Wayne County justices of the peace were required to turn in fines and forfeited bail monies to their respective town supervisors. Lists of this type are particularly useful for pinpointing whereabouts of transients as well as pointing out a specific event such as a melee. Most of the incidents better described were the type resulting from too long a night out or a misunderstanding getting out of hand. People were simply fined on the spot by the justice of the peace and sent home, or told to leave the county, no mention in the paper.
Source: "Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Wayne. 1913." Lyons, NY: Democratic Press Print.
Village of Newark - 1912
Gordon G. Harris, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
VUKOWICH, John, Nov. 8, fine, $5
KENNEDY, James, Nov. 9, fine, $3
GROSS, George, Dec. 9, fine, $3
JEABORA, John, Dec. 18, fine, $5
WILLIAMS, Andrew, Dec. 23, fine, $10
HERMAN, Charles, Dec. 24, fine, $5
PODERWONCE, Mele, Dec. 28, fine, $5
Village of Newark - 1913
Gordon G. Harris, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
MANNING, John, Jan. 6, fine, $5
RAFFERTY, Thos., Jan. 8, fine, $5
DIKIVICH, Joseph, Jan. 9, fine, $8
ROBERTS, Richard, Jan. 20, bail, $4
DOE, John, Jan. 27, bail, $10
STENMACK, Michael, Feb. 7, fine, $10
ROEWE, Ernest, Feb. 11, fine, $10
STANWICH, Michael, Feb. 20, fine, $5
RANDALL, Clarence, Mar. 3, bail, $5
RUSSELL, Corneil, Mar. 3, fine, $10
LAUDIS, Michael, Mar. 8, fine, $5
POPNEAK, Joseph, Mar. 17, fine, $5
HAUSMA, John, Mar. 17, fine, $5
SKALLY, Stif, Mar. 17, bail, $5
BRIGGS, Henry, Mar. 20, bail, $5
LOVE, Elmer, Mar. 21, bil, $10
GODFREY, Wm. H., Mar. 22, fine, $5
COOK, Charles, Mar. 24, bail, $5
MILANKWICH, Glizo, Mar. 24, fine, $25
OSTAJICH, Sava, Apr. 8, fine, $15
BOYLE, Patrick, Apr. 8, fine, $5
TILTON, Wm. S., Apr. 10, fine, $5
KILEY, Patrick, Apr. 11, fine, $5
JOHNSON, August, Apr. 14, fine, $10
SWART, Wm. S., Apr. 14, fine, $10
GLISKA, Tony, Apr. 15, bail, $5
HILL, John, Apr. 21, bail, $5
RUFFLE, William, Apr. 21, bail, $5
VEST, John, Apr. 23, fine, $5
CUSANO, Nicola, Apr. 23, fine, $30
SABOSKY, John, Apr. 25, bail, $5
BANN, Frank, Apr. 28, fine, $10
MUMICH, Domenik, Apr. 28, fine, $5
BOOK, John, Apr. 28, fine, $10
HUGHES, Wm., May 1, fine, $10
JACOBITER, Vassel, May 12, fine, $4
RANDALL, Clarence, May 12, bail, $5
COBOE, John, May 12, fine, $5
ELMER, Bert, May 19, bail, $4
CURTIS, Aaron, May 20, fine, $10
O'BRIEN, Richard, May 27, bail, $5
ZAK, Egnacy, May 29, fine, $2
POPSELKO, R., June 9, bail, $5
BOLKOSKY, David, June 9, fine, $10
MORAN, William, June 13, fine, $10
CATALANO, Frank, June 21, fine, $8
BURNS, Robert, June 23, bail, $5
COLESENO, Concetti, June 23, fine, $5
GIANCO, John, June 27, fine, $5
GIORGETTO, Domenico, June 27, fine, $5
TORCONI, Charles, July 7, fine, $5
DeANGELIS, James, July 7, fine, $10
BROWN, James, July 7, fine, $5
RYAN, Michael, Sept. 2, fine, $5
LIVAK, Charles, Sept. 12, fine, $10
FISK, Frank H., Sept. 15, fine, $5
TANTALO, Cessido, Sept. 15, fine, $5
COBB, Frank, Sept. 16, bail, $5
CORY, Elmer, Sept. 18, fine, $3
CRAWFORD, Joseph, Sept. 22, bail, $5
MEY, Lafork, Sept. 22, bail, $2
MUMICH, Michael, Oct. 7, fine, $10
BETTS, Wm., Oct. 27, bail, $5
TORREY, Fred, Nov. 5, fine, $10
MURRAY, Lawrence, Nov. 5, fine, $15
BAUR, Fred, Nov. 6, fine, $25
GENTHNER, Geo. Nov. 6, fine, $25
GAMBLE, Theron, Nov. 6, fine, $25
RENSLER, Harry, Nov. 6, fine, $25
KALL, Chas., Nov. 6, fine, $25
Town of Arcadia - 1913
Charles H. Herrick, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
