"Brick Church Cemetery"
Now called "Baptist Rural Cemetery"
Sodus Center, Town of Sodus Wayne County, NY
Part 3

Photograph Contributed by and © 2005 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Located about six miles north of Lyons village, in the town of Sodus. In the
restoration of this cemetery, the stones were taken up, the land cleared and leveled,
the stones replaced with no regard to family. It is a tragic sight, to observe when copying.
The brick church at this cemetery is said to be the oldest in Wayne County. It is not in
general use today (circa 1950).
[Note: the above was written about 1950, by the unknown reader of the cemetery. In 2005, the
old brick Baptist church and cemetery are owned by the Baptist Rural Cemetery Association of Sodus Center,
Inc. The phone number on the sign is too small to read. For information about how to contact them, please get in touch with the Office of the County
Historian in Lyons NY.]
2005 Driving Directions - South Geneva Road into Sodus from Lyons. The Cemetery is on the corner of Brick Church Road and South Geneva Rd.
Joseph, Apr. 5, 1816 - Feb. 11, 1896
Lydia M., wife, July 2, 1816 - Feb. 28, 1883
Charles J., Feb. 10, 1848 - Apr. 4, 1923
Jeruah L., wife, June 26, 1850 - Apr. 4, 1923
possibly Mary Jane, Mar. 14, 1846 - May 20, 1846
HOPKINS Marion, July 6, 1848 - Aug. 13, 1850
Mary M., Aug. 26, 1873, 49y
Frank D., Aug. 8, 1872 - March 27, 1899
Martha, wife of J., May 3, 1811 - Dec. 24, 1884
Charles, Dec. 9, 1834 - Mar. 12, 1851
Eliza A., wife of S., Aug. 12, 1836 - Feb. 4, 1874
Eben, Mar. 14, 1842 - Jan. 7, 1907
Lucinda, June 20, 1849 - Aug. 6, 1882
John S., 1847 - 1922
Athaline B. 1852 - 1934
Florence M. 1884 - 1884
Amos, May 16, 1820 - Apr. 5, 1901
Mary E., wife, Apr. 10, 1827 - Nov. 29, 1908
Calvin 1842 - 1907
Mary A., wife, 1847 - 1928
James, Aug. 19, 1816 - May 9, 1884
Barbary, wife, June 30, 1843 - 1908
George, son, June 29, 1843 - Mar. 23, 1856
Sarah M., dau., Aug. 15, 1849 - Oct. 26, 1851
Albert 1852 - 1939
Emily, wife, Nov. 13, 1852 - May 29, 1896
Elisha J. 1843 - 1935
Electa J., wife, 1846 - 1917
Frederic 1827 - 1897
Caroline, March 22, 1893, 59y 6m 26d
Edward P. 1865-1932
Cassius M., 1847 - 1923, Co G, N.Y.H. Art.
Lora E. PROSEUS, wife, 1847 - 1917
Edward, Jan. 22, 1818 - Nov. 23, 1893
Samantha B., May 31, 1818 - July 4, 1911
Charles 1828 - 1900
Mary C. 1836 - 1894
Alice, wife of George W., Apr. 13, 1869 - Jan. 21, 1916
Francis 1869 - 1928
Katherine 1857 - 1907
Maggie, dau. Lewis & Katie, Dec. 3, 1882, 10d
Betsy Ann 1813 - 1892
Caroline B. 1830 - 1895
Catherine C. 1818 - 1907
Annie P. 1854 - 1936
William E., Nov. 22, 1842 - Sept. 11, 1898
Elizabeth S., Sept. 4, 1848 - Mar. 27, 1934
Charles G. 1856 - 1907
Ida M. FINCH 1870 - 1926
Albert 1844 - 1924
Martha J. 1850 - 1932
Henry, May 23, 1892, 61y 5m 23d
John W. 1845 - 1922
Sarah J. 1844 - 1925
Charles G., 1865 - 1886, Father
Mary C. 1826 - 1909
WELCH Margaret M. 1847 - 1922
Allen A., Dec. 31, 1838 - Dec. 26, 1917
Lodusca E., wife, June 4, 1843 - March 1, 1887
Thomas Clark, son Homer & Lizzie, Aug. 31, 1886, 4y
Alonzo and Dick, markers
Myron, Dec. 12, 1885, 65y 3m 22d
Mary, wife, Jan. 12, 1902, 79y 8m 17d
Aldice W., Dec. 23, 1844 - Aug. 17, 1915
Isadore, wife, June 10, 1848 - Aug. 23, 1922
Francis A., June 13, 1884, 42y, Co C, 8 N.Y. Cav.
