Tallman Cemetery

Town of Savannah

Wayne County, NY

Tallman Cemetery

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

Located on west side of route 152 in the town of Savannah which at that point is dividing line between Wayne and Cayuga counties just south of South Butler-Spring Lake Road. Recorded August 1952.

2005 Driving Directions - Rte. 89 North out of Savannah. Make right onto Savannah-Spring Lake Road and follow road until you pass Allen Rd. Cemetery is on the Left side just before C.R. 402, and sits just off from the road.

STONE Mary Ella dau C.P. & M. May 23, 1869, 3m 18d

MOSHER William J., Co K, 44th Reg. N.Y. Inf. June 21, 1901, 61y
MOSHER William Jr. April 30, 1864, 15y

WEED Luther Sep. 17, 1795-Oct. 8, 1874
WEED Hannah wife Jan. 29, 1804-June 26, 1880
WEED Polly A. 1843-1864
WEED Paulina 1839-1904
WEED Parloxcy dau Luther & Hannah, Jan. 3, 1860, 26y 2m 23d
WEED Mary wife of James, Oct. 3, 1831-Sep. 3, 1852
WEED Melvin H. only child James & Mary, Mar. 31, 1852-July 22, 1852

WRIGHT Walter S. 1829-1874
WRIGHT Jane P. 1829-1889
WRIGHT Alice J. dau 1857-1888
WRIGHT Charlotte wife of Wm. Aug. 14, 1858, 32y 7m 6d

HALEY Harriett wife of Sidney, Oct. 2, 1863 or 1868, 42y
HALEY Sarah wife of James d Feb. 2, ?, 26y

THOMAS Hannah dau Wm. & Hannah d. Mar. 6, 1851
THOMAS ?, d. Mar. 18, 1859, 20y

HERRICK John D. son Seely & Charity, Nov. 9, 1859, 17y

FROST Charles J. 1807-1893
FROST Prudence wife 1807-1887
FROST Abigail wife of Thomas (no dates)

VANDERHOEF Charles H. son J.H. & M. Oct. 5, 1865, 1y 5m 15d
VANDERHOEF Edw. H. son (rest of inscription gone)
VANDERHOEF James 1832-1901
VANDERHOEF Margaret FROST wife 1837-

WOOD Seth May 18, 1788-Apr. 22, 1847
WOOD Melinda wife July 15, 1798-Sep. 28, 1881
WOOD Nathan S. son Wm. & G.A. May 27, 1852-May 21, 1853

CONKLIN Jane wife Reuben T. Feb. 18, 1817-Oct. 20, 1853
CONKLIN Mary wife Gilbert, Sep. 10, 1859, 80y 9m 5d
CONKLIN Gilbert May 26, 1849, 73y 3m

STONE Zenus May 5, 1799-Oct. 29, 1881
STONE Eliza wife Apr. 3, 1804-Sep. 2, 1871

TALLMAN Stephen Dec. 31, 1886, 83y 10m
TALLMAN Harriet M. wife Mar. 17, 1871, 34y
TALLMAN Anna wife Mar. 28, 1880, 75y 10m 10d
TALLMAN Melvin beloved son S.P. & H.M. Nov. 14, 1865, 1y 8m 8d

WEST Chauncey E. son Wm. & M.T. May 22, 1861, 5y
WEST Wm. 1825-1901
WEST Maria TALLMAN wife 1828-1913

ABRAMS Harriett wife of Benajah, Mar. 27, 1852, 44y

KETCHAM Melinda wife of Sylvester, Nov. 8, 1884, 45y 3m 15d

BROOKS ? wife of Levi, Dec. 11, 1858, 40y

THOMPSON Catherine wife of Joseph, Dec. 14, 1873, 88y 8m 23d
    "She sleeps in Jesus and is blest
    How sweet her slumbers are
    Released from suffering and from sin
    And free from every care."

