rogers), Lakeville, Ct. Taught 4 1/2 years.
Taught before grad. 10 terms, in Wayne and Ontario Cos.; since grad. 6 terms in Williamson and 4 terms in Ontario - all N.Y.; m. 1856; 4 children.
Ida H. Deady 1891 LyonsIda H. Deady, Lyons, N.Y. Taught 0 years.
Has remained at home in father's office.
Fanie Dennington 1863 ClydeFannie M. Dennington, Phila, Pa. Taught 31 years.
2246 St. Albans Pl.
Taught 1863-8, Clyde, N.Y.; 1868-82, Schenectady, N.Y., Un. S.; a little in N.J.; rested 1 yr.; has since taught in Del. Co., Penn.; the last 6 yrs. in Media, Penn., Gram. grade.
Carrie J. Dickinson 1889 RoseCarrie J. Dickinson, Rose, N.Y. Taught 6 years.
Taught in Rose, N.Y., 8 yrs., before grad.; since, 1 yr., at Livingston, N.Y.; Hailey, Idaho, 3 yrs.; Fairhaven, Wash., 1 yr. and now; holds life diplomas in Idaho and Wash.
Jennie M. Du Bois 1889 NewarkJennie M. Du Bois, Herkimer, N.Y. Taught 6 years.
Taught at Chatham and Herkimer - all N.Y.; 1895 at Herkimer.
Sarah Durfee 1846 PalmyraSarah Durfee (Prof. Isaac Clark), Lakeville, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Taught 4 terms; m. 1849; 3 children; 1 son; 2 daughters, all graduates of colleges and have taught.
Rose P. Foster 1859 LyonsRose P. Foster (Edward G. Forman). Taught 0 years.
6 South 6th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
m. 1859; died 1870.
Evalyn B. Gatchell 1893 AltonEvalyn B. Gatchell, West Troy, N.Y. Taught 1 year.
Taught 2 yrs. before entrance; 1 yr. at West Troy, N. Y.; m. before entrance; husband James K. Gatchell, '93.
Hattie M. Gibson 1892 SodusHattie M. Gibson (Howard L. Wentworth) Taught 0 years.
381 Clinton ave., Albany, N.Y.
Taught 5 yrs. before grad.; m. 1892; 1 son.
M. Jennie Glover 1882 ClydeM. Jane Glover (Chas. Cunningham). Taught 2 years.
Taught, Clyde, N.Y., 1-2 yr.; Marshalltown, Ia., 1-2 yr.; has taken 160 acres of land in Nebraska under "Timber Culture Act;" 160 under "Preemption Act;" taught at Long Pine, Neb., 1-2 yr.; m. 1885, undergraduate; since 1890 has been auditor's clerk-asst. to husband, who is Co. Auditor; also member of school board.
Elizabeth C. Hance 1845 Williamson Elizabeth C. Hance. Taught 12 years.
Commenced teaching at the age of 16; attended district school and Marion academy; taught in Normal school (see Catalogue of Faculty); her connection with the school ceased by reason of failing health in '55; she taught in Lancaster, Pa., in '56, but came home to die; she passed away Jan. 25, '57; a lovely woman, a perfect teacher.
Elizabeth Hatfield 1846 MacedonElizabeth Hatfield, M. D. (Rev. C. Holcomb, dec'd). Taught 20 yrs.
67 E. Fayette st., Syracuse, N.Y.
Taught Macedon, Honeoye and Newark, all N.Y.; at the last 14 yrs.; grad. Woman's Med. Coll., Pa.; phys. to woman's hosp. connected with coll. 3 yrs.; since as above 10 yrs., 1st husband Dr. J. W. Justin; son, Dr. J. G., as above; daughter, Mrs. Rev. G. T. Dowling; both taught.
Mary F. Hendrick 1858 ClydeMary Frances Hendrick, Normal S., Cortland, N.Y. Taught 37 years.