Leon, M.D., 1871 - 1937
Augusta, wife, 1848 - 1925
George W. 1842 - 1916
John T., Apr. 18, 1872 - June 23, 1907
Elmer 1863 - 1937
Anna, wife, Sept. 14, 1885, 20y 7d
Sarah, wife of Theodore, Feb. 26, 1833 - Jan. 26, 1890
Maria TWIST, 1807 - 1900, Erected by Alton W.C.T.U.
Hester W., 2m
Robert W. 1822 - 1900
Ann, wife, 1814 - 1896
William 1852 - 1914
Catherine, wife, 1852 - 1917
Ray W., son John & Polly, June 23, 1891, 30d
David R., May 30, 1934
Father B.K.
Mother C.K.
Helen M., wife of Nicholas, 1851 - 1920
Lyman E., Oct. 24, 1819 - Feb. 9, 1897
Lucinda E., wife, July 22, 1887, 88y 10d
Elmore, son, Nov. 25, 1844 - Aug. 27, 1908
Edward, Dec. 29, 1886, 81y, A.E. 2 N.Y. Cav.
Edward D., Sept 7, 1895, 56y, Co K, 38 N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Clark T. 1856-1935
Flora Ann, wife, Aug. 5, 1887, 28y
Helen A., wife of C. T., Dec. 26, 1904, 53y
Orrin S., Oct. 12, 1819 - Apr. 8, 1893
Saloma, wife, Feb. 23, 1828, May 3, 1908
Ross V. 1883 - 1927
Calvin, Feb. 15, 1888, 83y
Joanna, wife, Jan. 11, 1891, 82y
Caroline, May 30, 1861 - Oct. 23, 1905
George A., son G.W. & F. R., Nov. 8, 1897 - Feb. 5, 1927
Florence H., wife George W., Mar. 7, 1860 - Sept. 30, 1894
Minnie L., dau. Harrison & Jane P., Oct. 1, 1858 - Oct. 2, 1881
Harrison, Apr. 10, 1823, Feb. 10, 1902
Cecelia, wife of H.W., May 1, 1881 - Jan. 11, 1900
Phoebe Jane, Aug. 25, 1828 - Mar. 4, 1909
H.W. 1866 - 1940
Mabel E., dau. H.W. & Bertha B., Feb. 6, 1895, 5m
Eva B. ELLIS, wife of H.E., 1879 - 1909
Harriett, wife of A.S., Sept. 27, 1874 - Dec. 5, 1899
Sidney B., Nov. 16, 1842 - Jan. 14, 1912
Mary M., wife, Jan. 6, 1849 - Feb. 12, 1897
Ada Louise, dau., Nov. 1886 - July 15, 1900
Elijah S., June 3, 1815 - Nov. 11, 1893
Mary Cecile, dau. W.A. & A.C., Oct. 5, 1889 - Nov. 23, 1889
(Typist, Dorathy Hardie, notes Sidney Bellinger Coleman was the grandfather of
Alan Coleman Hardie. Mary M. (Mosher) was the first wife of Sidney Bellinger Coleman, Ada Louise was their daughter. Harriett (OTT?) Coleman first wife of
Albert Sidney Coleman--he was a son of Sidney Bellinger & Mary Mosher Coleman.
Elijah S. Mosher may have been the father of Mary M. Coleman. Mary Cecile Roe
(her parents were William A. & Anna Coleman Roe) was a granddaughter of Sidney Bellinger &
Mary Mosher Coleman.)
Maude G., wife of A.W., Dec. 24, 1870 - Mar. 15, 1892
James W., Sept. 3, 1826 - Nov. 6, 1889
Mary E., wife, Oct. 28, 1836 - June 22, 1927
Helen L. HARRIS, wife of Myron, Apr. 5, 1882, 39y
John 1844 - 1922
Marrie, wife, 1845 - 1904
Feb. 13, 1866 - June 10, 1888
Carrie 1849 - 1919
Samuel 1830 - 1917
Mother 1833 - 1891
Hiram F., July 26, 1893 64y 4m
Blanche W. 1876 - 1906
Jennie L. 1872 - 1932
Jesse S., Sept. 29, 1830 - Nov. 14, 1889
Nancy E., June 1, 1859 - Mar. 12, 1890
Orison, Mar. 26, 1890, 50y, Co F, 98 N.Y. Inf.
