Town of Macedon, NY

Wayneport Cemetery

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

2005 Driving Directions - Take Quaker Road west from Macedon, then Left onto Wayneport Rd. Cemetery is on the Right hand side 1/10 mile.

This little cemetery is located in the Town of Macedon, County of Wayne, State of New York. It is one half mile north of Wayneport and one half mile east of the Wayne-Monroe County line. It is just south of Budlong Road and on the west side of Wayne County Road No. 136, which connects New York State Route 31 with Budlong Road. Budlong Road continues east as Quaker Road in the town of Macedon.

The land for this old cemetery was given by a deed dated May 16, 1833 to the following trustees: Legrand Couch, William Barager and Bennett Joy who paid $12.50 to the former owners, Caleb Lemmon and wife of Logan, Michigan Territory. It contains one half acre of land. At that time Wayneport was known as Barager's Basin and was later given the name of Wayneport because it was the first port in Wayne County on the Erie Canal. The deed to this old cemetery was never recorded and on that account fails to receive the care other cemeteries receive in accordance with a law provided for such purpose. The deed was in recent years shown to Mr. Charles Noble, Clerk of the County of Wayne at Lyons, New York with the request that it be recorded as the cemetery would receive care in accordance with the law, but he handed back the deed and said that at the time too much red tape would have to be cut to make it possible to record it. The only care it has is given it by survivors of the occupants of the plot.

An unrecorded number who died during an epidemic that occurred before the completion of the improved Erie Canal in 1846 were buried here in unmarked graves. There are 91 burial plots, many occupied but without markers. The family lots bearing markers are of the following families: Baker, Barrager, Blaker, Briggs, Buck, Chapman, Couch, Deland, Eddy, Ewers, Hare, Harp, Hunter, Isaacs, Jennings, Joy, McLeod, Nash, Pawlish, Peters, Shufelt, Tice, VanCamp, White, Blackmon.

A Civil War soldier named Isler was buried here in an unmarked grave. One Peters, a Civil War veteran, was also buried in an unmarked grave. There were never any others buried here who served in the Army or Navy.

BAKER Thomas Oct. 30, 1848, 65y 2m 19d PHOTO
BAKER Emeline R. wife of Warner May 1, 1839 PHOTO
BARAGER William Sep. 10, 1831, 41y PHOTO
BLACKMON Philetus born Conn. Aug. 8, 1785-June 30, 1870, 84y PHOTO
BLACKMON Nancy PERIN wife & dau of Jesse PERIN, born Adams, Mass. Aug. 28, 1783-May 12, 1877 PHOTO
BRIGGS Jeremiah Feb. 23, 1871, 88y PHOTO
BRIGGS Margaret WHITE wife Mar. 20, 1866, 80y PHOTO
BUCK Paulina Nov. 14, 1830, 41y "by her son Lyman Buck Sr." - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
COUCH Eli May 6, 1832, 60y PHOTO
COUCH Elenor wife Oct. 24, 1836, 61y PHOTO
COUCH Legrand born in Milton, Saratoga Co., N.Y. Sep. 5, 1804-Mar. 24, 1885 PHOTO
COUCH Abigail H. BLACKMON wife b. Palmyra, N.Y. Dec. 16, 1804-Oct. 28, 1880 PHOTO
COUCH Nancy B. dau of Legrand & Abigail H. Dec. 25, 1889, 51y 3m PHOTO
DELAND Albert H. son of Joel & Lucinda Dec. 28, 1837, 2y 2m 1d - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
EDDY I.(?) Sep. 10, 1821 (or 1827), 33y PHOTO
EWERS Eleazer M. June 18, 1810, in his 32nd year - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
EWERS Nancy Jane dau of Eleazer & Nancy P. Oct, 31, 1836, 1y 10m 21d - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
HARE Hiram 1801-1882 PHOTO
HARE Lucinda wife 1816-1884 PHOTO
HARE Hiram G. 1880-1899
HARE Sheldon J. 1849-1911 PHOTO
HARP George May 10, 1797-Aug. 26, 1878 PHOTO
HARP Pamelia wife Sep. 14 or 19, 1797-Mar. 26, 1877 PHOTO
HARP Albert H. Sep. 5, 1888, 26y 3m 18d PHOTO #1;   PHOTO #2
HARP Susan wife of Christian C. Nov. 26, 1866, 30y 6m PHOTO
HUNTER William (no dates) - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
HUNTER Margaret wife Sep. 29, 1888, 52y - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
HUNTER Robert son of Wm. & Margaret Aug. 10, 1905, 39y PHOTO
JOY Asa Nov. 18, 1820, 66y 6m PHOTO
JOY Mary wife Sep. 5, 1837, 85y 4m 25d PHOTO
McLEOD Chester A. 1881-1942 PHOTO
McLEOD Esther A. DONALDSON wife 1896-1944 PHOTO
McLEOD Roderick A. 1846-1921 PHOTO
McLEOD Charlotte M. BRIGGS wife 1843-1915 PHOTO #1    PHOTO #2
McLEOD Katie B. dau 1875-1876 (on same stone as Roderick) PHOTO
MOTT Lambert B. son of Lambert B. & Sophia Oct. 11, 1835, 1y 8m 11d PHOTO
PAWLISH "Son Harry" 1915-1927 - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
PETERS Edson son of B. & S. Oct. 2, 1856, 8y 11m - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
SHUFELT Emma dau of Nicholas & Elizabeth Jan. 23, 1849, 1y 2m 10d PHOTO
TICE John N. Apr. 17, 1842-Oct. 7, 1909 PHOTO
TICE Jennie 1843-1921 PHOTO
VanCAMP Isaac Mar. 6, 1852, 69y PHOTO
WHITE Elias R. son of John T. & Sally Oct. 3, 1838, 9m 16d PHOTO
WHITE Ichabod Mar. 24, 1809-Aug. 1, 1892 (buried on BRIGGS lot) - Surname is BRIGGS; See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
(Briggs?) WHITE Sarah CASE wife 1821-1901 - Surname is BRIGGS; See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO

The above record was taken May 1951 by Miss Adelaide J. Clark and Mrs. Marjorie S. Merriman (Mrs. P.R.) of Fairport, N.Y.

The following record was copied Nov. 1937 by Mrs. H.T. Jeffery, Palmyra, N.Y.

BARAGER William Sep. 10, 1834, 11y (see BARAGER on page 1) PHOTO
BRIGGS Jeremiah grandfather Feb. 23, 1871 PHOTO
BRIGGS Margaret WHITE grandmother Mar. 20, 1866 PHOTO
BRIGGS, WHITE Ichabod WHITE father Mar. 24, 1809-Aug. 1, 1892 - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
BRIGGS Headstone Mother (no dates)
BLACKMAN Philetus Aug. 8, 1785-June 30, 1870, 84, a soldier PHOTO
BLACKMAN Nancy PERIN wife b. Adams, Mass. Aug. 28, 1783-May 12, 18__ PHOTO
COUCH Eleanor wife of Eli Sr. Oct. 24, 1836, 61y PHOTO
DELAND Albert M. son of Joel & Lucinda Dec. 28, 1837, 2y 2m 17d PHOTO
DELAND Eddy I. Sep. 10, 1821, 33y PHOTO
HUNTER U.S. Navy 1911 - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
McLEOD Rogerick A. 1845-1921 PHOTO
McLEOD Charlotte M. BRIGGS wife 1843-1915 PHOTO #1    PHOTO #2
McLEOD Katie B. dau of R. & C.B. 1875-1876 PHOTO
MOTT Robert R. son of Lambert B. & Sophia Oct. 11, 1835, 1y 8m 1d PHOTO [NOTE: misreading of Lambert R. Mott stone]
ISLER Benjamin Mar. 8, 1837-Mar. 10, 1920, Co C, 9 N.Y.H. Art - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO
PETERS George June 6, 1864, Co A, 11th Reg. N.Y. Inf. PHOTO
PETERS Edwin 1841-1864, 1st Regt. N.Y. Lt. Art. PHOTO
SHUFELT Emma dau of Nicholas & Eliza Ann Jan. 23, 1819, 4y 2m 10d PHOTO
VanCAMP Mary Jane dau of ? & Mary A. ? Oct. 31, 1836, 1y 10m 21d

4/8/11  The following is a new stone discovered by Cheri Branca:

ISAAC, Joseph Dec. 24, 1836, in the 29(?) year - See Note at Bottom of Page; PHOTO

4/8/11  Not on the historian's lists, but on findagrave, William I. Briggs, 1872-1932. Link off our site to his memorial and photo of stone.

