NOTE: this introduction was written in late 2000.

As regular site visitors know, the original 1840 census transcription project fizzled out and is on hold due to the variable and mainly bad condition of the microfilm. Meanwhile, and not to be stymied, we're going ahead with putting up "census partials". These consist of isolated readings or whole pages from miscellaneous censuses. Contributions have already come in from several researchers.

Format varies depending on a given year's categories and how the contributor typed them up. Some contributors were able to add page and roll numbers. Census year and town is a must and we'd like to have page number and roll number if you took that down (to assist other researchers). If you'd like to type up census fragments or full sheets you have at home (someone else's relatives may be on your family's sheet), first contact _______ to discuss typing format and file type.

Many thanks to researcher Susan (Sue) Gates Davis for her contribution of a fine batch of census partials (spanning 1850-1910). Notes in parentheses are Sue's. Many immigrants came to Wayne County directly from Holland in the mid 19th century. Be sure and visit Sue's own genealogy page, Gates-Nichols Genealogy.

1850 Census
Williamson, Wayne Co, New York
(last name should be DeCan)

Abram DeKAM 30 Holland
Susan 22 Holland
Jacob 1 New York

1850 Census
Williamson, Wayne Co, New York

Philip BIRZANE 30 Holland Laborer
Maria 28 Holland
Hannah 4/12 Holland
Philip 65 Holland

1860 Census
Williamson, Wayne Co, New York
Pg 16, line 29
(last name should be DeCan)

Abram LaCan 47 M Holland Day Labor
Susan 34 F Holland
Phillip 11 M NY
John 9 M NY
Abram 7 M NY
Isaac 6 M NY
Cornelius 5 M NY
David 1 M NY

1870 Census
Williamson, Wayne Co, New York
Page 9, Line 6
11 July 1870 P.O. Pultneyville

VanEmryck, Henry 51 Holland Farmer
  Maria 49 Holland Keeping house
Benzine, Janne? 19 New York Carpenter
  Phillip 17 New York Carpenter
VanEmryck, John 16 New York Farm Labor
  Henry 13 New York Farm Labor
  Abram 10 New York At School
  Maria 12 New York At School

1900 Census
Williamson, Wayne Co, New York
Vol 253, ED 129, Sht 20, Line 50

James BERZINE Mar 1852 48 26 mar NY HOL HOL funeral director
Jane wife Nov 1854 45 26 mar 4-3 HOL HOL HOL
Minnie dau Jun 1878 21 S NY NY HOL
Lucile dau Sep 1880 19 S NY NY HOL
Mable dau Sep 1884 15 S NY NY HOL
Jacob MARTIN servant July 1881 18 S NY HOL HOL

1900 Census
Wiliamson, Wayne Co, New York
Vol 253, ED 129, Sht 10, Line 40

Philip BERZINE Oct 1852 47 24 mar NY Hol Hol farmer
Mary wife Nov 1853 46 24 3-3 NY Hol Hol
Jolee? dau Jan 1897 14 S NY NY NY
James son Aug 1889 10 S NY NY NY

1910 Census
Williamson, Wayne, NY
E.D. 165, Page 13

James C. BERZINE 59 wd NY HOL HOL Merchant furniture
Daniel GIBEL son-in-law 33 md-6 yrs NY NY HOL
Minnie GIBEL daughter 32 1-1 NY NY NY
Marina? grand-dau 3 NY NY NY

Another contribution of listings from the 1850 and 1860 Wayne County Census were donated by researcher Steve Palmer. Steve also sent in selections from the 1870 census (below).