Julia 1844 - 1913
Stephen A. 1866 - 1934
Meriman 1849 - 1922
Irving M. 1876 - 1906
Henry, Dec. 14, 1856 - July 24, 1929
George H., Aug. 22, 1815, June 9, 1894
Hannah, wife, Dec. 17, 1815 - Nov. 27, 1896
John C., June 23, 1847 - Sept. 26, 1896
Alonzo G., Apr. 29, 1902, 60y, Co K, 98 N. Y. Vol.
Emma M., wife, Sept. 22, 1896, 50y
John P. 1861 - 1933
Anna B., wife, 1870 - 1924
Florence, dau., 1903 - 1910
Elizabeth E. 1840 - 1917
Rufus Chandler, Sept. 17, 1823 - Mar. 7, 1905
Almeda Matilda, wife, Jan. 30, 1825 - Feb. 18, 1904
Edward Chandler, Nov. 30, 1854 - Aug. 1, 1927
Emma Jane, May 24, 1860 - Dec. 10, 1923
Abram, Feb. 17, 1839 - June 17, 1903
Mary EASTERLY, wife, Aug. 30, 1844 - Jan. 19, 1894
James W., Oct. 13, 1819 - Aug. 27, 1904
Caroline, wife, Mar. 7, 1813 - Oct. 9, 1906
Anna E., dau., Jan. 23, 1848 - May 15, 1918
William, son Earl & Mary, 1929
Mary A., wife C. E., 1847 - 1890
William H. 1835 - 1912
Frances E. 1838-1893
George 1834 - 1917
Elizabeth, wife, 1835 - 1899
George Jr. 1865 - 1935
William J. 1871 - 1934
James E. 1869 - 1933
Sergt. Jesse Merle, killed in action, Apr. 6, 1898 - Sept. 29, 1918, buried in Bony, France
Spencer V., May 7, 1845 - Jan. 15, 1920
Susanna, wife, July 23, 1848 - June 9, 1930
Asa T. 1860 - 1914
Charles 1844 - 1918
Peter J. 1839 - 1915
Nellie, wife, 1844 - 1927
Abram 1839, 1926
Lena, wife, 1846 -1928
Floyd, Apr. 9, 1884 - Apr. 4, 1929
Frank A., 1862 - 1932, Co A, 16 inf.
Julia R., 1884 - 1937
James 1844 -1921
Grace E. 1878 - 1939
Lydia 1846 - 1940
Ross J., 1886 - 1928, U. S. Marine
Cornelius J. 1869 - 1917
Cornelia D., wife, 1872 - 1933
John W. 1856 - 1921
Gertrude H. 1861 - 1930
Grover 1887 - 1933
Jane A., wife of Grover, 1834 - 1919
Sidney E. 1847 - 1931
Sarah E. MESSINGER, wife, 1857 - 1928
George I. 1854 - 1933
Phoebe A., wife, 1858 - 1935
ELVIE A. 1866 - 1915
William 1841 - 1916
Irving 1868 - 1917
Leith D. 1900 - 1928
Clifford, son I. & M., 1901 - 1905
Hazel, dau. I. & M., 1899 - 1899
Marvin S. 1859 - 1934
Harriett E. 1864 - 1937
George T. 1861 - 1925
The following are taken completely from Clark records.
Merritt, son Archibald & Hannah, Apr. 13, 1848, 1y 3m 12d
Laura E., dau. Lawson & Sarah, Feb. 10, 1867, 1y 4m 7d "Our little darling"
Jonas, Nov. 30, 1869, 67y
Caroline, dau. J. & J., Oct. 2, 1862 4y 7m "Gone to live with God"
Elizabeth, dau. Jas. H. & Sophia, Apr. 11, 1860, 7m 4d
Della, dau. Jas. W. & Sophia, Feb. 5, 1867, 1y 4m 5d
"Sleep on sweet Della and take thy rest
God called thee home, he thought it best."
Mary J., dau. Geo. & Sybil, 1y 5m 1d
Nelson, son Geo. & Sybil, Aug. 27, 1860, 1y 4m
Our Baby, dau. S.S. & N.E., Apr. 17, 1878, 3m "Suffer the little ones to come unto me"
Birdie, dau. C.M. & A.L., Oct. 12, 1870, 2y 6m 28d
Hattie Bell, dau. T.M. & M.R., Jan. 24, 1877, 5y 2m 27d "He carries the lambs in his bosom"
Delina, wife of Edw., Jan. 10, 1861, 27y 1m 1d "There is rest with the Lord"
Statie, July 21, 1861, 2y "The little bud that will bloom in spirit land"
Daniel M., son A. & J.A., Mar. 7, 1849, 1y 4m 7d "He is not dead but sleeps"
Martin, son Cornelius & Chloe, Aug. 23, 1847, 1y 2m 23d
Louisa, dau. Dwight & Easter, Feb. 21, 1831, 3y 9m 3d
Magdelana, wife of Philip, Nov. 3, 1855, 32y 3m 20d
William H., son H. & M., Aug. 25, 1860, 4m 21d
"Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade
Death came with friendly care
This lovely bud to heaven conveyed
And bade it blossom there."