Wayneport Canal Workers Marker

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

Canal Memorial Plaque

Photograph Contributed by and
© 1998 Allyn Hess Perry

NEW April 8, 2011  Photos of individual stones were taken by and contributed by Cheri Branca! Cheri isn't related to any of the people in this cemetery, but provided information about some of them.

Regarding Margaret Hunter:

Palmyra Democrat, Wednesday October 10, 1888:

Was it Murder?

In the old Steve Colvin Canal Grocery at Wayneport, two miles west of here, an old lady, Margaret Hunter, with her husband and son resided, making their living by keeping a small stock of groceries, provisions etc. Mrs. Hunter started out last Saturday afternoon to look up a flock of ducks, and being gone an unusually long time, the boy went to find his mother and learn the cause of her delay; after a time he returned without finding her.

It was thought however, that she had gone farther than usual and would return before dark, but the night passed and she did not come. All day Sunday they waited in vain for her return. On Monday morning, two boats met about three quarters of a mile below Wayneport and on drawing up the tow-line a woman's shawl was seen on it. The canal was dragged at this place, and the dead body of Mrs. Hunter was found, with a deep gash cut in her temple; severing the temperal artery.

Coroner Chase of this place was summoned, and impanneling a jury, proceeded to take evidence in the case.

The inquest is not yet completed, so we are unable to give the result. A post mortem examination was held, and it was decided that the wound across the temple was inflicted before death.

In addition to the family at home, Mrs. Hunter leaves two other children, a son and daughter, both married. The funeral took place today.- Macedon News

About William Hunter -- Union Burying Ground, with no dates on his monument:

I found William on the 1900 Macedon census living with his son Robert (who died in 1905), listed as being born Jan 1822. (Robert and his son, William Bernard Hunter, 1893-1911, are also buried in the cemetery)

Monroe County Mail, Thursday February 24, 1910 states:
William Hunter, a former resident of this locality, died at the home of his son, William B. Hunter, at Green Lake, Saturday, February 12th, after a long illness. Three sons and one daughter survive him: William B. of Green Lake, John H. of Sprakers, Daniel of Gloversville, aud Mrs. Louis Filkins of Wayneport. Interment in Union cemetery at Wayneport.

I don't see Joseph Isaac on the Union Burying Ground list... Any idea if he died 1836 or 1856? Looks like 1836 to me.

The list reads:
DELAND Albert H. son of Joel & Lucinda Dec. 28, 1837, 2y 2m 1d

The headstone reads 17 dys.

Regarding HUNTER U.S. Navy 1911:

HUNTER, Willam Bernard, Jan. 11, 1893 - Apr. 22, 1911, AS US NAVY

List states:
BUCK, Paulina Nov. 14, 1830, 41y "by her son Lyman Buck Sr."

Headstone reads 1834 I believe.

The list states:
EWERS Eleazer M. June 18, 1810, in his 32nd year

The stone looks like it says 1840...Is there any history to prove or disprove the timeline?

Regarding Nancy Jane Ewers, daughter of Eleazer (and buried next to him) who died in 1836... certainly seems to imply that Eleazer died in 1840, rather than 1810.

3/30/11 - I was just finishing up about 450 stones in South Perinton Churchyard and found a link between the Briggs family there and in Union & Macedon Center Cemeteries. That got me to checking your page for Ichabod Briggs... I was confused by the 1951 entry for

WHITE Ichabod Mar. 24, 1809-Aug. 1, 1892 (buried on BRIGGS lot)
(Briggs?) WHITE Sarah CASE wife 1821-1901

since in my research of Albert Hawks Briggs, his father was Ichabod White BRIGGS. Ichabod's MOTHER was Margaret WHITE (d.o. Ichabod & Abigail (Lester) White), so Ichabod's MIDDLE name was White. Ichabod's wife was Sarah CASE Briggs. (d.o. Moses & Charlotte (Miller) Case).

and as you can see on the stone we photographed today, I don't see why the transcribers were confused... strange.

