1870 U.S. CENSUS
Town of Williamson
Wayne County, NY
Part 11, Pages 51 - 55
Page 51 [number 0490 along right side of microfilm]
Inhabitants in Williamson in the County of Wayne, State of New York, enumerated by me on the 21st day of July, 1870.
Post Office: Williamson C. P. Patterson, Ass't Marshal
TODD, Augusta P., 8, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
TODD, Fred E., 5, M, W at school, ___, ___, New York
TODD Arthur, 5/12, M, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, born in December
CARTER, Ellen, 15, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
BRITTON, Jane, 71, F, W, keeping house, $1200, $500, New York, parents of foreign birth
PALLISTER, Catherine, 75, F, W, retired, ___, ___, New Jersey, parents of foreign birth
[Jane BRITTON, d. 1876, is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Pultneyville, with her husband Thomas. There are a number of Pallisters in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
REED, John L., 35, M, W, proprietor of hotel, $5000, $1000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
REED, Rosa, 33, F, W, keeping house, ___, New York
REED, Emma, 10, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
DECKER, Frank, 15, M, W, hostler, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
ZIMMERMAN, Milly, 20, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth
FAHNSTOCK/ JAHNSTOCK (?), Louisa, 25, F, W, music teacher, ___, ___, New York
SCHUYLER, John, 36, M, W, painter, ___, $4000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[A John REED is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
THOMPSON, John H., 34, M, W, works in meat market, $600, $300, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
THOMPSON, Lucinda, 32, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
THOMPSON, William, 11, M, W, at school, ___, ___, Canada, attended school in last year
THOMPSON, James, 9, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
THOMPSON, George, 8, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
THOMPSON, Howard, 6, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
THOMPSON, Jennie, 5, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
THOMPSON, Barlow, 3, M, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
[John H., Lucinda J., William Robert, Howard W. and Barlow B. THOMPSON are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
McMICHAEL, Mary, 55, F, W, keeping house, $1000, $300, Ireland, parents of foreign birth
[Mary McMICHAEL is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson as a farmer w/3 acres. The July 1869 issue of the Pultneyville Commercial Press notes that she's selling her small lot and house.]
AUSTIN, Alexander G., 47, M, W, physician, $10,000, $5000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
AUSTIN, Ersola, 34, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Pennsylvania
BRUZEE, Spencer, 45, M, W, farm laborer, $1200, $500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
LAMBRIGHT, Cornelia, 22, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, parents of foreign birth
[Alex. G. AUSTIN, a homeopathic physician, is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. A.C.
AUSTIN, M.D. b. 1823, buried in the Pleasant View Cemetery, is probably the same person. "Ersola"
probably means "Ursula". A Cornelia LAMBRIGHT, 1850-1935, is buried in Lakeview Cemetery.]
POTTER, John A., 28, M, W, farm laborer, ___, $2000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
POTTER, Hyla, 23, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
[Several Potters are listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
HINOLF, James M., 35, M, dry goods merchant, $3000, $4000, Holland, parents of foreign birth, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
HINOLF, Mary M., 35, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
HINOLF, Lillie G., 6, F, W, at school, ___, __, New York, attended school in last year
PLASKI, Jennie, 22, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth
HUTCH, Sylva A., 69, F, W, retired, ___, $2000, Vermont
TUFTS, Elam J., 28, M, W, clerk in store, ___, $1000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[James M. HINOLF, of Hinolf & Roe, general merchant, is listed in the 1867 Directory
of Williamson. James M. HINOLF, 1835-1906, and a different wife, Jennie P. 1845-1924,
are buried in Lakeview Cemetery. See household 489/491 for Lucinda PALASKI.]
SEELEY, Derostus, 50, M, W, farm laborer, $2000, $7000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
SEELEY, Janette, 35, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
SEELEY, Adelaide, 2, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
SEELEY, Olive, 75, F, W, retired, ___, $1800, New York
[Derostur SEELY is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Olive SEELY, d. 1887, is listed with her husband Joseph, d. 1868, in Pleasant View Cemetery.
Derostus CLARK and wife Jeanette are also buried in Pleasant View Cemetery. Derostus' first wife, Celana, d. 1865, is buried elsewhere in the cemetery.]
STARK, John, 46, M, W, shoemaker, $1000, $1000, Holland, parents of foreign birth, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
STARK, Hannah, 45, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
[Note: end of page. Stark family continued on next page.]
Page 52 [number 0491 along right side of microfilm]
Inhabitants in Williamson in the County of Wayne, State of New York, enumerated by me on the 21st day of July, 1870.
Post Office: Williamson C. P. Patterson, Ass't Marshal
STARKS, Lovina, 14, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
STARKS, John, 11, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
STARKS, Abram, 6, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
[Note: on the preceding page the surname is spelled STARK.]