BURGHDURF Philena C. dau F. & H. Aug. 18, 1865, 14y 5m 20d
    "We now walk with the heavenly throng. Mother
    And we know no sorrow here."
BURGHDURF William son F. & H. Mar. 7, 1843, 14y 2m 27d
    "Farewell my father and mother
    To you I must bid (adieu) farewell
    Farewell my brothers and sisters
    How soon you'll follow me none can tell."

PULVER A__ wife of Charles, d. Sep. ?, 1858

BURGHDURF Ed. C. Jan. 22, 1867, 55y 10m 26d

WRIGHT Isaac d June 30, 1858, 65y
WRIGHT Phebe Jane wife d. April 12, 1867

PRIDDY top of what was apparently a family shaft with name
PRIDDY on the top but no remains of the rest of stone

The following additions from the Cayuga County Historian, May 1986:

WRIGHT Amelia dau of Wm. & Harriet, June 7, 1844-Sep. 26, 1878
WRIGHT Jane dau of Wm. & Harriet Feb. 15, 1853-Mar. 21, 1855
WRIGHT Walter S. 1829-1874
WRIGHT Jane P. wife 1829-1889
WRIGHT Alice J. dau 1857-1888

CONKLIN William C. Sep. 15, 1817-
CONKLIN Harriet V. wife June 10, 1820-Apr. 16, 1885

HALL Sarah wife of James, Feb. 29, 1833, 76y

WRIGHT Charlotte wife of Wm. Aug. 11, 1858, 32y 7m 6d

TALLMAN Willie son of Stephen & Harriet, July 5, 1870, 1y 11m 20d

MORGAN Peter 1825-1897

CONKLIN Amelia A. June 7, 1844-Sep. 26, 1878 CONKLIN Jane dau of Wm. & Harriet, Feb. 15, 1853-Mar. 21, 1855
CONKLIN George D. son of A.W. & S.J., 2y 1m 4d, no dates

PRIDDY ?, wife of James Jr. Sept. 5, 1861, 17y 7m 7d

Tallman Cemetery

Photograph Contributed by and
© 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate

Updated 12/2/2000 by researcher Linda Auer [Linda, if you see this, and are interested in corresponding with others about your personal family genealogy, please check in with a current (2014) email address.]

On the first typed page between Wright, Walter and Wright, Alice J. the name should be Wright, Jane P. The dates are correct.

Frost, Charles J. is correct.
Frost, Prudence is correct.

On the 4 VanDERHOEF's - this is the correct spelling (not VanDERHOFF). Dates were correct.

Wright, Isaac is correct.

Wright, Phebe Jane The full date is "April 12, 1867 Aged 70"

Even though the following were on your typed list, I couldn't find their headstones: Charlotte Wright, Amelia Wright, Jane Wright, Abigail Frost, Charles VanDerhoef or Edw. H. VanDerhoef. As I mentioned to you in an earlier email, this cemetery has had some real bad damage done to it and it is not maintained. My husband and I hope to get back down there in early spring before the grass starts growing. Hopefully we will be able to find the above. Abigail Frost was Margaret Frost VanDerhoef's (Margaret was my maternal great great grandmother) paternal grandmother and Abigail was born around 1765. I don't know when she died. The oldest grave in Tallman is 1833.

A little trivia and then I will close. I have the quilt top (basket quilt) that my great great grandmother Margaret Frost VanDerhoef started, but she unfortunately went blind before she was able to piece the last square. My grandmother gave it (and all of the fabric for the last square) to me so that I could finish it. I got it together, but have only quilted 3 squares. This is on my to-do list for when I retire. Linda

Volunteer Typist - Co-coordinator Allyn Hess Perry

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Created: 10/20/2000
Last Updated: 12/16/05
Copyright © 2000 - 2014 Office of the County Historian
Copyright © 2000 - 2014 Allyn Hess Perry/ M. Magill/ Marge Sherman Lutzvick/ Linda Auer
Photos Copyright © 2005 - 2014 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Wayne County NYGenWeb
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