The "Briggs Genealogy" by Bertha Bortle Beal Aldridge has info & photographs of Ichabod Briggs & his wife Sarah Case.

Site Coordinators' NOTE: the full reference for this book is - The Briggs Genealogy, including the Ancestors and Descendants of Ichabod White Briggs 1609 to 1953; also other Line Descendants of His Immigrant Ancestor John Briggs, b. 1609, York, England and Some of the Descendants of Ichabod White, by Bertha Bortle Beal Aldridge. Victor, N.Y., 1953. The detailed biographical sketch of Ichabod White Case and his family is on page 24. Due to U.S. copyright constraints, we're unable to transcribe or reproduce the page for posting. Jeremiah and Margaret White Briggs in the above list were the parents of Ichabod White Briggs. The Briggs genealogy states that Ichabod White Briggs passed away August 1, 1893, while the clear stone states August 1, 1892. His wife Sarah Catherine Case Briggs' dates in the book are March 12, 1821 - September 23, 1901.

The stone for Edson Peters was only recognizable after I did a rubbing on his first name, and only EDSON was left to "rub" on this stone. Edson was the son of Barnett & Sally Peters of the 1850 Town of Ontario, Wayne County NY census.

Regarding Benjamin Isler:

1880 Macedon census - Harness Maker, born Switzerland. Husband of Elizabeth. Father of Phillipine, Mary, Frederick, Eliza, William, Emma & Frank Isler.

1900 Macedon census - says he was born March 1834, Germany.

Fairport Herald, Wednesday March 17, 1920:
Benjamin Isler, a Civil war veteran, died at his home north of this village Wednesday afternoon. Funeral services were held at his late home Saturday afternoon. Interment at Wayneport cemetery.

Site Coordinators' NOTE: The compilers of the 1951 list said his grave was unmarked at that time. According to Roe's history of the 9th H.A., Benjamin Isler was 27 years old when he enlisted in Co. C from Macedon on Jan. 22, 1864.

Harry Pawlish was the son of John and Anna Pawlish (1920 Macedon census).

Fairport Herald, Thursday Aug 25, 1927

Wayneport Boy Climbs Tower And Is Electrocuted

The funeral of Harry Pawlish, of Wayneport, who met death by electrocution, was held Saturday.

The lad was 12 years of age and was electrocuted while climbing one of the new high tension towers of the Niagara line at Wayneport. He fell 50 feet to the ground as the heavy charge went through his body. He died instantly. His neck and back were broken by the fall. Playmates said the boy did not move or make a sound after the body hit the ground. The lines are believed to carry 20,000 volts.

The boy, with several playmates, saw an airplane making a forced landing a short distance to the northwest of the Pawlish home. Thinking that the plane had landed near the coal chutes, the boys ran up the canal banks as far as the tower and Harry started to climb. He had clambered more than half way up the 75-foot tower when there was a flash and he fell backward to the ground fifty feet below.

Coroner Mepham of Ontario, rendered a verdict of accidental death.

MORE Union Burying Ground Records are at Find-a-Grave - this is a link to another website; as of 4/8/11, most of the photos, but not all, were taken by Cheri Branca.

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Created: 9/29/2000
Updated: 10/6/05; 4/8/11
Copyright © 2000 - 2014 Wayne County Office of the County Historian
Copyright © 2000 - 2014 Allyn Hess Perry/ M. Magill/ Marge Sherman Lutzvick
Volunteer Typist - Co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry
Photos Copyright © 2005 - 2014 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Tombstone Photos with Accompanying Commentary Copyright © 2014 Cheri Branca
Canal Marker Photo Copyright © 1998-2014 Allyn Hess Perry
Wayne County NYGenWeb
All Rights Reserved.