BENNETT, Myron H., 50, M, W, farmer, $9500, $2200, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
BENNETT, Mary E., 47, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
BENNETT, A. Mary, 14, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
BENNETT, Willis M., 13, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
STARKS, James, 21, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[Myron H. BENNETT is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Myron H. BENNETT, wife Mary E., and daughters Ellen M., d. 1858, and Julia A., d. 1863, are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
SPRAGUE, Lathrop S., 50, M, W, physician, $18,700, $5000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
SPRAGUE, Mary, 43, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
SPRAGUE, John A., 16, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
SPRAGUE, Ellen J., 12, F, W, at home, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
[Lathrop S. SPRAGUE, allopathic physician and farmer, is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. The obituary of his son, Dr. John A. Sprague, appears on this site in The Olde Scrapbook, Part 4, as does mention of Dr. Lathrop S. being ill.]
BRADLEY, Lewis, 65, M, W, retired farmer, ___, $4500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
BRADLEY, Mary, 60, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
BRUZEE, Maria M., 45, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
BRUZEE, William, 19, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York
BRUZEE, Jennie, 11, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
FOSDICK, Andrew J., 27, M, W, teamster, $1000, $600, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
FOSDICK, Jane, 24, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
FOSDICK, Adella, 3, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
FOSDICK, William, 1, M, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
[An Andrew FOSDICK is listed on p. 187 of W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, N.Y." (1877)]
TINKLEPAUGH, John, 58, M, W, retired farmer, $3000, $1000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
SMITH, Kate, 31, F, W, house keeper, ___, ___, New York
TINKLEPAUGH, Eli, 50, M, W, farm laborer, ___, $1500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
WRIGHT, Sylvanus M., 67, M, W, farmer, $2000, $4000, Massachusetts, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
WRIGHT, Nancy, 60, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
[Sylvanus M. WRIGHT is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Sylvanus M. WRIGHT and wife Nancy are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
CAREY, Mary, 55, F, W, keeping house, ___, $300, Canada, parents of foreign birth
CAREY, Jennie, 12, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
[Mary is possibly a widow. An Elliot A. CAREY, farmer, is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
MERRICK, Sophia, 80, F, W, keeping house, $1200, $500, Massachusetts
MERRICK, Viorna J., 50, F, W, at home, ___, ___, Vermont
LEWIS, Charles C., 43, M, W, huckster, $750, $1200, New Jersey, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
LEWIS, Rhoda, 43, F, W, keeping house, ___, $300, New York
LEWIS, Rose, 22, F, W, milliner, ___, ___, New York
LEWIS, James W., 20, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York
LEWIS, Charles, 13, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
LEWIS, Merton, 8, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
LEWIS, Hermon, 6, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
TUCKER, Nellie, 20, F, W, milliner, ___, ___, New York
[The 1898 Switzer/Kenyon Land Indenture references Sophia MERRICK, Nancy WRIGHT (2 listings above) and Mrs. John TINKLEPAUGH family (3 listings above).]
SWEET, Jared, 30, M, W, farm laborer, ___, $500, New York
SWEET, Celinda, 27, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
[Note: end of page.]
Page 53 [number 0492 along right side of microfilm]
Inhabitants in Williamson in the County of Wayne, State of New York, enumerated by me on the 21st day of July, 1870.
Post Office: Williamson C. P. Patterson, Ass't Marshal
PARKHILL, Mary M., 57, F, W, keeping house, $1200, $500, New York
PARKHILL, Reva/ Rexa(?), 31, F, W, ___, ___, New York
PARKHILL, Mary E., 20, F, W, teacher, ___, ___, New York
[Mary M. Parkhill is possibly a widow. Probably related to Eugene PARKHILL, farmer, listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
AUSTIN, Pasqua, 69, M, W, retired farmer, $10,500, $2500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
AUSTIN, Margaret, 68, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
AUSTIN, James P., 33, M, W, dentist, ___, $200, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[Pasqua AUSTIN is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Pasqua AUSTIN, his wife Margaret DAVIS, and son James P. (d. 1875) are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
JOHNSON, John, 37, M, W, farmer, $5000, $2500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
JOHNSON, Mary J., 28, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
JOHNSON, Adelbert, 7, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
{John JOHNSON is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
COOPER, John, 59, M, W, retired farmer, $1500, $1000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
COOPER, Lydia, 54, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
COOPER, William, 33, M, W, stone mason, ___, $500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
COOPER, Mary, 32, F, W, at home, ___, ___, New York
COOPER, George, 3, M, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
COOPER, Gail H., 1 1/2, M, W, ___, ___, New York, born in May
COOPER, Lewis E., 32, M, W, daguerrean, ___, $500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[Ezekiel L. COOPER, photograph artist, is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
RICHARDS, Charles G., 61, M, W, lawyer, $1200, $4000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
RICHARDS, Elizabeth, 51, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
[Chas. C. RICHARDS, d. 1873, and wife A. Elizabeth are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
WAKELY, Alfred, 38, M, W, carpenter, $2000, $1000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
WAKELY, Laura, 36, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
WAKELY, William, 12, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
WAKELY, Dora, 6/12, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, born in November
BUERMAN, Elizabeth, 15, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
[Elizabeth might be related to the many Buermans buried in East Williamson Cemetery. The February 1868 issue of Pultneyville's The Commercial Press notes
that a teacher had to pay $35 to Alfred for choking his son in school. The son might be William.