Sophia, wife of Alvan, Sept. 2, 1830, 29y
NEW 1/7/12 From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 18, 1899, page 7
NOTE: This is a best effort transcription from a poor quality scanned newspaper image. As there may be errors in transcription of numbers, be sure to compare to a hard copy of the original paper, if available anywhere, or other resources, before adding to your family records.
Supt. A. G. Walhizer has furnished the following list of interments in our local cemetery for the year ending Dec. 31, 1898:
Mar. 3. Nancy Ann Clark, aged 84 years [not on county historian's list]
Mar. 17/27 (?) Eli Horace Hopkins, 78 years [not on county historian's list]
Apr. 2 Wm. H. Cummings, 60 years [not on county historian's list]
Apr. 30 R. N. Goewey, 57 (?) years [not on county historian's list]
May 2 James O. Hewitt, 58 years
May 3 Saloma Bennett, (illegible) years
May 28 Leland McMillen, 11 years
June 12 Harriet Taylor, (illegible) years
June 22 Frederica Kansier, 90 years
Sept. 11 Wm. C. Sill, 55 years [William E. on cemetery list]
Sept. 29 Anson Philo, 27 years [not on county historian's list]
Oct. 1 Mariah Halstrum, 62 years [not on county historian's list]
Oct 16 Ambrose Raymer, 10 years
Oct. 21 Media N. Shepherd, 1 year [Mattie M. on cemetery list]
Nov. 19 Sarah Ellinwood 78 (?) years [not on county historian's list]
Dec. 14 Hester W. Wheeler 2 years [not on county historian's list]
NEW 1/2/14 From The Newark Courier, January 10, 1901
NOTE: This is a best effort transcription from a poorly scanned newspaper image. As this was in places difficult to make out, there are surely errors in transcription of numbers. Be sure to compare to a hard copy of the original paper, if available anywhere, or other resources, before adding to your family records.
DATES ARE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1900. A couple of dates are date of death.]
Sodus Centre.
Andrew G. Walhizer, Supt. of the church cemetery, advises your correspondent that only nineteen interments were made therein during the year just closed as follows:
Jan 9, Maria Twist, aged 93 years [1807 - 1900 on cemetery list]
Jan 8, Elsie Coon, 82 (?) yrs [not present on cemetery list]
Jan 11 Cecelia D. Cottrell, 29 yrs [May 1, 1881 - Jan. 11, 1900 on cemetery list]
Apr 2 Samuel J. Taylor, 71 yrs [Samuel Jacobs Taylor, Jan. 27, 1829 - Apr. 1, 1900 on cemetery list]
Apr 5 Chester Allen, 76 yrs [not present on list, but infant son is]
May 2(?) Martha P. Rustin, 76 yrs [not present on cemetery list]
June 11 Clark Reynolds, 86 yrs [June 11, 1900, 88y on cemetery list]
July 14 Ann Lemmon, 95(?) yrs [July 14, 1900, 97y 25d on cemetery list]
July 19 Elvina A. Tobey, 81 yrs [not present on cemetery list]
Aug 10 Gordon Raymer, 2 mo [not present on cemetery list]
Aug 11 Lorenzo D. Allen, 81 yrs [not present on cemetery list]
Aug 25 Charles Himes, 72 yrs
Aug 31 Orien Mason Sr., 71 yrs [Aug. 31, 1900, 71y 27d on cemetery list]
Sept 19 Clarence Shepard, 3/8(?) mo [not present on cemetery list]
Oct 3/8(?) Charles Shepard, 75 yrs [not present on cemetery list]
Oct __ (illegible) Caroline Miller, 87 yrs [Mar. 7, 1813 - Oct. 9, 1906 on cemetery list]
Oct 27(?) ____ (illegible) Shepardson, 78(?) yrs [not present on cemetery list]
Dec 23 Mary C. Rogers, 60 yrs [Dec. 23, 1900, 60y on cemetery list]
[NOTE: this adds up to 18 burials, not 19]
NEW 1/2/14 From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 8, 1902, page 2
NOTE: This is a best effort transcription from a scanned newspaper image. As there may be errors in transcription of numbers, be sure to compare to a hard copy of the original paper, if available anywhere, or other resources, before adding to your family records.
