Grand and Trial Jurors in 1901

Lyons, NY

CLYDE TIMES - Thursday May 16,1901

Grand and Trial Jurors drawn to serve at a Trial Term of the Supreme Court to be held at Lyons on Monday 20 May 1901, Justice E.W. Nash presiding.

Grand Jurors

Austin Jagger, farmer - E. Palmyra
Stephen G. Turner, speculator - Sodus
Spencer H. DeVall, farmer - Zurich
Frank Brant, farmer - Sodus Centre
Daniel DeRight, farmer - Marion
Henry Cross, farmer - Clyde
H. Frank Daboll, farmer - Clyde
Harvey Jones, farmer - Union Hill
Archibald Barton, farmer - Clyde
George H. Baltzel, merchant - Lyons
George F. Hall, farmer - Sodus Centre
Jacob Barclay, farmer - Sodus Centre
Albert B. Nash, farmer - Williamson
Albert A. Pallister, shoe dealer - Pultneyville
John Marriott, farmer - Rose
Harvey Benning, farmer - Clyde
John Shepard, farmer - Pultneyville
Maurice Powers, farmer - Clyde
A.R. Gamble, grocer - E. Palmyra
Frank Wilcox, farmer - Marion
George Downs, farmer - Fruitland
Edward Bates, farmer - Sodus Point
M.E. Chittenden, farmer - South Sodus
John A. Gulic, mechanic - Sodus

Trial Jurors

Matthew Wallace, farmer - Marion
Wm. T. Paine, merchant - Lyons
Willard Caster, carpenter - Red Creek
Edward B. Anderson, coal dealer - Palmyra
W.J. Hary, carpenter - Macedon
J.C. Sheffield, gentleman - Lyons
James White, farmer - Marion
Wm. H. Clapp, mechanic - S. Butler
John Grimsha, carpenter - Clyde
Abram V. Gibbs, mechanic - Sodus
Henry Frohman, blacksmith - Minstead
Isaac Osborne, farmer - Clyde
Wm. Moore, farmer - Huron
Ogden Van Sicklin, farmer - N.Rose
Charles Fewster, farmer - Ontario
Peter DeMay, farmer - Sodus
Mark Mathewson, farmer - W.Walworth
Abram Shipper, farmer - Marion
Adam Stell, farmer - Lyons
Charles Clauss, farmer - Lock Berlin
J.I. Johnson, farmer - Macedon
Charles D. Curtis, farmer - Marion
Wm. Smart, farmer - Galen
John Porter, butcher - Sodus
Myron Adams, farmer (no place listed)
H.F. Seaman, dealer - S. Butler
H.C. Scutt, manager - Marion
William Wilcox, thresher - Minstead
David Hosford, farmer - Lyons
Andrew J. Waltz, farmer - Lincoln
H.S. Caswell, manufacturer - Newark
W.P. Thistlethwaite, (no occupation listed) - Macedon
William Hannett, farmer - Clyde
R.H. Cole, farmer - Huron
Philip Rankert, farmer - Lyons
Edward Cain, laborer - Clyde

Contributed by Leola Sutton

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