The obituaries of
members of the extended Wykle family of Galen were contributed by researcher Kathleen Simmons. Kathleen just started her
family research this year and put this piece together with obits and identified photos her
mother had on hand. She has recently gotten or confirmed some death dates and burial
locations from our new Galen online cemetery listings.
The Wykle family will be our "case study" in starting Wayne County research from
scratch. We think it'll be very interesting to watch what developments as Kathleen starts
to use resources such as census, wills and deeds and meets other researchers through the
site. Kathleen is specifically looking for more information about some of the people she
has obits for. The Desmonds were a large Irish family who resided in Galen just above the
Seneca County border.
"It is all from copies of obituaries and newspaper articles that were saved in a
scrapbook by Francelia Wykles' son Grant Rogers. I do not know what newspapers they were
clipped from. There is not a masthead in evidence on any of them. Sometimes there are two
or three different obits for the same person, so I typed them all in. The pages are
beginning to disintegrate a little, so I didn't want the information to be lost."
Philip Wykle, Sr. b. 1828 - d. April 19, 1907 - buried St. John's Cemetery, Clyde
Brida Marie (Bridgette) Smith Wykle d. March 27, 1920 - buried St. John's Cemetery, Clyde
Sylvester Wykle b. March 22, 1857 - d. March 18, 1934, Galen - Buried?
Alexander Wykle b. November 17, 1861 - d. June 03, 1947, Clyde - Wykle lot at Maple
Grove Cemetery, Clyde
John Wykle b. July 18, 1868 - d. April 30, 1944 - Clifton Springs
Sanitarium - buried in Rural Cemetery
Sarah Wykle (nee Jordan) - Buried in Rural
Cemetery (should be with John)
Carrie Desmond (nee Wykle) b. July 15, 1854 - d.
May 24, 1942, Clyde - South Cemetery, Lyons
Frank Desmond - South Cemetery,
"These are all the relatives that I have obituaries for. There are other children
whose names I haven't even discovered yet. But I am just starting to look. Any help or
guidance you can give me would be greatly appreciated."
Obituaries and Other Information About the Wykle Family of Galen |
1. PHILIP1 WYKLE was born 1828 in Alsace, Germany, and died April 19, 1907 in
Clyde, NY. Barbara is buried in Ferguson Cemetery, Town of Galen. Philip married
BRIDA MARIE (BRIDGETTE) SMITH. Philip's parents were John and Barbara (last name unknown) Wykle. Brida's
parents were John Smith and Mary (last name unknown).
Was born in
Marengo, April 24 - Philip Wykle, Sr., died at his home in this vicinity last Friday
afternoon, aged 79 years. Although deceased had been in poor health for some time, the
immediate cause of his death was a stroke of paralysis. He was born at Alsace, Germany,
and came to this country with his parents in his infancy, and located near Ferguson's
Corners. When 17 years of age he visited California and Australia, finally returning to
this place and purchasing the farm where he died, which has been his home for more than
forty years. He had resided at Peoria, Ill., at different times for a period of two
years, always returning to the farm. He leaves a widow and five sons, Sylvester and
Alexander, of this place; Jay H. and John F., of Lyons, and Philip, Jr. of Wyoming, and
three daughters, Mrs. Frank Desmond, of this place; Mrs. James Rogers, of Nebraska, and
Mrs. William Hall, of Missouri Valley, Ia. Their many friends extend sympathy to the
bereaved family. Funeral services were conducted from the house Tuesday morning at 8:30
and St. John's Catholic Church at Clyde at 10 o'clock, interment being made at Ferguson's
Corners Cemetery.
The angel of death, after calling four of our townspeople, in the past two months,
summoned Philip Wykle, Sr., Friday afternoon, April 19th, 1907. Mr. Wykle was born, at
Alsace, Germany, 79 years ago, being brought here when an infant. His parents settled at
Ferguson's Corners, where he grew to manhood. At the time of the raging of the 'gold
fever,' he went to California, from there to Australia, then back to California. In these
places, he succeeded financially. After marrying, he changed his home several times, from
here to Peoria, Ill., where he owned property. He is survived by a widow, five sons and
three daughters, Mrs. James Rogers, of Elkhorn, Neb.; Mrs. William Hall, of Missouri
Valley, Ia.; Philip, of Montana; Jay and John, of Lyons; and Sylvester, Alexander and Mrs.
Frank Desmond, of Marengo. The funeral was held at St. John's Catholic church, Clyde,
Tuesday morning. The interment was made at Ferguson's Corners. The many friends of the
family extend sympathy to them, in their bereavement.
Photo of Philip
Wykle, Sr.
Photo of Brida Marie Wykle
Photo of Brida Marie and daughters
Brida Marie Smith Wykle, b. ca 1828, d. March 27, 1920 at age 91, in Clyde, N.Y.,
buried in St. John's Catholic Cemetery, Clyde, NY
On March 27th, at 9 P. M., occurred the death of Mrs. Philip Wykle, Sr., at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Desmond, in the village of Clyde.
In the death of Mrs. Wykle, life-long friends and neighbors will have none but the
kindest and best of memories. No one who ever knew her but will remember the sunny smile,
the warm hand clasp, the low, motherly voice in welcoming her friends, a staunch
self-sacrificing wife, a loving patient mother, a loyal neighbor and friend, she has
fallen asleep after a journey through this uncertain life of ours of nearly ninety-two
Dear, Old Friend! To keep cheerful and courageous, when so many who do not reach half
that age, are despondent and fretful. Today, I am holding in my fingers a beautiful piece
of lace, the work of her hands when over 90 years of age, sent to a little child because
"she loved her" only one of her little thoughtful deeds.