Alfred Wakely is listed on pages 52, 193 and 216 in W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, N.Y." (1877)
The December 1861 issue of The Commercial Press states that Captain Wakely belongs to the "Wayne county regiment."]
POPPINO, Samuel S., 66, M, W, farmer, $10,000, $1500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
POPPINO, Rosamer, 60, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Vermont
[Samuel S. POPPINO is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Election results in the April 1864 issue of The Commercial Press show Mr. Poppino's loss in the election for justice of the peace. The May 1865 issue states that he was a signal officer in the local procession marking Abraham Lincoln's funeral.]
NASH, Horace P., 32, M, W, farmer, $8500, $1500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
NASH, Melissa, 30, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
NASH, Jennie, 4, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
[Horace B. NASH, d. 1874, is buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
TASSEL, Lewis, 51, M, W, farmer, $14,000, $3000, England, parents of foreign birth, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
TASSEL, Harriet, 50, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, England, parents of foreign birth
TASSEL, Orlando, 20, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
TASSEL, Frank, 18, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
TASSEL, Bell, 15, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
[Lewis TASSELL is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Orlando and Frank W. TASSELL are buried in Sunnyside Cemetery.]
CLARK, Rodney, 77, M, W, retired farmer, $6300, $500, Connecticut, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
CLARK, Elizabeth, 77, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Connecticut
CLARK, Alexander A., 41, M, W, farmer, $2300, $1500, Connecticut, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
CLARK, Fatina(?), 41, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
CLARK, William, 10, M, W, at school, ___, ___, Wisconsin, attended school in last year
DEBOIS, Isaac, 16, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
KERN / KEEN (?), Hattie, 20, F, W, domestic servant, New York
[Rodney CLARK is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. Rodney CLARK, d. 1874, and wife Elizabeth, d. 1875, are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery.]
[Note: end of page. Household continued on next page.]
Page 54 [number 0493 along right side of microfilm]
Inhabitants in Williamson in the County of Wayne, State of New York, enumerated by me on the 21st day of July, 1870.
Post Office: Williamson C. P. Patterson, Ass't Marshal
KEEN, Ida May, 2, F, W, ___, ___,
COVA / CORA (?), Garrett, 42, M, W, huckster, ___, $200, Holland, parents of foreign birth, BLIND, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
COVA, Mary, 41, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
COVA, John, 11, M, W, at home, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
COVA, Mary, 9, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
COVA, Kate, 7, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
COVA, James, 3, M, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
COVA, Jennie, 1, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth
VAN HOLDEN, John, 42, M, W, farmer, $4200, $1600, Holland, parents of foreign birth, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
VAN HOLDEN, Janetka, 53, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot write
VAN HOLDEN, John, 13, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
VAN HOLDEN, Jacob, 12, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
VAN HOLDEN, William, 8, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
WILDER, Brutus, 41, M, W, farmer, $9100, $3000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
WILDER, Lucy, 40, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
WILDER, Frank, 19, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
WILDER, Fred, 17, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
WILDER, Eva, 16, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
WILDER, John, 12, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
WILDER, May, 6, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
[Brutus WILDER is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson, and on pp. 191-192 of W.H. McIntosh's "History of Wayne County, N.Y." (1877) Mr. Wilder, d. 1907, wife Lucy, d. 1917, and sons Frank S. and Fred are buried in Sunnyside Cemetery, Williamson.]
455/ No entry. Possibly empty house.
MACY, Mathew B., 57, M, W, farmer, $1500, $1000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
MACY, Margaret, 56, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
MACY, Mary, 17, F, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
MACY, Charles, 13, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
[Matthew B. MACY is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
ROYS, Melinda, 41, F, W, keeping house, $600, $500, New York
ROYS, Isabell, 16, F, W, at home, ___, ___, New York
ROYS, Clarence, 7, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
PEDDY, John, 46, M, W, farmer, ___, $1500, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
PEDDY, Susan, 37, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
PEDDY, William, 15, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
PEDDY, Mary, 12, F, W, at school, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
PEDDY, Isaac, 10, M, W, at school, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
PEDDY, Emma, 4, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth
MAHEE, Isaac, 44, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
[Isaac's surname might be MAHIEU.]