1850 New York Wayne County Census
State: New York
County: Wayne
Town/Township: Butler

Page 30, Dwelling # 311
William P. Bunce 60 M W Farmer Val Real Est 1200 NY
Sylvia 58 F W NY
Julia 25 F W NY
Amanda S 23 F W NY
Mary 19 F W NY
Charles Irish 6 M W Ohio

Page 30, Dwelling #312
Wm. H. Palmer 33 M W Farmer Val Real Est 1500 NY
Betsey 31 F W Conn
George G. 7 M W NY
Benson C. Smith 13 M W NY

Page 30, Dwelling #313
Hiram Sears 32 M W Wagon hauler Val Real Est 250 NY
Clara? 28 F W NY
Caroline C. 7 F W NY

Page 30, Dwelling #314
Michael Mead 76 M W Farmer Val Real Est 1400 NY
Continued Page 31
Betsey 65 F W NY
? 30 M W Farmer NY
? 25 F W NY
Dwight 7 M W NY

1860 New York Wayne County Census
State: New York
County: Wayne
Town/Township: Butler
Page 95

Dwelling # 777, Family # 758
Wm. H. Palmer 43 M W Farmer Val. Real Est. 5000 Val. Pers. Est. 944 NY
Betsey 41 F W Conn
George 17 M W NY
Mary 8 F W NY

Dwelling # 778 Family #759
Porter Crane 30 M W Farmer Val. Real Est. 2800 Val. Pers. Est. 600 NY
Rebecca 28 F W NY
Ida 4 F W NY

Dwelling # 779 Family #760
Wm. Pritchard 50 M W Farmer Val. Real Est. 3500 Val. Pers. Est.1500 NY
Lydia 52 F W NY
Edward 22 M W NY
Chester 20 M W NY
John 16 M W NY
?meging 10 F W NY

The latest contribution of listings, enhancing the growing collection of Ferris Family Treasures, comes from researcher Larry Ferris!


Savannah Village
Wayne Co., NY
June 1, 1900

FERRIS, Nelson Head b. Jun 1855 age 45 Years married 22 b. NY Father b. NY Mother b. NY
Ferris, Ida Wife b. Jun 1858 age 42 Years married 22 b. NY Father b. NY Mother b. NY
Ferris, Washington son b. May 1878 age 22 b. NY
Ferris, Maud dau b. Mar 1880 age 20 b. NY
Ferris, Bertha dau b. Feb 1882 age 18 b. NY
Ferris, Waverly son b. May 1885 age 15 b. NY
Ferris, Wellington son b. May 1889 age 11 b. NY
Ferris, Lula dau b. Mar 1892 age 8 b. NY
Ferris, Hurley son b. July 1893 age 6 b. NY
Ferris, Marie dau b. Apr 1896 age 4 b. NY
Ferris, Harry son b. Oct 1897 age 2 b. NY
Ferris, Paul son b. July 1899 age 10/12 mo. b. NY


Town of Savannah
Wayne Co., NY

DAVIS, John b. July 1835 age 64 Married 40 yrs Mich. Father b. MA Mother b. NY
Dolly J. b. Dec 1842 age 57 9 child/Mar 40yr NY
Nillir (can't make out) b. Mar 1877 age 23
Gertrude b. Jun 1884 age 16
John, Jr b. Dec 1885 age 14
Ferris, Elizabeth b. Jun 1830 age 69 Mother-in-law


Town of Savannah
Wayne Co., NY
Sept. 20, 1850

Dwelling #260
FERRIS, Leonard age 62 b. NY Farmer
Elizabeth age 62 b. Ireland
Wm age 41 b. NY
John age 24 b. NY boatman
Emily age 19 b. NY

Dwelling #261
FERRIS, Joseph age 43 b. NY Farmer
Lucretia age 39 b. NY
Washinton age 21 b. NY
Caleb age 20 b. NY
Julia age 18 b. NY
Sarah age 16 b. NY
Dolly age 7 b. NY
Daniel O. age 6 b. NY
Margaret age 4 b. NY
Joseph age 2 b. NY


Town of Savannah
Wayne Co., NY
July 6, 1860

Dwelling #297
FERRIS, Joseph age 52 b. NY
Lucretia age 48 b. NY
Caleb H. age 30 b. NY
Dolly J. age 17 b. NY
Daniel age 15 b. NY
Nelson age 5 b. NY

Dwelling #298
FERRIS, Washington age 31 b. NY Farmer
Cordelia (can't make out) age 27 b. NY
Lucretia age 8 b. NY
Nathaniel age 6 b. NY
Joseph age 5 b. NY
Rhnca (can't make out) age 3 b. NY
Jonas age 1/12 Mo. b. NY