She has entered into rest, a well earned rest. The Kindly Light, that sustained here
and kept her heart warm, and cheered the last tired stage of life's journey, will still
remain around her memory, to her old friends and neighbors.
One who knew and loved her.
2. i. CARRIE 2 WYKLE, b.
July 15, 1854, Peoria, IL; d. May 24, 1942, Clyde, NY. Carrie Wykle married Frank Desmond February 13,
1875 in Galen, Wayne County, NY; son of Amos Desmond and Fane Ferris.
Clyde - Mrs. Carrie Desmond, 87, widow of Frank Desmond, prominent Galen farmer in his
lifetime, died at her home 21 DeZeng St., Clyde, Sunday morning (May 24, 1942). She was
born in Peoria, Ill., July 15, 1854, and had lived in the Clyde area for over 60
Survivors are one son, Leon W. Desmond; three brothers, John Wykle of Lyons, Jay H.
Wykle of California and William Wykle (this is Alexander), husband of Mayor Katherine
Wykle of Clyde, and two sisters living in Nebraska.
The funeral will be held at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday in St. John's Church, Clyde, of which
she had long been a communicant, with the Rev. J. V. Curtin officiating. Burial will be
in South Cemetery, Lyons.
Frank Desmond, a prominent farmer of this town, died in Clyde at 4:30 Tuesday
afternoon, of pneumonia, aged 72 years.
Deceased is survived by his widow, one son, Leon Desmond, and a brother, William
Desmond, all of this village, and two sisters, Mrs. Chester Blaine of Lyons and Mrs. John
Heisler of Rochester.
Funeral services will be held at the home on DeZeng street at 2:30 Friday afternoon.
The remains will be placed in the vault at Maple Grove Cemetery until spring when burial
will be made in the cemetery at South Lyons.
3. i. LEON W. 3 DESMOND, b. November
23, 1879, d. August 05, 1943 in Clyde, Wayne County, NY. He married (1) ALICE CONLON and (2) ZAIDA HOFFMAN.
Obit from the Clyde Herald August 5, 1943, 1:5
Leon H. Desmond
Leon H. Desmond, Funeral Director, passed away at his home 21 DeZeng street, early Thursday evening, August 5,
1943. He had been in failing health for two and one half years. He suffered a stroke Wednesday evening of this
week and did not regain consciousness.
Mr. Desmond was born in the Town of Galen, near Marengo, on November 12, 1879, son of Frank and Carrie Desmond.
He had resided in Clyde and Galen all his life. He had been a funeral director since 1909.
He is survived by his wife Zaida Hoffman Desmond, two daughters, Mrs. Andrea C. Cuddy and Miss Alice C.
Desmond, both of Nashua, New Hampshire, and three grandchildren of Syracuse.
Funeral services will be held from his late home in Clyde Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock, and at St. John's
Catholic Church at 9:30. Burial in Lyons Rural cemetery. Arrangements by Harold S. Mann.
Family notes from Andrea Desmond as told by her mother:
"Grandfather Desmond after college in Iowa. Leon went to New Orleans and worked on the Picayune newspaper.
I think then he then went back to New York and went into business as an undertaker. I really don't know is he was
married before he married my grandmother or not. I don't where where they were married. My grandmother's name
was Alice Madeline Conlon. They divorced when my father was sixteen. He married a second time to a Zaida Hoffman.
I was told she had firey red hair but when I met her, she was old and gray. I think they may have married in
Niagara Falls, NY but I am not sure."
Children of LEON H. DESMOND and ALICE CONLON were:
Andrea C. Desmond, born July 14, 1911 in Clyde, Wayne County, NY; died February 22, 1984 in Nashua, NH.
Leon Conlon Desmond, born May 21, 1913; died July 07, 1994 in Exeter, Rockingham, NH.
Alice Madeline Desmond, born August 06, 1914; died November 26, 1992.
2. ii. SYLVESTER (VET) WYKLE, b. March 22, 1857; d. March 19, 1934, Galen,
Sylvester Wykle, b. March 22, 1857; d. March 19, 1934, Galen, N.Y., buried
in Maple Grove Cemetery, Clyde, N.Y.
Sylvester Wyckle, who would have been 77 years old died Sunday at the home of his
brother, J. H. Wyckle in the Town of Galen, Sunday. He had lived with his brother several
years. Surviving are two other brothers, Alexander of Clyde and John of Lyons and three
sisters, Mrs. James Rogers of Elkhorn, Neb., Mrs. Francelia Hall of Omaha, Neb., and Mrs.
Frank Desmond of Clyde.
Funeral services will be held this Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. John's
Church in Clyde with Rev. John V. Curtin officiating.
Another obit, from the Clyde Herald, March 22, 1934, 1:2
Sylvester Wykle, 76 Dies at Galen Home
Sylvester Wykle, 76, who would have been 77 Thursday, died at 1:30 A.M. Monday at the home of his
brother, Jay Wykle, in Galen. Born in this town March 22, 1857, he always had lived here.
Surviving Mr. Wykle are two other brother, Alexander Wykle of Clyde and John Wykle of Lyons,
and three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Desmond of Clyde, Mrs. Francelia Hall of Lyons and Mrs. James
Rogers of Elkhorn, Nebraska.