STARR, Thomas, 50, M, W, farmer, $5000, $2000, England, parents of foreign birth, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
STARR, Jane, 43, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, England, parents of foreign birth, cannot write
STARR, John, 18, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, England, parents of foreign birth
STARR, William, 13, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth
STARR, James, 10, M, W, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth
[Note: end of page. Starr family continued on next page.]
Page 55 [number 0494 along right side of microfilm]
Inhabitants in Williamson in the County of Wayne, State of New York, enumerated by me on the 21st day of July, 1870.
Post Office: Williamson C. P. Patterson, Ass't Marshal
STARR, Henry, M, W, 8, at school, ___, ___, New York, parents' birthplace not noted by census taker
FRIDOE (?), Myron, 30, M, W, cooper, $500, $500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
FRIDOE, Anna, 30, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
FRIDOE, William, 3, M, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
EDDY, Norman S., 54, M, W, farmer, $12,000 $3500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
EDDY, Eliza N., 48, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
EDDY, William, 19, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, attended school in last year
EDDY, Anna M., 2, F, W, ___, ___, ___, New York
ROSSEAU, Lucina, 26, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth
[Norman Stuart EDDY and wife Eliza A. are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery. The censustaker might have heard "Eliza Ann"
as "Eliza N."]
COLWORTH, John, 28, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth
COLWORTH, Sarah, 28, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
COLWORTH, Isaac, 5, M, W, ___, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth
COLWORTH, Janette, 3, F, W, ___, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth
COLWORTH, Lucina, 2, F, W, ___ ___, ___, New York, parents of foreign birth
COLWORTH, Maria, 1/12, F, W, ___ ___, ___, birthplace not stated, parents of foreign birth, born in May
[Probably related to Isaac COLWORTH, age 36, b. Holland, listed in household 26/26, p. 4 of this census.]
GARDNER, Charles B., 70, M, W, farmer, $3500, $1600, Massachusetts, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
GARDNER, Avis M., 62, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
WATERBURY, Frank, 32, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
WATERBURY, Emiline, 31, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
[Chas. B. GARDNER is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
EDDY, Melville M., 26, M, W, farmer, ___, $2000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
EDDY, Lucy, 22, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
[Several EDDY's are listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
GALLAGIN, Abram, 36, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
GALLAGIN, Janette, 30, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth, cannot read, cannot write
GALLAGIN, Isaac, 5, M, W, ___, ___, ___, Holland, parents of foreign birth
466/ No entry. Possibly empty house.
467/ No entry. Possibly empty house.
HARDING, James, 25, M, W, farmer, ___, $2500, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
HARDING, Sarah, 23, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Pennsylvania
LEMON / LERMON, William, 15, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Canada, parents of foreign birth, attended school in last year
VAUGHN, Emma, 25, F, W, domestic servant, ___, ___, Pennsylvania
469/ No entry. Possibly empty house.
TETOR, Morris, 60, M, W, farmer, $2000, $800, Massachusetts, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
TETOR, Sophia, 50, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, Ohio
TETOR, Morell, 22, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, Michigan, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
BURDING, Eliza, 61, F, W, keeping house, $1000, $500, England, parents of foreign birth
BURDING, William, 26, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, England, parents of foreign birth, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[Possibly a widow. A Thomas BURDEN is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson.]
EDDY, Cyrenus C., 51, M, W, farmer, $34,000, $6000, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
EDDY, Cornelia, 44, F, W, keeping house, ___, ___, New York
EDDY, Levi C., 23, M, W, farm laborer, ___, ___, New York, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
EDDY, Levi, 75, M, W, retired farmer, ___, ___, Vermont, male citizen of U.S. over age 21
[Cyrenus EDDY is listed in the 1867 Directory of Williamson. The 50th Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrenius EDDY is listed in the index to the Marion, NY Vital Records Scrapbook 1888 - 1892 (located at the Office of the County Historian).
[Note: end of page. Household continued on next page.]
Continue on to Part 12
If you need more immediate access to see who else lived in the Town of Williamson for this census year, a search of their own
transcription can be ordered from the Office of the County Historian in Lyons, or census film can be rented from a Mormon Family History Center.
Censustaker C.P. Patterson's penmanship was neater and more legible than most, a pleasure to transcribe. However, several surnames were difficult to make out. If someone's
name is totally off-base or misinterpreted, or a number was read wrong, please contact the site coordinators with the correction. It's advisable to
take all online census transcriptions as a starting point and view the original census microfilm yourself.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: although the facts are public record, this original transcription/interpretation of the 1870 Federal Census of the
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The site coordinators have no information about individuals or families listed. We thank you in
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Created: 12/17/04
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