DEFAY, Josiah, June 12, fine assault 3rd degree, $20
Town of Arcadia - 1913
W.T. Purchase, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
JOHNSON, John, Sept. 1, fine public intoxication, $5
JACKSON, Willard, Sept. 2, fine public intoxication, $5
REED, David, Sept. 2, fine public intoxication, $5
DEAN, Theodore, Sept. 2, fine public intoxication, $5
DEAN, James, Sept. 4, fine public intoxication, $5
McINTYRE, Margaret, Sept. 12, fine public intoxication, $2
HOBOLA, Paul, Sept. 14, fine assault and battery, $3
MICHAEL, Joseph, Sept. 14, fine assault and battery, $3
HERCROSS, Ernest, Sept. 14, fine assault and battery, $3
Town of Butler - 1912
John B. Aikins, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
JONES, Irving Samuel, Dec. 28, fine intoxication, $5
Town of Galen - 1913
S.E. Bishop, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
SAGER, Frank C., Mar. 7, fine violation Sec. 241, article 216 penal law, $15
Town of Lyons - 1913
Luther S. Lake, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
PETERS, George J., Apr. 17, fine assault and battery, $10
SMITH, Fred A., Sept. 30, fine assault and battery, $10
Town of Macedon - 1912
Abram R. Bullis, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
LUGO, Emilio, Dec. 3, fine assault 3rd degree, $5
Town of Macedon - 1913
Abram R. Bullis, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
DONDRO, John, Dec. 3, fine assault 3rd degree, $5
THRASHER, John, Feb. 4, fine disorderly conduct on public conveyance, R.S. & E. car, $10
HARRIS, Clarence, June 23, fine petit larceny, $10
STEWART, Nelson, June 23, fine petit larceny, $10
Town of Ontario - 1913
G.C. Cone, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
DOE, Tony, May 13, fine misdemeanor, $2
ROE, Santo, May 13, fine misdemeanor, $2
Town of Ontario - 1913
H.E. Stanford, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
MICELLA, Aryella, July 13, fine assault, $25
BAILEY, George, July 13, fine assault, $5
Town of Palmyra - 1913
C.W. Williamson, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
BURNES, Jos., July 7, 1913, fine drunk, $5
Town of Sodus - 1912
George F. Hendricks, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
DeMENTE, Jacob, Dec. 21, fine intoxication, $10
Town of Sodus - 1913
George F. Hendricks, Justice of the Peace
Name of Person fined, Date, On what account, Amount
ADSIT, Mark, Feb. 10, forfeit of bail, $50
MATTHYS, Lewis, Sept. 2, fine assault 3rd degree, $10
DOLAN, Edward, Sept. 1, fine intoxication, $5
MAHAR, Patrick, Oct. 27, fine intoxication, $7
For further information about persons listed, it's adviseable to check through microfilms of old newspapers yourself at
your personal leisure. Researching mention of fines and petty "crime" can take hours of time, requiring looking through
all pages of a paper, and multiple dates, over a period of weeks, and possible public notice isn't necessarily placed under obvious headings.
As mentioned above, most of the incidents with low fines were probably not reported to the newspapers at all. This isn't a productive
look-up request to post on a list, expecting a kindly stranger to read through hundreds of
pages to do a look-up for you. Older Wayne County newspapers can be borrowed through interlibrary loan or you can hire a professional
researcher who has access to the papers.
Wayne County Newspapers on Microfilm at the NYS Library in Albany
Wayne County Newspapers on Microfilm at other NYS Libraries
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