The body rested at the Bush & Mann funeral home until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning when
services were conducted in St. John's Catholic church by Rev. Joseph V. Curtin. The body
was placed in a vault in Maple Grove Cemetery to await burial later in the family lot in
that cemetery.
2. iii. JOSEPHINE WYKLE, b. October 09, 1858; d. March 06, 1952 in Elkhorn, NE. She married
JAMES B. ROGERS January 24, 1877 in Clyde, NY, son of MATTHEW ROGERS and CATHARINE LUNDY. Frank was
b. October 31, 1850 in Clyde, N.Y. and d. May 8, 1944, Elkhorn, NE
Mrs. J. Rogers of Omaha, was honored on her 90th birthday Saturday afternoon, October
9 by a large group of friends and neighbors. Mrs. Rogers lived the major portion of her
life near and in Elkhorn.
During the early years of her married life she came with her husband and small son
from New York to a farm south of Elkhorn.
After retiring from the farm they lived a few years in Omaha and then made their home
in the village of Elkhorn for many years. She moved to Omaha with her son about a year
Mrs. Rogers has always lived an energetic and useful life and now at the age of ninety
is still able to care for her own home. Her kindly, friendly, gernerous nature has won a
host of good friends wherever she has lived.
She greeted her friends at the door with a warm welcome able to call each one by name.
Her mind is alert and her heart warm at the age of ninety. Mrs. Henry Witte, Mrs.
Veronica Paasch, Mrs. Earl Goodhard, Mrs Frieda McArdle, Mrs. Herman Homan, Mrs. Berneldas
Labs, Mrs. Charles Roettelle, Mrs Jack Boggan, Mrs Tina Hofeldt, Mrs Henry Bay, Mrs. Ted
Witt, Mrs Walter Bull, Mrs. Dell Leisenberg, Mrs. Vera McAvoy. Omaha guests were: Mrs.
Mary Quinn, Mrs Minnie Schuldt, MrsKate Jeffries, Mrs Francelia Hall, Mrs. Jane Hopper,
Mrs Emma Hall, and Mrs. Kate Catherwood.
The Omaha friends and neighbors presided at a buffet luncheon beautifully appointed
and generously and graciously served.
James B. Rogers, pioneer resident of Elkhorn, died at his home in Elkhorn, Monday, May
8, 1944.
Mr. Rogers was born in Clyde, N. Y., October 31, 1950, and was 93 years, 6 months and
8 days old at the time of his death, which came after a week's illness.
Mr. Rogers was married to Josephine Wykle at Clyde, N. Y., on January 24, 1877, and
they had been married 67 years. They made their home at Clyde until 1882, when they moved
to a farm south of Elkhorn, where they resided until they moved to Elkhorn, 35 years
Besides his wife, he is survived by one son, Grant W. Rogers of Elkhorn. Funeral
services were held at the family home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and were conducted
by the Rev. W. O. Samuelson.
Interment was in Prospect Hill cemetery, and pall-bearers were W. E. Moor, W. E.
Goodhard, Hoe Stolinski, Ross Van Sickle, A. V. Shotwell and John Slavik.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rogers of Elkhorn, were honored guests at a surprise reception
given by a group of their friends in honor of their golden wedding anniversary, Monday
evening. The party was held at the Niemann Hall and more than 100 old friends and
nedighbors were present to extend heartiest congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are Douglas county pioneers, having lived here since 1882, nearly
forty-five years.
Mr. Rogers will be 77 years old his next birthday, and was born in NY, October 31,
1850. Mrs. Rogers, who was Miss Josephine Wykle before her marriage, is 8 years younger,
also being born in NY, October 9, 1858. They were married at Clyde, NY, January 24, 1977,
and came to NE April 3, 1882, and settled on a farm south of Elkhorn.
They have one son, Grant W. Rogers, who now resides on the home place, Mr. and Mrs.
Rogers Sr., having moved to Elkhorn.
At the reception Monday evening, J.E. Quinn of Elkhorn presented them with a purse of
gold on behalf of their friends. A feature of the party was a mammoth wedding cake,
lighted with fifty candles. Dancing and cards furnished amusement, and at high-five first
prizes were won by Mrs. J.A. Gibbons and Charles Goodhard, the consolation prizes going to
Mrs. Herman Frahm and J.J. Mohatt.
At a late hour the guests departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. rogers many more happy
3. i. GRANT W. 3 ROGERS, b. November
24, 1877, in Marengo or Clyde, NY; d. January 04, 1966 in Masonic Home, Plattsmouth, NE. Grant
married JENNIE FRANCES DOLAN on November 29, 1899 in St. Patrick's Church in Missouri Valley, IA. They later
moved to Sheridan, Wyoming where the rest of her family resided. They had owned a small store. He
worked in law enforcement and was responsible for establishing a fingerprint bureau there. He was
a member of National Finger Print Association. At some point, he and Jennie were divorced and Grant
returned to Nebraska. He worked as a Fireman on the Northwestern stock train between Fremont and South
Omaha. He became justice of the peace in Elkhorn, NE and retired from that position at the age of 69.
Grant died in 1966 at the age of 89, bur. in Old Elkhorn Cemetery, a.k.a. Britton Cemetery.