Has taught since graduation; taught in N.Y. State and in Chicago, Ill.; since 1869 mem. of Faculty, Cortland, N.Y., Normal S.; reading, elocution, gymnastics, rhet., Eng. lit.
Ella A. Holmes 1884 MarionElla A. Holmes, Marion, N.Y. Taught 5 years.
Taugaht 1 term before entrance; 1 term during course; 1 yr. since grad., at Webster; 3 yrs. at Greenpoint, L.I.; now Prin. of one of the schools at Northport, N.Y.
Melinda C. Jones 1848 ClydeMelinda C. Jones. (Geo. W. Elliott, M.D.) Taught 6 years.
Address, Mrs. J. L. Syron, Clyde, N.Y.
Taught in Palmyra and Clyde, N.Y.; her husband was Surgeon Vols. in the war and stationed at U.S. Hospital, Alexandria, Va., where Mrs. Elliott died, 1864.
Talitha Barbara Koester 1891 LyonsTalitha Barbara Koester, Lyons, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught several yrs. before grad.; since at Amsterdam, N.Y., 2 yrs.; at Lyons Un. S. 2 years and now.
Edna Lapham 1846 MacedonEdna Lapham (Walter W. Brace, dec'd) Taught 14 years.
Taught in Rochester, N.Y., High S. 1 yr.; Troy High S., 1 yr.; Buffalo HIgh S. 12 yrs.; m. 1866; husband died in 1876; no children; died 1891.
Mary F. Lawler 1888 SavannahMary F. Lawler, Savannah, N.Y. Taught 7 years.
Has taught since grad. and now at East Syracuse.
Jean MacLachlan 1891 ClydeJean MacLachlan, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught in Kindergarten in Mechanicville, 17 mos.; at Allegheny and Pittsburg, Pa.; 1895, at Pittsburg.
Minerva McLaughlin 1880 Newark Minnie McLaughlin, Newark, N.Y. Taught 5 years.
Teaches dist. S., summers; on account of ill health was obliged to leave teaching and engage in outdoor occupation; now keeping bees.
Annie C. Merriman 1863 South ButlerAnne C. Merriman (G. W. Winegar, dec'd). Taught 4 years.
Taught in Wis.; N.Y.; and Warren, Ill., till m. 1867; 4 children; the family went to Cal. for Mr. W's health and he died there, 1875; she in 1876; Mr. W., banker.
Anna E. Moran 1888 ClydeAnna E. Moran, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 7 years.
Taught 2 terms before entrance; has taught since grad., 1 term, Un. S., E. Syracuse; 6 yrs. and now in H.S., at Clyde, primary work.
Amy Mott 1846 WilliamsonAmy Mott. Taught 2 years.
Taught district Ss. 2 yrs.; died at Williamson, N.Y., 1849.
Roselia Noon 1893 ClydeRoselia Noon, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Has taught since grad. and now at Lyons, N.Y.
Hattie M. Overton 1891 WolcottHattie M. Overton, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught 1 yr., 2 mos., at E. Syracuse; since and now at Johnstown, N.Y.
Mary L. Palmer 1849 OntarioMary L. Palmer (N.L. Palmer), Princeton, Kan. Taught 1 year.
Taught, P. S., Wayne Co., 2 terms; m. 1853, E. P. Pomeroy; 2 children; both taught; second marriage as above.
Marion E. Perry 1888 ClydeMarion E. Perry, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 7 years.
Taught at Rose, N.Y., 2 yrs.; since and now at Lyons, N.Y.
Catherine Robinson 1847 RoseCatharine Robinson, Rose, N.Y. Taught 1 year.
Address, Thomas Robinson, Clyde, N.Y.
Taught 2 terms; died of consumption, 1848.
Cordelia E. Robinson 1866 FairvilleCordelia E. Robinson, Newark, N.Y. Taught 18 years.
Taught dist. sch. 4 yrs.; Gram. dept., Newark Un. S., 1 yr.; Un. S. at Warwick, N.Y., 8 yrs.; 5 yrs. in prep. Acad. dept., Sinclairville, N.Y.; has not taught for several years.
