A tugboat pushing a barge down the Erie Canal in Lyons, N.Y. In forefront are remains of an old lock bed. A view from out of a residential window, taken by Allyn Hess Perry in July 1998.
Info kindly provided by the Wayne County Office of the County Historian and digitally formatted
by co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry. This is an example of one of the many rare and unusual resources available at the County Historian's. The persons listed registered boats in Wayne County for use on the Erie Canal. Some of the names are just boat names.
More general information is actually available about each listing. An example of a full entry:
Name of Boat - Hailing Place - Registered - Kind of Boat - Drau't. - Value - Class - Remarks - Page
Bowman, W.H. - Palmyra - 1862 - O. Bull Head - 6 - $600 - 5 - Not classed since 1875 - 31
Under "kind of boat", these are the varieties listed: Bull Head, O. Bull Head, 1/4 D.M. Lake, 1 D. Barge, Lake, 1/6 D. Scow, M. Lake, 2 D. Barge, Plug.
We have no idea what the "Drau't", "Class", or "Page" numbers refer to. Although useful for confirming known residency in or near the county, it's possible that an individual didn't reside in the village where they kept their boat docked.
The WCH has several folders full of interesting odds & ends about the Erie Canal. The Erie Canal was crucial to the 19th century growth of the county's economy, used for shipping out the bounty of diverse fresh produce, potatoes and grain. Wayne County has the longest stretch of the scenic canal of any other NY county. Areas along the old canal are being restored and revitalized for tourism and boating recreation by grants from NY State. Come up and visit and see the progress so far! For further information visit or order a search from theWayne County Historian's Office.
This is a list of boats, the village they are from and the year originally registered. It appears the boat names are often the same as the owners.
BLISS C.H. - Clyde - 1861
BOWMAN W.H. - Palmyra - 1862
BRIGGS & PALMER - Clyde - 1867
CLARK Frank - Clyde - 1870
COOK James - Arcadia - 1866
CRAMER Geo. W. - Lyons - 1863
CRONISE J.S. - Newark - 1861
CROTHERS Oliver - Newark - 1872
CROTHERS Lyman - Newark - 1872
DANIELS Hiram - Newark1873
DANIELS Geo. W. - Newark - 1874
DEWEY Smith A. - Lyons - 1869
DORAN Wm. - Palmyra - 1873
ELLIOT C.G. - Clyde - 1870
FILKINS Hiram - Newark - 1875
FORD George B. - Clyde - 1862
GARDENNIER Z.B. - Newark - 1868
GRANT E.T. - Newark - 1872
GRISWOLD Aaron - Clyde - 1873
HAMM M.T. - Newark - 1874
HOWARD Henry W. - Palmyra - 1874
KENYON M.M. - Newark - 1873
LAKEY Franklin - Palmyra - 1867
LAKEY Frank - Palmyra - 1865
LAMOREAUX A.O. - Arcadia - 1862
LAMOREAUX D.W. - Newark - 1866
MARION - Newark - 1862
MAYO - Newark
McCANN John - Macedon - 1868
MEAD Andrew - Clyde - 1872
MIRRICK M.E. - Lyons - 1862
NEWLOVE Thos. - Clyde - 1866
NORLEY Norman T. - Lyons - 1872
PARSHALL D.W.C. - Lyons - 1867
PLURIBUSTAH - Lyons - 1862
PRICE George H. - Newark - 1872
REED F.C. - Clyde - 1862
SHERMAN Hattie - Clyde - 1873
SHERMAN Frank - Clyde - 1868
SMITH Arthur H. - Clyde - 1870
SMITH Thomas - Clyde - 1872
STEWART Kate - Newark - 1867
STEVENS - Newark
STREETER D.S. - Clyde - 1866
THOMAS P.J. - Clyde - 1861
THORN Thos. P. - Clyde - 1868
THORN Thos. - Clyde - 1873
TINKLEPAUGH M. - Lyons - 1871
VanALSTYNE B. - Lyons - 1862
WALLACE Ann J. - Clyde - 1871
WARNER W.R. - Newark - 1862
WARNER W.R. - Newark - 1873
WATSON - Clyde - 1870
WAYNE COUNTY - Newark - 1863
WESTFALL J.V.D. - Lyons - 1867

In Remembrance of The 26 Erie Canal Laborers Buried Here. Stricken in 1846. "They Built The Longest Canal, With the Least Experience, For the Most Public Benefit."
Donated by People Who Cared
(Wayneport Road, Macedon, N.Y.)
Photo taken by Allyn Hess Perry, 1999
Other info about the canal on our site:
1824 Trip Along the Erie Canal - Wayne County
Elsewhere on the web:
New York State Canal System
Prepared by Co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry
***For all inquiries about persons mentioned, availability of other Canal information, or meaning of boat terms, do not email the site coordinators (as we have no further info). We refer you in advance to the Office of the County Historian.
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Created: 9/1/00
Wayne County NYGenWeb
Copyright © 2000 - 2011 Wayne County Office of the County Historian
Copyright © 2000 - 2011 Allyn Hess Perry/ M. Magill/ Marge Sherman Lutzvick
Original Photos Copyright © 1998 - 2000 Allyn Hess Perry
All Rights Reserved.