Marriage Notes for GRANT ROGERS and JENNIE DOLAN:
Rogers-Dolan Nuptials
Wednesday afternoon a St. Patrick's Church in this city.
Rev T. J. Mullen pronounced the nuptial mass, uniting Miss Jennie Dolan of Missouri Valley
with the man of her choice Mr. Grant Rogers, formerly of Clyde, New York, but who for the
past few months has resided in this city. The church was most beautifully decorated with
flowers, chrysanthmums, palms and potted plants, making a lovely and artistic display.
Numbers of the friends and acquaintances of the contracting parties assembled at the
church at 5:50 the appointed hour. As a prelude to the wedding sacrament the beautiful
music customary in the church wedding service was rendered, after which the bridal party
took their position before Rev. Father Mullen, who gave them their vows which bound them
together for life. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Kate Dolan, While Dr.
Tamisies acted as groomsman. At the conclusion of the marriage service congratulations
were showered upon the worthy young couple who received the praise only as can those who
are deserving. The reception which was to occur at the home of the bride's parents at the
conclusion of the marriage ceremony did not take place owing to illness in the
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers received many beautiful and useful presents among which
predominated an elegant silver set. For years past the bride has been a resident of
Missouri Valley in fact has grown to womanhood here, and is beloved and respected by a
large circle of friends. the groom although residing here but a few months has shown
himself the possessor of good attainments and has a legion of friends here.
Obit of Jennie Dolan Rogers:
From the Sheridan Press Tues. June 19, 1962
Rites for Pioneer will be Thursday
Funeral services will be conducted Thursday morning at 8 0'clock from Holy Name church for Jennie Frances
Rogers, 84, a resident of the community 60 years, who died at Eventide Thursday evening. She had been
a patient at the nursing home since the first of the year, formerly making her home at 129 Coffeen avenue.
She was born in Missouri Valley, IA. on Feb. 7, 1878, and was married to Grant W. Rogers in Omaha in
1922. After the couple moved to Sheridan, he served with the Sheridan police department for about 20 years.
Mrs. Rogers was an accomplished artist and several of her drawings and paintings are owned by
residents of the community. She was a member of Holy Name church and was active in the Altar
and Rosary society of the church.
There are no survivors. She had been preceded in death by her husband, two sisters and two brothers.
Rosary will be recited Wednesday evening at 7:30 from Stevens Memorial Chapel.
2. iv. ALEXANDER WYKLE, b. November 17, 1861, Peoria, IL; d. June 3,
1947, Clyde, New York; He was previously married to an as yet unknown woman, later
marrying KATHERINE MORAN in 1930.
Alexander H. Wykle, 85 years old, widely known retired farmer, died at his home, 31
Cayuga St., Tuesday noon, June 3, 1947. He had been in failing health for several
Mr. Wykle was born in Peoria, Ill., Nov. 17, 1861. He was the son of Philip and Brida
Marie Wykle. He came to the Town of Galen when he was only 3 years old and after retiring
25 years ago, moved into Clyde.
He is survived by his wife, Katherine Moran Wykle; two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Rogers
of Elkhorn, Nebraska, and Mrs. William Hall of Omaha, Nebraska; one brother, Jay Wykle of
Huntington Park, California; and by several nieces and nephews.
The body will rest at the Wykle home until Friday morning when Solemn High Requiem
Mass will be celebrated at St. John's Church at 9:30 o'clock, Rev. J. V. Curtin
officiating, assisted by Rev. James Callan and Rev. John Guy. The Rosary will be said at
the home, Thursday evening at 8:30. Interment in the Wykle lot in Maple Grove Cemetery,
Honorary bearers were Smith G. Horton, Walter Benning, Ward Syron, J. Chester Baird,
Andrew Dinkel and Ray Watson. Acting Bearers were Joseph Dapolito, John VanVoris, James
Lundergan, Eugene Cordon, Kingsley Maloy and James Costello, Jr. Arrangements by Harold S.
Notes from David Wykle:
Alexander's first wife died. It was during this period of time he persuaded Francelia Hall, his
widowed sister of Omaha, NE, to return to Clyde to keep house for him with promises of a home for
life and other considerations. Francelia returned to Clyde, residing with Al until he became
involved with Katherine Moran, later his wife, who lived in the neighborhood. Francelia went to
Lyons where she resided with her twin brother John. During this time she sued her brother for
failing to keep his promises. The case was tried twice in court in Lyons some time in the
early 1930's.
Obit from the Lyons Republican & Clyde Times, Thursday, May 16, 1957
Last Rites Held for Mrs. Wykle, 88, Former Mayor
Mrs. Katherine Moran Wykle, 88 years old, died unexpectedly of a heart ailment at her home in
Glasgow St., Clyde, Friday. Mrs. Wykle was the first woman in the state to serve her village as
Mayor, having been elected to two terms on the Democratic ticket in Clyde, the first time in
March 1935. While Mayor, Mrs. Wykle was instrumental in gaining for Clyde, branches of the
Vulcan Heel Corporation and the Acme Electric Corp. which was later taken over by the General
Mrs. Wykle, a native of Clyde, was married to Alexander Wykle in 1930. He died several years
ago. She was a school teacher for 35 years, teaching in Syracuse, Lyons and Clyde. After her
retirement she spent four years in Chautauqua work. She was a member of the Clyde Grange and
active in Democratic political affairs.