Louise Sanford 1893 PalmyraLouise Sanford, Palmyra, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Has taught since grad. and now at Niagara Falls, N.Y.; kind. work.
Mary L. Sherman 1863 ClydeMary L. Sherman, residence unknown. Taught 15 years.
Taught, Leavenworth Inst., Wolcott, N.Y., 4 yrs.; Female College, Greenville, Ky.; Seminary, Burlington, Iowa; preceptress Seminary, Manchester, Vt.; wrote for "Christian at Work" and for various religious papers; ass't editor "New Century for Woman;" worked 3 yrs. in connection with Woman's Christian Temperance Union; studied elocution in Boston; last known teaching elocution in Starkey Seminary, at Eddytown, N.Y.
Elizabeth M. Sherrill 1893 PalmyraElizabeth M. Sherrill, A. B., Pd. B. (Chas. Foster Kent). Taught 2 yrs.
Providence, R. I.
Taught 1 yr. before entrance; after grad., 1 yr. at Warren, Ohio; received degree A. B. from Smith Coll., 1890; m. 1895.
Ruth D. Sherrill 1893 PalmyraRuth D. Sherrill, A. B., Pd. B., Palmyra, N.Y. Taught 2 1/2 years.
Taught in H. S. at Warren, Ohio, 2 1/2 years.
Harriet A. Sleight 1855 GalenHarriet A. Sleight (Geo. S. Jewell), Dexter, Mich. Taught 1 year.
m. 1856; 4 children; taught with husband 1 yr.; he was Prof. in Mich. N. S.; since leaving that school has lived on a farm.
Eliza J. Smith 1891 Rose Eliza J. Smith (Samuel V. King) Taught 2 1/2 years.
Haverstraw, N.Y.
Taught at Haverstraw, N.Y., 2 yrs. 4 mos.; m. 1893; 1 daughter.
Julia M. Smith 1894-1895 LyonsJulia M. Smith, Pd. B., Lyons, N.Y. Taught 1/2 year.
See record in class of '94; since grad. at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Margaret M. Smith 1892 WolcottMargareta M. Smith (Harlem S. Smith). Taught 3 years.
Wolcott, N.Y.
Taught since grad. at Canastota, N.Y.; m. 1895.
Agnes Stow 1895 ClydeAgnes Stow, Clyde, N.Y.
Teaching at Ballston Spa, N.Y.
Mary E. Supple 1865 LyonsMary E. Supple (J. R. Petrie), Rosedale, Kan. Taught 4 1/2 years.
Taught in private S., S. Butler, N.Y., 1 term; Vice Prin. P. S., Stapleton, N.Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1871; 3 children; lived 3 yrs. in Texas; in Missouri, Ozark Mountain dist., 3 yrs.; in Colorado, Ill., and Kansas City, Mo.; for past 9 yrs. her husband has been engaged in Stock and Dairy business.
Eleanor E Sutphen 1891 Palmyra Eleanor E. Sutphen, Palmyra, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught 3 yrs. before entrance; since grad., 3 yrs. Prin. of prim. at Nyack, N.Y.; in 1895 prim. critic in Nor. S. at Moorhead, Minn.
Helen L. Syron 1886 Clyde Helen L. Syron, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 9 years.
Taught 1 term before entrance; since grad., at Clyde, N.Y.
Jennie V. Terry 1888 Clyde Jennie V. Terry, Lyons, N.Y. Taught 7 years.
Taught 2 yrs. at Mellenville, N.Y.; 4 yrs. Long Is. City; 1895 teaching Rosebank, S. Is.
Nellie R. Thacker 1892 Wolcott Nellie R. Thacker, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Taught 2 yrs. as above; now at Canastota - all N.Y.
Anna Vane 1867 Macedon CentreAnna Vane (M. N. Herald, dec'd). Taught 10 1/2 years.