Dwelling #299
FERRIS, Leonard age 92 b. NY
Elizabeth age 72 b. Ireland
William age 52 b. NY Butcher Blind

Dwelling #300
FERRIS, Anna age 51 b. NY
Herman (can't make out) age 19 b. NY
Charles age 16 b. NY
Phebe Ann age 14 b. NY

Dwelling #305
BETTS, Rial age 56 b. NY Shoemaker
Margaret age 40 b. NY
Leanda (can't make out) age 29 b. NY
Rial P. age 15 b. NY
Cindarilla (can't make out) age 14 b.NY
Betsey J. age 12 b. NY
Clarry Ann (can't make out) age 11 b.NY
Leonard W. age 9 b. NY
Dallas A. age 6 b. NY
Louisa age 4 b. NY
Joseph age 2 b. NY
Mary age 1/12 Mo. b. NY


Town of Butler
Wayne Co., NY
July 6, 1860

Dwelling #175
FERRIS, Benjamin age 26
Susan age 24
William age 2/12 Mo.

Dwelling #538
FERRIS, Henry age 24 b. NY
Helen age 28 b. NY


Town of Galen
Wayne Co., NY

Dwelling #250
FERRIS, Jacob age 27 Lawyer
Lousia age 28
Lydia age 9
Henry age 6
Alinia ( can't make out) age 4
Mary age 2

The following run of families from pages 28 and 29 of the 1870 Federal Census were contributed by Steve Palmer. Steve's original formatting was beautifully set up, in Word .doc format. To attempt to duplicate it exactly with HTML was time-consuming so it's presented in plain listed format.

1870 New York Wayne County Census

State: New York
County: Wayne
Town/Township: Butler

Page  Dwelling number   Family number  Names  Age  Sex   Color   Occupation, etc  Value Real estate   Value Personal estate   Birthplace

Page 28

246  257   Bunce, William A. 54 M W Farmer 5200 1200 NY
Nancy 51 F W Keeping House NY
Silence 17 F W At home NY
Adell 15 F W At home NY
Menzo J 14 M W Farm laborer NY

247   258   Castor, Willard 36 M W Carpenter ---- ---- NY
Clara C 27 F W Keeping house NY
Caroline 15 F W At home NY
Eddie G. 1 M W NY

248   259   Palmer, William 53 M W Farmer 4500 1250 NY
Betsey 51 F W Keeping house Conn
George G. 27 M W Farm laborer 3500 NY

Page 29

248   259   Palmer, Mary A 18 F W At home NY

249   260   Crane, Porter 39 M W Farmer 4500 1100 NY
Rebecca 38 F W Keeping house NY
Ida 14 F W At home NY
Irving 5 M W NY

250   261   Sherman, Levi 54 M W Farm laborer 300 Mass
Ann E. 47 F W Keeping house NY
Cynthia 13 F W At home NY
Milan 11 M W At home NY
Nancy 7 F W At home NY

Contributed by Suzy Losey Frederick

1840 Census, Arcadia Twp, Wayne Co, NY

LOSEY, Martin age 40-50
Female age 30-40
Female age 15-20
Male age 15-20
*Male age 15-20
Female age 5-10
Female age 0-5
Male age 0-5
Female age 0-5

1850 Census, Arcadia Twp, Wayne Co., NY

LOSEY, Martin age 48 b. NY Farmer
Polly age 44 b. NY
Aurilla age 27 b. NY
Chauncy age 25 b. NY
* Marvin age 22 b. NY Farmer
Catherine age 19 b. NY
Hellon age 16 b. NY
Anson age 14 b. NY
Hannah age 12 b. NY
Orson age 8 b. NY
Emerson age 4 b. NY
Cornelia Storer age 18 b. NY wife of Marvin

"* denotes line I am tracing. I have much of this family's history from 1850 to present." Suzy Losey Frederick

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Created: 7/25/99
Updated: 11/29/00
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 M. Magill/ Marge Sherman Lutzvick/ Allyn Hess Perry/ Suzy Losey Frederick/ Steve Palmer/ Larry Ferris / Leola Sutton
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Wayne County NYGenWeb