She is survived by several cousins. Funeral services were conducted at 9 o'clock Monday morning
in the John R. Canolesio Funeral Home, and at 9:30 in St. John's Catholic Church, with the
Rev. J. V. Curtin officiating.
From the Galen Historical Society:
Katherine M. Wykle, born in Clyde on January 1, 1869, became the first woman in the state elected
by a village to serve as mayor.
Mrs. Wykle attended Clyde High School and graduated from the Normal School at Geneseo in 1890.
She then taught school in the Syracuse area, the Lyons School district, and finally in Clyde,
teaching first grade.
In 1930 she married Alexander Wykle, a Galen farmer, and twice was elected mayor in March 1937
and again in 1941. She was instrumental in obtaining the Vulcan Heel Co. She died suddenly
in her home on May 10, 1957.
2. v. PHILIP L. WYKLE, JR., b. November 16, 1863; d. April 07, 1931. He married JULIA MORGAN.
Obit from the Clyde Herald, March 15, 1931, 1:5
Weary of this Life, Philip Wykle, 65, Takes Poison
Sixty-five years old, Philip Wykle decided life wasn't worth living any longer. So he purchased 16 grains
of strychnine last Tuesday and went to the home of his sister, Mrs. Carrie Desmond, in DeZeng Street.
"Come over and take care of me in the morning, Leon" he told his nephew, Leon Desmond, undertaker, "I'll be
dead" he added significantly, pointing to the poison.
His nephew's attempt to dissuade him proving unsuccessful, Wykle started back downtown and over the
bridge back downtown and over the bridge for the last time. A few minutes later a church bell tolled the
end of another day of labor.
The bell marked the ante-climax of all labor for Wykle. In his home at 6 Orchard Street he prepared
the fatal dose, swallowed it and dropped onto a bed to die, a suicide.
Meanwhile, his son, Harvey Wykle of Newark, summoned by Desmond, was racing against death. Meeting Desmond
as he arrived in town, Wykle went to his father's home. Dr. George S. Allen was called.
Saying he had "nothing to live for" the elder Wykle related his act, told the whereabouts of his will,
gave a few other personal directions while refusing to take a mustard antidote. In a few minutes he was
Surviving besides his son, Harvey Wykle, are four brothers, Alexander, Sylvester and Jay Wykle of Clyde,
and John Wykle of Lyons: three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Desmond, Mrs. Francelia Hall and Mrs. James Rogers,
both of Omaha, NE.
Philip and Julia's son, HARVEY A. WYKLE, was born July 07, 1896 and d. February 1963.
Obit of HARVEY A. WYKLE from the Lyons Republican & Clyde Times, Thursday, February 21, 1963.
Harvey Wykle
Harvey A. Wykle, 66 years old, of Lock St., Clyde, died Sunday Feb. 17 in the Veterans Hospital, Bath,
where he had been a patient since Feb. 4.
He was born in Clyde July 7, 1896, a son of Philip and Julia Morgan Wykle, and had always lived in
this area. For many years he was an automobile salesman and at one time he was a member of the New
York State Police.
He was a veteran of World War I and a member of Collins-Cassavino Post of the American Legion.
Surviving are two cousins, Robert J. Wykle of Lyons and David J. Wykle of Syracuse.
A private funeral was held at the Boeheim Funeral Home, Lyons at 2 P.M. Wednesday with the Rev.
Edgar Trexler, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church officiating.
Burial will be held at the convenience of the family.
2. vi. JAY H. WYKLE, b. October 21, 1865; d. abt. August 07, 1947 in Long Beach, CA. He
married JULIA LESTER. He is buried in St. John's Catholic Cemetery, Clyde with no date on his headstone.
Obit from the Clyde Herald August 7, 1947, 1:4
Jay H. Wykle
Jay H. Wykle, age 82 years, a former resident of the Town of Galen, died at the home of his daughter in
Long Beach, California, early this week. He had been in failing health for several months having suffered
a series of heart attacks.
He was born near Marengo in 1865, the son of Philip and Bridget Wykle. He lived west of Ferguson's Corners
in Galen for several years before going to California to make his home with his daughter. Previously he
had lived in Lyons for many years. He was a farmer and produce dealer most of his life. His wife, Julia
Lester Wykle died in April 1941.
He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Caroline R. Multer of Long Beach. One grandson and two great
grandchildren. Two sisters, Mrs. Josephine Rogers, Elkhorn, Nebraska and Mrs. William Hall of Omaha,
The body will arrive in Clyde at midnight Friday evening and funeral services will be held at the Harold S.
Mann Funeral Home on Saturday morning, August 9, 1947, at nine o'clock, and at the St. John's Catholic
church at nine thirty. Interment in St. John's cemetery, Clyde.
Child of Jay Wykle and Julia Lester is:
i. CAROLINE R. WYKLE, born December 15, 1892. She married Unknown MULTER.
2. vii. FRANCELIA A. WYKLE, b. July 18, 1868 in Lyons, NY; d. May 04, 1953 in Omaha, Douglas County, NE.;
She married January 08, 1891 in Elkhorn, NE to WILLIAM H. HALL, son of EDWARD HALL and ELIZA McGRATH. Francelia is
buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Omaha, NE, Section F - Block 2 - Row 4, lot 16, Grave #2. William is buried in Elkhorn Cemetery, a.k.a. Britton Cemetery.