Taught 1st dept., Manchester, N.Y., 4 1/2 yrs.; taught as above, 6 yrs.; m. 1869; 1 child, boy.
Lena S. Walker 1892 WolcottLena S. Walker, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Taught at West Orange, N.J., 1 1/2 yrs.; Cambridge, N.Y., 3/4 yr.; resigned on account of ill-health; 1895, at Morristown, N.J.
Nellie Weldon 1891 WolcottNellie Weldon, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Has taught since graduation as above.
Libbie E. Weller 1891 WolcottLibbie Elnette Weller, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 5 years.
Taught 5 yrs. before grad.; since, taught at Wolcott, N.Y.; at Sycamore, Neb., 2 yrs.; at Gloversville, N.Y., 2 terms; now reserve teacher in Milwaukee, Wis.; also stenographer.
Isadore E. Whitbeck 1892 FairvilleIsadore E. Whitbeck, Fairville, N.Y. No report.
L. Belle Whitbeck 1892 WolcottL. Belle Whitbeck, Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Taught 1 yr. before entrance; since grad. 1 yr. at Tonawanda, N.Y.; 2 yrs. and now at Wolcott, N.Y.
Kate Whitlock 1864 LyonsKate Whitlock (James Forfar, dec'd), Lyons, N.Y. Taught 8 yrs.
Taught, near Lyons, 4 yrs.; So. Butler 1 yr.; Shortsville 2 yrs.; dist. and gr. schs.; Newark German Acad. 1 yr.; m 1877; 3 chld.; drem. 1 dead; 1 daughter teaching; husband died 1890.
Priscilla Wylie 1854 MacedonPriscilla Wylie (Wm. Johnston), Pike, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Taught, Palmyra, N.Y., 3 yrs.; health impaired; m. 1858; 2 children; died 1861.
From Elsewhere
Mary H. Crosby 1853 Spencerport Mary H. Crosby (Otis B. Gunn), Kansas City, Mo. Taught 3 years
Taught during the course, and afterwards at graded S., Lyons, N.Y., till m. 1853; 3 children; son educated at Rens. Pol. Inst., Troy, N.Y.
Harriet Gorsline 1854 Phelps Harriet Gorsline (Rodulphus Dingman, dec'd). Taught 25 years. Sodus, N.Y.
Taught, Louisville, GA., 2 yrs.; Preceptress High S., Madison, Wis., 3 yrs.; Prin. Beekman st. S., Saratoga, N.Y., 7 yrs.; Battle Creek, Mich., 1 yrs.; after 1867 could not teach except with rests; m. 1878; husband died 1894.

NameClass Residence as Student Information
Curtis Baird 1849 Clyde Hon. Curtis Baird, Isabel, Oregon. Taught 7 years.
Taught Seneca Co., N.Y., 2 1/2 yrs.; taught in Cal.; 1st Co. Treas. San Mateo Co., Cal., 2 terms; original Republican; Supt. Ss., Clackamas Co.; member of Legislature, Cal., 1871-2; went to Oregon, 1878; Co. Supt. Ss.; taught in Oregon; now engaged in lumber business.
Arthur E. Barnes 1887 ClydeArthur E. Barnes, A. B., Clyde, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Taught 1-2 yr. before entrance; Prin., Manchester, N.Y., dist. sch., 1 yr.; Prin. gr. S. at Port Allegany, Pa., 2 yrs.; substitute at Savannah, N.Y., 5 weeks; 1895 grad. Union Coll.; now Prin. at Palatine Bridge, N.Y.
Edward G. Barnes 1894 RoseEdward G. Barnes, Pd. B., Rose, N.. Taught 1 year.
Taught 1 yr. before entrance; since grad. 1 yr. at Mill Point, N.Y.; now Prin. at Peekskill, N.Y.
John C. Bishop 1850 RoseJohn C. Bishop, Lyons, N.Y. Taught 5 years.