The report of Andrew G. Walhizer, sexton of the Brick Church Cemetery, shows the following interments for the year 1901:
January 4, Electa A. VanDuser, age 68 years [Mar. 22, 1833 - Jan. 4, 1901 on findagrave list]
January 6(?), Lorenzo W. Pierce, age 24 years [1876 - 1901 on historian's list]
February 5, Benjamin Coon, aged 54 (?) years [there is a Benjamin Coon, July 31, 1827 - Nov. 16, 1900, on historian's list]
February 16, Polly A. Tindall, aged 85 years [Polly A. Camp Tindall, Oct. 1, 1815 - Feb. 11, 1901 on historian's list]
April 6, Amos Gulick, age 80 years [May 16, 1820 - Apr. 5, 1901 on historian's list]
May 2, Barbara Geither, age 78 years [1901, 78y 8m 7d on historian's list]
May 31, Jacob Yaekel, age 73 years [listed as age 73, resident of poorhouse in 1900; not on historian's list or findagrave]
June 4, Charles F. Shepherd, age 18 days [not on historian's list or findagrave]
June 31, David DeWitt Pollock, age 53 years [David D. Pollock, June 21, 1901, 53y 4m on historian's list]
June 24/26(?), Sarah A. Stearns, age 79 years [1822-1901 on historian's list]
August 14, Anna M. Coon, age 75 years [Jan. 15, 1826 - Aug. 13, 1901 on historian's list]
September 2, Gordon R. Smith, age 8 days [not on historian's list or findagrave]
September 27, John Negus, age 77 years [Sept. 26, 1901, 77y 1m 23d, Co B, 9 N.Y.H. Art. on historian's list]
October 13, Rachell Pollock, age 83(?) years [not on historian's list or findagrave]
November 6, Daniel Klumpp, age 56 years [1834-1901 on historian's list]
December 2, Nancy Taylor, age 88 years [1811-1901 on historian's list]
December 6, Alfred Harris, age 91 years [not on historian's list or findagrave; listed in 1900 census of Sodus as b. Aug 1810]
NEW 1/7/12 From The Arcadian Weekly Gazette, January 7, 1903, page 2
NOTE: This is a best effort transcription from a scanned newspaper image. As there may be errors in transcription of numbers, be sure to compare to a hard copy of the original paper, if available anywhere, or other resources, before adding to your family records.
Sexton A. G. Walhizer has furnished your correspondent with the names of all those interred in our cemetery during the past year, with the age and date of death of each as follows:
Mary Brower, 80, Jan. 12 [not on county historian's list]
Katherine Shepard, 60, Jan. 18 [not on county historian's list]
Hiram Van Duser, 79, Jan. 25
Harrison Cottrell, 78, Feb. 10 [not on county historian's list]
Infant Porter, 11 da, Feb. 11 [not on county historian's list]
Charles Fowler, 49, Feb. 21
Chas. Messinger, 47, Feb. 23 [not on county historian's list]
John Harnaart, 30, Apr. 10 [not on county historian's list]
Gladys M. Fowler, 2 mo., May 3 [not on county historian's list]
Alonzo G. Dailey, 59, Apr. 29
Chas. Wager, 83, May 6 [82 on county historian's list]
Thompson Stevens, 83, June 10
Imogene A. Dennis, 54, June 26(?) [not on county historian's list]
John Jewell, 69, Aug. 9
Ida M. Cox, 43, Nov. 17 [not on county historian's list]
Mattie (?) Bramer, 24, Dec. 29 [not on county historian's list]
Malinda Button, 25, Dec. 31 [not on county historian's list; Anna Melinda Button in obit.]
Volunteer Typist - Dorathy Hardie
The site coordinators and site volunteers have NO information whatsoever about any of the persons
listed. We thank you in advance for not emailing us, but directing ALL requests for information to
the Office of the County Historian, or using a search engine.
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Created: 4/1/99
Updated: 12/16/05; 5/6/05; 1/7/12; 1/4/14
Copyright © 1999 - 2014 Dorathy Hardie/ M. Magill/ Marge Sherman Lutzvick/ Allyn Hess Perry
Photo Copyright © 2005 - 2014 Daryl VerStreate Jr. and Amanda VerStreate
Many thanks to the Wayne County, New York Office of the County Historian!
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