Obit from the Omaha World Herald, Tues, May 5, 1953
Hall - Francelia A., age 84 years, 1702 Grace Street. Survived by son, Roger; daughters, Mrs. Jane Hannon, Omaha;
Mrs. Grace Ensor, Coral Gables, Fla; 8 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren. Services Leo A. Hoffman Chapel,
Wednesday 8:15 A.M. to St. Peter's Church, 9 A.M. Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rosary, 8 P.M. Tuesday at
William Hall, 4425 South Twentieth Street, died early Thursday morning at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Frank King, Papillion, NE, where he had been visiting. He had been in
ill health for nearly a year, during which time he underwent two operations.
Mr. Hall was 55 years old. He had been a resident of Nebraska for forty-eight years,
twelve years of which he had resided on the South Side. At the time of his death he was
employed as a railway mail clerk, a position he had held for thirty-two years.
Mr. Hall is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. R. R. Ensor and Jennie; two
sons, Roger and Leo, the latter in the national army at Camp Funston; three sisters, Mrs.
John Hanney of Oklahoma, Mrs. W. S. King, South Side, and Mrs. Frank King, and six
brothers. The brothers are Dr. P. L. Hall of Lincoln, Edward of Roseland, NE, James of
Ithaca, NE, John W. of Valley, NE, Robert, who is superintendent of construction for the
Union Stock Yards Co., and Charles. The funeral will take place from the residence Sunday
at 12 noon, to Britton, where the services and burial will take place.
William Hall, 55 years old, brother of John Hall, died at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Frank King, Papillion, Thursday morning. Mr. Hall had been ill for nearly two years and
underwent two severe operations. Mr. Hall was in the government postal service as a mail
clerk for more than 30 years and was a strong contender for the postmastership at Omaha at
the time the present occupant of the position, Chas. Fanning, was appointed. He is
survived by his wife; two sons, Roger and Leo Hall; two daughters, Grace and Jennie Hall;
six brothers, Dr. P. L. Hall, Lincoln, Edward Hall, Roseland; James Hall, Ithaca; John
Hall, Valley; Robert Hall, superintendent of the Stock Yards at South Omaha; and Charles
Hall, chief engineer for the stock years company; and three sisters, Mrs. J. M. Hanney and
Mrs. W. S. King of South Omaha, and Mrs. Frank King of Papillion. Leo, the elder son is at
Camp Funston.
Funeral services will be held at Papillion Sunday morning. Burial will be in the
Britton Cemetery. We join with friends of the family here in extending our sympathy to the
William Hall, 55, an employee of the post office department here for the past thirty
years, died at 6:30 am today at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank King, Papillion, NE.
Mr. Hall was a strong contender for the postmastership at Omaha at the time Charles
Fanning was appointed. He is survived by a widow; two sons, Roger and Leo Hall; two
daughters, Grace and Jennie Hall; six brothers, Dr. P.L. Hall; Lincoln; Edward Hall,
Roseland; James Hall, Ithaca; John W. Hall, Valley, NE; Robert Hall, superintendent of the
stock yards at South Omaha; and Charles Hall, chief engineer for the stock yards company;
and three sisters, Mrs. J.M. Hanney and Mrs. W. S. King of South Omaha, and Mrs. Frank
King of Papillion. Leo, the older son, is at Camp Funston. The funeral will be at 9:30 am
Saturday from the residence, 2426 South Twentieth street, to Britton, NE, by
3. i. LEO G. 3 HALL, b. January
06, 1892; d. March 26, 1932.
January 16, 1894, and died April 14, 1963. She married ROLAND R. ENSOR.
iii. JANE
(JENNY) MARIE 3 HALL (FRANCELIA2 WYKLE, PHILIP1) was born September 05, 1898 in Missouri Valley,
IA, and died 1977 in Omaha, NE.
August 13, 1907, and died February 1980.
Leo Hall, former South Omahan who fought in four major battles of the World War, died
Saturday in the Veterans' Hospital at Excelsior Springs, Mo., from the effects of injuries
he received one month before the armistice was signed. He was 40 years old. Enlisting in
September, 1917, Hall served in the Three Hundred Forty-first machine gun company through
the engagements at Ypres, St. Quentin, St. Martin and Mazinghien, France, in the last
offensive before the war ended. He was gassed in this battle on October 12, 1918. Since
the war his injury caused him to be treated at the hospital a number of times, but he
entered the last time only two weeks before his death. He had been making his home in
Kansas City recently. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. William Hall; two sisters, Mrs. Ben
Hannon, Jr., and Mrs. R.R. Ensor, and a brother, Roger, all of Omaha. Military funeral
services were held Monday at 8:30 am from the Larkin funeral home to St. Bridget's Church
at 9 am. Rev. N.J. Neuberger celebrated the Requiem Mass and delivered an impressive
sermon. A firing squad was in attendance, also members of the American Legion. His body
was laid to rest in the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
GRACE HALL, daughter of Francelia Wykle and William Hall, was born January 16, 1894, and died April 14, 1963. She married Rolland R. Ensor December 24, 1917,
son of Thomas Ensor and Mary McAuliffe.
Newspaper article for Rolland R. Ensor:
Rolland R. Ensor; M.D., may consistently be said to have had an inherent predilection for the medical profession,
his father being one of the pioneer physicians and surgeons in South Omaha, Nebraska, and his paternal grandfather
having been a pioneer physician and surgeon in St. Charles County, Missouri. In the practice of his profession in
South Omaha, in the metropolitan district of his native state, Dr. Ensor is now associated with his father, Dr.