Taught Kinderkamack, N.J., Un. S., 3 yrs.; Prin. Peekskill, N.Y., P.S., 1-2 yr.; Palatine Bridge, N.Y., 1 yr.; taught various schools; farmer; engineer and surveyor; State Com'r. of Drainage; correspondent Statistical Dept., Washington, 20 yrs.; instructor in many Teachers' Institutes - always without pay; Bible Class Teacher 25 yrs.; 4 children - all have taught; m. 1853, Mary S. Avery; now Civil Engineer with large practice as expert in contested cases.
Charles D. Foster 1848 PalmyraChas. D. Foster. Taught 3 years
Address, Joel R. Foster, E. Palmyra, N.Y.
Taught Classical Un. Sc. as above, the boys of Junior Dept., 2 yrs.; on his father's farm 1 yr.; then on farm of his own; then taught Prin. Newark, N.Y., Un. S. 3 mo's, and died, greatly lamented, 1852; he also taught vocal music with great success.
James K. Gatchell 1893 AltonJames K. Gatchell, West Troy, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Taught 3 yrs. before entrance; since grad. 2 yrs. as above; 1895, made Supt. of Ss., West Troy, N.Y.; m. 1886, Evalyn B. Barnes.
Elias Glenn 1873 Rose ValleyElias B. Glen, 73 State st., Room 4, Albany, N.Y. Taught 9 years.
Taught, Battle Creek, Mich., 1-2 yr.; Clyde, 1-2 yr.; Peekskill Mil. Acad., 2 yrs.; own Boarding School, 3 years.; East Albany, 3 yrs.; m. Mary D. Hill, undergraduate; 1 girl; in 1895 Dist. Man. of Security Mutual Life Ass. of Binghamton, N.Y.; office as above.
Marquis D. Gould 1867 West WalworthMarquis D. Gould, LL.B., Flushing, L.I. Taught 1 1/2 years.
Taught dist. sch. at Lake Side 1-2 yr.; taught, Prin. Central S., Kingston, N.Y., 1 yr.; grad. Albany Law S., 1869; since, practiced as above; m. 1870, Augusta A. Thayer; 4 children.
E. Dawson Granger 1846 Sodus E. Dawson Granger. Taught 8 years.
Taught at Sodus, N.Y., for 5 yrs.; was School Com.; farmer and Democratic politician, prominent as such in Mich.; m. Clarissa Norton; no children; died 1878, in Michigan.
Mervin Hollister 1855 PalmyraMervin Hollister. Taught 7 years.
Taught, Lockport, N.Y., 1 yr.; Beverly, N.J., 2 yrs.; Trenton, N.J., where he was taken sick and died, 1862; 1856 m. Miss Sarah Foster; 1 child; E. L. Hollister.
Ezra Leonard 1847 LyonsEzra Leonard, M. D. Taught 4 years.
After teaching, he studied medicine, practiced, and died 15 or 20 years ago; he graduated in homeopathy in Phila.; in allopathy in N.Y. City; m. Phebe J. Wringes; no children.
John W. Lyman 1879 RoseJohn W. Lyman, Rose, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Taught, Prin. P. S., Garrisons, N.Y., 2 yrs.; died May, 1881.
Samuel H. Lyman 1888 No. RoseSamuel H. Lyman, Cherry Valley, N.Y. Taught 7 years.
Taught at North Rose, 2 1/2 years; Pulaski, 2 yrs.; Cape Vincent, 2 yrs.; Cherry Valley, 2 yrs. and now; m. 1889, Ella Gardner; 2 children; 1 yr. of teaching was before grad.
Josiah S. McLaughin 1880 NewarkJosiah S. McLaughlin, Rochester, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught, Arcadia, 1-2 yr.; Chenango Co., 2 1/2 yrs.; prin. Un. S., Smyrna, 1 yr.; commercial branches, Lake Forrest Univ., Lake Forrest, Ill.; now "commercial traveller;" m. 1888, Addie A. Nauman.
Elmer A. Myers 1893 ClydeElmer A. Myers, Clyde, N.Y. Taught 2 1/2 years.