Thomas H. Ensor, to whom an individual tribute is accorded in the preceding sketch, so that further review of
his career and the family history is not here demanded.
Dr. Rolland R. Ensor was born in South Omaha, NE, November 17, 1892, and is the youngest in the family of
children. In the public schools he continued his studies until his graduation from the South Omaha High
School in 1910, and his higher academic education was obtained in Creighton University, Omaha, in the medical
department of which he was graduated as a member of the class of 1916. After receiving his degree Doctor of
Medicine he was engaged in the practice of his profession in the city of Detroit, Michigan, until 1922, save
for the period of his World war service as a member of the Medical Corps of the United States Army. In the
Medical Corps he gained the rank of first lieutenant, later was advanced to that of captain, and he now has
the grade of major in the Officers Reserve Corps of the United States Army, as has he also in the
Nebraska National Guard. The Doctor received his honorable discharge in due course, and he is now actively
affiliated with the American Legion. He is affiliated also with the Masonic Fraternity and the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks, his political alignment is with the Democratic party, and he has membership
in the Douglas County Medical Society and the Nebraska State Medical Society. Since 1922 he has been engaged
in the practice of his profession in his old home city of South Omaha.
Children of Grace Hall and Rolland Ensor are:
i. Eunice Neville Ensor.
ii. Grace Ensor. She married Frank Dimeo.
iii.Jane Elizabeth "Betty" Ensor. She married L. B. Adair.
JANE (JENNY) MARIE HALL, daughter of Francelia Wykle and William Hall, was born September 05, 1898 in Missouri
Valley, IA, and died February 12, 1975 in Omaha, NE. She married (1) Daniel HANNON, Jr in Omaha, NE, son of
Daniel Hannon and Margaret O'Neill. She married (2) Russell HOPPER. She married (3) John McKUNE. Jenny is
buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Omaha, NE, Section F - Block 2 - Row 2 - Lot 10 - Grave #2. The chidren
of Jane Hall and Daniel Hannon Jr. were Richard Lee Hannon, William Robert (Bill) Hannon, and James Daniel (Pat) Hannon.
Obit of Daniel Hannon, Jr.
Hannon, Daniel Jr. age 42 years. 74th and Douglas, Nov. 25, 1936. Survived by wife, Jane: 3 sons, William,
Daniel III, and Richard; his mother, Mrs. Margaret Hannon; 4 brothers, Emmett, Hugh and William, Omaha;
Matthias, Salt Lake City; sister, Mrs. W. J. Snyder, Louisville, NE.
Funeral services Saturday from the Larkin Funeral Home at 8:30 to St. Margaret Mary church at 9. Interment
Holy Sepulcher Cemetery. Funeral Services in charge of American Legion Post No. 1 at the grave.
Pall Bearers were San Bevins, John Tinsberg, Ernest Charnquist, Joseph Ryan.
ROGER HALL, son of Francelia Wykle and William Hall, was born August 13, 1907, and died February 1980.
He married Dorothy WHINNERY and had two children, Roger "Bud" Hall, Jr. and Sue Hall.
Obit of Roger Hall:
Hall - Roger W., Sr., age 73 years of Menasha, Wisc. 726 Lakecrest Dr., 54952, formerly of Omaha, graduate of
Central High, attended Cornell Univ; retired U.P. RR, Storekeeper, 1970, son of William Hall, member of pioneer
Douglas County family, died Feb 23, 1980 of extended heart condition; survived by wife Dorothy Whinnery hall of
Appleton, Wisc; daughter, Dr. Sue Ann Hall Hausserman, son-in-law, Dr. Robert Hausserman of Appleton, Wisc; son
and daughter-in-law, Roger and Judy Hall Jr. of Houston, Tex; grandsons, Andrew and Bradley Hall of Houston;
granddaughter, Christine Hausserman of Appleton, Wisc.
Private Services at Brentschneider Funeral Home at Appleton, Wisc, Mon Eve Feb 25, 1980. Memorials acceptable
to the Heart Fund.
2. viii. JOHN FRANKLIN WYKLE, b. July 18, 1868 at Galen, NY; d. April 30, 1944, Clifton Springs
Sanitarium. He married SARAH A. JORDAN. He was Francelia's twin.
"My mother found a scrap of paper with Francelia's handwriting on it which validates most
of my Wykle births and deaths. On it she gives her birthdate and JOHN's as July 18, 1868.
I had always heard a family rumor that they were twins. This is the only validation I have of this.
Obviously, he went by the name John F. Wykle, but as he and Francelia were twins, Franklin was probably his first name. "
Photo of John F. Wykle
Former Grocer Dies; Aged 75
John F. Wykle, 75 years old, was laid to rest in Rural Cemetery Tuesday afternoon
following funeral services conducted from the home in 21 Elmer Street at two o'clock, the
Rev. J. R. Carpenter, officiating.
He was born in the town of Galen but had lived most of his life in Lyons having been
employed by the New York Central, was in the retail grocery business for many years and
lately a foreman in the Lyons branch of the Geo. W. Haxon & Son, Inc.
He died in Clifton Springs sanitarium on Friday, April 30 where he was a pneumonia
He was a member of the Lyons Lodge B.P.O. Elks.
Surviving are a son, Leslie Wykle of Lyons; two grandsons, David of Lyons, Robert of
the United States Army; two great-grandsons; two brothers, Jay H. Wykle of Huntington
Park, Calif., A. H. Wykle of Clyde; two sisters, Mrs. F. Hall of Omaha, Neb., and Mrs.
Rogers of Elkhorn, Neb.
Another obit:
Lyons - Funeral services for John F. Wykle, 75, who died in Clifton Springs Sanitarium Friday after a brief
illness which culminated in pneumonia, will be conducted by Rev. J. Russell Carpenter of the Methodist Episcopal
Church at 2 P.M. tomorrow at the late home, 21 Elmer St. Burial will be in Rural Cemetery.
Although born in the Town of Galen, Mr. Wykle had lived most of his life in Lyons where he was for many years
with the New York Central, then in the retail grocery business for 25 years and lastly foreman in the Lyons
branch of George W. Haxton & Son Inc. He was a member of Lyons Lodge of Elks.
Survivors are a son, Leslie Wykle of Lyons and Palmyra; two sisters, Mrs. Francelia Hall of Omaha, NE, and
Mrs. Joseph Rogers of Elkhorn, NE; two brothers, Jay H. Wykle, long of Lyons, now of California, and
Alexander Wykle of Clyde. Mrs. Katherine Wykle, who gained much publicity as the only woman mayor in
the country when she was twice elected, is a sister-in-law. David Wykle of Lyons and Robert Wykle also
of Lyons, now with an air corps training outfit stationed near Washington, D.C., are grandsons. There are
also two great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Sarah Wykle nee Jordan
Mrs. Sarah A. Wykle, wife of John H. Wykle of Lyons died at the family home on
Wednesday after a long illness. Mrs. Wykle was 66 years and had a wide circle of friends
in the community.
She is survived by her husband, one son, Leslie Wykle of Lyons, three sisters, Mrs. B.
J. Farman, Lyons; Mrs. Sherman Madigan and Mrs. Emma Kane of Galen; five brothers, William
T. Jordan and James Jordan of Galen, Ransom Jordan of Savannah; Louis Jordan of Rochester
and Esmond Jordan of Arcadia, also two grand children. The funeral will take place
Saturday at 3:30 P. M. and will be private. Burial will be in Rural Cemetery.
3. i. LESLIE D. 3 WYKLE, March 08, 1892 in Lyons,
Wayne Co., NY; died October 15, 1957 in Lyons, Wayne Co., NY. He married (1) MARGARET E. MEYERS and (2) HAZEL NILES.
Leslis and Margaret had 2 sons, David J. Wykle and Robert J. Wykle.
Obit of Leslie D. Wykle:
Leslie D. Wykle, retired garlock foreman, dies.
Leslie D. Wykle, 65 years old, of 21 Elmer Street, retired foreman at the Garlock Packing Co., in Palmyra,
and one time grocer in Lyons, died Tuesday in the Barber Hospital.
He was in failing health but his hospitalization followed a fractured skull sustained in a fall in his home.
Mr. Wykle was born in Lyons March 8, 1892, son of John F. and Sarah Jordan Wykle. He was a lifelong resident
of the village.
He is survived by his wife, Hazel Niles Wykle; two sons, David of Syracuse and Robert of Lyons; and three
Funeral services will be held at the Boeheim Funeral Home, 77 William St. at 2:30 P.M. Thursday, with the
Rev. Walter Hobkirk, pastor of the Park Presbyterian Church, Newark, officiating. Burial will be in Rural Cemetery.
ELI R. ROGERS, brother of James B. Robers, was b. December 1, 1839, Galen, N.Y.; d. January 12, 1917, Alma,
Aged Civil War Veteran Answers Last Roll Call--Old
Eli R. Rogers passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Grow, last Friday,
following an illness of two years. The past few years had been spent in Alma where he had
resided with his daughter, and during that time he had made many warm friends.
The funeral services were held in the home, Sunday, Rev. Ault, pastor of theChurch of
Christ, officiating. The remains were taken to Greenville, where interment was made in
Forest Home cemetery. Eli R. Rogers was born December 1, 1839, in the town of Galen,
Wayne county, N. Y., and died January 12, 1917, at the age of 77 years, one month and 11
days. He spent the early part of his life in the town where he was born.
At the age of 22 years he enlisted in the Civil war, in Company D, 8th N. Y. Cavalry
and served three years. In 1866 he was married to Mary Macomber. He is survived by one
sister, Eliza S. Deuel, of Winter Haven, Florida, and two brothers, James B., of Omaha,
Nebraska, Jacob L., of Greenville, also two daughters, Mrs. F. B. Serven, of Border City,
New York, and Mrs. C. M. Grow, of this city.
Wallace H. Weed, b. August 31, 1858; d. March 30, 1920.
Family friend of the
Rogers or Wykles
Wallace H. Weed, a former well known farmer of this town, died at the home of his
brother, Dr. Harry Weed at 196 Linwood Avenue, Buffalo, on Tuesday, March 30,
Mr. Weed was born in Galen August 31, 1858, and with the exception of a few years
spent in the west, spent his entire life here. He was a well read man and in his chosen
occupation of farming, was progressive and prosperous. Of late he has been in failing
health and since the deaths of his wife and daughter, which occurred but recently, he has
made his home with the brother above named. Besides his brother he is survived by one
sister, Mrs. William Baker, also of Buffalo. The remains were brought to Clyde today and
burial was made in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Submitted by: Kathleen Simmons
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