Taught 1 yr. before entrance; Prin. at Conklingville, N.Y., 1 1/2 yrs.; now at Westerlo, N.Y.
Merritt E. Newbury 1893 WolcottMerritt E. Newbury, Pd. B., Wolcott, N.Y. Taught 2 years.
Taught 5 yrs. before entrance; since grad. and now teaching in Acad. dept., Johnstown, N.Y.
Burton B. Parsons 1893 WolcottBurton B. Parsons, 52nd st., New York city. Taught 2 1/2 years.
Taught at Cambridge, N.Y., 1 1/2 yrs.; at Oneida, N.Y., 1 yr.; 1895, teaching in German-American School, 52d st., New York.
William G. Reed 1884 AltonWilliam G. Reed, Alton, N.Y. Taught 4 years.
Taught 2 yrs. before entrance; after Prin. graded S., Dundee, N.Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1885, Miss Harriet J. Marsh; no report in 1895.
Myron H. Thomas 1876 WilliamsonMyron H. Thomas, M. D., Douglas, Kansas. Taught 4 years.
Taught, P. S., East Varick, N.Y., 1 yr.; Prof. math. in South and College and prin. Normal Dept. 2 yrs.; located as stockman 45 miles west of Arkansas river, Kingman, Kansas, and prin. of P. S.; grad. Chicago Med. Coll.; m. 1878; died 1883.
Charles H. Tyndall 1880 AltonRev. Charles H. Tyndall, A. M., N.Y. City. Taught 0 years.
Studied in Alban Acad., 1 1/2 yrs.; took sen. yr. at Williams College 1882; studied theology Auburn Sem., N.Y., graduated 1885; ordained by Pres. Lake Superior, Mich., 1885; Pastor Presby. Ch., Escanaba, Mich., 1885-89; Broome st. Tabernacle, NY. city, 1889 to present; m. 1885, Jessie Van Auken, '80; 2 daughters; A. M. from Univ. city New York, 1892; has published "Object Sermons," "Lessons-Primary," S. S. Lesson Illustrator, 1893-95, "Quickening, Filling and Enduring of the Holy Ghost," 1894.
Henry M. Tyndall 1883 RoseRev. Henry M. Tyndall, 23 E. 105th st., N.Y. city. Taught 0 yrs.
Taught 4 yrs. before entrance; no since; grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1886; "Supply" at Fairville, N.Y., 1 yr.; pastor at Iron Mt., Mich., 1886 to 1891; associate pastor Broome st. Tabernacle, N.Y. city, 1891-92; since 1892 pastor People's Tabernacle, N. Y. city, a church of which he was the founder; m. Phebe A. Mitchell; 3 children.
Frank H. Valentine 1879 RoseFrank H. Valentine, Cranford, N.J. Taught 2 1/2 years.
Taught in Boys' Boarding School, Englewood, N.J., 1-2 yr.; Prin. Schuyler's Lake, N.Y., graded S., 1 yr.; Prin. Un.S., Rose, N.Y., 1 yr.; health failed; changed to occupation in open air, and regained health; m. 1882, Carrie E. Lyron, an undergraduate; in 1999 became ass't editor of Rural New Yorker; in 1892 promoted to associated editor, which position he still retains.
J. Willis Vandercook 1880 Rose ValleyJ. Willis Vandercook, Rose Valley, N.Y. Taught 3 years.
Taught, Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad., Sing Sing, N.Y., 1 yr.; Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y.; 1881 m. M.E. Spaulding, '80; went to Minn. for health and died in 1887.



1845 Elizabeth C. Hance, Williamson
1846 Sarah Durfee, Palmyra
1846 Elizabeth Hatfield, Macedon
1846 Edna Lapham, Macedon
1846 Amy Mott, Williamson
1847 Catherine Robinson, Rose
1848 Melinda C. Jones, Clyde
1849 Eliza A. Chase, Williamson
1849 Mary L. Palmer, Ontario
1854 Betsy H. Davis, Pultneyville
1854 Priscilla Wylie, Macedon
1855 Delia A. Bristol, Macedon
1855 Harriet A. Sleight, Galen
1858 Mary F. Hendrick, Clyde
1859 Rose P. Foster, Lyons
1863 Fannie Dennington, Clyde
1863 Annie C. Merriman, South Butler
1863 Mary L. Sherman, Clyde
1864 Kate Whitlock, Lyons
1865 Sarah A. Adams, Marion
1865 Mary E. Supple, Lyons
1866 Cordelia E. Robinson, Fairville
1867 Anna Vane, Macedon Centre
1878 Marion L. Bennett, Newark
1880 Minerva McLaughlin, Newark
1882 M. Jennie Glover, Clyde
1883 Mary E. Buell, Clyde
1884 Ella A. Holmes, Marion
1886 Helen L. Syron, Clyde
1888 Hattie E. Boyd, Wallington
1888 Mary F. Lawler, Savannah
1888 Anna E. Moran, Clyde
1888 Marion E. Perry, Clyde
1888 Jennie V. Terry, Clyde
1889 Carrie J. Dickinson, Rose
1889 Jennie M. Du Bois, Newark
1890 Ida M. Bliss, Clyde
1891 Annie C. Boardman, Lyons
1891 Mabelle Cooper, Wolcott
1891 Cornelia E. Crafts, Wolcott
1891 Ida H . Deady, Lyons
1891 Talitha Barbara Koester, Lyons
1891 Jean MacLachlan, Clyde
1891 Hattie M. Overton, Wolcott
1891 Eliza J. Smith, Rose
1891 Eleanor E. Sutphen, Palmyra
1891 Nellie Weldon, Wolcott
1891 Libbie E. Weller, Wolcott
1892 Florence E. Allen, Rose Valley
1892 Jennie F. Angus, Clyde
1892 Dora L. Barton, Clyde
1892 Hattie M. Gibson, Sodus
1892 Margaret M. Smith, Wolcott
1892 Nellie R. Thacker, Wolcott
1892 Lena S. Walker, Wolcott
1892 Isadore E. Whitbeck, Fairville
1892 L. Belle Whitbeck, Wolcott
1893 Helen C. Arnold Palmyra
1893 Evalyn B. Gatchell, Alton
1893 Roselia Noon, Clyde
1893 Louise Sanford, Palmyra
1893 Elizabeth M. Sherrill, Palmyra
1893 Ruth D. Sherrill, Palmyra
1894-95, Julia M. Smith, Lyons
1895 Agnes Stow, Clyde


1846 E. Dawson Granger, Sodus
1847 Ezra Leonard, Lyons
1848 Charles D. Foster, Palmyra
1849 Curtis Baird, Clyde
1850 John C. Bishop, Rose
1855 Mervin Hollister, Palmyra
1867 Marquis D. Gould, West Walworth
1873 Elias Glenn, Rose Valley
1876 Myron H. Thomas, Williamson
1879 John W. Lyman, Rose
1879 Frank H. Valentine, Rose
1880 Josiah S. McLaughlin, Newark
1880 Charles H. Tyndall, Alton
1880 J. Willis Vandercook, Rose Valley
1883 Henry M. Tyndall, Rose
1884 William G. Reed, Alton
1887 Arthur E. Barnes, Clyde
1888 Samuel H. Lyman, N. Rose
1893 James K. Gatchell, Alton
1893 Elmer A. Myers, Clyde
1893 Merritt E. Newbury, Wolcott
1893 Burton B. Parsons, Wolcott
1894 Edward G. Barnes, Rose

Source: An Historical Sketch of the State Normal College at Albany, N.Y. and a History of its Graduates for Fifty Years. 1844-1894. Albany, N. Y.: Brandow Printing Company. 1895.

All spellings, punctuation and biographical sketch format are presented exactly as in the original resource. If needing information about anyone listed, use a search engine, or contact the appropriate historical organization or library.

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